It Is Christmas Right Now

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Christmas who's excited for Christmas it's not even Thanksgiving yet hey guys it's me Bryson from hema nations at Hammond nations calm I'm here to tell you all about Christmas now if any of you guys share the same sentiment as the poor soul from the intro I'm here to say Merry Christmas Christmas is too powerful to be contained by one month Christmas is omnipresent feel free to cry like a baby about this in the comments but please understand no one cares ah Christmas doesn't start until after Thanksgiving uh nope I choose to be excited about it now and you cannot stop me it would be funny to see you try though it'll amuse me my Christmas energy is infinite if you don't celebrate Christmas I feel bad for you because it slaps butt for real though I've seen people get genuinely angry at Christmas music being played in November and honestly if beautiful nostalgic music frustrates you I don't even want to know how mad you'll be when you learn about global warming how startgame trees I am NOT gonna wear this onesie the whole time and we're back ladies and gentlemen so on that note I want to tell all of you guys about why Christmas is my favorite holiday Christmas traditions my family has a lot of them we have a Christmas tree some Christmas lights some Christmas ornaments a Christmas train a Christmas orange or Christmas countdown a Christmas Jesus some Christmas presents a Christmas book some Christmas food a Christmas Story some Christmas cider some Christmas pillows and other assorted Christmas things a tradition that my family has that I haven't seen a lot of other families do is that we sleep by the tree for every night of December leading up until Christmas that is those of us who still live in the house and don't have chronic back pain which is a swiftly dwindling number but growing up I always did this sleeping by the Christmas tree always helped me the right Christmas mood but one morning I woke up to something rustling inside my sleeping bag I looked to see what it is and it was my dog dixie somehow during the night she had carefully perfectly slipped her way past me inside of my sleeping bag and she did all of this mind you without waking me up either she's a very sneaky dog or I'm a very sleepy boy so this other time me and my family decided to go sledding and we brought Dixie along because she loves Christmas too as everyone should so we were all sledding down the hills having a great time together however Dixie must have felt left out and wanted in on some of the fun so then it was my turn to go again so I start sledding down the hill when I see Dixie coming up the hill to me I have no idea what she was thinking all I knew is that we were on a collision course my sled spun around I couldn't see what happened but I thought the thought of my sled followed by a huge eruption of laughter from my entire family apparently Dixie didn't see me on her way up the hill however when I did unto her line of sight it was over the best part is my dad managed to get the whole thing on video my favorite part of the video is that you can pinpoint the second Dixie's brain went oh no so years ago all I wanted for Christmas was an iPod for geez that means I was only like ten anyways I was kind of obsessing over the thing you know the usual looking at video reviews for it picking out a case for it constantly nagging my parents about it anyways Christmas just couldn't come fast enough for me and I had lost my patience so I decided to take matters into my own hands I decided to sneak into my parents room when they weren't there and I discovered the hiding place for all the Christmas presents on top of the dresser so I grabbed myself a stool climbed on top and there she was the iPod for I'm marveled at the glory and then I covered my tracks and ran and no I didn't open it I'm not a complete heathen I just kind of peaked it anyway christmas rolled around and i had to act like i wasn't surprised at receiving an ipod for and everything was great until my growing mind discovered guilt I still remember the soul-crushing devastation that I felt I had ruined Christmas forsaken Santa Claus and blaspheme in the Christmas church so naturally I did what any child would do when experiencing tremendous guilt I told no one so I kind of just sat in that soul-crushing guilt until finally I couldn't take it anymore I came clean seven years later mom dad I have something I have to tell you it's been nagging at me for so long I feel terrible I hope you'll still accept me as your son seven years ago when you got me an iPod I actually looked at it before you gave it to me and my parents immediately disowned me pack your bags Bryson you're dead to this family you ruined Christmas for all time just kidding no they didn't care they just said okay and my Christmas sin was forgiven would you look at that it's gift time already I don't think it's possible to open this with just one hand so I'm just gonna hold the microphone in my mouth [Music] [Music] we've got a Christmas plush bundle of the bryson and the ham and we've got a Christmas sweater mmm Christmasy we also have a Christmas hat with a ham wearing a Santa hat and a Christmas mug for all your Christmas e Christmas needs Merry Christmas have a good Christmas so if you want any of this Christmas merch scroll down and use the link in the description or use the merch shelf down below also everything is on Black Friday sale so if you want the plush bundle the ham will arrive in time for Christmas however the bryson won't come till after Christmas because it's actually exactly the same as me in every way meaning it's late to stuff so basically buy it all right that's enough this other time at Christmas instead of staying home and getting a lot of presents all of us visited Florida to go to Harry Potter land and it was a huge blast it was a huge a blast it was a huge blast and I had a ton of fun there but the most memorable moment actually came from the campsite we were staying in I was feeding some ducks and one of them got really comfortable around us and would even eat bread straight out of our hands and me being the animal loving boy I am I decided to pick it up the duck actually didn't mind being picked up at all and actually seemed to like being pet and so I sat down on the bench and spent the good part of the afternoon just petting this random duck however all good things must come to an end the duck decided that it had had enough so it quacks and pooped all over me and sure it was disgusting to be pooped on but that got me thinking it's actually a very good strategy to make someone let go of you if you're ever being kidnapped be sure to try this out just bend over and poop all over them they'll let go so that was fun this other time when I was like 4 my brothers gave me cold for Christmas and said that Santa had given it to me because he hated me and I cried about it that was a good year so the moral of the story is that Santa hates me Merry Christmas [Music]
Channel: Haminations
Views: 3,182,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haminations, Christmas, Ham, Thanksgiving, Christmas Music, funny, edit, meme, Haminations memes, Dixie, sledding, santa, santa clause, santa hates me, Merch, Gift, Christmas gift, Plushie, Ham plushie, Crowdmade, Oh my back
Id: _9zsmWWhWIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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