Huge Alluvial Gold Deposit Discoverd!

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[Music] [Music] what's that guys Chris here from voters prospect if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome if you're an old moldy hat like this one welcome back to yet another episode of digging for gold today I have got a treat for you I'm taking you to a spot that I've mine twice now and knitted myself 2.3 grams of gold and 224 shovels that is pretty damn good going this spot is still going there's still plenty of gold to be out here in fact I'm out here today and then I'm back out here again tomorrow with Mick he's got his large high bank and we're gonna be able to shovel like hell into that thing we're going to soup a long day ahead of us also we're gonna get straight into digging and then a little bit later what I want to do is talk to you guys about a very important definition that's going to help you get more gold and understand the creep that you're on and how to work certain areas [Music] when we work with the high bank we always take expect counts as a push of alright not to put parent because more than one shovel per pan so this is one unclassified shovels worth of dirt and we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve at least twelve decent bits of gold sitting there for one shovel now this gold was from straight off the top of where Zoey and I came out here indeed about twenty five shovel run for a point for really really good but we are well into the bedrock now so the gold starting to peter out what we're going to do is take another test pan and see if we can't find the layer again where the really decent gold is hiding well it we've got way nicer bits they're not micro dots anymore they're actually got some size and shape to them and there is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 bits 19 bits so he pretty well doubled our speck count which is awesome and the size went up so it's still here there's still plenty of gold and two point three grams we're going to add to that today for sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've got a couple of little small blockages in my spray bar because of all the dirt and grass and stuff because way I've had to set this up for the tailings going next to where I'm sucking water and it's just a disaster it doesn't matter too much easy fix we're gonna clean that out but good opportunity to have a sneak peek at what's in the mat I've run the little Bank that was out here and I'm gonna cut just a smidgen more out of where I was working previously the bedrock is getting really hard in there which is a good good indication that there is going to be some gold sitting on top of it and there's also a lot of this stuff now this is bedrock that is very very slowly fracturing up and degrading so this all talked about it's hard bedrock but there's lots of fractures in it and that means that when your shovel goes through it it breaks it up and all the gold that's in those cracks falls out and goes through just loose yeah find out what's in the box now I've got this running on a much much steeper angle than normal and that's why I've got this set up at a lower angle so we've got a secondary catch system and this is just to help process the dirt through a bit quicker I've got one little bit of gold just there now had a ton of it in the letters when I was first just putting dirt here I wonder if there's anything under the under the - Mawson hey there we go I see gold I see gold look oh yeah that's gold that's gold all right [Music] I've just taken another test pan here we've got about the same speck and there are lots of it fine and that being the one nice bit that we've got in that pan because I've run about 20 shovels through the banker and I've taken it out of here now that means we have progressed further into this deposit and I need to make sure that the gold is staying the same no matter how good the gold is when you first start make sure you take periodic test pans because the pay streak for whatever reason to run out at any point I personally take test pans about every twenty to thirty shovels and that way I know that if there is a change I can then look for the pay streak again and then continue high banking once I find it which brings me to my very interesting point for the day I want to give you the distinction between a pay streak and a deposit let me explain what we are working here today is a deposit and how I found it was sampling the pay streak now you tell me if this sounds familiar [Music] mate I was at this wicked spot and I found like a hundred and fifty specks of pan Wow dude that's awesome did your high bank it yeah man after doing a couple of test bins getting that I whipped that high bankís right out and we were shoveling all day but I didn't really get much more gold than what I got from just test panning ah dude that's all right at least you got some gold it was probably just a pocket it's just not quite how it works I realized this talking to a subscriber I met out in the creek just a couple of days ago that he found a fantastic spot and he worked out a section it was fantastic gold and then just disappeared it went away on him this is something I've never heard talked about before it I've just been taking it for granted think about this as prospectors as prospectors we walk along creeks just like this one and we take samples we take samples from up high on the bank down in the creek in crevices everywhere and we're looking for the pastry because the pastry is the richest seam of gold running down any creek or stream so for those of you who don't know what a pay streak is basically if you're on any creeks river stream or water system there is a ribbon of gold that's been transported by the water from where it's shedding to wherever it ends up to tiny particles that we can't see anymore and a really big misconception is there's just one pay streak running down any Creek there's multiple because rivers Flibe and they change over time now I have done many videos on finding the pay streak finding the pay streak is how you find deposits and if you follow the pay streak if you literally just work the pay streak you will clean up a lot of gold but that takes a lot of know-how when it comes to test panning what you have to be able to do is read your pans and ultimately you want to follow this pay streak until you find what is called a deposit now a deposit is not like a pay streak that just maybe six inches wide that banks gonna fall in on me a deposit is an accumulation of gold that's happened over extremely long period of time maybe a hundred and fifty years worth of gold dumping on top of the same spot in the river has not deviated around that point for whatever reason now the little satire skit that I did before showed two blokes talking about how they found a pocket of gold but what they were most likely working was a section of a pastry they probably came across where the pay streak was in that section of the creek they worked it out and then it either dove down deeper into the creek it went left or right and they lost it this my friends will not happen to you if you are working a deposit a deposit is large it is multi-layered you have gold basically from the top soils through the bedrock and it will be everywhere and that's how you know your honor deposit now deposits are harder to find in fact I've spent some full year looking for this deposit I had an inkling it was here because of the pay streak and what the creeks and the rivers were telling me but it took a long time to find because it was covered up with a lot of overburden and dead breeze it wasn't till the december floods that it cleared all that stuff away from me and i was able to actually find it all right that's enough yakking I hope that has helped some of you guys understand the difference between pay streaks and deposit and understanding that you're not working pockets you're probably working the pastry [Music] [Music] well it's time for one of my favorite parts of the day coffee and cleaning out the miner's moss the other thing that likes to collect heavy things is a perforated mesh it's not I'm not meant to do but it does there's a little bit of gold in this square here square that's a circle Chris i watch play school and I shoot gun pellet let's see what is actually in that pan well we've got two more shoot gun pellets and a shoot gun pellet load of gold it's not that much gold in there but like I said it's not about catching in that - Moss it's about slowing it down and it's usually something that I can do to keep myself motivated it's quick to clean out you get to see the guard to go right you know shovel some more [Music] [Music] but I started here I it's very slightly work went away just over the last three sessions and we're still getting good gold out of here but I just noticed that I've actually left a little chunk of pay sitting next to the banker so we're going to knock that out first before pushing further that way one more test pan to confirm we are still on the gold and we are still definitely on the gold that's one shovels worth of material taken out from way way down there and that means that the gold deposit is now about four to four and a half foot into that Bank and it's still going strong so we can keep going that way we're not I've run about another 15 or 20 shovels through and we just pulled the gray mat out washed it off and got that as a result so that's the second clean-out we've done of that gray matter and we've got some nice gold Birds well and whatever may be hiding in here including filling the em up with gold I don't know if you're gonna be able to make that out but there's lots of gold in that little lamb I'll clean the little mat out then we'll clean the big mouth out and we'll just see what kind of results we have [Music] all right as per usual we can expect most of the bottomless lists to be catching ultra fine gold like three four hundred mesh gold the type of gold that's going to just sit on top of the surface tension that's going to fall off the back of the sluice that's exactly why that sluice is there check it out we've probably run a hundred ish shovels so this is it there is a lot there but like I said we've run a lot of shovels and we're dealing with some very nasty dirt and and a few other things so that's why it's that and we caught it which is the main thing now the real question is how much is in that just pulling the mats let's go put in a pan and just go straight to showing you what we got in the pan but my god look at the gold that's seeing in the edge of those cells oh that's that's a good good indication there's a fair amount of gold in that there's a picker right there I can't wait all right so camera off and then we'll actually wash the bloody matter Hut this is the concentrates we go and how much of this you're gonna be able to make out but there is superfine gold just sitting at the very top there we'll do a bit of a squiggle then I'll clean it up properly we'll just see what's in there Oh oh yeah there is the result there is a ton more down in this that I'm gonna have to separate you show you guys properly but that is a result from around a hundred shovels which is pretty damn good and it's obviously super super fine stuff there's a couple of nicer bits in there like that one but most of it's made up of that powder now for today on the Creek highbanking I am pretty much done so I'm not going to show you too much more of what I get up to today I'm gonna take you home I'm gonna weigh that gold up so you know how much we got today so I will see you at home let me I got a haircut and then I got a head coat and then I got over my head cold but most importantly I found a lot of gold if you have a weak heart it's about time you sat down and prepared yourself for some sweet delicious eye candy that is probably are rated in the gold prospecting commune this week God would not have been possible without the support of all of my patrons thank you so much to every single one of you who have signed on board because you guys are the people that allow me to get out there every single week and produce these videos and we've got a couple of new ones that deserve a massive shoutout so by massive shout out to show me Tony wait more Peter and I'm not cutting life things out it just doesn't have one Anthony Todd bill RAF RAF Griffey ER Reef yeah sorry about the names it's it's it's hard James Saul way tranq cousins and Gary Wilson thank you all so much for getting behind my videos and making them possible every single week this is the gold we got from that single session next to an Australian 5 cent coin and a crushed guitars pic but way more importantly than this little hole is the hole that's just next door that's the gold I've got in 1.5 meters of dirt I haven't even waited yet I have no idea how much is actually there this is it next to a 5 cent piece and this is it next to a clash guitars pic we got several nice reef specimens in there a couple of Pickers here's another nice reef specimen over here and just a butt ton of finds like that is that's a sexy amount of gold so we're gonna weigh all of this and this and find out how much this deposit was hiding for a long time this is the gold that we mined on video 1.4 3 grands holy crap well I have literally been waiting weeks to find out how how much gold was in that that is 1.4 grams that's mental all right I'm up for 1.4 grams let's find out how much is the other pan all right we got everything turned off we shall remove the clutch guitar pick and z5 cent coin and let's find out how much shiny gold was hiding in that deposit five point five three five point five so five and a half grams total for that whole deposit it took me about a meter and a half worth of dirt to actually fully work it out plus what we've got in this one six point nine seven grams six point nine seven go ahead it took me about nine hours worth of actually digging to get that gold out of that deposit this is the largest single deposit of gold I'm weighed up on various prospecting now I've had richer spots but I've not managed to get them on film so this is truly exciting gold in Australia is about 59 dollars a gram if we round up to make it a little bit easier on the math side of it six sixes are 36 which means that that is three hundred and sixty dollars worth of gold that was just sitting on the ground in a creek and that truly is why we do this I wanted to say thank you so much for watching guys I hope you did enjoy this video remember that the gold is out there all you've got to do is go out and find it and it will take time once you do find it though you'll be rewarded greatly remember to check out the rest of the videos my channel because there might be something out there just blows I just go up and check the description as well because I've left a heap of links down there that will further complement this video and allow you to go out there and find your own gold alright until next time I hope I find another deposit I hope you find one of your own piece and I now [Music]
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 384,785
Rating: 4.7956729 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold
Id: eLit-D5n9Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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