We Found a Massive Deposit of Gold (1800s pay dirt!)

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hey Mick don't peek but come over have a look oh oh so that's today's take in about three and a half hours worth of processing [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up guys Chris here from bogus prospect if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome if you know I've already had like this one welcome back today we're out with our longtime sluice setup high banks a muster gold to the old-timers couldn't catch I've got Mick out here helping me on the high bank are we're using a gold wrap mini six with two gold wrapped mini six River sluices to help catch this master gold over the course of this video I want to do a little bit of explaining about some of the things that I've learned about capturing master gold the deposit that we are working today is quite extensive you can already see the work that we've put in we've probably moved about three cubic meters of soil and all the way down past Mick is where my test pans show me that the gold goes to and it goes all the way back up to here we've probably honestly got between 20 and 50 cubic meters of dirt that's going exactly one gram per meter it's very difficult to explain just how fine this gold is and why the old timers couldn't catch it this is a photo of this gold from this deposit next to a pinhead taken with a macro lens this should give you some scalp just how fine the gold actually is when it comes to master gold there are several things that you need to know to be able to capture and here they are the first step is liberation when you're digging out your deposit you're gonna come across rocks like this one here that are coated in a fine sandy clay or mud or dirt no matter how it comes out even on the beach the gold is going to be trapped up within this clay and dirt and you need to liberate it so the first stage in doing that is saturation our saturation is created by a spray bar this shoots multiple jets of water at the dirt blasting apart all of those particles and making the dirt very wet once the dirt is wet it means that all the particles can separate so it means that the gold is liberated from that dirt for saturation liberation and the next thing we're going to do is catching and stratification as the goal gets liberated it's stratifies itself as it runs down this top box and drops through the dirt chute which is under there so this is the process is stratifying which is exactly the same as what you do in your pan once the dirt hits this mat it slows down because this is - Moss it is very very not open and it's not designed to catch mustard go what we're doing here is breaking surface tension and allowing the goal to settle when it settles its going to settle to the bottom of the sluice and slowly come down through your matting now by this stage we want it to be stratified we want the gold to be running along the bottom if you don't have something that's going to break the surface tension and the bubbles and all sorts of stuff that's going on from your high banger you need to put something up there because the gold is so ultra fine it's going to take quite some time for it to settle into these mats and that's why we're using a long time setup here we've got three sluices increasing our chances of collecting gold now there are multiple different types of mats across the market that say they're good at catching master God personally I firmly believe in the dream mat setup because it is continuously recycling the gold back uphill in these cells as the gold comes down it hits these cells it whirls back around and it wants to travel back up the sluice a lot of other mats don't do that they have a continuous motion of the gold rolling board with a thin layer of water protecting that gold in the riffle systems not to say that they don't work it just means that you need more surface area to catch it or in other words a longer sluice so you can see we've set ourselves up as best we can at this stage even though it's a bit of a bodge job to collect as much of this gold as possible there was literally no opportunity for the old guys to catch this sort of gold they would have got a little bit of it but nowhere near what they left behind and the reason this deposit is so big is because it's leaking out of the tailings dam washing downstream and concentrating on the first inside band it's coming - now I'm gonna bet my bottom dollar that you're not even going to be able to see half the specs are actually in this pan but that's what we got for to shovel loads and this isn't the richest layer that I took that sample pan from that's enough talking out of me we're gonna get Mick to work and we're gonna start a live Aiken [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] first 20 shovel run and we have definitely definitely got gold we've got a couple of very small pieces in the - moss just there I've got a nice bit a nice bit just there and we've got some in the lettering as well now it's fine so you've got to remember when you're mining master gold it's unlikely you're going to see lots of it until the mat gets loaded and we'll give them a running run very very few shovels we're not at that point yet everything's working absolutely beautifully we've got some awesome looking pay we're gonna have to come through here later on and use the mind live gold monster to scan over this bedrock and make sure we're not missing any Pickers and we're gonna clean it out put all the dirt in the bucket and throw it through the sluice because we want we want to leave this bedrock a bit cleaner than we found it [Music] [Music] [Music] bloody site managers slacking off again again must ago does all that quantity of soil moved there is a little bit to God all through this - - up top nothing you're really going to be able to see easily but when you come back down here and you look at some of the cells again I don't know how much is this you're going to be able to make out but this cell just over here I'll zoom in a bit can you see the fine flakes of gold little odors in it because I can't so we're gonna clean it out now it's really important that we we don't have a lot of surface area here but we're using three sluices there's not that much surface area so you've got to do regular clean outs I'm not worried about the end sluices so much they're gonna keep clearing their cells and they're going to work just fine the way they are even with the blacks and that we've got but the top mat is our primary and our primary needs to be kept clear so we're going to clear both the miner's moss and the dream mode out see how much gold we got from our that first 50 shovel run a little bit of a tip I can give you when you're cleaning out on the creek is to not worry about cleaning and gold down to just gold because you can always do that at home you can only mine while you're on the creeks or spend your time digging clean it up at home you know let's find out what we've got for our first 50 shovels this was seen by little gold weighs heavy the old-timers could not catch this ultrafine stuff and you can see it's almost all a complete uniform size no chunks nothing deviating from that ultrafine mustard and it adds up really quickly I would be willing to bet there's a quarter gram ago in that pan right now mr. branch manager mr. assistant branch manager was waiting for you to talk about that raise for my family [Music] [Music] we've run maybe another 30 or so shuttles that some of those shovels are off bedrock now bedrock is the only place that was found large pieces of gold in fact we found two nice little Pickers in sessions previous to this and they waited for a grand total of 0.1 dude problem with the bedrock gold is even though it's bigger the size doesn't make up for the speck count the speck count drops dramatically so what we're gonna do is we're gonna clean out the top map and we're going to clean out the last end of the long tom sluice to give it more of a chance to catch more of this gold and see what we're missing in that bottom sluice this is run one this was all the gold we got from 50 shovels in the top stuff so not on bedrock contact it's superfine it's got lovely lovely powdery consistency and it's the right color this is the top Matt from after 30 shovels but we ran bedrock now if you look side by side we've got about the same amount but the pieces in this are bigger and it's simply because we're hard up against where the gold can't go any further now what did we get from the pan out of the last sluice Matt well there it is ladies and gentlemen that is the gold from about 80 shovels that we miss in the first two mats and like I said it is powder absolute powder most of those aren't single dots most of them are multiple dots that have clumped together and that is exactly why you need more surface area to catch that kind of gold as well as water levels and things like that all right so we know this loser doing its job 80 shovels we're definitely under the 5% mark so I'm very very happy with how that is performing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] just push her a little more mix just loosening up some more dirt for us this is the clean-out from the top miner's moss after about 40 shovels or so so this is just the miner's moss that is pretty good going and staying really consistent and this little longtime setup is working perfectly this deposit goes to show you the difference massively between a deposit and a pay streak what this is is a ton of fine alluvial gold that was washed while the old-timers the desk losers couldn't get it was stored in the tailings dam and that dam first its banks I've come to the first inside bed downstream where it would have been concentrating in the creek and man it is collected here in a huge multi meter deposit a pay streak you couldn't move this sort of soil moving this sort of soil on a pay streak you would dig through it and you wouldn't get much more gold for the effort that you put in it's very different so understand the difference during a pay streak and a deposit deposits very big multiple meters worth of soil that stays very consistent all the way through a pay streak is usually very thin on one specific layer and possibly not that wide here we are three and a half hours later and we've officially finished the battery has discharged to the point where the pump is not providing adequate flow to all the three sluice mats so we're gonna pull it out we worked a lot of dirt today we got this area in here so from about in line with the corner of this rock back to where the bucket is we took that out we took the same amount of dirt out from here and we took a little bit about and here I reckon we probably honestly pushed maybe a meters worth of soil maybe a little bit more maybe 1.25 we're going to put all three mats and do a cleanup and see what we got the total in the fine gold hole they're having a board meeting I think I don't think it's going well so to give you a little bit of an idea of just how rich this spot is we work maybe what let's just round up let's say one and a half meters we probably worked last one and a half meters I'm gonna guess is over two grams there about two grams I'll leave how much we actually got on the screen down here somewhere so you know that per meter rate is really good and this is all blown out of old timers sluices so I've said it again and again on this video if you can find a place where the old timers reprocessing dirt go to their fine tailings and work it and you will clean up you just need the right gear and the right setup so long Tom's lots of surface area these have water flow and a system that is designed to catch that sort of mustard got I got a couple of very exciting announcements to make the first one is I've got a p.o box finally so lots people have been asking me to send me things like letters and whatnot and products to test you can now do that delink and any address and everything for that is in the description so have a read over that if you do want to send something into the channel the second thing is I've got lurch for the first time ever I've actually got merchandise that you can buy right now the link for that is in the description there's four designs up and we're gonna add to these designs every month and we're also gonna do some special runs something like when I hit fifty thousand subs we'll do a limited run of t-shirts there I mean you know the keenest of people will be able to get so very exciting things happening on that front go and check it out everything's in the description below that's about all I have got time for you today guys when battery's dead and we're getting ready to go home we're just gotta yeah beep up off the bottom and use our gold monster to run over the surface of that bedrock to make sure there's no little nuggets hiding there I hope you did enjoy this video remember to Like share and subscribe button check out the rest of my playlist because there might be some videos on there just below your skirt I'll give you gold fever get you out on a creek until next time peace [Music]
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 362,924
Rating: 4.8546753 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold
Id: MTjdMzpN2yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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