My Dreams

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[Music] uh [Music] you broke my window you gotta pay for that foolish mortal you live in a world of my mind's own creation and now your existence is forfeit fall to the earth and perish fbi open up light him up boys [Music] he's still alive hi i'm bryson and today i want to talk about some of my dreams now if you take a look inside my smooth brain you will find thinking bryson and feeling bryson feeling bryson is usually the one in charge because i'm an emotional boy also i'm stupid but when i go to sleep the one in charge is subconscious bryson he's the one that makes the dreams and he's made a lot of them i've had dreams where i fly dreams that i cry dreams where i'm a jedi and dreams where i die so long bryson i've also had a lot of dreams that i'm spider-man but for this video i'm gonna draw myself as my own spider-man that i created i call it spider-ham but ryerson there's already a spider-ham and he looks like this anyway the spider-man dreams are always really cool i get to swing around and just have fun but a lot of times i'll have some kind of disadvantage in them for example in one of them the web shot out really slow you'll never catch me bad guy webbs go another time if i swung too hard i would get unstuck and i would fall [Music] in another one i couldn't calculate the arcs of my swings properly meaning as i was swinging i would hit the ground in one of them there was a swordfish who was about to get run over by a car so i used my webs to save him anyways web slinging is fun but only when it works naturally the next step from swinging dreams are flying dreams i had one where i could fly really fast but only if i held a jump rope for some reason if i tried it without the jump rope then in this one harry potter dream i was on top of a tall tower and i asked the guy next to me do you know how to fly just smash he was referring to mashing on a video game controller like this but i didn't have a controller so i jumped and i mashed and i could fly in another dream i was in a pokemon game and again i could fly because why not but then this shady guy came up and said feet on the ground fast asleep and for some reason it made me come to the ground and fall asleep and then he stole all my pokemon and items anyways i hate that guy also i have a recurring one where if i wiggle my legs i can float it feels so normal in these dreams like yeah i'm floating so what but then i get sad when i can't do it in real life so i've been talking about the dreams i enjoyed but now we're moving on to the ones that stress me out these dreams are really frustrating to me because the reason i go to sleep is for some peace and quiet not to be stressed out by fake scenarios it sucks because i wake up all anxious and sweaty only to realize that it was fake and my brain gave me an anxiety attack for no reason [Music] so in this one me and a bunch of people were traveling through a canyon and we encountered this crazy guy he gave me really bad vibes but everyone was just like walk past him it's probably fine so i did but then the guy lunged at me and pulled out a needle and said yeah yeah this here snake venom is gonna kill your dead and he injected me with the snake venom and i started freaking out i'm gonna die he injected me with venom ah but everyone else was just like it's fine don't worry about it you'll probably be okay and i woke up out of fear i had one where my whole family hated me and i woke up all stressed and sad so i texted them and told them about the dream and asked if they hated me but nah it was just a dream they still love me in another one i was at home and a robber broke into my house i started running away and screaming trying to alert my family but no matter how hard i tried i couldn't scream loud enough and i could only run super slow and the bad guy was catching up to me and then i woke up out of fear again i had one dream where i fought the grim reaper with a spatula and i won that one was stressful but i was victorious so it's not that bad he underestimated me and my spatula in this one i could water bend but as the dream went on it got harder and harder to control the water it wasn't working and it was getting so frustrating and then i woke up bryson time to wake up i don't wanna get up because i was trying to do the water whip in my dream and now i'm never gonna be a master water bender cause you woke me up what okay now on to my miscellaneous dreams we will start with a quote from me sleeping is just logging out of your body [Music] in this one i fell off a cliff and landed on my arm and i woke up laying on the same arm that i landed on so that was spooky and thus the line between dreams and reality becomes blurred sorry i'll stop making awesome quotes in another dream i went to the backyard of my parents house in real life we have a chicken coop back there with five chickens penny goldie becky sunny and ham i'll give you four guesses which one i named but in the dream there were more chickens little baby ones and fuzzy ones uh but there was also a duck and a bunch of tortoises i love animals so this was a really fun dream in fact this was the dream that got me interested in tortoises and then i visited a reptile place and met some tortoises there and they recommended a good place to get pet tortoises and now i have scooter and egg my adorable pet rocks i love them i also had a dream where i accidentally stepped on egg and hurt her i woke up and cried and i had to check on her but it was just a dream she's fine when i was young i had one where i dressed up in a magnet suit and jumped off my back deck and the suit magnetized me all the way to the city and i could use it to climb the metal skyscrapers i had another harry potter one and in it we would have wizard duels on trampolines also apparently i sleep talk this one time i was in an old apartment that i lived in for college right before i dropped out i was asleep and my roommate parker was awake in his bed and he heard me say hmm delish so delish so i guess i was just enjoying a fantastic meal in my sleep i also die a lot in my dreams when you think about it sleep is kinda like a free trial of death a taste of the sweet release a chance for our astral bodies to fly free from these limiting meat suits and taste of the comfort and bliss that the afterlife offers but sooner or later we all must wake up and ponder what is the afterlife really like where do we go when we fall asleep and where do we go when our time is up what if when we die we wake up and realize it was all just a dream but we learned things in that dream so what do we learn from our dreams within this dream anyway you're welcome for the free existential crisis that's all from me tune in next month for another wacky and silly hamiltions video bye bye [Music] it was all just a dream [Music] bye
Channel: Haminations
Views: 3,250,256
Rating: 4.9234238 out of 5
Keywords: Haminations, Dreams, My Dreams, dream, funny, meme, memes, It was all just a dream, Spider ham, spider man, Flying, flying dreams, stress, stress dreams, Sleep talk, sleep, Bryson, Ham
Id: KimF3QkO-Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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