My Record Breaking Gold Discovery!

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we've been working for a few hours since we finished filming the intro i only saw a glimpse of what's in my pan and holy crap my cameraman's gonna [Music] himself what's up guys my name is chris from burgers prospecting if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome after an old body hat like this one welcome back stay this spot behind me here is producing some really good gold and today we're out here test panning it so when we bring the high banker back next week we'll be able to know how rich and how large the deposit is so we don't dilute it with worthless dirt let me show you a pan [Applause] oh there's a crayfish i can't drop it on it oh he's got it again [Applause] hmm [Applause] all right there we go we've got some gold in that pan we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine specks in that pan which is pretty decent and that's quite high bankable but that's not off the bottom so i had to stick nearly the whole length of that yabby pump in underneath this shelf to get this dirt it is seriously deep and scary in australia you don't stick your hands into holes that you don't know because there's a chance you can die or lose a finger so we got to leave that well alone for a while at least with my hands hand this off see what was hiding under that shell with the potato pans if you can get this swirl up it'll actually separate the large rocks and you do it so your large rocks come to the top and you can literally just float them on really handy trick takes a little bit of getting used to but if you've got a potato pan learn to get this swirl going tip it forward everything stops all your heavies are down here all your lights are up the front i reckon there's some good gold in here okay there's some good gold in here oh look at that there's some nice pieces we got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 and probably some more that i can't see at the moment so we doubled our spec count and their course are sitting in underneath that bedrock shelf we now know that over here close to the bedrock has got really good goals and even in the white overburdened gravels over here we've got pretty decent higher bankable gold so we've come up a little bit about a meter and a half and we're going to check this spot here we're going to do the same thing one in the bedrock area and one in the gravel area [Applause] the bedrock shelf behind me splits the creek into a wide on the far side of the creek we've got super fast water and not many places for gold to drop out but on this side we've got a huge big drop off and an under cut rock which means that when the gravel falls down here it's got nowhere to go the soil here changes it's a lot more silty it's got organics in it it's a lot lighter it doesn't feel the same on the shovel it doesn't look the same so the gold is probably going to be vastly different and that's simply because where i took that dirt from was upstream of where the water overruns this drop off so you're probably getting all the silt blow back i would hazard against the gold's dropping into the hole and then going downstream you'll find out [Applause] all right i'm pleasantly surprised look at that we've got about the same amount of specs as what we had from the first pan we did here we've got one two three four five six seven eight that i can see comfortably so eight specs again very very high bankable and that still is going to be very easy to dig so that is a really good sign this is going to be a good large deposit now that we know we've got gold in three of those four test bands we've come up to the deepest sector so this is almost waist deep just in this part here we're going to take a test down from down there if we get gold here this is a really quite large deposit and the high banking results should be really good oh come on rock lost my shovel load so once again the soil's changed the last one was sort of crunchy gray soil that i don't typically get gold in and this has sort of gone back to a bit more tan but with that same sort of consistency as the last one so who knows i can't wait to find out what's in this dirt it's full of fractured bedrock absolutely full [Applause] so [Applause] is where our gold should be you can see a couple pieces oh yeah yep the spec count continues that is pretty good one two three four big pieces and about a dozen micro pieces up that end so from just those four pans we now know that this deposit is about three to four meters long and we've got gold from the surface gravels all the way to the bedrock chances are that they're going to be some nice tasty pieces on the bedrock but we're going to need a high banker here to make sure that we can move it easily as opposed to panning there's a lot of dirt here to pan so we're going to come back next week with the higher banker and pump it through if you don't want to miss out on that video please hit the subscribe button in the bottom corner if you're on youtube or the like button if you're on facebook we've been working for a few hours since we finished filming the intro i only saw a glimpse of what's in my pan and holy crap my cameraman's gonna himself look at it this is one pan this is one pan it's full of freaking pickers that's nuts i'm gonna clean it up just here i'm gonna clean it up oh my god that has to be the best pan i've got all year that has to be easily the best pan i have got all year that's one pan one freaking pan from the bottom for easily like a hundred plus pieces of chunky coarse gold look at it all look that's that's not right that pan is absolutely unreal i like i've been working now for like what two hours or so just trying to get to the bottom and all the way down ten or so specs of pan a couple of nice pieces i was pretty happy with but that's something else so i cannot wait to get the high banger back here i'm going to take another pan to show you because that was unreal that was absolutely unreal some rocks that were getting good [Applause] i don't think this one's going to be quite as good because the first pan was the first ever yabby pump off the bottom this is the second usually there's a bit less but but he's hoping [Applause] float the big rocks off i think this is going to be another decent pan i don't think it's going to be quite as good like a big gemstone that looks like a big so we'll put that back in there oh it's still pretty good for a single pan wow that's two pans in a row like that i mean this one isn't quite as good but any any day you get a pan like that is fantastic and that is one big gemstone okay do a few more then i promise we'll go home wake it up very next pan and gadzi is trying to get in there to get some more of this dirt because third pan in a row look at the pickers and the specimen i just pulled out oh my gosh this coat of gold shouldn't be legal this is everything i pan today probably 20 25 pans from the potato which is a lot of dirt that's about two garage pans for every one of the potatoes we're gonna pan this down and just see what i got before we go home oh wow it's all coarse you got that specimen chunks like one two three four five six seven pickers that is absolutely unreal i spent the last couple of days just cleaning this up and this was my first pass look at the gold it's so coarse it's been about a week and i'm heading back there tomorrow with the mini high banker because my main high bank pump's still broken and i'm super excited because not only do we find that coarse chunky gold and heaps of it on the bottom but we also found a sapphire this is one of them just here this rock apparently after talking to heaps and heaps of different people is what's called a party sapphire and i this is the second biggest one i've got there's another one inside that's even bigger than this all these are little ones just in here most of these are little tiny sapphires that's absolutely unbelievable look at them all so and that ladies and gentlemen that's the goal this is one of the easiest cleanups i've ever had to do because all the pieces are coarse i can't believe how many different types of like valuable minerals such as garnets sapphires citrines and other gems that i'm seeing in this pay dirt plus the coarse chunky reefy gold i've got like three four five specimens in there just let's get the macro lens on let's get it cleaned up have a look at this [Music] this is the gold and the sapphires that i found panning next to a clutch guitars pick and grizzly's best behaved of 2019 metal for a bit of scale now i've talked to heaps of people about these gems and the general consensus is that they're sapphires but under a strong backlight these things absolutely light up they look really cool so that was an awesome find and i'm not a gem guy so i don't know if any of these are gem quality and the god i found was extremely coarse most of it came from just four pans but for now let's get this on the scales first i'm gonna weigh the biggest sapphire we've got it in carrots 2.4 carats if we add the second one 3.35 carats total now if we add all the rest of them six carats that's not too bad now for the gold looking at this gold i'm going to hazard a guess right around the gram point seven five the usual disclaimer i'm a micro miner who does this for fun and the passion of digging up real life treasure and not the monetary value of gold having said that the gold that i dug up in this video is worth 59 and 50 cents australian at today's gold prices in my area that is an incredibly rich coarse chunky gold spot it's very rare that i find spots that produce that sort of size gold and that quantity of it just from panning and the gems oh my god the gems there was so many look just look these are all the gems i pulled out from there now we have been back and we did high bank it and we found some beautiful pickers that video is coming up in the very next episode i can't wait to share that adventure with you if you'd like to help support my channel please check out the description below there you'll find links to my other social media channels my merch store and my patreon account and if this is the second or third video that you've watched of mine and you haven't hit subscribe that's the universe probably telling you to hit the subscribe button thank you so much for watching please give your dog a big delicious scratch behind the ears for me and until next time epic music and an outtake look at the camera he says it's exciting he says that's that's not right you
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 66,970
Rating: 4.9462552 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, klesh, jeff williams
Id: fVRn5eoAUH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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