The Biggest Deposit of Gold I've Found!

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like I am and today I think I'm gonna actually do something productive we're gonna stay home and try and get all these lawns done ah happens again now mining get a guy's crazy from voters prospecting today we're going to be doing crevasse Inc but we're gonna be doing crevasse in with a difference I'll explain that in a second but first some stuff I just wanted to quickly give you an update on the gold core that I received now I have been out with this pan several times since I did that review and I've discovered a lot of cool things about it I've also had a chat with the CEO of gold for Clint and he has given me a lot of information pertaining the design of it what not which is changed my perspective on how it works so I wanted to cover a few issues that you guys asked about in the review and the information I've learned since doing it first things first the color I got so much stick over the color pink what's wrong with pink 91.4% of my father was a male and I can think of a couple of pink things that you guys really like so I'll ask again what is wrong with pink second thing was the price when I looked it up on gold claws website they were hovering around the 40 US dollar mark around $50 Australian for a kit where you got a snuffin bottle the pocket and this and I don't think that's too bad it's a simple reason for that we are in one of the only cash positive hobbies on earth which means that this makes you money it only owes you less than a gram of gold once you buy it in the kit so if you can get a gram of gold paid for itself and that's why I didn't touch on price I did have trouble panning off to show you guys the gold in it and I've since learned that I was using it like a normal pan where I'll be panning back and forth like this what I really needed to be doing was holding it lengthwise and panning down like that with all the dirt off in one corner and then pulling the Khans down the bottom here these little grooves here that you can see in the edges are designed so you can tip the very small amount of concentrates and gold that this leaves you with into a snuffin bottle and that's what I have been doing because I've been catching ultrafine gold with this and to get it separated I need a Miller table which brings me to my last point there is the cool secret function that this thing has just here hopefully you'll see it on camera there are some ultrafine riffles and those riffles there are to get rid of that last bit of black sand it is like a is like a Miller table in a pan right nothing up the gold for what are we doing today what are we doing today grizzly he doesn't want to be do you want to be a part of it what are we doing you got to tell the people in here what you're doing you know those people in here right what we're doing today is going to be really simple we are going to work out a bucket load of crevasses and sluice them now why are we doing it this way well it's simple efficiency you may recognize this spot from two series of videos that I've been doing which are sandbar gold episode 1 and 2 and king gold whole episode 1 and 2 the king gold haul is just there and sand by gold I've got one sandbar there another sandbar just here and about 50 million more of them all the way down there but everyone has been asking me why don't you go out here in crevasse and the simple answer is happy I was out here the other day with Josh digging out a few crevasses and these crevasses have produced some nice gold as you'd expect I've pulled out about 6 grams of gold just from these few spots that I've worked not crevasse in just doing the sandbar King gold haul videos and when you start digging into crevices like this you know you're pulling out 5060 specks in one pan easy they're really really good gold counts so that's what we're doing today but we're gonna do it slightly different to normal normally you would find a crevice like this clean it out like this put it in your pan like this check if you've got any gold like this and then you would repeat the whole process but the problem is doing it like that takes forever there's a lot of steps involved so instead we're gonna do something different and we're gonna do it differently because of just how much bedrock is here we have so much bedrock that we know goes on the water when it gets fun we know that because that's a flood water marker that's six foot times six foot tall so the water is six foot like at least and that goes clear over any of the ground that's behind me and with having so many crevices and so many spots to check for gold so we're just gonna run all of the dirt into buckets yeah we are and then we're gonna throw it through the crock and hopefully just sluice it all out in one hit and get a really nice clean up at the end you have to trust me with this gold here because there is gold here and now wait I have a bit of fun doing this tonight because if you go buckets um so I've got buckets son and my buckets have buckets Travis ha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it just keeps going dear I thought this is just going to be a scratch on the surface but no no we're going to China we're definitely going to China all right there's a lot of trips off boys [Music] the next part of this video contains some science information so if you don't want to learn skip ahead a little bit today I'm going to gloss over the tools that you need for everything and concentrate more on the crevices and this part of the video is going to go in hand-in-hand with a blog I'm writing on my website so definitely check it out part ones already up dealing with the tools now crevices there are two different types of crevices and they fall into two loose categories first is soft crevices and the second is higher versus soft crevices crevices that form on bed rocks that are made up of mud sewn sandstone soft Granite's things like that that break apart very easily just by natural weathering the soft bed rocks you better I've just digging down taking off the top layer until you hit just a plain base of it so you say you dig through you get lots of river rock lots of black sand in that and then you hit a layer that's just since throwing a mud stone and that's where it stopped you don't need to go any further but the second type of crevice is the really important one and that's what we're working today and they are hard rock crevices like this this rock here is stupidly hard I mean it blunted my pickaxe completely so it's the sort of rock that needs explosives to move it out of the way and it doesn't wear away very easily from natural weathering it doesn't matter how violent the storms and floods and stuff that come through here ah it's unlikely that a crack that is formed ten years ago is going to break off it's probably just going to expand a little bit and let water in and these cracks hold onto gold now the thing with crevice thing is you want to look out for all sorts of crevices there's a little crack right here now it might not look like much right but if I get my scraper tool in there and scraped out all of that sand and and then a little rocks and stuff and a jam dinner and the fact that it's got plant life growing in it as well over here it tells me that it has the ability to collect gold so ultra thin ones can be really good remember that the biggest rock you pull out of an ultra thin crack is the same size as the biggest bit of gold you could pull out of it the other one are slightly wider crevices now obviously you still need specialized tools to get into something like this but the the crevices is a deep and they're hard to get gold out of and I can collect even more but the number one thing you want to look for in a crevice like that is hard packed Rock if you get in there and it's all completely loose and and easy to get through a it might not be holding on to any rock it might have when the waters falling over it might have a way that it literally lets it slip back out and that's why it's loose it hasn't been packed in there over time or someone else has worked at recently and it won't have as much gold remember the product of all gold that you work in good spot like I have been on the sand bars isn't a product of one flood it's a product of many floods over many years [Music] this is one stuck rock yes we just done a little bit of a test pan try to put you on the gold pool so we'll see how we go oh yes all right so you're still golden it that was just off the top sure yeah I'll make sure he go to bits of gold so there that was just off the top so there's definitely still god they're beautiful all right that can go in the bucket this is what I was talking about before about a soft bed rock face this is bedrock that has broken up without me hitting it also gonna scrape my pry bar over the top of it and it's coming apart it just means this is made up for the same really hard bedrock but it's had a lot of weathering and it's starting to the decay and by it breaking up like that tells me that there were little cracks in it and those little cracks on what track your dog [Music] that got interesting now while this is still going to be a crevasse in our story and we're going to work crevices I've got to tell you to follow crevices so I followed it down I hit that little bit of gravel where those tree roots are and then as it comes around the corner see all that gravel I've just thrown up well I don't threw the overburden because it's so sandy the gold is going to go to the bottom and my shovel I think just scraping you the bedrock just did a quick test pan and look at the gold there's one nice bit down the bottom there and then a whole lot of nano dots at the top and a shotgun pellet that could be a really good little corner there so now we've got Joshy he's working the upper section of this channel where there was a whole heap of very large rocks too packed in just here we've already found gold over there and we know the water comes this way is probably going to be some kind of graphic showing you where the water's coming from and it goes up to the height of that rubble in the tree so it all funnels down here I found gold there and all the way down here and then in that black soil down in here found plenty of gold but the channel goes this way and it's really interesting to look at the creek you can actually see a fan of sand going out there so we know that in the flood all the water is coming up here through that channel it's funneling down this bedrock section and then coming out into the creek just zip it got so much dirt out of that crevice and you may have noticed that each bucket has water in it and that's just so the when I put it through the sluice the croc that I got set up over there it's not gonna it's not going to float away on us I'm about to start running the buckets of dirt let her process this morning now let Josh finish his hole up there and hopefully we'll see some nice gold down there in a second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey buckets loaded up and you gotta do a clean-out [Music] I see a big bit of goat I say a big bit ago that made a girl just sitting there not gonna do just yet and I've just decided I'm gonna do this in Japan it's something that I trust to go for it since I don't trust myself stop I just really have to beat that all of that I'm gonna have to be bit so many swear words that's gonna be that's gonna be freaking terrible and editing all right hey Josh's hand see ya ha ha leave happy to go debugger for the day well that's and that's why you crevice ladies and gentlemen a frickin nugget brownie just started for the day - Josh's crevasse precedes this one so there's a good chance that there could be even more of these and I've got another mate who's found another not good on this Creek so they're here yeah slightly less rather than I thought we go too much further I just wanted to quickly give you guys the answer to my last riddle my last riddles answer some of you did get it was a cone and they were made out of burning metal and now they may go plastic and a whole lot of other things has what the teeth doesn't bite and ladies certainly like to use them I also like my beard keeps it looking magnet it's beautiful and ah yeah the longer you bid and more gold you find brutal for this video if you're ready get you thinking brains on this is actually a really easy one so don't stress too hard you won't need to take notes there is an ancient invention in some parts of the world that it's still used by people today that allow them to see through walls what am I leave your answers in the comments below and I'll let you know next video I wanted to show you this this is from yet another one of the sponsors that have jumped on board with my mic giveaway there is Ozzy disposals and Wangaratta Ozzy dispossess is a surplus store and in when grown up I have had the pleasure and luxury of going out with several of their team members who also prospect and they have donated to us a large turbo pan and something else that I have been raving about now for over a year I do so much remote hiking and ultralight backpacking and the thing about that is you want to save weight everywhere you possibly can I am lucky enough to live in a part of the world that we have steady streams of water all year round and I know that you can't drink that water without running the risk of getting sick either from dying or dead animals that are in systems helicopter dropped 1080 baits or whole heap of other toxins that may be present in the water and for that reason life straws are very important all these disposals of Wangaratta have given us a great opportunity to give away one of those systems so this can fit in your neck or around your neck you will not have to take water into the bush if you're going somewhere whether it is what I have drunk out of deer and pig waters of this thing it is bulletproof you can definitely rely on a life straw to get you out into the bush cut down and wait in your backpack and you'll stay hydrated the whole time and of course the beautiful looking turbofan as well in a nice carry bag there's going out as a kit in my March fundraiser there are two things going on in March that you can get involved with the first will be an online portion of it that is the main one is open to world wide participants and there are higher great prizes that I have been chronicling throughout the month of February including gold nuggets sluices gold pans sieves just and a whole lot more other stuff besides all these will be coming up in a special video on the first March I'm going to be launching video con clean my story around mental and that will hopefully spread the message to as many people as we can by sharing it from this YouTube channel so other people have a chance for finding help that they need and to get better [Music] damnit saying I hate it when that happens just at the start of some hard pack gravels up there and some guys ultrafine gold a couple of shorty pellets too so it's they're just finishing up my last bucket for the day I've decided to pan it out in the go cool absolutely loving how this works just seeing the gold and black sand revealed as you go is O's Lee is so good then we're gonna run a little bit of a conclusion I'm gonna catch you up with all the cool stuff that is going on in this channel and I'm gonna get to show you gold and nugget nugget let's get to it [Music] [Music] there we go 10 liters of dirt turned into almost nothing and it is really difficult to get this on film because I can't click the pan onto it no I mean we would that's alright we'll make do yeah I'll do that couple of Shirdi pellets and some gold that's not bad that is not bad at all look at that nice little ultrafine specks Bank there you have it guys what a sweet afternoon of gold prospecting it started off with a really cool idea to utilize the fluid bed solution crop gold traps to process crevice dirt crevice thing can be quite intensive especially when you're working cracks that are this big and by utilizing a system that doesn't need screening that process is super fast and reduces down your concentrates to very little it means that you're left with very little work and you have more time to dig things like that out just like I showed you before a lot of sponsors have jumped on board for my March fundraiser for beyondblue this is not just about raising money for beyondblue but spreading understanding and awareness around mental illness something it affects me and a lot of my friends very deeply I really hope you will join me in breaking the stigma around mental illness by sharing my video that's gonna ruin your March first and by donating to beyondblue not-for-profit that is helping people with dealing with the worst emotions of anxiety thoughts of suicide and depression every single day they are on the front line doing it if you could help me spread that message I'd be so appreciative and that's about it guys I've had a great day crediting Josh is still going I'm probably going to scratch out a few more before I head home thank you very much watching I hope you enjoyed this video i'm about to show you that gold as always i'm out [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 73,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, prospecting, nugget, nuggets, crevice, crevicing, sluice, high, banker, dredge, dredging, tools, how too, where, buckland, beechworth, eldorado, reedy, USA, pan, panning, claw, croc, fluid, bed, dream, mat, hog
Id: j2XWo5xXdJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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