Top 5 Brutal Most Offensive Stand Up Jokes

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so what is the most offensive joke that you've ever written the if only Africa had more mosquito nets than every year we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying needlessly of AIDS I would love to be gay I'll tell you why because I'm a man's man I like men men like me we like each other I hate women women hate me we hate each other the only reason I couldn't be gays cuz I could never [ __ ] a man cuz I could never [ __ ] something that I respect a good [ __ ] joke a good I'll tell you when I'm late one Lake Johnny I think I can explain myself to you now me boy my granddad used to take me up into the loft hey deke donut chest they hide up there he'd open up the chest wasn't it a male mid and he tapped me strip knee kid is a b-boy and make love to that male made on the floor well he watched for his sexual gratification now usually are when they will bounce top is dead I would back up at the loft I took down the chest hold up do you know I found in there a dead monkey with his lakes or together [Applause] you remind me of that monkey Johnny I told this joke make sure the old people could there huh I mean okay father it's in a home just read the newspaper his little girl comes running in she's only six hello darling hello daddy you've been playing yeah in the park yeah with your friends once all the man came wrong - the man came along yeah man came along and he asked my friends to leave so it's just me and him Donny : whatever happened none of it was your fault okay darling none of it was your fault but tell daddy every detail what happened um he took me behind a tree so no I could see what you were doing I've got darling and then what happened um he took my dress off Oh God what happened next what um he took his thing out oh god tog and then what happened nothing that was it we'll make something up [Applause] and you know another thing people often say is you know why do we in this country why do we allow so many of our innocent kids to be shot to death why do we allow that as a country you know why don't well not us God why does God we have no control of the situation all it's all in God's hands why does God allow so many of our innocent kids to be shot to death and you know they I mean I know he has some sturdy Swasey all but what is he thinking what are you thinking God take it on I'm not questioning you cuz I know you have you mysterious ways you are omnipotent not all-wise but a lot of people ask you know why is God allowing so many of our innocent kids to be shot to death and I have a possible answer and you're not going to like but maybe maybe maybe God is allowing so many of our kids to be shot to death so that they can go to heaven where they then service the ISIS terrorists and suicide bombers as far the 72 virgins are rewarded with [Applause] [Applause] it's a possibility
Channel: Giggle
Views: 1,768,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Most Offensive Jokes, Brutal Stand Up
Id: 0irkH7mOCAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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