Do I Play Better Drunk?

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ladies and gentlemen a couple of days ago it was my wonderful girlfriend lucy's birthday so naturally the only way to celebrate that was to stream live on twitch after we had dinner and a lot of red wine and so we were just going to play some blitz have fun talk to the chat listen to music when i discovered that i got paired against the grandmaster my opponent was jose rafael gascon del nogal from venezuela he's the highest rated player in venezuela he also has a youtube channel so for my spanish-speaking audience i encourage you to check out his channel now in this video i am going to show you three of the games in that match that fully have me convinced that i should play every chess game for the rest of my life drunk here we go so full disclosure i actually lost the first game of her match this is game number two uh i just played him in a game where i got checkmated and he had like 0.8 on the clock those are like the worst games so i decided all right we gotta focus c4 now he plays e5 and here i play my my kind of pet line trick line for blitz knight to f3 the two main lines here are g3 in the english in the reverse sicilian and also knight c3 knight c3 is a move that fights for the center fights against this move d5 and a very flexible move you're either gonna play g3 or play the knight two f3 and play potentially what's known as a four knights uh variation of the english but i play knight f3 and this move induces e4 but not a lot of people play this a lot of people just play knight c6 and this allows me to play a quick d4 without having a knight on c3 it's just a different way of playing pawn takes knight takes bishop b4 i offer him a trait of bishops he obliges and then he plays knight f6 at this point i say all right enough dilly dallying let's take this knight and now pawn takes on c6 the reason i make this trade is he has a slightly compromised pawn structure very calmly develop my knight to the center of the board he cancels and i play e3 i mean i also could play the move g3 but this move is a little bit slow trying to play bishop here and it actually allows black to kind of very quickly start attacking me and i don't really like that so i would have to play here and now he can play d5 and essentially he's just getting out in front of me like i can't i can't develop so easily here i got to kind of deal with his threats which is why i like to play e3 in this version d6 i develop my bishop he moves his rook and just so i never have to worry about anything over here i play the move pawn to b3 now white is a little bit better and this is actually just why i like this opening so much because very few people play like the ultra critical way for black and we just get a position where white is ever so slightly better so for example c5 i see that he wants to put his bishop over here so i put my bishop out on the diagonal first bishop d7 now here any reasonable and sane person plays the move short castles rook to d1 rookie one and maybe pushes in the center and white just maintains a comfortable edge due to pawn structure that is really all it comes down to black has a little bit of a clump maybe i'll play e4 my bishop is very strong my knight is very good everything is very good i'm a little bit more active my pawn structure is better there you go also i'm an international master right i'm not a grand master i don't have the baggage emotional baggage of life on my shoulders so there are advantages to being an international master um but i said any normal person right we're talking about me so first of all uh we're talking about me i'm sober now but i wasn't sober when i was playing the game um and i played the move h4 now let me be very clear this doesn't lose by any stretch of the imagination it's just a completely idiotic move this move would make some sense if like for example after like if i could guarantee the move h5 like this is completely unnecessary and now there's a target here right but i decided to play h4 and then even h5 like just might as well right now my opponent here correctly plays h6 because if you play something like g6 this completely justifies my opening of the h file it's a horrible move um and if you don't play h6 like for example i don't you play here there's a very high chance i will play this move myself and we've seen like alpha zero all these computers do this a lot you know if gh6 you just damage your structure and if you don't take well then my pawn locks in your king forever you'll have that back rank liabilities also in all end games this h7 pawn could be a little bit of a problem because if i take it i just promote right so opponent plays h6 i'm like all right let's go back to playing normal and then here i'm like actually let's not go back to playing normal let's play the move rook to h4 now um my opponent by the way at this point has just basically realized that i'm a drunk idiot and he's actually completely correct uh and he's playing down the queen side with the rook and his flank pawn very commonly if you have a loner pawn you should just go kind of like get rid of it all right you just trade it like for one of the pawns or what will often happen is moves like a4 will get played and uh this move actually did literally get played uh i moved my king off the e file and then he went here and like what you do is you just give the pawn up because now it splits my pawns it's a very common maneuver if i took with the knight he would probably go take take and my pawns just suck they're just terrible right so uh and then that allows rook b4 but the thing about rook b4 is that it kind of doesn't threaten anything because if he plays bishop takes a4 um i just take take and then here i have uh you know el tenedor or isn't it doble dobla i don't know double attack so that's not any good so he goes bishop e6 because he's going for this pawn i'm like all right that's not complicated i just protected i'm drunk but i know how to defend stuff and here he plays a move that i thought was very strong during the game but allowed me to actually get a little bit more creative so knight d7 goes for e5 and it's called a reroute you drop a piece back to kind of move it forward again and activate it better um and uh yeah this move is uh hard to prevent but it takes the eye off d5 so i jump in immediately now he's forced to take it was a fork and now i activate this now the knight's still obviously arriving on e5 is very strong i bring my queen over here and then this is where i start playing inspired chess i'm like wait a minute i brought my queen forward and now the queen's got back up when the queen's got back up the queen can do anything so queen h7 is a big threat you gotta play this move only move well now that justifies my whole h-file attack now i open up the h file i'm so smart you know what was the winning move of this game uh h4 it moved 13. we the game was won right here even though that's the lowest advantage we had in the entire opening doesn't really matter we won this game on willpower also we don't actually know if we won this game because i haven't actually recorded this far king g7 at this point i played queen g3 i was very happy to see the move g5 because the thing is if your opponent is pushing the only line of defense to the king like if these pawns just disappeared it's game over like we have the rook we have the queen like this game over right so i was like okay well that's not actually a threat to my rook so let me play a random move i'm gonna play rook f5 um actually i i thought i played king g one in this position i'm not gonna lie okay well turns out i played rook f5 and then two moves later i played king james okay doesn't really matter um the whole point is that now that this pawn is there we need to turn it into a target my bishop is a sniper right on b1 always covering so what are we going to do here how are we going to create a some sort of attack well first of all we have to address our opponents threats right but what do we do now this is a problem now here i start playing like you know get like like like like my shoulders are going to break because my my my brain is so fat it's just so is it is it even good to have a fat brain probably not right isn't it like a condition okay anyway i'm not gonna edit this out we're just gonna keep rolling with the punches here i have a giga brain f4 rook takes f5 bishop f5 knight c4 and here i uh after rookie one d5 out of brain blast i thought i was so genius here i played this move and you know what my logic was if it doesn't take me i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go i'm just gonna go because the thing is the like in the middle of this game we've got queen keeping the tension it's a very important lesson in chest keeping the tension if you don't need to take don't do it keep the tension because oftentimes the the threat existing just in the position is more powerful than actually making the move that is the threat if my opponent doesn't take i'm gonna wander down here and then take on g5 because the queen will lose sight of this pawn now with this here i just thought i was like a brilliant man e4 look at this move folks do you know what the idea of the move e4 is it's this to rotate my queen and hit that loose knight and the king i thought i was like oh my good and then my opponent did this i was like oh but actually this whole idea still wins according to the computer so i'm clearly a genius i mean all right so i play pawn takes g5 now if you take with the queen i i'm just getting in so so again i saw a way to destroy everything and i was very happy but opponent took with this pun i was like you know what i don't know what to do i'm just pushing my pawn and the second my opponent went here you think your bishop was hanging right you got to move your bishop no queen h3 this is the way to go right now queen to h3 the only way for black to play this is to play rook two h4 try to go back then i would tickle try to play e6 but but pona goes here and at this point resigns even though queen h7 won on the spot after here here uh here and e6 with the idea that after queen f5 queen g7 most of those squares are queen d7 may but i didn't see that it was a blitz game it doesn't doesn't matter well we're gonna forget about that now okay this was this was the first that was even match then we drew the next game it was one and a half one and a half you bored yet don't be bored some of the most insane attacking chess you've ever seen in your life is coming up i'm talking to you right now you know watch the rest of this video then you're gonna go on about your day and do great things you're gonna complete that task you're going to overcome that challenge okay listen to me click back into the video from that tab that you have me on you while you do some other stuff listen to me you have a great day afternoon or evening today after you watch this video great all right here we go now here's another game this is like two games in the future i'm on a roll now all right i i lost the first game i won we made a draw now i've won like two straight all right e4 i always like to mix it up i like to play e4 d4 c4 or whatever it listen life's too short to only play one opening until you're like 1500 focus on that one opening and get good at it so i like to play the vienna link is in the description to my e4 course vienna gambit here here here queen of three alright so far so good the idea of this is to attack the knight force it to well ideally it takes and then you build up a big center here here here checkmate easier said than done opponent plays knight to c6 this is a main line one of the most challenging options hits my phone i go here main line this point after takes takes there's really one way for black to equalize as far as i know it's to go queen h4 check and then trade queens uh but that's an extra virgin olive oil way to play this position and uh you know my opponent plays bishop e7 just developing i go here and i try to castle long so when you were castled on opposite sides it's going to be a violent game all right it's going to be a violent game i i don't know how else well unless you're like 500s then it's going to be a violent game no matter what they basically need helmets to play chess ramming helmets and everything so bishop to e692 our development is finished now what do we do black plays the move f6 f6 looks very smart because your idea is to take and just open this up and if i take well then you're super happy because i've just activated your bishop i've activated your rook you have a nice position here um so here i need to remove some of the pressure from the position that black is is putting on the board right that was a very convoluted sentence black has pressure on the center so what do i do i make this trade not all trades are the same the reason i made that trade is that now i win more control of the center so i play the move knight to d4 which hits both pieces if the bishop backs up e6 black dies the game is over we just smash so black needs to play queen d7 now folks if in this position you think this trait is also good you need therapy all right call the local therapist talk to them about your addiction to trading pieces all right no no no there's a difference in how you trade pieces we are going to wait with this knight to pressure everything and if the move c5 is ever played this pawn loses a guard so we would take the bishop and then take the best move here and the only move for white try to find it it's a strategic move it's not a tactical move to keep the advantage is this this is the only way here's the idea if this trade happens now now white is almost completely winning like it's very close because mate is threatened the bishop is threatened this is threatened this is threatened and when the rooks join the party it's gonna be really bad news for black so my opponent decided to play f5 and close it up now here i targeted immediately this because when that all opens up it's going to be bad pawn takes just loses to this uh do i have something even better no knight f5 hits the queen made us threatened and we win the game so opponent plays bishop c5 now here if i was a computer what i would have done is brought my knight back to attack the bishop and then played c5 um but that's actually no i would have played c5 uh if the bishop had gotten this way if here then apparently i just play h4 and the computer is not afraid of queen side counter play because it's a computer and it should shut up and get away from my video so how about that instead of that i just played h4 because you know you got to play h4 like what are you doing you're playing chess you're not playing h4 you're missing out so when the position now you see black is quick with the counter play so trade and boom again we see this pawn being lodged and then this now i would love to continue my attack here h5 just belligerent but the thing is folks it's all about realizing what your opponent wants my opponent wants to take this pawn so i gotta play this move i mean i know i'm pushing pawns in front of my king but it's okay and then when the opponent does this we'll do clearly wants a4 okay and if i allow that i'm gonna get i'm gonna get slapped so i gotta play four myself now at this point the first thing that went through my mind was you know if i continue my attack is a sacrifice like this possible the answer to the question is hell no but i was a little bit scared so i just decided to preemptively move my king out of trouble to go give the other pieces a friendly hug now this position is very closed if you look at this position optically there's only well i don't know how else you would look at a position except optically is optically even a word i always say that i don't even anyway the brakes are right here but if you play that move then b3 is really weak right so you got to be careful and then obviously the h file and beyond that it's tough it's gonna be a maneuvering game so what i did is as my opponent ran as king away two is i played this trying to tickle over here and i get a little structural change now that the dark squares are up for grabs what i'm going to do is i'm going to rotate my bishop in to f6 that's what i want notice my opponent also trying to get a little pawn play but now the rook is kind of cut off from from the world so i've got g4 ideas and i want to play rook h4 and take this pawn okay so king f7 and i do exactly that and here he plays c6 and i win my pawn now the engine here gives the move rook takes f6 just taking my bishop and after pawn takes f6 g5 attacking my rook apparently and then this and and and this is again why the computer needs to lay off and mind its business okay so c6 was played now you see how we managed to create an attack by opening up the dark square possibilities right this is a bit of a target but the game here was actually pretty tricky because if i play e6 look at this e6 looks like it wins because queen e6 queen b8 right oh my god free rook except you leave behind the rook and a bishop what are you doing so this actually doesn't work it just doesn't work at all so i was like all right well i gotta go rook f3 opponent goes here that's a terrifying move you see if i now take this then after rook takes b3 like it it looks very scary this position looks terrifying it's not but it looks really scary so what i did is i decided not to do that i decided to play e6 check queen e6 and now rather than take which loses the game to queen e2 which is why you always need to look to see how they can put you in danger in between move switch this is not going anywhere and you know who else is not going anywhere the queen who is absolutely going somewhere after the move rook to e3 now the queen is threatened queen queen beat his trend and if the queen goes all the way back here well then we just continue chugging away over here maybe rookie seven king of six something like this hunt the king down if not then just g4 g4 just keep going if king f6 that's very brave we take the bishop it's very brave i'm not saying it's smart i'm saying it's brave it's brave it's not smart it's brave so queen d7 and we convert by winning the queen take take and now after route to e8 we go here because after this we have g4 and black resigns the thing is if we don't have g4 in this position like let's just say we go like here to try to win c5 we will probably still win this game by virtue of the fact that black structure is awful and the h7 pawn is a liability in um all end games i had to check my phone because lucy just sent me a message saying that she just made lamp for dinner and apparently i'm not ready for how good it tastes aren't you glad you clicked on this video you're getting so many intel's about my life now folks if you watched until this point you are about to witness my ascent this game that i'm about to show you is just i'm so proud of it you and i will show you my reaction afterwards just how happy i was i was so happy be happy that you watched this far because i'm telling you right now what just watch this game okay i retired from playing this match after this game so we play a g6 bishop g7 gotta rock all the gotham courses okay i rock the e4 course rocking the g6 bishop g7 course and here what i like to play there's a lot of lines here this is a very strong line against the modern uh i like to play knight c6 and try to play for a quick e5 this is a pretty offbeat way to play um and there's other ways to play uh you can play like a hippo with e6 but okay knight c6 and try to play e5 bishop g4 etcetera now d5 is not scary just go here now this bishop is stupid so h3 i play e5 obonna goes to pin me bishop d7 d5 and we trade bishops now in king's indian structures and this opening will very much resemble a king's indian defense i want to play h6 and f5 that is how you create an attack the reason you play h6 is because if for example after this you play f5 uh now you get strategically uh slapped with the move knight g596 at which point you can resign sell your house sell your car uh sell all your belongings and just and just just go just just go somewhere okay so you need to play h6 first and then you know knight c3 and now f5 castles and ike castle as well okay so what is going on in this game and what are the various plans uh associated for both players well opponent wants to play b4 knight b3 c5 and destroy me over here i would like to play boop boop boop boop and get to the king often times it's associated with some maneuvering and that's the way all kings indians go now normally a king's indian attack that black plays or king's indian defense i'm just saying an attack in the king's indian needs a light squad bishop it just needs it it's like a beacon of hope from a distance but here's a king's indian attack or defense played without uh any light squad bishops so what do we do first of all shut it down shut it down with knight h5 so all the dark squares are up for grabs f4 is coming right c5 and so what i did here is i played this move b6 and my idea with this move was to induce the move c6 i thought i was super duper genius it turns out i'm an idiot and the computer hates it but during the game i felt like a genius because i'm like where's his attack i mean you know you can put a knight on b5 and i'm gonna kick you out i don't really understand so he plays a4 and i play a6 obviously because i don't want him to go knight b5 and i'm like well uh that's great you can keep putting your horses over here i don't see it i'm gonna play king h7 and it's always a useful move because you never know when you're going to open up the g file he plays bishop e3 i go attack his rook rookie won and now i'm like well i want to activate my bishop potentially in the future and just roll him with the pawns because he i don't see anything i don't see anything over here i mean at this point the engine is trying to say that you should do this and shove your knight down my throat and let me tell you something i didn't see that and neither did he because that's a computer idea the point is that you're trying to come in here and this is just not good for black this is not good i didn't see it he didn't see it that's the beauty of the game that's why you play the game he goes here i i defend my knight and now he makes a terrible decision this is not a good decision at all although admittedly it does look like he stops my attack the problem is you needed this bishop to target my queen side seeing he has to target my queen side so he needs the long range piece because now if he plays the same idea with a5 i go here he can't play knight b6 once his forces are repelled on the queen side i'm just gonna crush him on the king side that's just the way the king's indian works right so he takes takes and then here he starts fighting back on the king side that's where i was like what i don't understand that move and then it became clear to me he wants me to take to damage my pawn so that they get stuck one after the other now i have two sets of double bonds and he can go here and i was like okay so if i don't take that like i go like here he's gonna go e6 or even take and like this this is terrible so i have to take and i have to let his knight in but what do i do now what like what is my plan of action and from this point forward i legitimately played like a genius i'm not even that's not an exaggeration be ready i played queen d6 why well the knight that he just put there wants to go here and if i can't activate my queen i'm gonna lose this game so i played queen to d6 because that's the only way to get my queen out with the incoming idea of knight to d7 he plays it i slide my rook over to make sure that the knight is always protected he attacks my queen this is not complicated i have one move that doesn't lose the queen it's complicated for the viewer games not for me right play queen before doesn't don't even need to think about it now at this point i've got a couple of things in mind is he ever going to play knight f6 is he going to sack his pawn so promoting this one how is he going to bring his queen and rook to the party so he goes queenie too and here i uncorked one of the nastiest combinations of my life i'm not even joking it's actually inspired me to make this video i know i've been theatrical throughout but this was crazy i saw through everything here to a situation where this king ends up on this square and my queen ends up on mate pawn queen king how how are we going to get that like the king is always going to go here this pawn is in the way f3 f3 will open up this so my queen can always hit the king and slide into f2 with an unstoppable made of on h2 and promotion that's the idea f3 but you say but the queen can take yes but the queen is busy protecting the rook and you know who else is busy protecting the rook the pawn so i can get rid of the pawn by playing knight takes d5 but i cannot get rid of the queen by playing knight takes d5 so then i put it all together pawn to f3 he took with the pawn i took on d5 and what i had calculated here was that if he were to take my rook i would play the move knight to f4 in between move i wouldn't take i would attack his queen now at this point if his queen stays guarding my rook or if his queen stays guarding his rook with a move like queen e3 i can win this game in a couple of ways one i can win his queen but two like let's say he goes back to e1 i go check here check here and i promote my a new queen and then he loses his queen and he loses his rook and on top of that i have queen b2 detonating on everything so when i played this idea i was like well he's got to take my knight and he did and then i won the tembo on his king with the move queen d4 check and here he could have went back and that's exactly what he did but if he had gone to h1 or let's say g2 then i would have played here here check here mate or check here mate or check their bishop mate because you gotta you gotta do the bad manners so he took on d5 i did this he played here and i realized i can actually take the knight because if he goes here then the same thing happens it's the same thing check it's the same thing i'm down a full rook he cannot move to those squares because that's mate with tempo and then if this is just queen f2 he can't stop this he can give me a check i just take i just take it and if he goes here like i don't know what this move does i just take it so in the game he played rookie three i took he went here and i invented danger levels ladies and gentlemen my queen's hanging what's worth as much as a queen gotham subscribers rook takes e3 and also a queen if he takes then this it's game over if he takes this it's game over so rook takes e3 and he resigned and that is how drunk chess should be played okay let's take a look oh my god it worked it always was working i didn't play it the right way i took the wrong thing oh my god this was always working ah 95 24. yeah oh wait wait you oh my god oh my god and you have to go here because white's options are to take with the queen and remove the support of the rook or to take with the pawn and always allow g2 and queen of two it and this is always winning because you cl this whole idea just winning knight d5 oh oh my god i had to play f3 i knew it because the options were that the queen stops defending the rook and all the tactics or this and this clears out holy
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 391,848
Rating: 4.9611187 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: BWEETWgkfe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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