Finding Heaps of GOLD in Sand!

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what's up guys Chris here from Vargas prospects if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome and if you're a lowly hat like the one on where welcome back [Music] in this episode of bogus prospecting Mick and I use a long Tom set up to check a long-standing theory that we've had to the flood sands in our area are absolutely chock-full of ultrafine micro gold and we're not disappointed this is what we got for that one shovel full of sand now it doesn't look like much but that pan there has 30 pieces of nano gold they aren't they are tiny and I get why people throw them away but the thing is that sand that was just one shovel and we can process so many shovels through a highbanker because it just falls straight through 200 buckets is the equivalent of six hundred of those pans and that's where your weight comes from the more quantity you can move the better result you're going to have so I'm going to continue to do a few more samples just to make sure that we're on the money we know exactly where the gold sitting and we're the best concentration is because as you go a little bit deeper this deposit has been here for 14 months after all the gold gets better so the pieces get a little bit bigger and more concentrated there's a layer of old dead grass that that sounds settled in on top of and that's what we're really aiming to hit this has suddenly turned very professional what is it me angles fine degree I hate everyone to get confused this is a professional outfit please I wanted this way you from that notion right now this is all the constituents of our long-term we don't have a full set up so we've got to sort of budget together and just just make it work you know good old all the way of doing things grisly what do you think of our custom-made sluice monstrosity we're good the assistant branch manager here with us today and he thinks it's pretty good because the whole thing's level and it's running at about a consistent eight degree angle the whole way down we've got several different types of capture systems so I don't think we're lacking for quality quantity or type in this situation now I've also dug a tailings Channel so it will channel it down into this big erosion gully before it hits the creek that way I'll filter out over the grass and the rocks and all the other stuff [Music] now that we've got the monster set up we're gonna start stockpiling pay the goal is 200 buckets which seems like a lot but again it's only sand so it's super easy digging and shoveling one of us is going to process the pay one of us is going to collect it so that that's what tank ten later buckets looks like or a hundred liters of pay sand and there's practically zero rock in it at all that's what makes it so easy to dig and there's thirty bits of gold per shovel and there's four shovels per bucket so that's a hundred and twenty bits per bucket you see where I'm going with this the numbers get really big quite quickly so I think the plan is mixing turn the highbanker on start shovel and pay dirt through the bankers and I'm going to return back to the hole and start collecting from your pay [Music] [Applause] [Music] visual grizzly has finished during the 50 buckets or 500 liters of fader which means that we can let the slough steal a little bit of self clearing just to get some of the balloons the lights off and then we're gonna have a look in the mat we're probably not going to see any gold because of how small it is what we're really looking for is a heavy indicator mineral and how much we have we want to see a really good showing of tin and iron stone but I mean I wouldn't say no to just the whole river for gold either not too shabby this this really dark brown is a rock that I actually hunt for when I look for pay streak so it's good to see that and it's gonna be a little bit hard to see heaps of heavies in this particular map and with the flight angle that set on as well it doesn't so clear quite as nicely but you can see some of that iron stone and black sand accumulating just in here in that little pocket and that's what we're after I'm seeing the same sort of results through this mat and this mat now it's a little bit hard with the light but this is absolutely packed full of iron stones I have a quick break because yeah 50 buckets even though it's easy digging with the humidity today it feels like I've had a sauna because the area that we're digging from has a few different layers and they're all kind of sandy I'm gonna take a sample from the hardest densest layer this is where I fear eyes that the gold settle down it had 14 months of rain and weather to sink it won't have sunk far a little sunk a little ways and that hard-packed layer is the first place that it might stop let's take a pan from there and see what kind of result we get well here's an interesting one for you we got one to two tiny little loan respects which is super good news for us because that means it's all in the sand above that layer which is even easier digging so we don't need to go down into that layer at all it's not not work out fine [Music] make and I have collected and run another 50 buckets bringing our total to 100 buckets for 1,000 liters one cubic metre of dirt detail I like numbers we're taking the same from a slightly different area it's about 20 meters away from where we did our original tests the reason we did this is because our test pans indicated there was flying gold there but that's all conjecture and do you know what's in the box so we'll clean it out and have a look and if it's no good we haven't really wasted that much time it's only been two hours and we processed a hundred buckets that's pretty good going so if it isn't any good full moon and if it is good we'll keep going [Music] [Applause] [Applause] there's his level of paranoia that goes on in your head you've done the test pans you've done the mini bulk sample test you've done all due diligence to know that there is gold in the dirt but you're still shoveling sand and that doesn't feel right and you think you're gonna get nothing but that's not the case now bearing in mind we only ran sand and this is from the second sluice clean-out so that is from the second map look at all of that fine gold so we now know without a shadow of a doubt the top mats catching 60% of our overall gold easily easily we probably pulled 0.3 ish in that top mat alone because that there is I'm gonna guess that'll be about 2.1 in the pan in the second mat so there's gonna be way more gold sitting in that top mat and that's the important thing to remember cleaning out the second mat is just easier instead of pulling the carpet and all the other sort of crap that goes along with it and washing it washing that stuff's annoying that's a boy Zack you dig the pay dirt now put it in a bucket and bring it over for us we are found a friend to put him back to go to wet hand thank you haha fed up ah so there's not a day that goes by where I don't get comments about why I don't go and find better creeks because the mustard gold and tiny golds worthless and yeah if people just throw it away and it's not working for sure I get them every single day I know that's not true I know the reality of it right but there is one place around here that I like to go there's videos on it every winter we get enough water in nugget gully to go and work we call it nugget gully because it's a chunk of gold or Nothing problem is no water we've got a thing in nugget gully that if you find a frog you'll always have a good day when you find frogs you end up finding really good gold that's the biggest frog I've found on a mine site so far I think we're going to have a good day we stockpiled 50 buckets we've run probably about 40 of them and then since they mix out at another 36 or our grand total is 186 buckets of pay dirt now Mick has been taking some of this pay dirt out from behind this rock raagh this is the upstream side of the rock and this is the downstream side you can see the flood debris up there and this is going to be working like a sluice riffle this is why we have these deposits of sand out here normally I'd test pan it but I can't be bothered today we're just going to literally run that dirt and just see because it's easier we turned 2,000 liters of dirt into this we're gonna clean all these losers out and we're gonna see what kind of gold we actually got for our two meters of dirt that's that double whoa okay I'm check that yeah separately yeah yeah okay wash this sluice down for the second one so again second slew so we're not expecting huge amounts of gold in here so we are expecting some I can already see it ringing the top there and a fair amount of it so that's a good indicator at the top that hopefully fingers crossed has more in it I'll suck this up and then we'll wash it at the bottom to mix just doing the top mats which take a little bit longer because that's where most of our goal is going to be so you've got to be kind of slow my next job is these two bad boys I'm not expecting I okay first of all I am expecting gold to have been lost I'm expecting probably a 30% loss if I'm being honest but where we're trying to catch the vast majority of what is easily catchable and I think these two are going to have probably the same amount that we got from the gold hog Matt combined this was heavy man I can feel the light and that must be a fair amount of old black sands and stuff in there so this is out of the bottom two sluices combined and that's why you have those bottom ones there that's not an insignificant amount of gold look at that that is the result from the top sluice box and a really quite large pan I don't know if you can see the scale next to mix hand there there's going to be a lot more fine gold in that and in the bucket that he penned into so we're going to go into recovery mode will run through use a couple times to get it all properly cleaned up all the mats washed out all the mats put together look like this is a beautiful little ring oh yeah I'd hazard a guess it's gonna be under a gram I'm gonna guess maybe point seven somewhere around there look we'll find out when we put it on the scales but the next time someone tells you that Master gold isn't worth chasing show them this cuz that looks pretty good to me and it was the easiest diggin we've ever done no rocks no clay nothing to worry about just shovel sand shovel as much sand as you want and you'll collect gold we could definitely improve on our setups too we're already thinking about ideas and whatnot on how we can make these things better that's a future thing and you learn as long as you're learning from your mistakes and learning to improve not only your equipment but your techniques then you're definitely going to be on the right track to success when it comes to gold prospecting well it's been several months since that video was filmed at the height of summer and now we're in lockdown and just before the hoedown hit my scales broke which means I can't weigh the gold for you but I've got a plan in a couple of days I'm picking up some brand new scales and then I'm going to show you guys how to clean ultra fine gold out of black sand so that's a future video once that happens I'll weigh the gold up from this adventure and I will put it up above so you can come back to this video and either watch that or obviously when it gets launched you'll see it anyway it's amazing just how fine this gold is it is unbelievably small there's a lot of gold that you can't physically see without using the jeweler's loupe it's vaguely looks like a kind of mark on the pan once you put the loop over the top of it it becomes visible and this sort of gold is everywhere it's worldwide it's almost impossible not to find this kind of gold but the trick is finding the easiest way to process it because the quicker you can process the soil that it then the more you'll get and I'm willing to bet still there's somewhere between 1/2 and 3/4 of a gram in this pan in fact the more I can it the more gold comes out of it it's that fun that it gets sucked down with the black sands quite easily so we're going to use a different method of extracting including clean up sluices and panning well I hope you did enjoy my video if you like this one chances are you'll like a lot of my other videos in my channel subscribing is completely free and it will give you access to tons of gold prospecting content and make sure that you don't miss out on any of the future adventures just like the way up video that's coming soon until next time give you dog a scratch behind the ear for me or your girlfriend or your boyfriend I'm sure they like scratches behind the ears to piece [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 365,125
Rating: 4.8713489 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, klesh, jeff williams
Id: zjnVnukgNwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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