Why is There So Much Gold Here?!

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oh my god look at that specimen holy whale look this that's unreal okay what's up guys my name is chris from bogus prospecting if you're new to the channel a big one welcome and if you're not party one welcome back today i'm out with my high banker i found this spot a few days ago and i found some nice coarse chunky gold here but it's all on the bedrock and the bedrock has two to three foot of overburden on it so we brought out the big unit to try and push quantity through not only we will collect the fine gold but when we reach the bottom hopefully we'll pick up some nice chunkers but we've had some heavy rains over the weekend and it's now too deep for me to get into this spot right here has given me the same results as upstream the only difference is i never actually made it all the way that was close to the bedrock and i thought this was bedrock but it's actually a giant boulder rock or bedrock guess we'll find out so so i use the cobblestones to make a wing dam so this water here is a lot lower than the water over there more workable depth and this is what we're getting from those surface gravels now it's gonna be hard to see we've got two nice little specks there and about a dozen micros here and you know how i like my micro go it's the stuff everyone else walks away from i come along and collect and show you guys and you go wow how'd you find all that micro gold because you walked away from it don't discount 12 micro stacks so i've only run maybe 20 or so shovels out of this hole and i've had to stop to remove more of this cobblestone but i finally hit a layer where we're starting to see a little bit of clay check that out that is nice looking stuff i'll clear some more rocks i'm trying to get a test pen for you [Applause] well this doesn't explain prospecting down to an absolute t i got one little speck one speck that's it you you don't know i'm going to commit i'm going to find the bottom i don't see what comes out of this but that's not the best test pam resolve ever had so so the on off switch broke my pump in the car somehow and now i've got to short it out but because this hole is leaving me so skeptical with the test pan results and i know there was fantastic gold just there i'm just stopping this to have a quick look in the box the first thing i can see is a lot of iron i mean like a lot check that out that is intense that amount of iron in the box is usually a really good indicator that we're on the gold i hope my test pans are wrong sometimes they are it takes a little bit of experience to learn this occasionally you will hit spots where the test pans are terrible but if you high bank it the results are fantastic i don't know what kind of voodoo makes that happen and this is deeper than my gumboot i j i just heard it go tink tick tink it's old bottle an old old like something it's probably wine or whiskey or usually the dark ones are alcohol after much rock washing i finally hit the grey clay i've been looking for when we hit this stuff right on the bottom last time this is where we got nice little chunky pieces of gold so i've got one shovels full in my pan we'll do a test and see what we get this is terrifying if i was a wire prospector this would be a loaded spot but given on a gold prospector and i got like three little nano dots down in there i am genuinely concerned about how much gold we're going to get today why did the test fans lie to me the other day well i don't know that yet this might be one of those magic leprechaun spots i'm going to finish it i'm going to see and if it's a failure at least i'll show you guys why you've got to listen to your test pants if it's the success clearly grizzly is sprinkling some kind of gold magic down but once in my life i'm going to take some of my own advice i'm going to wash out the top section of miner's moss that i normally leave for the very end of the cleanup why do they make these threads so long now getting this out that's the other tricky part yeah i've got no room for my hand to move at all but only the big stuff should be in here the fine stuff usually doesn't get caught in this piece i hope you can see this as well as i can now that is a piece of gold and on the bottom it's like a piece of quartz attached to a reddy kind of gem and it keeps trying to float away on me so i'm going to put on my snuffle bottle before i go any further with the pan that's all we managed to get out of that top piece and more so not heaps of big bits not even heaps of little bits but we don't catch most of the fine in the top part after a little bit of consideration i have moved spots downstream slightly to an area of blood gravel simply because i wasn't able to effectively and efficiently reach the bottom moving spots sometimes is the best thing you can do persisting through with a bad spot is just a surefire way to not get a lot of gold come summertime when the water drops i'll be able to get in there and hopefully get more but for now my pump is delivering some nice water to my high banker and i have all this easy dig flood gravel we know there's blood gold in it so let's get straight into digging [Music] in literally 15 minutes i've pumped through as much gravel as it took me two hours to do in this hole how cool is that and the other thing is that bedrock has dropped off into a really nice point so we're going to do a little bit of a [Music] see what kind of goal we've got right down the bottom well that's already better than the other spot have a look at this first of all we have a shotgun pellet and then coming down here actual pieces of gold that you're going to be able to see on camera so the first piece just there and it's got a couple of friends next to it plus some micros scattered around the place like that one just there so more gold than we're getting in the first spot and i can move the dirt way easier things are looking up i've uh i've got a friend i missed a spider oh probably a mrs spider oh where are you going i've got to get you away from here i think you went in the grass no safe travels i don't have too much time left so we're going to clean this edge up nice and straight and we're going to take out this little lip here this is a gauze bush an invasive species so we're going to get rid of that you've got to pre-plan your reclamation so you don't just dump all your dirt away from the hole where you can't push it back in make sure that you've got everything off to one side so that you can push the big stuff back in and then at a future date you use the small stuff on your next hole to backfill in between those gaps [Music] well it's been two hours of digging and i've cleared this hole out that is down to bedrock i cannot get any more gravel out with my shovel so i'm gonna get the yabby pump and clean that off properly if you're a longtime follower of my channel you'll know how i always suggest to get a yabby pump you pick them up at fishing shops they are used to suck out bait from sand because no matter how good you are with a shovel i picked as much dirt as i could off the bedrock with a shovel you could be zorro with a shovel you'll always be left with dirt that's a full bucket of dirt off clean bedrock so oh where did that gold come from that that's that was just on the bottom have a look at this that bucket gave us all of this off the bottom that's what i was saying i don't care if you're really good with a shovel you're not getting at all that's mad that's about as much gold as we pulled out in the first run from the first hole off the bottom in just one bucket it might be kind of hard to see but right right at the tip of my finger there is a piece of gold i like seeing that they pulled it out and it's got a little friend oh my god look at that specimen holy whale look that's unreal okay we are coming back to this spot so that specimen is absolutely unreal i still haven't seen what's in this i just tipped it into another pan and with a little bit of luck well that's a lot better than the first spot for just flood gold look at that there's heaps of course gold in this so like plus the micro bits that we've got going on up here so that micro adds up when you push it into a pile so hopefully there's going to be even more in the main mat both sluice mats are all cleaned out all i'm going to do is knock the silt out of that bucket we're going to take it home and run it through the cleanups loose and see how much gold we've got and after the disastrous start that we had to today i do think grizzly might have been looking down on me sending me a sweet specimen in a place i did not expect to find any big gold at all if you want to get a bogus prospecting t-shirt just like this one we have them available in my shop the link for that is in the description below and you can get 10 off by using the code thank you 2020 and yeah we got hats this is the gold i collected out of that flood gravel next to a clash guitars pick and a shrunken head of a claim jumper for a bit of scale now it's time to get this on the scales first we're going to do the little specimen almost a 0.1 now for the rest of it there's a lot of course chunky gold in there i'm going to bet 1.65 what's your guess leave it in the comments below 0.82 and there's still a little bit of micro fine stuff in here 0.82 of the ground is worth 70.16 australian at the time of filming which is pretty good going considering how the session started switching spots obviously made this day what it was and that's the really big take-home lesson i think most prospectors can get from this video is that if your spot isn't working it's worth going and prospecting taking some test pens from other places so that your trick isn't a total bust seventy dollars from about four and a half hours digging as a micro miner is pretty good going i've got heaps of videos and competitions coming up for everyone out there in social media land so if you don't want to miss out on those please consider hitting the subscribe button in the bottom corner if you are on youtube or the like button if you are on facebook my current competition is in the description below on youtube if you're watching this on facebook please jump over to the youtube channel and you'll be able to find it there and you might just win yourself a brand new 110 dollar premium panning kit from xp metal detectors so if you enjoyed this video please like that smash button give this video a share with your mates so you can spread the gold fever all around the globe your dog needs a delicious scratch behind the ears for me until next time peace close eyes and i am out you
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 67,790
Rating: 4.9515672 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, klesh, jeff williams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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