Americans React To Al Murray Name A Country... We Have Defeated Them!

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hello [Music] Marie once again why you gotta moan his name like that I didn't moan I just yeah what the moan all right listen we got enough what the [ __ ] is wrong with the [ __ ] it's the most times ever left on video um all right listen look we got another video all right Dewey look at the [ __ ] screen oh [ __ ] another video um all right so first one we watched pretty good he was coming at America love it apparently there's a disconnect okay because a lot of them seem to think we were offended wait yeah I think we're offended they thought that we kind of got like touchy that he was coming at America I don't think they've learned yet that we intentionally like to watch things then we say we said that yeah everybody said that in the video there were numerous comments I don't know I checked the watch time they were watching it was just confusing to see I was seeing comments come through like oh take it easy guys I'm like take it easy I'm gonna pass out on camera right now like there's nothing I can't take it any easier uh but yeah guys like [ __ ] like do you not see the way we make fun of each other on camera like a rest assured rest assured we take no offense you can come at us in the comment section you can give us videos that will offend the [ __ ] out of us please do no worries at all you guys ready to get offended into cry like little [ __ ] you ready that's you bro and let's go no he was crying after that video please don't defend me we've defeated every single [ __ ] country in the world at war now I'm a country Gary Germany Germany 1945 thank you very much very recent job done twice in one century before they try to get around 99 we got the [ __ ] hat trick yes and Argentina 82 no help for no one else and that of course was a war not for oil but for Penguins because we all know penguins are an essential ingredient in making Guinness they love their guineas boil them up the white stuff floats the top drop down another country place no France thank you we're in 1815 Waterloo we haven't heard from them since yeah another one please Canada yeah Canada used to be part of the British Empire which means they're an ally of ours as you know being alive us council is losing to us right why else is the Canadians so miserable another one place hey Spain 1598 back of the Armada thank you sir we haven't heard from them since Uganda uh that was an African colony of course at one point used to belong to the Germans in 1919 the League of Nations as you know in the treaty first time the world was red and the African colonies were partitioned and separated between France and uh and Great Britain we got Uganda as well as simply for it being defeat the Germans we've got given Uganda which sounds like [ __ ] winning there without even having to go there way too much I heard he was a history teacher what the [ __ ] that's fire to be able to shoot updates and how it happened all right yo we just watched the video and I don't remember half of them yeah exactly bro my teachers weren't this smart exactly my teachers yeah High School in college just saying all right if you're watching sorry there's our [ __ ] winning there without even having to go there result another one please another one another one you need to go to more pub quizzes enough another one please hey United States all right okay you're thinking war of independence America finds itself free of Great Britain yet they see that as a win we see that as a lucky [ __ ] Escape but let's not forget in the War of 1812 2014 the Royal Navy sailed up the Potomac River Set Fire to the White House the Americans said the whitewasher to cover up the fire damage which is why it's called the White House the American suit for peace at the end of 1814 even though they won a battle at the end of the war they the war's already over the stupid [ __ ] were still fighting even though they'd already lost and that is America and they've been working for us ever since another one please Belgium Belgium Belgium of course is the creation of the series of treaties that came out in the end of the Napoleonic Wars either fall out of Waterloo 1815. it was a duchy of the duchy of burgundy of course in the Netherlands states were divided up divided up to two buffer zones in order to prevent any one single power taking control of the Netherlands which is of course our dangerous flank between Germany and France and we don't like European Hagen we have one power and that's why Belgium and Holland will cut up to two and a buffer zone created and I think if you create a country out of thin [ __ ] air you've won another one piece [Applause] he knows his [ __ ] Italy yeah 1943 but folded early didn't they yeah another one please Burkina Faso used to be a German Colony our food in my previous answer [Applause] hey no way they used to be the Vikings left we saw them off in the end didn't we now once they were Vikings now look at them Norwegian so that's a [ __ ] collapses from horny helmets to horny helmets Japan we've got the Yanks to do it for us yeah yeah that's right we got a dove that's right get [ __ ] Peru what language do they speak in Peru sir Portuguese no they don't actually they speak Spanish yeah which means you're 1512 when Pope Julius at 12 divided a new world into two lines two sections down the line longitude 129 and stuff that went to Portugal which is why they speak Portuguese in Brazil and stuff for the West that went to Spain which means Peru was technically part of Spain when we defeated Spain in 1598 back to the Armada so we've done pro without having another visit can't argue with it yeah that connection was that was a little stretch but yeah that's unreal [ __ ] he knows his history bro oh that was my history teacher bro come on bro he should teach that [ __ ] he should take over the world why would he do that he'd rather do comedy oh he's better off yeah what the [ __ ] [ __ ] that school [ __ ] yeah you can argue but no um so apparently he has a Persona which I forget what they call it the pub landlord where he goes up there and just drinks beer gets drunk he talks [ __ ] like that's basically his like uh his Persona at his comedy shows that's fine I like it yeah I mean he and the other video he had the bar uh yeah that's why she's sick Bro yeah I mean that's just fire I love that uh deprecating comedy uh Hey America I had a shout I'm just saying you know I'm saying yeah he said he [ __ ] us yep the Yanks I did not know Yanks was a reference Yankees right but I didn't know Yanks was a reference for Americans I didn't know that I didn't know that I had no clue this uh watching his uh his other um the other Al Murray video that's the first time I heard it somebody referred to us as Yanks I think I heard it in the comments to go like that [ __ ] College yeah that's something I was like what the [ __ ] are these people calling us so are you [ __ ] yes I don't worry I like this guy I actually like this guy gotta watch more of him though um I've attacked our comedian catalog is pretty you're smashed right yeah it's huge really bad so how huge it's big it's pretty [ __ ] big would you like benefit anywhere I don't think so that's how big it is yeah uh fatter that's a problem
Channel: Enri
Views: 434,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #billburr, #comedy, #youtube, #hilarious, #entertainment, #reactions, #youtubereactions, #darkhumor, #joerogan, #standup, #comedian, #georgecarlin, #joeydiaz, #jimmycarr, #almurray
Id: y1pojYgZQgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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