"My Boss Said I'm Useless, Not Knowing I Own 50% of the Company. His Shock at the Next Meeting..."

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you're nothing but a freeloader you're fired get out of here now for the past few years having stepped back from the Forefront of work I was troubled by the behavior of my younger boss Mike he looked down on me calling me a freeloader what fired yeah the board members have already been informed about this incident LOL just pack your stuff and leave this can't be happening as I was floored by the sudden announcement of my my termination Mike whispered in my ear in a voice so low that no one else could hear you're no longer needed in this company LOL I'm going to pin my mistake on you so just quit without making a fuss LOL incredibly Mike was forcing me to resign by blaming his mistake on me this is goodbye then lol I left the company without the energy to resist when I got home and told my beloved wife Sarah that I had been fired she surprised me by smiling and nodding saying thank you for quitting after finding out her reason for saying that I felt proud of Sarah and was reminded of my initial aspirations my name is James I'm a 45-year-old employee I've been married to Sarah whom I dated in college for 20 years now we haven't been blessed with children but we do live happily together after graduating from college College Sarah landed a job at a major manufacturer but quit to support me as a homemaker after our marriage she was beautiful and academically excellent apparently top of her class in the company's Personnel evaluation among her peers honestly I thought it was a waste for her to quit working but Sarah seemed to have no regrets laughing it off I don't have anything special I want to do so I thought I'd support your passionate pursuit of what you want to do with all my might but having someone as talented as you can find to the home seems like a waste not at all there are plenty of people who can replace me there was never a job that only I could do I was happy to have Sarah at home but I kept checking with her because I was worried she might grow bored of that life however my worries seemed unfounded as Sarah maintained a cheerful smile I've already decided or what you don't like having a homemaker wife that that's not it I'm happy to come home to you I'll do my best to make delicious meals for 20 years since then Sarah has kept our home clean and continued to make delicious meals for breakfast lunch and dinner as for me a recipient of my wife's devotion I'm a game creator I've Loved games since I was a child spending every day immersed in them even at the expense of sleep gradually I wanted to try my hand at creating games leading me to where I am now after graduating from college I joined a major game production company around the time I got married my proposed project was approved for the first time and I was busy working with the authority to lead the project back then pulling all nighters was the norm and I lived the life of just coming home to shower and change clothes this is what made Sarah worry and influenced her decision to become a homemaker thanks to Sarah's devoted support a turning point came for me a few years after we got married a friend from college asked me if I wanted to start a company together this friend had joined a rival company after college and they often shared their situation and other information with me over drinks the proposal to start a business came out of the blue during one of our drinking Sessions hey James how about we start a mobile game development company together a game development company your games are selling like hot cakes but the rights belong to the company right doesn't that frustrate you well I'm satisfied just being allowed to make the games I love I've never even thought about starting a business at that moment I was taken aback and stumbled over my words having never considered entrepreneurship you're so Nave you have the talent don't you ever think about using it to do what you want earn more and make Sarah happy I don't have such talent then what about the huge success of the new game you were in charge of recently was that just a fluke that wasn't just my effort alone stop being so modest plus being a salaried employee comes with so many restrictions don't you ever wish you could create games more freely My Friends words made me realize something indeed fully realizing my vision for game development was difficult and frustrating as a Company employee which had its limitations more freedom I do want that are you getting interested is it really possible it's not about whether it's possible or not we'll make it possible and so we spent the night drinking and discussing our business plan until late Into the Night a year later we both contributed $2,000 as capital and started a small company we rented a room in a rundown apartment for our office my friend handled sales planning character design and backgrounds while I took on scenario writing and programming covering all aspects of game development over the year before quitting our job we diligently created mobile game apps 3 months after starting our business we began Distributing them gradually we gained users and successfully secured sponsors and our company grew rapidly now now 15 years after starting the business our company has grown into a well-known game development company with over 500 employees and several Blockbuster titles as the company grew many talented young employees joined prompting me to step back from the front line of game creation about 5 years ago I no longer wanted to work the grueling hours of the past but instead focus on work life balance at my own pace now without major projects I serve as a consultant for younger employees and start writing plots whatever inspiration strikes I go to work early and utilize the flex time system to leave by 5:00 p.m. that's my life now however someone at work is critical of my work ethic Mike a young employee who was promoted to manager in just 8 years always confronts me and looks down on me Mike has always been ambitious which I used to admire but his aggressive attitude has backfired in recent years where it's been directed at me today as I was reading a document alone Mike came up from behind and said you always seem to be free make sure you're actually working to but I found some interesting material and was just looking through it material L you're not even handling any significant work and you're talking big it's clear as day you're not doing anything you free a loader I was at a loss for words at his direct insult Mike continued why don't you just retire LOL you getting paid without working is irksome to everyone around here now hold on a minute I do take care of some necessary tasks come on spare me the excuses LOL it's infuriating to see someone like you if you're not going to work don't come to the company at all facing such harsh criticism every time we met I was troubled while I pondered how to deal with Mike the harassment and verbal abuse escalated daily then one day an incident occurred hey James what is it as I arrived at work in the morning Mike suddenly called out to me anger in his tone you're making our major sponsors angry what are you doing huh what about the sponsors don't act like you don't know LOL you rejected all the proposals to feature their products in the game without consulting anyone and just went ahead with the production didn't you no what are you talking about Mike's yelling echoed throughout the office in front of many employees I was berated feeling like I was on pins and needles I wasn't even in charge of any game production work involving sponsors looking directly at Mike I could see the laughter in his eyes I've overlooked you not doing your job but I can't stay silent if you start causing losses for the company you're fired fired yeah the board has already been informed about this incident LOL just pack your stuff and leave this can't be happening in a voice so low no one else could hear Mike whispered in my ear our company doesn't need you anymore LOL at least with this I'll let you take the blame for me of valuable employee incredibly Mike was forcing me to resign by pinning his mistake on me and he had meticulously involv the board members too this is goodbye then lol saying that Mike sneered at me and spat out his words after being berated by Mike I silently packed my things and left the company without the energy to fight back I was beyond angry and actually oddly calm Mike had threatened me with termination but I knew it wasn't so simple to just fire someone however I couldn't bear the thought of working with Mike any longer and I decided it was best to leave the company after leading A busy life as a Company employee and then becoming even busier after starting my own business I lived selfishly doing what I loved the result was being fired by a junior manager which I feared might anger or bore my wife when I told her about it it was just past noon on a weekday when I returned to my apartment thinking that I had never come home at a time like this my wife greeted me with surprise I'm home welcome back what happened today you're early yeah actually I told my wife all about the termination incident really it's embarrassing that this happened but I'm quitting the company my wife listening silently Until the End nodded with a full smile different from the angry face of I had imagined yes I think it's good thank you for quitting what do you mean come with me there's somewhere I want to take you together where to my wife didn't answer my question but stood up with a smile and hurried me along she said we were going to have a delicious lunch and led me to a busy downtown area close to our home as we walked down the busy Main Street lined with Office Buildings and fashion malls people approached my wife occasionally shaking hands are you Sarah I'm a fan of yours I'm so thrilled to meet you thank you I came to this restaurant today because I saw it on your blog really that makes me happy I was utterly bewildered staring dumbfounded at my wife who had become a celebrity after the crowd dispersed Sarah turned back to me surprised yeah a bit what's going on Sarah are you a celebrity when you were busy with work chasing your dreams with such dedication it made me want to do something too is that so yeah so I started a Blog a Blog I couldn't hide my surprise at my wife's unexpected Revelation yes I began sharing information about beauty delicious restaurants fashion and other things I like it got a great response and now I'm somewhat of an influencer saying that Sarah revealed the truth with a slight blush indeed Sarah had always been beautiful and popular in college but I had no idea she had become so famous through her blog that people would recognize her on the street she told me more about it mentioning that the blog has a large readership which generates a significant amount in advertising Revenue do you despise me for keeping this a secret and doing it on my own of course not I'm really proud of you for garnering so much attention and thriving thank you it's all thanks to you James thank you for giving me the chance to change now that you've quit your job I was hoping you'd support me in return hearing my wife say that everything was thanks to me I was reminded of how I felt when we first started my company 20 years ago I was completely absorbed in game development 15 years ago I made a significant decision to pursue my dream of creating the game games I wanted starting a business with a friend that passion led to a sense of accomplishment as the company grew and we created all the games we wanted however Sarah's words made me realize that my desire wasn't just about being a game creator but about wanting to grow the company as one of its Founders now with many talented young employees having joined I felt the work had become routine and less Innovative making it less interesting this growing concern about the company's Direction prompted me to reach out to my friend he too felt the mobile game development industry was saturated with Rivals and that we needed to create more Innovative content to ensure the company's future as a result we decided to hold a shareholders meeting on the day of the meeting I wore a suit for the first time in a while and visited the conference room of the company I had left Among The Familiar Faces was Mike and I felt disheartened to see him apparently he had been buying shares and was attending the meeting I tried to pass through the entrance without being noticed but Mike quickly spotted me and approached with a sneering smile hey James feeling lonely after getting fired LOL Mike you seem as energetic as ever my attempt to joke back only made Mike turn serious and start berading me what does a fired employee like you want here you better leave leave LOL it's embarrassing and pathetic to hang around with lingering attachment LOL no need to worry about me shut up and just get out don't make me say it again get out of here I casually dealt with Mike's persistent harassment and waited for the shareholders meeting to begin soon the meeting started with my friend the president taking the stage as the chairperson and declaring the meeting open the meeting proceeded and it was time for Q one day with the shareholders when I raised my hand Mike who had followed me to the next seat and had been pestering me tried to stop me in surprise come on LOL raising your hand is so embarrassing stop it LOL A minor shareholder like you should stay quiet lol you're disrupting the proceedings ignoring Mike heckling I looked towards the host and my name was called Mr James thank you for joining us today please go ahead with your question my question is this it seems there are no new business ventures and I'm concerned that without them the increased Personnel costs and other expenses will lead to decreased profits what measures are in place to address this director your response please the board member said seeing my face and starting to sweat and tremble Mr James as you right pointed out there are numerous challenges with our future business plans please be concise are there any measures in place and we have the necessary Personnel adjustments for that we are all considering that it'll be too late to just consider it listen I made every suggestion I could think of for the company's growth and the management team listened intently their faces stiff with seriousness all the while Mike stared blankly not understanding what was happening therefore we need new projects and the creation of a sales department for that we also need flexible staff reallocation according to each employees strengths understood unable to hold back any longer Mike loudly interrupted the proceedings wait a minute LOL why is the director even listening to this guy LOL stop it please at Mike's words the faces of the management team on stage froze in an instant you idiot who are you how dare you speak to Mr James like that I'm Mike I work for this company and I'm also a shareholder LOL more importantly we should be kicking out this guy right away it's embarrassing for the company LOL Mike did you say do you not know who Mr James is of course LOL he's the underperform per forming employee I fired LOL don't joke around this man is the founder of our company and holds over 50% of the shares one word from Mr James and your job is gone in an instant at the director's words Mike's face went pale and he began to tremble T that's a joke right this can't be serious he was just a useless employee shoved off to the side then my friend the president who had been silently watching spoke up angrily but calmly it's all true James is my friend we both contributed equally to the capital when we founded the company and you dare to call him such names faced with the president's glare Mike started desperately trying to excuse himself shrinking away I I didn't know I mean he always seemed to be doing the easy jobs and leaving on time I had no idea he was a founder I'm so so sorry the company exists today because of the initial game production work done solely by James and you fired him ridiculous please I'm begging for forgiveness you're fired leave the conference room and the company immediately this is too much this is so unfair and so Mike due to his disrespectful Behavior exposed in front of the president was immediately fired and broke down crying in afterward Mike was practically dragged out of the company by security guards despite being young and promoted early due to his ambition and dedication to his work Mike was the type of person who would step on others to get ahead thinking only of himself causing friction everywhere within the company this Behavior led to smooth operations being hindered and numerous issues with business partners prompting the company to consider actions until is a falling attitude towards me was exposed resulting in a direct termination from the president after Mike was gone employees who had been intimidated by his arrogant attitude could work more freely and happily improving the workplace environment as for me after being apologized by the president and board members I was asked to return to the company they were unaware of Mike's attempt to fire me thinking instead that I had left the company of my own cord I apologized for leaving without explanation due to my feelings at the time I also expressed my wish to work in Human Resources upon my return not gain development since starting the business I felt strongly that a company is made up of people and by selecting the right personnel and placing them in the right positions the company can grow even more my current goal is to help the company continue to provide new value to many people and grow that's why I find my role in recruitment so fulfilling since taking charge of HR I've focused on selecting employees whose desires align with the company's Vision significantly reducing workplace conflicts although I sometimes get asked to help with game development I turn down all such requests I believe that dedicating myself fully to what I truly want to do yields better results than before no matter how much the company grows I plan to continue Focus ing on recruitment in my work valuing people above all else
Channel: Revenge Taken
Views: 28,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, revenge, aita, divorce stories, Boss Shock, Company Owner, Workplace Drama, Power Reveal, Unexpected Twist, Hidden Owner, Company Ownership, Meeting Surprise
Id: -BBEpveZY-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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