The Best Gold Pan I Have Ever Used is 2,000 Years Old! (Batea Pan)

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grizzly buddy this has to be the best pan of the day look at that look at that wow what's up guys my name is chris from bogus prospect if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome and if you're not moldy how like this one welcome back today steve and i are out on the creek doing a little bit of gold panning and metal detecting and i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do a little bit of a how-to with the potato pan because a lot of people are asking me all sorts of questions so i thought i'd address them this is the patea pan and to put it mildly i have fallen in absolute love with this thing so much so that i'm not even sure why the western world even bothers to use pans like that because this thing is just as accurate and gold retention and it's quicker so all right this is what i love about this pan is all your golden stuff is always at the bottom every single time i love that except for that bit that bit tried to get away [Applause] look at that gold there's a beautiful little tail of gold 110 gonna keep working here for today very next pan i pulled out some nice flakes of gold steve have you found something yeah what is it i think it's a nail steve's doing something i implore everyone who owns a metal detector in any gold bearing ground whether it has nuggets or not to do take your metal detector into a waterway and look for metal objects it doesn't matter if it's gold because if it's heavy it's likely sitting near other pieces of heavy things such as gold he's found two signals one down there which i'm not going to touch because that's in my high banking tailings probably a nail probably a bit of gold now that i've said that but anyway there's an easier one to get up here oh it's a rock buddy i don't know steve i don't know what the target was but there was a lot of gold it found some nice pieces of gold so with a little bit of luck there'll be even more down there [Applause] [Applause] gold in every pan i love this grizzly buddy this is never ever going to get gold cold old got fever on the brain obviously it's just so pretty look a wild steve the other question that grizzly just reminded me to tell you is yabby pumps everyone asks where you can buy them and you get them from fishing shops because they used to suck out bait from beach sand just getting pan after pan after pan of this kind of gold every time i yabby pump the bottom beautiful stuff and this is where i high bank before i'll link that video up above this is why you always yabby pump once you think your spot's done the potato pan style dates back to the mayans some 2 000 plus years ago and possibly even earlier than that and i already know that many people are going to ask me about what the losses are and and all that sort of technical stuff i'm not going to go into it because dan heard has already done a video on this i'm going to link that up here please watch them if you want to understand more about the technical side of the loss rates and retention and speeds but for now let's jump straight into doing some pants there's two major drawbacks to this pant it's got a pointed bottom so you kind of got to create a groove for it to sit in or put it in the top of a bucket and the other thing is that it's silver you can get plastic versions of these i have seen on the internet but the silver version there's no contrast so it's actually kind of difficult to see your gold so when you first start it's ideal to tip the concentrates from this into a regular pan so you can see how many specs you're getting after a while you will get used to it this potato pan can take three to four full unclassified shovels i run mine unclassified for one simple reason i found the rocks help keep everything moving and that's important in the potato pan if your dirt is static it won't work properly the big rocks help break that up you do need a fair bit of water to make this pan work you need to be able to fully submerge it i've got just enough in this spot here [Applause] step one just like every pen you've ever used is stratification put it in there break up clay clumps move it around get the gold sinking as you can see all the really big rocks have come to the top so we're going to scrape them off [Applause] now i'm going to make sure that there's no clay in there that's sticking together we're going to get in there and massage it this is all stuff you do with a regular pan [Applause] here's the part that took me a while to learn we're going to put this pan underwater and start stratifying by shaking left and right front and back and very gradually we're going to turn that into a circular motion but underwater side to side front to back you can feel the dirt moving around the pan now we start spinning it middle circle two or three inches and we're going to build up to a six inch circle and then you're going to feel the momentum of the pan what i mean by that is when you get to the left and right hand sides of this circle you're going to feel the weight and pressure shift and as that pressure shifts you kind of want to push it forward and pull it back and that's what's throwing the rock off when you start feeling the dirt not give you as much momentum you want to pull it out because you've reduced a lot of the dirt you can see now that we're down quite a ways we've got these big pebbles we're going to scrape them off this stuff's probably hard packed because it's got heavy dense material that's left in your pan a bit of water get your hand in there break it up again same thing put a bit of water in there start re-stratifying get your pan underwater i use a twisting motion that allows the rim to go under get your dirt moving so left and right front and back get that circle now gently make those circles completely underwater has to be completely underwater [Applause] you can feel the dirt come off between your fingers that's how you know you're doing it right don't go too hard you want to blow everything out lift it up and now we're left with the concentrates this is the hardest part underwater usually you'll get a bit of compacted dirt at the bottom break that up stratify this puts everything right down in that point slowly tilt forward and float float the rock off what that means is letting the water drag the white stuff to the front and if you give it a little tiny shake side to side all your heavies and gold will stay at the bottom and all your light should come off the front that's the gold we recovered right down in the very center ring of that pan and you can see we've reduced it to a very minimal amount of heavy material it is really simple once you wrap your head around it it will catch the tiniest of tiny gold i've cleaned this section up at the yabby pump quite nicely and we're going to move on to this section now this section has never been yabby pumped and i only did a little bit of panning work here at the very start so i'm pretty keen to get the pump in there because i reckon there's going to be some good gold we're going to just try and clean all that silt up because there is a wash [Applause] yeah not only is there silk there there's gold look at that that's just sitting there so so there's going to be more there's definitely going to be more over there bit of a tip of the yabby pump too if you're the first time you're using one always put a classifier in it this breaks the splashing that happens and it stops it from knocking all the dirt back out of your pan oh [Applause] once again this spot is not disappointing we are getting heaps of specs every single pan love that gold look wild steve no big nails there there's no gold either no i hope you're not just checking for nails here they're nice yeah it wasn't the signal whatever the signal was no otherwise you have the most sensitive machine in the world one of my favorite parts is letting the water clear and having a look at the bedrock itself and this is why you can't use a shovel to get everything off there's all these nooks and crannies and dips and divots in it and this is one of them just here we've got a nice shelf of flatbed rock and what i suspect is a tiny piece of gold sitting on it then there's a nice dip filled with packed in river stones so that's going to be a perfect spot to yabby pump out [Applause] buddy this has to be the best pan of the day look at that look at that wow i'm loving this spot i'm absolutely loving this spot there's so much more to explore too it just never gets old looking at gold like that never [Applause] oh that's the best hand of the day i've now cleaned all of this bedrock and i've cleaned all of that bedrock so without opening up more ground which i don't want to do i'm gonna jump on the same side of the creek that steve is and i'm gonna try digging in up here hopefully this streak will continue on both sides of the creek [Applause] whatever [Applause] bloody hell okay there's gold on this side too i only got maybe maybe a quarter pans worth of dirt from that and we still got a good showing of color i'll take that any day it's got maybe six or seven pans on this side and we're getting some pretty good gold from this side and from that side of this rock well it's not rock it's bedrock the best thing about it was there was a nice crevice here that i couldn't quite get access to until oh sorry for a moment i thought that was you falling in so only a little bit there's two things when you're prospecting if you find a shotgun pallet and if you fill your gumboot up with water you've officially gone prospecting if you don't do at least one of them ah you have failed nah don't fall in steve i've got a nice little bit see him oh yeah not quite a picker oh but a good lovely lovely little flake yeah what rock the rock that you've lifted up like 10 nano dots yeah grizzly steve and i have been out here for about five or six hours and we've done i've only probably done 30 pens just puttering around having a look it's been a cracking day and that's what it's about i'm going to show you all the gold let's see how much we got using the potato pan today there's a lot of gold in here i'm actually surprised that looks like a small high banking session i mean just before i tap it back have a look at the ring of color that we've got going on smiley gold pan that is a pretty awesome smile of gold for a few hours pan and just just cruising man just cruising look how fine some of that gold is especially over here wow look at that one nice flake and it's simply because you can move more dirt with this pan every single pan is like at least 50 more dirt and it's like three or four times faster than using one of these pans now obviously this pan is not going to suit everyone you need depth of water you it does take a bit more energy from your shoulders and your back to actually get it to work properly so it's not going to work for every person out there but for those of you who have the right amount of water and are physically capable of handling a pan that has a lot more dirt in it i implore you go out and try one it's worth it it's so much fun i'm gonna take that gold home get on the scales find out how much we got for today [Music] this is the gold steve and i found next to a 1941 australian shilling and a clash guitar's pick right before i throw these golden scales i wanted to let you know about the super huge mega gold monster 1000 giveaway that's right i'm giving away a brand new gold monster 1000 metal detector from mine lab it's completely free to enter and will be drawn on september the 1st all the information you need to know about is in the description below time to get this on the scales i'm gonna guess point four point four two [Music] 0.42 grams is worth approximately 37 australian dollars at today's gold price which is pretty good going for using just a pan and doing only about 30 of them hopefully you can see the same benefits i have seen in the potato pan with how fast and how much dirt it can move the links to buy a potato pan from both north america and australia are in the description below i've also got a potato pan sitting in my closet ready to give away in a future episode this is going to be happening very soon so if you don't want to miss out on that please hit the bell in the bottom corner and that subscribe button so you don't miss out on this or any of my other future goal prospecting adventures i'm about to give you guys a sneak peek of what's coming up in some of the future episodes that i've got for you but right before that thank you so much for watching my video make sure you hit that like dislike or share button that helps the channel grow bigger and better so we can keep making gold prospecting videos for you guys and until next time please give your dog a scratch behind the ears for me peace and i'm out yeah that's a that's a deep one [Music]
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 98,914
Rating: 4.9450898 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, klesh, jeff williams
Id: Q17TrKPuC78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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