Extracting the Gold out of Ore from an old Mine!

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what's up guys Chris here from bogus prospecting if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome and if you're an old moldy hat like I'm not wearing at the moment welcome back today we're sluicing out to lots of concentrates the first one is an ore crush that we took out from the wombat mine in my last episode you can watch that up above and the same one is something I like to call the mystery bucket the mystery bucket is every single concentrate from test pans that I've taken in the last six months I know there's some good gold in there but I have no idea how much basically what I do is I take my stuff a bottle home and I tip into a pan and this is our crushed ore from the working face of the wombat mine that we showed you in that last episode I'm going to run this stuff second because it's likely to silt up all of my recirculated water our first stage is to classify it and when you use a deep fryer this is all we were left with in the deep fryer when you're having a quick scan over to make sure there's no little nugget in there I will give you a pan no so you can recover the red [Applause] that's all the let octave got heaps and heaps of bullets and just just bits of junk look at that what was that big thing you go on now that I've got on a plus size material taken out of the concentrates we're going to reduce it further to kitchen strainer size and to help us do that I've got this shovel from Maddie hand mat 3d printed me a brand new scoop after you saw my last cleanup video where ho broke my other one so a little bit of luck this one will last a little bit longer now I have our three sizes plus deep fryer - deep fryer and - kitchen strainer we know there's no gold in this just a lot of lead is there any gold in this yep no look look we've got one bit check that out actually wait I might just see how much magnetic material we're gonna hiding in there oh that's a cactus Oh [Applause] well that's a good start with a little bit of luck we'll have more than just that one nice pickup if I already see a heap of lead in there there's that nice picture coming out right on top of there I think I see it it's that specimen of the same picker I don't know I said look there's another one look at that all right this is why reduction of material is so important this is mostly lead and non-magnetic iron stone and we recovered these bits of gold here now that is a nice flat flake we also got a nice little round pick up and we also pulled out some muster go which is probably just stuff that was stuck to some of these rocks gold like this is gonna have absolutely no issue in a sluice box or a pen fighting against stuff like that however that itty bitty mustard gold that's sitting just there that stuff is going to have a real hard time in finding its place in a riffle when it's got to compete with dense black material like this we know that most of our gold is going to be in this material here so we're going to take this one teaspoon at a time and run it through the gold rack recovery system a lot of people have been questioning - why I use the gold Bratunac in a gold hog sluice box is simply because of quantity if I had a couple of buckets of concentrates to go through I definitely be switching to the gold hope just because it can push through more at this time I've only got a little gold restless so doing a parens worth of material no issue at all and we've got the production boys over there manning the solar panel so now you feel that we start run out of juice let us loose that's right I'm a regular dr. Seuss I'm now about halfway through the concentrate from the starting the season gold this is what the mutts looking like after about half the pans worth if he's not too bad at all I'm quite happy with it although I made one little mistake to get maximum efficiency out of these mats not only do you have to reduce the amount of competing heavies that the gold has to fight with but you also have to remove the air bubbles from the cell pockets with a toothbrush or similar otherwise the gold won't collect in there I forgot to do that I had to go through after it already started and remove those air bubbles so we had a bit of gold migration I very rarely secret to gold down and you can refer at the very bottom of this meaning clean up sluice oh that's a very good indication of just how much respect those bubbles had on my recovery nonetheless the gold is really looking good we're down to justice in the pan and that is not very much concentrated law and you're gonna have a hard time picking that up with a spoon unlikely that you're going to be able to use a shovel to pick gold off the bottom of the creek because of all the little nooks and crannies and the same thing happens in a gold pan so I'm gonna use the smoker bottle to suck that up that it's a nice fine gold and look at that we've got a couple of very full cells up at the top and then as we go down we see a lot of gold migration like way more gold migration that I'd like to see the old cleaning stick in this pan is six months worth of test panning now I have to reiterate this this is not sluice runs this is not working deposits this is going out for a couple of hours with a pair maybe doing 10 15 20 pounds maybe getting thirty to a hundred specks of gold just to see where the Gold's lying and this is the end result is not bad oh not too bad for just having a look plus we've got what we had in this novel bottle we try to considerable amount more to this look at that is some pretty looking stuff you can see what I mean most of it's very fine and this is something very important that a lot of people don't do no matter how many specs you get in a pan you might get one nano dot you don't throw it away just throw it in a bucket like I do and at the end of the year you'll probably have a decent amount of gold including all the little Pickers and everything else that's our end result I'll get this cleaned up properly and wait for you at the end but for now we're gonna move on to the all we now have to clean this pan if we're going to move on to doing the or crush we have to make sure there is not a single scaring of rock or gold left on this this pan is looking pretty good now the reason you do this is if you had any kind of gold in here at all and you're only dealing with five Micro gold from your all samples it'll give you a false result and the same thing goes for any processing equipment that you're going to use like the cleanup sluice I've got two different samples here these two came out of the main face and this back here came out of a little offshoot vein this offshoot vein you can see that the old-timers had ordered our in the wall and we just basically chipped off some more of the bedrock and then found the vein again and took it from that so we're going to process this first before we process these two it's also no way you could run this stuff dry you have to wet it you have to otherwise it will just literally float at the end of the sluice and not catch any gold when you've got that bag all run and that's what the mat looks like you can see lots of quartz in there not really that many heavies or oxides or anything else like that the only significant heavy thing in there is a piece of Dahle mill just sitting in the mat we'll get this cleaned up and panned out this is all we're left with after running that bag I'm just gonna run a magnet over it to pull out any part to the Dahle pot that broke off during crushing oh that's why you do it because that's a lot of steel from that dolly pot should make it a little bit easier to pan off I'm not feeling I'm not feeling like there's going to be much in here it just doesn't it doesn't look right but you never know ooh lordy I told a lie there is a fair amount of fine gold in that there is a fair amount of fine gold in that this was incredibly difficult to pan this is not gold at the top there that that stuff there is mostly some other sort of heavy heavy mineral it does not want to move and this is the gold just here you can see several fine flakes now that was from the offshoot vein so there's chances are if we go back to chip more of that host rock out and just follow that vein we could hit some richer pockets because our next sample is considerably bigger it's about four times the size we're actually just going to run it through the gold wrap mini six sluice first [Applause] [Applause] well we turned that water into soup but it's always really really sticky stuff when you start processing a hard rock crush you can't really see anything bigger or just sticking out yo you stop working like two minutes do something else and then you can't fly on your socket or your spanner a screwdriver half I'm a magnet I just had my magnet you saw me just use it I found it and you're never ever gonna guess where it was oh my god what if you're just slipping on the heat lot more concentrate so we got a lot more magnetics and Stainmaster all right I feel like this is actually probably a manageable amount of concentrates to go through without having to without having to strip too much we'll see anyway let's just see if I can get it down whoa oh game I was not expecting that oh there's gold in here it's like real gold in here they're not nano dots that is not a nano good days a nice picker that's straight out of that face - okay this this is a proper result now obviously I've gotta get this cleaned up a lot better but that's our goal we'll get those nice big chunks which is always good to say but the Gold's almost always in fine stuff when it comes to milling and if you check out that run of gold that we've got right at the top there that is a good result for what was about three quarters of a pan he got that every single time you did three quarters of a pan if you're panning in an alluvial stream you'd be really happy right before I show you the gold all the way up I want to invite you over to my facebook page I have a hell of a lot more active on my facebook then I am here on YouTube and you'll see exclusive content including photos video and articles all explaining on how you can improve your gold takes out in the field the link for that is in the description below but now we better get to the way that's been the most fun and exciting things to do steel container now play with your gold this is the gold we got for the test pan bucket next to rush guitars pick for a bit of scale without further ado we're gonna get this on the scale the first thing I want to do is just see if this little flat picker has any weight to it for a 5.4 it's going down it's losing weight must be on a diet and now for all together one gram on the dot one gram at today's gold price is about 85 Australian dollars which is pretty good considering this was just the results from my test panic so at the end of the day throwing myself a bottle in a bucket and not look at it for six months and sometimes I put ten or fifteen specks in there and sometimes I put shrinking Pickers in there either way I'm not gonna turn my nose up at 80 bucks but what I really want to know is how rich this all was this is the gold we recovered from our all crush and it doesn't look like very much but we also didn't have a very large sample so we're gonna try and get a weight off it if we can get away that means you'll be able to work out the per ton each well there you have it it was too fine to weigh on my to decimal point scales in total I browned roughly two and a half liters worth of crushed ore it's not a very big sample size but it also points towards why they left this mind and didn't continue working it clearly there's gold there but it's quite dispersed through the rock when you compare that to other videos that I've made on the dabs reef crushers where I'm pulling the hour point six to one gram worth of gold and fist-sized rock you can see the disparity between how ritual reacts and how poor reacts to the scales this mind may be worth chasing if we can get in there and take a larger sample size and see if there's any variation and how rich it is but for now we're probably going to leave it alone thank you so much for watching my video I hope you did enjoy it and if you like this one chances are you're going to like a lot of the other content I have off my page hitting the subscribe and bell button in the bottom corner is a great way to make sure you don't miss out on any of my future content or evil ways and if you like that smash button and give this video share with your family and friends I'll give grizzly a big hug directly from you from me to him so until next time make sure you give your dog a scratch behind the ears well me piece and I'm out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 47,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, klesh, jeff williams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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