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we have a tank let's cram a demon into it the magic conch it's he gave Gilman the magic culture Oppenheimer Oppenheimer Russia and a small zone of islands in Australia but first it seems like these two things have nothing in common I mean after all they're separated by over 50 years of advancement and thousands of miles but combined it's the single best way you could explain the ad Mech to anyone and dear anyone I I think I've connected the dots already we'll see I am I sander and I am Coda and today by popular demand we'll be covering the mech boys but before we get into that we do have a patreon that you guys have been joining in Mass we actually shoot and record a second episode every week but the only way you could see that is by heading on over to patreon.com Sandra and Coda we also have a community Discord that has been a ton of fun to be in and interact with so if you want to get in on any of that please head on over to patreon.com isander and Coda so far we just shouted about a thousand and I'm setting us up for our next goal which I'll announce in the next video also speaking of which you guys choose that video not me the options are the sisters of battle Inquisition and assassin Norm though that's it that's it patreons made their voices heard and now it's your turn you got it you gotta say it with chess because I well I suppose in a cosmic sense I have control but I don't have control over this so if you want your faction scene let it be seen if not well let it be seen later let it be seen later possibly but there are only two spots left so it's out of the three there will be one person who doesn't get made so we'll see who that is again sisters Inquisition or the Assassin Norm now let us get back to the adeptus mechanicus starting off with their every Mega Corporation stream it's it's it they would not be out of place in cyberpunk for example I've seen a little bit of their art yes they would fit in well it's not just that you know the way in a key part of cyberpunk media is companies getting so big that they can in some cases challenge government and others just be such a hassle the government goes it's not worth it or they not worth it own bits and pieces of people and that's just a normal thing exactly that they're that's what they are cranked up to 22. the Imperium is huge it's huge and it's incredibly powerful I couldn't undersell them if I tried they have weapons that never Jam can punch through concrete like it's nothing fire hundreds of rounds without any issues whatsoever and that's their standard gear they have augmented Space Marines and Primark demigods to whom they're fiercely loyal to I can say with chest there is no one nation hell all of them combined that would stand a chance against them if if they were to go into full armed conflict they're tough so some people would even say ah not me but I've heard in some circles that some people would even say there's not any organization in sci-fi that could stand up to them I'm not saying that I'm just saying other people have said that I really like the mechanicus I I would debate that one again again no not the mechanic it's the wider Imperial oh The Wider Imperium yes I've heard people argue that the water Imperium when not fighting everything at once and fighting any one thing very few things in fiction could stand a chance I can't speak on how valid that is I'm sure somebody can pull out a world where there's just a hundred Thanos is running around the flood from Halo but all I'm saying is I can see where they come from the Imperium is a machine that turns out war and suffering on a scale you cannot wrap your head around it's the most brutal regime imaginable and that's not me saying that that's they're tough that's the pilot for the universe they're tough that's what that's how they're billed the Imperium is big guys but they still don't mess with the admac too much yeah because good luck fueling all that suffering and War without weapons and armor it's impossible while technically they are a part of the Imperium like everybody else they have a ton of autonomy possibly more than any other faction there's a few that pretty much can do whatever they want inquisitors come to mind immediately they can just blow up planets and then say they were Heretics what's your Source trust me bro trust me bro they were Heritage are you a heretic are you a heretic are you gonna question me exactly but bar the Inquisition and a few others the ad Mech have a ton of just free reign so while they get really close to heresy a lot of the time they get a pass pretty much every single time because you can't win a war without them to put their production capacity to scale because again it's Imperium you know how they turn things out the ad Mech is the equivalent of if you just picked a private military company and said here's a country here's a populist that worships you like a cargo cult and the EPA doesn't exist make weapons have fun and you get your own private Army and we'll pay you whatever you charge us for it and we don't even care what your opinions are that's that's the mechanicus they're so big and almost Standalone in nature that in again in theory on paper some people not me would argue that the ad Mech could survive without the Imperium but not the other way around the the the argument is due to the sheer size of the Imperium and because they're fighting everyone everywhere all at once if the ad Mech were to leave they'd implode they would just implode immediately and it's too much pressure and no more weapons and the counter is the Imperium could send all its full force down to bear on them but then congrats you destroyed the thing you wanted you have a bunch of Worlds but in the process you killed pretty much every specialist also that's Mars that's really close to home that would still do some like after effect damages on the solar system again if the Imperium wanted to put its full back into destroying the ad Mech they could it just wouldn't be there's not a universe where it's worth it so they just leave them be and the ad Mech does what the ad Mech does and everyone's happy so long as you know the furnaces are still gone and The Toasters are still flowing yeah I was gonna go the whole episode without that I was gonna go the whole episode without one of those but there we go he who controls the toasters controls the universe that's not too far from what they do actually they do horde technology violently it's one of their their main things actually it ties into their whole religion which is the best place to start when talking about the admac because it's kind of an ironic twist of fate the most scientifically Advanced branch is the most or one of the most fanatically religious and I mentioned this earlier and for clarity I'll explain it here a cargo cult is a term that became popular when this teeny tiny Island kind of close to Australia went from fire being the new in thing to oh my God we're witnessing the largest armed conflict of advanced Nations ever they they got a front row seat to the second world war ah yes and because the various Nations wanted to build bases there they would often drop cargo and here's you know supplies exactly they obviously were okay with this going from fire to Denim is quite a jump they were overjoyed but once the war ended the Nations left there's no point in staying there it was just a fantastic stage in ground at a base once that was done that was done however the people kind of were fans of the cargo but they didn't know how to bring it back so they worked off of the knowledge base that they have they don't know what radio is they don't know what planes are they don't have that foundation so how do you bring the planes and cargo back well they kept that Runway lit so let's put torches where the lights used to be maybe then the cargo will come back oh that doesn't work well let's build straw versions of those satellites they used to communicate that still didn't work let's build massive straw versions of the planes that dropped off cargo this is a real thing they actually did fairly good jobs of it and they would like they would do drills the same way the military did when they're on the base in an attempt to try and summon them because they they could only build off of what they have Isaac Newton said it best the only reason I'm capable of anything that I am now is because I stand on the shoulders of giants they didn't get that they couldn't do that so how do I summon cargo without knowing what cargo is we reach for the Divine let's just do what we saw brought the cargo last time exactly it's super easy to mock them but if you look at it from where they would be coming from I could see it's pretty reasonable exactly the mechanic is does the same thing just on a different tier instead of trying to bring cargo back it's oh that's a plasma reactor how do we get that to run consistently because a good chunk of their proper knowledge base is gone well there's nothing new Under the Sun we have the same materials our ancestors have without that knowledge base you can't accomplish pretty much anything that we can now I know we're getting philosophical but because people like to boil them to toaster first but they do a lot more than that and it's fairly reasonable how they got here actually because I could load I I can say this with chest out I could pick any single person in the audience right now including you and give you a exact verbatim manual on how to build a modern fighter jet and then shut you into the past you couldn't do it it's not possible you need don't have the tools Millennia of tooling mineral refinement so much is needed before you can even begin to take flight that it would it wouldn't be possible explaining air foils to a medieval peasant that's what you'd be stuck doing the mechanic is thankfully haven't been stuck back in time but they live in a world where that base isn't just gone it's not oh we misplaced it it was removed on purpose it was just deleted it was deleted it's it's gone it's properly gone and the only way to rebuild it is over time slowly and carefully which they just don't have they they've been trying but they just don't have that it's why they're so anti-experimentation they're not well they are weird cultists don't get me wrong but put look at it from their perspective let's take the jet example except I cut you out of the equation and just send a jet back to ancient Rome do you want them just sitting in the cockpit pressing buttons no that's not how you do that their best bet is to try and understand the manual do whatever weird things it's telling you to do and pray that it just works every single time because if this breaks I don't know how we're gonna fix this there's no hope that's where the mechanicus is stuck on a different scale if they just go into every machine they find and start pushing buttons planets will disappear just like that and nobody's gonna go oh you know you tried your best no no you destroyed the planet you destroyed a planet you hit the planet delete button why'd you delete the planet and and another reason that they're so anti-experimentation isn't just you could destroy a planet it's this technology that led to learn about way that technology is what led to the technology not being around anymore it's long story short machines rose up and wiped out a lot oh they had their own butler engine yeah they had a whole problem before this it in its prime Humanity as a whole was doing fantastic Mars went from Red inhospitable Dot to actually verdant livable planet they played surviving Mars in real life and then they turned it right back to red but red is a cooler color exactly it's this is their version of the burning of Alexandria and I'm glossing over a lot it is such a bad time people just refer to it as Old Knight Old Knight yes it's a very very cool name very cool name Old Knight yeah basically overnight mankind collapses with just terrifying swiftness all their technology turns on them new demons start popping up left right and Center warp storms are everywhere it's disorienting it's disorienting then things were kind of fine kind of fine kind of only kind of yeah Big E can do this thing after all this and started uniting everything everywhere he said okay we're done we're done with this whole like feudalist like okay you do this you do this you did this no we're doing one thing actually hold on to go back a bit that that whole Dark Age is part of why the knights are so well they behave like Knights of old because the way they survived is by just pulling the lever of progress all the way back they went as far back as possible literally burned witches they they went full-on medieval peasants and to be fair The Witches at the time were actually spawning demons so they were real witches it did work it wasn't work it wasn't like we saw a woman who can do math and we said which except they also had giant Titans which is really really cool but um the emperor does this thing unites Earth first and then starts going out to The Wider Universe again to put into perspective how much of a big deal Mars was at the time he didn't just roll up and say join me or die he signed a treaty with them it's how they're still as autonomous as they are today he was he walked up and said look I frankly don't care very much what you do I'd rather you were atheist but can you make guns can you make armor if yes just sign here and you can keep doing what you want to do I don't care you are too essential like I I go I can't care about you I don't care just sign here until they did and that's how that they became this Empire within an Empire thing and it's this Foundation that lets them kind of do stuff that anybody else would be severely questioned for they have boiled oceans away and when asked why more Factory space they have turned worlds effectively into Venus and when asked why well you wanted armor you wanted armor we needed to get the metal something they run such tight ships I mean it is either gilliman's worst nightmare or best I'm not sure what it is those ships will run so tight their margins are so razor thin that in some worlds if one shipment of food doesn't make it everybody starves it's a real catastrophic problem that could happen they're running with no overhead but I guess sufficient yeah it's you are fed and augmented exactly what is needed to do your job and nothing else unless you're a member of the cult itself which we'll get to later for now let's jump back to the Crusade it's actually right after the whole Crusade biggies thing that that thing I mentioned in I think actually every episode so far happened I'll give you three guesses it involves somebody very bald a horse that that's exactly it's all it always comes back to Horus literally everything all comes back to him all because Dad didn't give him enough hugs that's it that's it and so when the heresy kicked off the mechanic is just like well the mechanic come at the time the McKenna what the ad Mack the ad Mech at the time did what the rest of the Imperium did and right down the middle some joined Horus some stayed loyal the emperor the guy running Mars actually didn't think the emperor was all that and so he immediately joined Horus on the spot basically and so there's a whole Civil War on Mars and he was again he was allowed back no he wasn't oh oh this is the worst speaking in past tense no this is this is this is in past tense yes if information was screwy before this it was hopeless after it it you have to understand the fall was pretty equal opportunity everybody suffered the heresy hit the mechanicus or the ad Mech really really hard because it's Earth was the prime target but on a cosmic on a cosmic scale Mars is just right next door they're gonna get a ton of flack too just by process of being that close you pair that with the fact that well it's the imperiums one of their main worlds to produce things big Factory it's a huge Target and this wasn't just any guy setting these Targets this was Horus the emperor's favored son and a person who canonically didn't start a fight he couldn't win there I cannot undersell Horus at this time he was not only brilliant but he had all of chaos fully backing him and everything was on the table he was a threat including proper information Warfare he would on purpose decimate their storage systems just to ensure Victory because by any means necessary he'll win he'll win uh it's also something I'm kind of curious about in real life because it's super easy for us to all say well there are some things we shall never hit during times of War but as we all know when War kicks off it's either by accident or on purpose things get hit so I'd be curious to see what the long-term damage of purposely targeting someone's Information Systems would do to them I'm not sure I feel like that'd be an interesting thing it'd be pretty bad I'd say I think and we have enough knowledgeable people in the comments so I feel like I could get a good feel on that but anyway in the mechanicus's case we can see what happened they're up a creek without a paddle it's it's not great it's actually where a dark mechanic has come from these are the ones who split four I don't know about the dark mechanicus they need more written about them Ah that's why I don't know about them yeah they it's it's chaos adamek and part of the problem is there because I chaos hasn't been written well all the time so they have been reduced a bit they're fine with experimentation which is really cool the Regular Ad Mech hate that they're chaotic yeah the dark ad Mech are okay with that the problem is their version of experimentation is reduced to we have a tank let's cram a demon into it interesting it jostled about okay okay write that down write that down now and hear me out on this this may be crazy fit two demons in there that that's what their stuff the two two for one demon special exactly it it's it's I'm being reductive but also I'm kind of not because one of one of their one of the things I saw when I was researching this episode they created a way to jam other Titans by just violently torturing a pilot and broadcasting his screams ah do we imagine trying to fight a jet and you just hear somebody howling that at the top of his alone that's frightening but it would work good luck communicating anything unethical but I don't think they care exactly There's Hope on the horizon though there's a new chaos wannabe God in the making and Chaos wannabe yeah exactly and it would be very interesting to see how they interact with the dark admac and the regular admac but we'll see if they get written about I really hope they do I really hope they do they need more but after the heresy uh they did what the rest of the Imperium did which was I want payback I want payback because after Horace fell chaos kinda lost a lot of its momentum and so the impairment was able to punch back fairly hard pushing them all the way back into the eye of Terror doing this this is kind of what started the path they're on today with war after war after war with new theaters constantly opening just left right and Center we touched on this a bit in the Tau video and uh people actually fairly mentioned that war has led to some of the largest advancement in our time which is which they're right yeah so one would think the ad Mech being entrenched in Eternal War would be fantastic it would help them rebuild those missing chunks but what I think it is and I'm curious to hear about other people's opinions on this is short-term war will jumpstart any practical use of Technology pretty much if it can be applied to the enemy with Force you will get the budget to apply it I don't care any theories you have will be applied as violently and as quickly as possible just because anything that we have to win if we lose it doesn't matter we funded we funded the Spruce Goose because we were like is this going to be a thing that's going to be better against the enemy do it but it also stunts the hell on the research that the vital research that goes into the theories behind all this right it while also slowly degrading infrastructure Services living conditions and according to the Red Cross who just decided to drop a banger of a quote human dignity I suppose but a good example of this is why Oppenheimer and crew were able to develop a bomb impressive enough to monologue about which by the way is an aside I don't care what anybody says I don't care what the movie shows I don't care what his friends say he practiced in the mirror oh absolutely he he you know he was up for four weeks going what's a needlessly hard quote I can draw because because could change the world and I need to be quotable in this moment so you know he was running running through them pretty much about five quotes a day before he got it I before he got the whole I am becoming I haven't become death destroyer Overworld which is a phenomenal quote to anybody who says he didn't realize what he was doing he was a physicist he was doing the math the whole time he knew what he was doing when he said I am become death destroyer of worlds he was being dramatic and that was entirely because he knew my name is going to be in a history book might as well make it flashy one million but that's a wonderful example of how War can really speed up something like nuclear research in that but not necessarily speed up the research behind other applications and the consequences of it hence why we were able to level two cities overnight but didn't know about the full horror and long-term damage that would come from that while also not fully knowing or at least I'm sure there were some Rumblings about this but we didn't really fully understand the full breadth of what it could be used for at the time either well it took us like 10 15 years to figure out wait we could use we could make power generators out of this exactly so it's it's it's why short war will jump jump start everything forward which is pretty much what we've seen in our world short short short relative to 40K which is a never-ending short Wars would speed things up so the admac would actually benefit from short just oh great we figured that out oh great we figured that out the problem is they're stuck in Long Wars forever and their infrastructure is slowly getting chipped away they don't have the time to figure out the why behind anything this is a 10 000 Year War of Attrition and you think they have the resources despair to start making new things but not even no they they can make new things but figuring out the full why behind everything in other ways they could use what they already have no it's not happening no not at all that's not an option which is why they cut they're stuck in this position where they're marching forward with a roll of duct tape in their hand constantly fixing everything and praying it doesn't fall apart I'd be curious to hear other people's opinions on that though of the long-term effects of War on Tech but for the purposes of this that's one of the things that keeps the ad Mech constantly struggling it ties neatly into why they're also a bit of a cargo cult because good luck storing information for a long period of time it's it's a real problem we've bumped into in our lifespans basically where we don't have any human things that have lasted long here's the thing moral of the story nuclear research leaves behind waste we have put that waste in some hilarious places there's footage of us dumping it into the oceans that just raw Barrel after Barrel it will be a problem for thousands of years to come and so far we've not found anything built human that can last that long except for religion it's a fantastic way to keep information over a very very very long period of time sure you'll have denominations and disagreements over what the true meaning is but the general concept the gist stays fairly stable in the grand scheme of things which is why we've suggested doing that for nuclear nuclear research and Hazards I mean I've I've seen that happen like there are uh certain like storage facilities for nuclear waste or the outside of the building doesn't look like anything practical it looks horrifying and it doesn't look horrifying through any of like artistic perspective like it is just genuinely just like sends a deep shock of I don't want to be there into the back of your brain and a lot of it also kind of uh co-ops religious imagery to say this is just going to kill you I mean because it's just gonna last a while it's better than leaving hieroglyphics that would you know if you can't figure them out you get cancer whoops yeah so it's this is why I really like the ad Mech because it's so plausible everything they do at least when it comes to their feelings on technology and storing it and upgrading it makes sense the body horror less so that's more just 40K being 40K but the storage of information and the way they've chosen to go about it completely is plausible given the hand that they're dealt I can see the ad Max just looking at the hand they're dealt and just going this is the best way to go about this it's not the most efficient but this is the most reliable way I can think of doing this it is the way exactly and if you don't think that any of that is possible this is all high Theory and stuff Russia's already doing it the yeah they I found this out on researching this slight side tangent is this our foreign Franca did Russia win actually fun fact for YouTube stats none of our actually no not fun facts for stats in general pretty much none of our videos make it there no that's a fun little behind the scenes if you're creating content in actually remember that because I remember I remember one of our videos cut like content claimed exclusively in Russia nowhere else no getting content into Russia is very difficult at the moment so if we do have Russian fans say so in the comments I thank you for your support because it won't tell me I would assume you're using a VPN of some kind because none of the major platforms will tell me if you're watching from Russia period it's it's actually very interesting to see what that has done for communication and stuff do in and out and now some companies have left some we're really getting that's in the ways we're really getting there it's an odd topic what a topic for another time what serves its own episode yeah what matters I'm sure it's coming or how we haven't decided yet what matters for the purposes of this discussion is Russia's church has slowly been getting intertwined with their nuclear armaments so much so that before they're put into service they are blessed by a priest and they are referred to as their guardian angels that's that's just the mechanicus and and they have a patron saint of nuclear arms Saint seraphim of Sorrow I really hope I'm not butchering that I can't speak Russian I do have Russian friends but I can't speak it that's that's that's that's that's just to be fair to be fair his his remains because the whole communist they're very atheistic at the time so anything vaguely religious was knocked down boarded up and stamped on his remains were found later in her town that had been converted to nuclear research purposes just buried beneath the test site and so when they exhumed The Remains and discovered who was they declared him the patron saint of nuclear arms and he was a staunch pacifist so I suppose if there ever was a patron saint of nuclear arms you want them it'd be someone who would say hey can we exhaust all of their options before we use this exactly honestly that's the perfect patron saint of nuclear arms let's think about this before we use this and what are the odds of a pacifist being buried under what would eventually become a nuclear test site this difficult odds are so improbable bizarre it's it's bizarre but yes they are slowly doing that and that's why I think the ad Mech are so plausible they're plausible such a bad hand in being in the Imperium and it's not because the Imperium is you know this isn't an I can fix him situation this this isn't oh you know it just needs one guy and everything will go back to the way it should be unless that one guy's biggie himself it's gonna continue being terrible and so given that organizing into a cult that worships machines and guards knowledge jealously isn't the most horrifically unstable way to do this it would work and it has worked pretty well for them all things considered actually funnily enough the religion doesn't work like a lot of other ones tend to where they proselytize outwards you will never see an ad Mech at your door wearing a white shirt and tie you know I've seen their art they don't wear a white shirt and tie usually they wear a red robe and a lot of metal yeah they tend to look like really bad cable management they tend to look like really bad but yeah they do tend to look like the underside of my desk they will never be at your door knocking they will never be handing out pamphlets they will never be on TV they they work like old Roman Cults used to where it's a it's an honor to be in there it's an honor to be a part of the religion they won't let anybody in you know so the only way you get to know more and more about the rights rituals and secrets is by advancing through the cult and one of the only ways to do that is by getting and hoarding knowledge because they see knowledge is the ultimate expression of the Divine they think that is also why they hate experimentation they think that everything all knowledge already exists we just gotta find it there's nothing new don't bother just look look to the Past because they already figured it out we already we already has had the best music is what they're saying that's the hill they're dying on I mean to be fair we're not getting into that we've had enough side tangents but so they they think that all knowledge is already present and everywhere you just need to go out and locate it so the way you advance through here is by going out and locating it and personally building up your own internal storage of knowledge they they don't Revere like 100 terabyte flash drive for storing a ton of information they Revere a person for doing that because you need sentience in their eyes to be able to do that it's also why they hate AI that'll come in later but I mean I can I can kind of see where that comes from they're just like we don't need data we need knowledge exactly we need the wisdom not just zeros and ones as much as we love the zeros and ones you gotta put the two together in fact they they communicate in a weird version of binary they call it binary and it's startlingly quick you know I I was playing thank you to one of our patrons by the way you'll probably be seeing gameplay when I edit this um I was gifted mechanicus a couple months ago and I've been playing it and one of the weirdest moments that like startled me was like you know they've all got like voiced dialogue and you know it it's like some garbles and like digital sounds and stuff right I'm like oh okay they didn't have the budget to voice everything so they just made mechanica sounds but then the first necron Lord you encounter just speaks English and it's like oh no that's just their language oh damn I love that game because it does a good job of showing the mechanicus as opposed to necrons because throughout the game even though the necrons are actually soulless Egyptian Terminator Bots the mechanic is the mechanism no the mechanics are the weird alien ones to us these are things that are actually actively soulless there's nothing in there there's the mechanics they seem more human than the mechanicus do I love how that game characterizes them and I wish more it's we talk about trans human dread a lot because at 40K there's a lot of things that'll put that fear in you I one of the things that would do it for me is just watching the mechanic is run in because they do have an internal Army and the way they're pictured occasionally is because you can transmit so much data in that language so quickly they'll just arrive and lift their guns in unison and start firing it'll be like you're Fighting Machines effectively where they'll run run and run and then no Battle Cry No for the omnisaya no let's get those flash drives just up forward you just hear some like high-pitched like wobbling and then everybody starts firing and saying it perfectly in sync it's kind of like the Geth from Mass Effect when you play the game you hear them start like clicking and like warbling it's because they're sending messages that faster than sound that's that's the mechanicus the mechanicus are so alien despite being closer to Human Than A lot of the aliens it's fantastic it's so cool we need to talk about the specifics of their religion though this is gonna get more pedantic than I like just because I I we you know me I've said this 101 times we keep it light we keep it Breezy in this household however this is an important difference that I have to make they worship the machine God and the omnisaya a lot of people use those interchangeably they're not the same thing they're not no the machine God is their the easiest way to explain it is the relationship in the Islamic faith between Allah and Muhammad where there there's one true God in their faith in the Islamic faith there's the one true God Allah and Muhammad was just a prophet this isn't like in Christianity where it's the father and the son they're all one thing no no no no there's a clear distinction so a lot of the mechanics believe in the machine God but they think the emperor is the omnisiah so they still technically worship the emperor but as a prophet of a greater God okay I told you to get radical just a little bit just just a little bit the the Imperium can have a little heresy as a tree yeah so they accept the and the and they also venerate him from Pure information standpoint because he's been alive for Millennia he knew a lot there's so much data in that had give it give it give it no not even yeah exactly they they see him as therefore a lot of divinity so they venerate him they won't venerate him regardless just for that alone it's it's the it's the knowledge exactly so that that's how the the Subscribe and they stay loyal they do believe in the Emperor as a very high being and they do venerate him but they don't see him as the god emperor that everybody else does it's but it a key difference not that pedantic it's just a this is one thing this is another thing exactly although that did correct a belief of mine because I was one of those a lot of people using them interchangeably at the core at the center of their belief I told you all information exists and it's our job to go get it so they go on crusades like everybody else and they have a ton of priorities they'll go for I mean they read necron Tunes they they will go anywhere we could learn something right but they specifically Target these things called stcs stcs do they have is this the admex SCP Foundation no what they are is it's it's it's a relic from my little dark image it's it's a relic from the Dark Age and it's difficult to fully pin down what it is if you've ever played subnautica they have a wonderful example of what an STC would operate like you know that machine used to craft things that can craft anything with the materials on the just on the planet fabricator exactly that's the jettison an STC with any settlers back in the day to colonize new worlds and it's a manufacturing machine that was paired with a massive database of the technology they had at the time and together they could use it as a weird Unholy combination of a 3D printer and a Data Bank to help set up on this planet and still have all the knowledge of everybody that Dark Age and maybe had AI in there too maybe maybe maybe an incredibly powerful one an incredibly powerful one and we have to talk about how they view those because they will decimate you if you try and make AI it's one of the things where no questions will be asked you will just be black bagged they don't call it artificial intelligence they call it abominable intelligence because it's not human it's the reason they entered the Dark Age it Humanity becomes so reliant on the their machines at the time that when they rose up they basically didn't stand a chance though I'm not sure if it would be rising up against the craters because the machines were so good at the time that those machines creating and upgrading other machines I'm I'm not sure about that but whatever it was it was a huge problem so much so that the mechanicus doesn't play that game at all and he said nope not not even once but yeah not even once but there are still repetitive tasks you need machines to do so the way they get around that is they go down to your local jail and they get either criminals Heretics or just random people sometimes free range or that grown they do lab grow them too it's all about efficiency sometimes there's not enough people we have to keep going I mean make sense but the term free range human just sometimes free range humans and they modify them into an automaton for what the task is by lobotomizing them oh while bottomizing them and using that as a platform to build a rudimentary machine that can do everything from scouting to day-to-day operations to slapping the Bone Bender 9000 on one of them and sending it forward to show your enemies what twister the board game would look like as a weapon they have some really weird weapons and they slap a ton of them on these machines that they create the torsion Cannon the torsion Cannon the torsion Cannon it basically fires a bunch of gravitational waves at a person all out of sync and it just twists you out that's brutal which twist you up that's awful and brutal but the the first thought I had when you said torsion engine is there's this there's this fun subsection of the the recent uh Shadow wizard Money Gang meme of the the 3D animated Wizards with like spells on paper and just like one of them is just like penis explosion one of the best testicular torsion it would accomplish both of those tasks but the ad Mech like I sentence you to testicular torsion they they have some torsion Cannon twist his balls I have some ridiculous Weaponry that's just one of them they have guns that just fire shells upon shells that will eventually just heavily radiate and soil the area causing a radiation storm in the process they are a lot they don't joke around yeah and they like I said this is the imperium's most advanced Branch they will have some insane gear but even for them they hold these STS these stcs in high regard and you may be thinking that the the whole AI hype is a bit much I mean oh this this Dark Age was thousands of years ago right how bad how how bad could it be right you may be thinking that they're a bit paranoid I mean the stories get exaggerated over time how valuable could these sdcs possibly be and in one of the books I think one of the first in God's ghosts uh they tell a story where two Guardsmen regular Guardsmen found an incomplete STC for a marginally better knife each was given a planet as a reward for finding that two regular dudes suddenly got oh yeah there you go this planet and the the new knife design that was marginally better was immediately like adopted by 30 Space Marine chapters or something like that huh that's how highly they value these things it was touted as the greatest advancement in that Century marginally better knives marginally better or not they value those things above all else if you could find a complete STC you you could get a system I mean I love my subnautica fabricator I don't know what I'd do without it but these things are incredibly powerful and the mechanicus has good reason to fear them I mean they found one of the functional Ai and it made every Space Marine stop moving nearby it was able to just Jack into the armor and halt their movement oh that's a problem yeah air hilarious they're again this is why I really like the add Mac because they're so very plausible everybody jokes that it's a weird religion that doesn't work at all but then people pray about a gun and it works better they aim a little better and this the way it works is the machine spirit is stronger the more complex and Powerful the machine is so you know if you anger the machine spirit in your gun you might just start missing normal shots you should land if you're angry with a machine spirit in a Titan that's a problem they Titans have Personalities in some cases there are times when they wanted to retreat and they just kept Marching for the Titan just said nope we will keep moving we keep moving it's it they sure it seems ridiculous to walk up to a 99 Honda Accord and praise you read the owner's manual with incense but if the car starts afterwards then who's who's wrong here the owner's manual or the dude who just rubbed incense all over my my Honda Civic and now it works the they also get an addition to that internal Army their own that some Tech Marine state but they do get like their own Tech Marines it's it's more like a like a specialty thing where because you know when you're out crusading things break you need somebody to fix it so you're selected out of the bunch to be shipped to Mars sometimes to be trained under the ad Mech in their ways how it works and you come back sometimes during the red paint of Mars even and to denote who you are some see this as an honor oh that's cool oh that's cool I get to learn how machines work others will be ostracized by their by their chapter when they get back you learn about a God that's not the god Emperor how dare you heresy pretty pretty much because you can't fix anything without that religion sure they'll teach you basic maintenance but basically the basics is religion you will be indoctrinated into that so Tech Marines sometimes get isolated and sad but they have incredibly cool armor with like Doc Ock arms going everywhere it's I love it it's and a lot of people who create models of them just kid bash them together so they get so creative it's beyond impressive they also will slowly replace huge swaths of their flesh over time like I said it's why they look like really bad cable management from the moment I understood the weakness of My Flesh bingo I was disgusting by it cool term for it called uh Crux mechanicus where it's it's the point where you've crossed the river Rubicon you are more machine than man which is a whole thing God I wish you you got you get you you you get promoted for that stuff God I wish the whole thing and if you're not into the most invasive things they do one of the least keep in mind one of the least invasive mechanicum so it's still invasive is they drain all oh they drain all of the blood in your body and replace it with a synthetic version that just works better for oxygen transport and actually helps you age better than the least invasive surgery their least invasive process is bloodletting that that is before we get into the weird and wild stuff they do wear you'll see uh Tech priests with huge arms bolted on mostly metal with loose cables everywhere part of this is because again they see sentience as a prerequisite to knowledge right they don't want data they want under like what you were saying a brilliant way to put it but they also see the loss of that as a catastrophic thing because now we got to go get that again so they try and prolong their lives as much as possible a to continue that journey and try and get more knowledge but B to also preserve it and keep it going it's it's the perfect Fusion it's it's like well that computer has the data and I have the wisdom from being sentient let's just make them the same thing and now I have both and this is good and it's fantastic they that's that's the first reason you see the upgrades but you might be wondering hey sander some of this artwork isn't really showing off upgrades and it's just a gun mounted to his shoulder and my Counterpoint is not I wish don't you think you'd live longer with a gun mounted to your shoulder yes you could correlate these things longer lifespan shoulder mounted cannons I'm pretty sure that graph it's it's it's pretty directly correlated yeah yeah they go hand in the lifespan the shoulder mounted Canon graph they're the same line it's the same line the Venn diagram is a circle the Venn diagram is a circle so that's that's why a lot of tech priests you'll see them just get it out with very interesting setups interesting rigs they they also it also depends on what they're doing you know you'll notice some who take on the more administrative roles their number crunches will have just hundreds of tendrils leaving everywhere each gripping pencil and just furiously writing everywhere you will see um the ones who study alien life having canisters on Deck to get biological samples whenever needed and um what's the name of that escaping me monocles I believe Monaco yeah like like visors different different types of visors they can put on to basically x-ray things on the spot it's it's there the the branch of the mech boys that that um studies aliens is beyond cool I I love them all yeah and they're usually sent out with the Crusades because you're gonna bump into weird stuff and you need them to catalog it and tell you if we've even seen this before so it's how it's uh it's how the Imperium first found out hmm we've lost a lot of Space Marines to tyranids and they seem to be getting tankier could these be related could these two things be related in any way let's find out next find out let's do some science yeah so that is why you will see you can with very few exceptions you can tell the more high-ranking Tech priests in the low ranking ones just because the low ranking ones will look like you know like oh I'm A cyberpunk Soldier this is neat I'm gonna wear red robes and the really high ranking ones are a mesh of cables tendrils and skin they're a mountain they're a mountain of metal with a face on top and a red robe plopped over the top of it oh one of the one of the Prime ones is uh is this guy called call sorry it's called he's incredibly cool he's mostly metal and he's actually a Gestalt Gestalt Gestalt Gestalt I think that's I think that's one of the two I'm sure one of those is correct Consciousness so it's not just one brilliant mind it's like several in there several mines that were either dying or decided to cross him that he just absorbed there hey you're me now and it's to do that you have to be of incredible will too because this is a mind pressing against another mind if yours is less so sorry buddy it's not like a computer absorbed another brain it's just like no that's another brain in there I'm just like beating it until it listens to what I want to do well they still meld but who whoever winds up in charge after is determined by by a sort of contest of Wills um well that yeah one of one of the the funniest ones is a guy who thought that he could get one up on call but the emperor not only knew that he definitely couldn't but was so certain he'd lose that he used him to pass a message to call in the future he was so certain you'd lose he left a a message when he was speaking to him that only call would understand in the future you were destined to lose Carl has so much knowledge in his mind he occasionally needs to do not a full factory reset but like a light Purge just so he doesn't go insane incredibly cool basically an AI he's point he's hitting near rampency well fun fact about that he gave Gilman this thing I'm forgetting its name and I I can't find it um but he gave call basically this mini version of call that he could call on with pre-recorded pre-recorded answers so if gilliman ever needed help you know that the guy currently running the Imperium he could like poke the bobble head he could call and just like he could pull the string and call would go you know he he'd say a line basically the magic conch it's he gave Gilman the magic culture terrible and yet you're the only person I've ever heard call it that so the man we'll call them magic culture yes that's exactly right this thing in theory on paper is just call recording himself to Gilman that's it however why has it lied to him before what why is this magic conch expressed emotion and sorrow before what yeah that that's at least a dumb AI I have to give I have to give credit to them just ridiculous because the best way they they expressed Gilman uh finding this out is just hey Carl hey Carl is this an AI is this an AI what no that's not allowed I would never I would never call call what have you done that's basically what he's doing so yes he he's so confident in his abilities that he's he's definitely working on AI on the side oh I mean I've seen pictures of him he looks huge she Towers over Gillum in some of the yard which is he's huge that's a lot of processing power right there and that's a lot of brain knowledge but yes he that is how many how many um how many Quadro cards does he have in there a lot a lot a lot he is one of the few in there who's okay with experimentation much to the Chagrin of a lot of different people and he was tasked with a really difficult job which was hey you know the the emperor's the whole Spaceman project make it better it took him 10 000 years but he did make it better figure that out he figured the math I gotta give him credit he did make them marginally better so the ad Mech are capable of a lot and they have a lot of interesting ways their story could go from now it could we could see more of their private Army you know and stuff like that we could see them interacting with that new wannabe chaos god with dominion over Machinery that would be cool I want to see more of the dark mechanic is the void Dragon could pop out of Mars and they could go oh the machine guy I almost forgot to mention that yeah um 40K is weird and wild so the machine God might just be an old ancient dragon that the emperor wrestled and hid under Mars to help them advance it's a real thing it's a real possible it's a real possibility that there's an ancient ancient necron god under the surface of Mars that could just be the machine God could just be the machine God could just be the machine God who knows I mean it would work because if the machine got him separate so if the mechanicums start dressing in green we know what happened would be very mean I would love to see now just imagine imagine they roll up in green one day and like kiliman's what happened to the red that's a complete Mars hasn't been green for a couple like a thousand years what are you guys doing they're just like we found the machine God found him found him we found him we did some digging I think literally I think the necrons would be befuddled by them because they were conned into becoming soulless machines you're doing this on purpose we were baited collectively we were collectively pranked into doing this why are you doing this to yourself willingly we want out why do you want in from all I've seen from the interactions between like the necrons and the mechanicum in the game mechanic is um that's that's the that's the attitude they seem to have the all of the necron characters seem to be just like you guys are idiots if you want what we've caught like I'm just gonna put you out of your misery so you don't get what you want as a favor trust me well and the problem is it's easier for the necrons to say that but they're also the ones who literally screwed up the entire universe just to not die of cancer so easy for them to say that now that they're mortal but if they weren't maybe they'd be singing a different Timmy fair to be fair nobody expects the monkey's Paws to curl no excuse me nobody expects the finger on the monkey's pot of curls I don't think the entire paw curls I mean that'd be odd could you imagine you make a wish and then you see all four curl I would be terrified I'd be terrified what just happened what is about to happen to me yeah I'm I'm not going to this isn't going to handle oh um also remember that I mentioned the wool the bottom eyes people randomly to make AI yes occasionally they'll do that with that grown babies with what background babies oh yeah they just have flying feral AI children oh they do the they do the Matrix thing to to look like cherubs basically and they really messed up way there's a bit morbid and psychotic but oh Dairy but again it's you know it's not free range it's I would say that's ethically sourced at that point because you did Fat grow it so yeah I grow it yeah exactly of all the factions in 40K well actually no if I was if I had to join if there's any faction I understand how they got there so easily and is hilariously probable I would say it's the mechanic is they have I'm not going to say reasonable goals reasonable in the in the framework that they're in yeah they make sense for where they're at it makes sense and it's also something that could I I'll be honest the odds of a massive Schism happening causing us to lose a ton of information and sending us back is far more likely than any of us growing to more than 10 feet tall wearing gold Cloud armor and creating massive massive Space Marines that's just not gonna happen in my lifespan but massive text because I'm good so I I find them to be God it's so ridiculous when you say it out loud because it's the most grounded is still people who boil oceans away yeah to make bigger factories again you chose a complete but I mean I guess we we've all we've all played we've all played satisfactory here so we know I have for sure whatever whatever you can do to make more conveyor belts it's just gonna happen it's just gonna happen so that wraps up the episode on the mechanicum it is kind of like a high level overview obviously we didn't go super in-depth in any one thing because there's a lot of stuff here that could be its own episode they're basically their own Imperium like you said yeah their own Army could be their own episode like because a lot of the models on the tabletop are made up of that Army this Qatari a lot of them are made up of that that Army this Qatari so you will you'll see their models a lot they're very cool fun fact about them they can never shut their eyes they they have these enclosures basically stitched onto their eyes with fluid in there but they also cut off your eyelids they're doing the whole Clockwork Orange thing of just like well because you're constantly reporting data to your supervisor and you can't blink that's data missing yeah even though I suppose in theory what are the odds of everyone blinking at once then you lose all data but their data but then you have to deal with the logistics of likes one guy saw one thing and the other guy saw another thing and it's just like okay well who's well they have quite a bit of company they're very in sync so it wouldn't be difficult but yeah this Qatari could be their own episode The Tech priest definitely could be their own episode call could be his own episode the mechanicus Mars alone could be its own episode tear at their own Imperium there's there's a lot to break down here but that's quick and dirty it's quick and dirty that's the general vibe it's a plausible dark future they're so cool that's all I have to say there's I figured you would I love the mechanicus I've been like a weird like cyberpunky like I want a robot arm since I was a kid when I saw the mechanicus and they're like oh you got five robot arms who cares if that's an odd number there's one extra one for a gun that's yeah it's like you sign me up
Channel: Isyander & Koda
Views: 24,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r13nhTlBeJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 56sec (3716 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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