I Broke Warhammer 3 Using ONLY Snotling Pump Wagons

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the snotling pump wagon is a true engineering Marvel by forcing a worthless little snotling to pretend that this lever is a trampoline we can harness enough energy to propel the entire Contraption headfirst into certain death at 60 ambiguous units of speed the upside of this is that it often succeeds in killing the enemy the downside is nothing because the entire Contraption and crew are made entirely out of a renewable resource worthless [ __ ] garbage we begin with a fairly functional and well-balanced army how disgusting we must remedy this immediately by banishing each and every wheel void unit to the shadow realm and rolling headlong towards an enemy Army comprised entirely of the unwashed subjugated proletariat and their metal Cloud oppressors faced with these odds any rational human being would simply Retreat and recruit more units fortunately I am far from rational but even if I was we are completely unable to recruit any units whatsoever for around the next 15 turns to win this battle all we needed to do was tempt the bourgeoisie in the charging headlong into grom's voluptuous ass crack then crush them into dust with a rear charge from these wonderfully devious spiky rollers once the surviving Knights had thoroughly Dishonored themselves by running away from snotlings we simply charged the peasants then charged the peasants then charged the peasants charging is one of the primary themes of this campaign as it's going to be our only way of dealing damage without getting absolutely obliterated in the process when your vehicles are held together by duct tape garbage and the hopes and dreams of an illiterate snotling even the slightest damage can prove fatal so the only winning move is to simply not let anyone hit you with that first Army out of the way all we need to do is take this small settlement the only problem is that they have over a thousand peasants and I have nine pump wagons plus one Grom fortunately this means that the odds are entirely in my favor in the actual battle all we really needed to do was cycle charge them repeatedly for over 40 real minutes while avoiding the spears they have two units of spearmen and a quarter of a peasant mob remaining that is all as long as we have full energy here I'm very confident that we win this the balance the power is in our favor but this is a bad matchup too we're gonna go between these two units of spearmen we're gonna route this last peasant mob okay they're already gone actually they brought it before I did that I really I was so convinced that that was going to be a tough Last Stand so now that we have the settlement the world is our oyster we could go North to the draconians South to the braconians east to the protonians or west to the High Elves and some orbitonians so what do we do for the next 10 turns [ __ ] all we can't recruit any pump wagons yet and we're still far too weak to do anything of value the only thing we have going for us is that being very [ __ ] and doing absolutely nothing is extremely cheap so we're saving up over 2 000 gold per turn 10 turns later after a few boring battles we're finally able to recruit more pump wagons the only problem is that a full britonian Army is just standing next to my settlement menacingly because I know they have another Army that could force march to reinforce if I just chill and recruit I have only one good option attack them this was not easy given that we're hilariously outnumbered but after I killed their lord just kill her real quick and she's dead she's dead she's dead oh that's so wonderful they're dog [ __ ] leadership allowed me to Route each unit with just a single charge taking like no damage in the process hit and run and then hit again and then run again and then hit again and then run again does get slightly repetitive but its Effectiveness is undeniable after that I just chased him down finished him off bada boom whole stack [ __ ] destroyed nice now at long last on turn 12 we can finally start recruiting some [ __ ] pump wagons we need the global we need the local we need all the pump wagons all of them a ton this video is brought to you by War Thunder War Thunder is insanely detailed how detailed you ask only the most detailed vehicle combat game ever made you can try over 2 000 tanks planes helicopters and ships spanning 100 Years of cutting-edge military technology model down to individual components and thrown into insane combined arms PVP battles but can you afford it yes you can War Thunder is free to play on PC and current or previous generation Xbox and PlayStation consoles so what are you waiting for immerse yourself in these glorious Graphics sounds and smells and up to 4K resolution my favorite part is the Rocks just look at those rocks you've got to love some realistic rocks play War Thunder today and get a large free Bonus Pack including these premium Vehicles seven days of a premium account boosters and your dad finally coming home from when he ran out to get milk 20 years ago maybe maybe not that but much much more thanks to War Thunder for sponsoring this video don't immediately attack me give me a couple turns of Recruitment and we are good I will [ __ ] roll you yes not attacking me yes thank you we'll just go for the armor on all of them [ __ ] it I want to just make them as resilient as possible actually it's not going to be too long it's going to be five turns until we can recruit the better variant so I'm not actually gonna get any more of these upgrades because I'm not gonna keep these guys for that long I could go for their main settlement first yeah I think I'd go down here I take this and then I work my way back up there and we definitely have enough units to take settlements and stuff like that now not in Auto resolve We're Not Gonna Be Auto resolving a goddamn thing in this campaign because the pump wagons currently perform much much better in real battles than they do in Auto resolve uh I don't care about you because you're far enough away that you're probably not gonna attack me immediately and if the balance of power is even that means that I'm actually like 95 stronger than you uh okay lucky Banner called oh I could do that oh charge bonus and controller not bad actually I think I can get back to another wall super quickly so I think this makes sense actually I've had crashes randomly when getting rid of wall units before so we're gonna try this okay no crash no no crash also no wall it got rid of it completely maybe I should have left one unit in there to see if any pump wagons would have joined air whatever we don't [ __ ] need them boys okay they do have an Army in here that's a little scary unkillable indeed or at least hopefully we'll we'll see we'll test that we will test that if he is killable he will be killed here okay you are selling out there oh yeah they're gonna have a two minute reinforcement time we can wipe out this whole Army before then this is where we're gonna start to really see the strength of this strategy and you know this Army overall I wouldn't say that it's viable at all to start with only pump wagons that was [ __ ] ridiculous and extremely painful and hard but now that I've really got the hang of them and I feel like I know what I'm doing I'm extraordinarily confident that we just win this so we're gonna charge the middle here very hard we're gonna charge that I think these guys are isolated enough we can deal with them and then Grom is going to distract him over here they weren't really bracing for the most part which is very good for us oh that's such good damage oh my God that's such good damage and then you guys all pull out here Knights errant there are not actually going to trade well against this number of pump wagons and I think you guys all just surround those Knights Aaron you guys just keep leaving here okay we're all gonna charge these Lads okay these guys are starting to Route they shouldn't last much longer this Army's actually not proving too hard the micro because they're not like as fast as Cavalry you can't really get yourself into an issue that quickly um so as long as you're making good moves you don't need to be that micro heavy I'm definitely not playing this on like 2x speed or anything though that'll be that would be tough it's the same game of isolating units and all that but we have so many more resources on our side uh that it's much easier and much less tedious and they're gone oh that was so ridiculous but it works so [ __ ] well these units are just too good right now I I won't say that these guys are like broken but when they're used perfectly which is not that hard against the AI they are so strong that's not a lot of damage and we wiped out a bit over a full stack I think I'm not sure I didn't do math they they were [ __ ] units though keep that in mind but we are also technically [ __ ] units these guys cost less than 100 upkeep for us in grom's army so because I wasn't able to encircle the settlement the AI gets big replenishment Buffs on very hard and they happen to finish upgrading their City on this exact turn the Garrison actually got stronger after I beat its ass the first time luckily it wasn't too hard to replicate although I did take a fair bit of damage in the proper Siege from those shiny new pole arms we're just gonna occupy this we don't need the gold in the short term at all our economy is so good oh yes they have that there we just go for the local there but a boom I could start going for a second Army here I could probably afford that because these guys in any other Army they're like 125 upkeep and in grom's armor they're only 63. my income is not that good but I have 36 000 gold and I can get a lot more by sacking unfortunately there's no option for chariots for generic green skin Lords for the record I double checked and it turns out that orc War bosses can actually ride a war board Chariot but only a multiplayer for some reason there's no way to get in campaign oh they do have the Army down here still uh they're probably gonna come back in there I'd imagine and then I'll just kill them all very good oh can you actually reach that holy [ __ ] you can reach me there that's good awesome hello friend you're gonna [ __ ] die oh the Grail Guardians Are Gonna Hurt Like a son of a [ __ ] bounce power is really not too bad the matchup is not good this seems to be the soft side we charge this right away and then we have these guys keep moving back here okay the grill Guardians are coming in here that's bad and the Paladin okay but that means they're not on this side um this is just a bad situation overall there's not much that can be done about it I guess push through push through push through okay Paladin bad bad Paladin The Grail Guardians have 32 kills thousand value [ __ ] we are doing a good job of isolating some units especially over here that's really great but overall we just don't have the strength for this we have no counter to the Paladin we have no counter to the Grail Guardians either right over here the problem is that the pal Paladin and the Grail Guardians and their lord combined to be like 80 of their balance of power oh God the Grail Guardians just [ __ ] the balance of power there uh I don't think we lost many units and I do actually think we did a lot of damage to them that was a very Valiant defeat they're not chasing after us we can back off here because of the AI cheats they are recovering faster than us a lot faster yeah we have enough of a Garrison there that we for sure beat them if they encircle us we still win this so we're fine there and then we will be very tight on our economy but we can push in here and take this okay you're being cringe even though I'm not recruiting anything with the Garrison there I easily [ __ ] demolish you boys the plan is simple we March our entire Garrison into certain death then charge their sides in rear with the pump wagons fortunately we were able to isolate the Fey enchantress and Grom being the very nice guy that he is tipped his Fedora towards her and caused her to immediately Sprint in the opposite direction retreating from the battle cycle charging effectively is much easier when you have infantry to pin down the enemy which is why we won this fairly resoundingly the only thing that really survived was their Paladin and a few miscellaneous units but not with much health at all it is in our favor I think Grom kinda solo tanks this because he has so much Regen and that's one model replenished on each of them it looks like so that's great actually why can't I move it says I have 71 movement range remaining but I can't move and there's a paladin from that Army bugged into Grom I'm going to grab some more units here I'll give it two turns and then I'll try to move again and if I can't then this campaign might just be over it's been over a year since Immortal Empires and this this type of [ __ ] that literally breaks the entire campaign and makes it unplayable still happens so unfortunately at this point I had no real choice but the save scum my last save before the bug was all the way back on turn 18 after they attacked me the first time but before they encircled the settlement so after I refought all of this I ended up with much more Health remaining and I didn't lose the spiky rollers because I knew exactly what the AI would do this sucks but I don't have any way to perfectly replicate the battles so I guess it is what it is and yeah we should take two of their settlements next turn leaving them with only one which is just incredible assume we get that that's awesome are very good it's not actually that great but word safe great the ability is very good too it's it's just not constant can we Auto resolve it oh [ __ ] course we cannot not one not one Auto resolve this campaign a bit of damage but overall I'm happy with that oh my God we can't even Auto resolve this man two units of men at Arms with shields two units of spearminted arms with shields four units of peasant mobs and two peasant Bowman pox arrows we have nine snotling pump wagons and three spiky rollers snottling pump wagons and our Lord and we have a valiant defeat Auto resolve so we're going to use the brilliant strategy to win this defeat Auto resolve of moving forward that's it we literally just charged them and we have lost zero snotling pump wagons a grand strategy of move forward and eventually charge them worked very well that is actually hilarious zero losses oh I should have swapped this over for the recruitment capacity oh I'm [ __ ] stupid oh I forgot about that until just now ah that was genuinely a bad move on my part okay they're getting a new Army there I'll wipe that out soon but I don't need to do that instantly oh yes we just barely hit rank 12. oh beautiful okay this doesn't actually matter but leadership over size is good 15 growth all provinces and five percent casualty replenishment rate for the Lord's army yeah we already have to defeat trait from the say enchantress so that's ten percent that's 15 total that's awesome this is just good for Grom overall eight percent this resistance and eight percent hit points and chariot races this is where it gets serious 10 more armor we already have plus 12 from this plus 12 speed plus perfect Vigor perfect figure specifically on chariots is one of the most valuable traits in the game it is just absolutely insane I would say that it is only a slight bit below regeneration in terms of its usefulness because we can just keep fighting at maximum Effectiveness and most importantly maximum speed for like the entire battle no matter how long it takes so that is just absolutely incredible you're declaring war on me that probably hopefully might be fine uh that's cringe that is cringe please don't do that all right we're gonna have to force March back here that sucks uh I just take this and then I keep moving in once again zero losses once again lost Auto resolve we're in the negative but our economy is honestly completely acceptable in the negative for a little while here uh I don't mind that in the slightest oh I do need a new recipe oh casualty replenishment plus 10 all armies that is one of the best ones I have access to then none of my other bonuses actually apply other than these two so I may as well just use these two absolutely great we'll slap that there oh how the [ __ ] did you get there okay that's actually fine that they killed my enemy and [ __ ] off that's great oh you're going back and forth oh you got the financial interest back oh god oh gross so cringe holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that Army can't be out in force marching I do not give a [ __ ] uh we can't reach this we can't reach her so we attack this obviously rushing defeat absolutely crushing the feet wow incredible Braum breaks the gate the pump wagons go through the gate the pump wagons kill all of them that is the plan this was a pretty fun one at least for a settlement battle grom's fishy breath ability for my current cauldron dish got quite a bit of value and overall we sort of slowly steamrolled them cycle charging and settlement battles may be possible but my God is it painful still though we didn't take too much damage despite not taking the control point so I'm happy with this overall there we go all right crushing defeat Auto resolve this will be a very trivial fight so here's the difference between the normal pump wagons just the snotling pump wagons versus the flappers these guys are really cool I I love the goblin up top with like the dragon wings he's just holding them and flapping them very very cool design absolutely gorgeous and then the spiky rollers these ones are just brutal oh my God this is just brutality oh no oh my God this is this is just the most insane battle they were not prepared for this they were not prepared for this one oh that is an actual War crime holy [ __ ] they're all routing immediately they're just gone uh we could chase this down but we don't really need to honestly I mean that was just so easy I'm not concerned about it yeah she's dead that's a problem though I take that back super easily and oh my God we finally get another resolve the first Auto resolve of the entire campaign oh that is literally a hundred times more damage than we would have taken in a real battle but that's fine I don't care I'm just happy we got one we got one [ __ ] auto resolve and then we will begin Next Episode by besieging these Lads uh the pump wagons have honestly impressed me a little bit I heard that they were overpowered but I hadn't really tried them too much they're very fun they are very very fun we've completely destroyed your Carcassonne my God that was very hard turn 25 and we barely finished them off and now we have the ball rolling we have some pretty clear enemies that we can destroy yeah I feel very confident about the next episode I think we're gonna do really really well here don't forget to check out today's sponsor War Thunder using the link in the description to get 100 000 silver Lions premium Vehicles an XP booster seven days of Premium Time and more big thanks to Thunder for sponsoring this video thanks to my patrons and YouTube members and as always if you're interested check out the dumbland Discord if you haven't already seen it I did a skaven slave only campaign a while back so you can click on that here if you're interested thanks for watching peace out
Channel: BrilliantStupidity
Views: 150,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AlL32bPWZdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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