My Husband Told Me He Wants a Divorce and Asked Me to Speak to His Lawyer, so I Did.

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Sophia will recount how I took control of my life and put a stop to my husband Xander's destructive influence for privacy reasons I'll be using pseudonyms as a prominent lawyer in my state anonymity is crucial for various reasons let's not delve into the intricacies of ma and Xander's Love Story we fell in love got married and eventually divorced the love it seemed wasn't reciprocal as standard cheated on me the signs were apparent avoidance excessive time outside and frequent business trips though I wasn't involved in his sizable business despite my success as a lawyer Xander considered me a failure due to earning less than him one day during another one of his supposed business trips I decided to investigate I discovered a secret Facebook account on his old laptop confirming my suspicions he was cheating with a beautiful woman someone he found more attractive than me often criticizing my appearance heartbroken and angered I confronted him immediately Sandra are you cheating on me I have proof I declared sander callously responded Sophia you're just not that interesting anymore you're always engrossed in pointless cases neglecting me besides you're not a supermodel who can Captivate me with looks alone confused I retorted what are you talking about sander I have a demanding job and you knew that when we got married I haven't neglected you it's you who stopped coming home and refused to communicate and that's how I discovered Sanders's Affair when I finally decided to confront him I anticipated a degree of remorse from him but the cold response I received caught me off guard he shifted all the blame onto me justifying his cheating a claim that held no validity refusing to be falsely accused I pointed out the flaws in his accusations in instead of Defending his position he turned cold once more and nonchalant revealed that he was relieved I had discovered his affair in a chilling tone Xander declared good that you found out Sophia I no longer have to hide my beautiful girlfriend she and I will have a perfect life together after I divorce your useless self finally I will marry someone who's worthy of me and my name his words hit me like a ton of bricks sending a cold shiver down my spine as he spoke of divorce he not only insulted me but also asserted that I was not good enough for him accusing me of being a bad wife he showed no remorse for his affair and even boasted about how a mistress would make a better spouse tears streamed down my face as he demeaned me proclaiming his affair with pride this was the man I had loved for over a decade and his words left me shattered through my tears I asked how could you say that sander all these years I've been beside you through thick and thin honoring my vows and valuing you Above All Else his callous response cut deep dismissing my worth well Sophia it doesn't matter anymore you're just not right for me I'm now a proud business owner and a woman with average looks and a pretentious law degree won't do me any good feeling utterly demeaned I protested How Could You Xander I'm a capable woman even if I don't fit your narrow definition of beauty I've been a good wife to you and now you're contemplating divorce correcting me he stated coldly I'm not contemplating divorce sopia I've already decided to divorce you I'm done I don't want to be with you anymore I will file soon and have already hired a great lawyer you better move out before I come home I don't want to see your ugly face anymore a few hours after Xander hung up on me he sent the divorce papers through a friend who looked at me sympathetically I numbly accepted the papers shut the door and cried miserably letting the reality of my Wasted Years with a horrible man sink in however I decided I wouldn't let this break me I was a strong woman who would take control of her life and teach Xander a lesson when Xander's friend delivered the papers he mentioned that sander had talked about drawing out the divorce initially puzzled iton me that we had a prup Xander had insisted that I was entitled to half of his business if he cheated something I had overlooked in my emotional turmoil it made sense why Xander wanted to prolong the divorce he hoped I would give up my rightful share determined not to let go of what was rightfully mine I immediately called his lawyer and set up an appointment within two days I moved out of Sanders's house and into my childhood home which was in my name I texted Xander that I had already moved my belongings asserting I took my ugly face and body out of your Dan house good that youve come to your senses and not making a fuss Sandra responded boasting about his lawyer's reputation but I calmly warned him I W give you my business that's for sure for now you will stay away from me determined to uphold the prup I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead I don't want to talk talk to you you can only speak to me through my lawyers now and I expect you to empty my house Xander's words ignited a surge of boiling rage within me it's astonishing how anger and hatred can fuel one's determination when faced with such utter contempt my mind cleared and I couldn't help but almost laugh at Sanders's ignorance he had no clue who he was up against doubtful that his lawyer Jake knew either I arranged a meeting with him at a cafe upon seeing me Jake began to visibly tremble only calming down upon recognizing me he seemed confident but not enough Jake was a decent lawyer but he hadn't anticipated facing off against someone like me Xander never considered me influential so Jake was utterly unprepared for our encounter Jake appeared nervous and His Hands shook but I refrained from further intimidation he wasn't to blame for my predicament hello J nice to see you here I greeted noticing his surprise if you have any doubts let me clear them for you yes I am the wife ma'am I'm so sorry I wasn't expecting you to show up Jake stammered flustered by my presence the surnames don't match because I got married after I received my law degree I used my maiden name for official purposes I explained ah I see Jake muttered visibly uncomfort able so I'm guessing you want to drag out this case that's what my client has told me your client has been misleading you Jake he's the one who wants to prolong this case isn't that what he told you I confronted him directly knowing my reputation as a lawyer spoke volumes Jake squirmed under my scrutiny accustomed to asking the right questions I didn't mince words you don't have to answer that Jake I've known Xander for over a decade I married that idiot for God's sake I know what goes through his thick head concerned for Jake's predicament I decided to Enlighten him since I know you and it's not fair on you I'll tell you the truth about this divorce what do you mean ma'am Jake inquired clearly taken aback did my dear husband mention to you that he cheated on me I asked pointedly watching Jake's expression for confirmation his reaction spoke volumes confirming my suspicions once again and Jake was caught off guard by my Revelation I won't lie to you guys it did Sting and hurt my ego to admit to my colleague that I have been cheated on it's not a pleasant experience however I knew better than to betray my emotions no matter how humiliated I felt I still had the upper hand and I was well aware of that Jay on the other hand didn't know he said oh no I don't think my client has told me about that but he did warn me that in his words you would make some baseless accusations because you want to ruin him oh you poor thing Jake your client has played you like a fiddle although it might make you happy to know that sander thinks you are one of the best lawyers out there well that's a big compliment but I will never measure up to you Ma'am Jake confessed I wish he had told me that his wife also practices law he only told me that you work at a law firm my husband never really took my accomplishments seriously he had a habit of undermining my work and influence it was foolish of me to stay with him this long however it was smart of me to sign the prenup to save my butt I shared Jake was completely taken aback by the mention of the word prenup he looked shocked and the term seemed foreign to him I didn't mean to be a rocket scientist to know that he had been ambushed again Xander had conveniently forgotten to mention the prenup to Jake perhaps hoping I have forgotten about it well who knows it didn't matter since the word of the prup was out there Jake was frazzled there's a prenup in this marriage your husband hadn't mentioned that do you have any proof ma'am Jake inquired oh I do have plenty of proof Jake I brought the papers along I had a feeling that Xander would try to get out of dealing with the consequences of his actions well not on my wife watch I would really like to see the papers ma'am also I think I would need to see proof of his affair if you have any don't worry Jake I brought along everything like I said it isn't me who wants to drag out this divorce the sooner it happens the better it is for me I handed over all the evidence to Jake from messages to pictures and documents I had all the proof right in my handbag casually giving them to Jake knowing that the case would always go in my face faor Jake studied each and every document thoroughly before signing and looking rather beated he then looked at me and said I see that you have solid proof of everything ma'am I had no idea about all of these things I figured that out Jake also I know how difficult it is to work with unreliable clients especially when the opposite party has an equally strong lawyer for their case you're right about that ma'am I think that's all I needed to talk about today I believe I need to have a serious conversation with my client before I decide to proceed with his case I'm sure someone will contact you soon although I can't say that it will be me I could tell what Jake was hinting at but didn't comment on it I thanked him for his time and proceeded to walk out of the cafe I went straight to work and started to prepare my own documents for the divorce all the lingering sadness was gone now there was this rage Within Me that was driving me to make sure Xander suffered for what he had done and I knew he had no way out of this mess he had created it took sander one day to get back to me he called me on my number despite telling me not to contact him directly it was funny but not surprising I knew if he would find himself in this situation when I answered his call he sounded very pissed off what the hell did you say to my lawyer Sophia my my look who's calling after telling me to stay away now what happened with your lawyer Xander stop playing around Sophia tell me what you told him that made him quit today your lawyer quit today how sad sander I guess you should have been a friend about your situation and who they would be fighting against you don't know what you're saying you are a freaking nobody I won't let you take away my family business oh I would like to see you try Xander I will hire a better lawyer and doubt you just wait and watch I I will destroy you in court you will come to me begging for mercy well sounds like a plan sander good luck with that but a word of advice from a lawyer remember to tell your new lawyer about your Affair and the printup when I said that Sandra simply hung up on me it made me chuckle he was in deep trouble but still didn't know it he would try every lawyer in town and see if anyone would represent him I am a known name here so people move not to to mess with me plus anyone stupid enough to believe his lies would be dragged down to reality when I presented them with my ammo Sanders said that he would make me beg for mercy I knew that it would be a matter of time before he would come begging at my door I was right in thinking that Xander would be back begging at my door he literally had no other choice one fine morning while I was getting ready for work there was a knock at my door I was a little confused about who showed up at such an odd time imagine my surprise when I opened the door and found my soon to be ex-husband looking forlorn and weary I invited him in because I didn't want the scene outside my home I was already dealing with enough when he came inside I said make it quick Xander I don't have enough time to waste on you I don't even know why you're here we were supposed to strictly communicate through lawyers only yeah about that I haven't found a good divorce lawyer yet oh that's sad for you Xander you better hurry up because I hear that your mistress has been dying to marry you I'm not worried about her anymore listen Sophia we need to talk you have been sabotaging my lawyer so that they wouldn't take my case that is very unfair I immediately laughed when he said that I couldn't believe that sander would have the audacity to pin the entire blame on me this once again showed how little he valued my profession he thought that just because he was willing to throw money people would pull at his feet oh dear that's an amazing joke Xander L be just clear that misconception for you I haven't been sabotaging anything it's your stupidity that's causing trouble I don't understand what did I even do should I remind you how you lie to your lawyers about the affair and the prup that is enough to make them look like fools in court do you think lawyers would jump at representing unreliable clients like you you besides I will admit that my name will make a lot of people walk away you may consider me to be useless but I actually do have a good name in this profession yes I know that now sopia I've tried being open with lawyers too but none of them are willing to help me that's what happens when you try to go against an ironclad prup you really should have thought your Affair through Xander not that it matters now the damage is done no same lawyer would fight for your cause you'll be giving me half of your business Sanders facial expression said it all he didn't want to lose his business I mean that's why he tried to pick a good lawyer and drag out the divorce he wanted to keep me hanging long enough until I would snap and just leave him alone without demanding half of his company after a few days it became clear to him that no one would take his side hell he was even finding it hard to find any lawyer who would go against me so he did what he thought was his last resort he started to cry and beg Sophia you know how much this business means to me please don't do this you can take everything else but please don't ask to split the business why not sander you were the one who put in the Clause of splitting the business in case you cheated you think I will give up my rights that easily I deserve it after the Betrayal you threw in my face it was all a mistake Sophia believe me I have actually put my relationship on hold because I know what a big mistake it was maybe just maybe we can give this marriage a try I can say for sure that this hurdle will only make us stronger Sanders's words made me laugh out loud again the audacity of this man was unmatched by anyone I knew I really didn't know what to say he was actually asking to get back together as if I would be stupid enough to do that I did know that he had put a pause on his relationship with his mistress the rumors were out that the mistress was not happy and neither was sander but if he thinks this will make me go back to him he is dead wrong I already made the mistake of marrying a piece of and learned my lesson the hard way plus I knew why he was suddenly desperate to get me back you must be delusional for suggesting something like that sander I didn't come this far in life by being utterly stupid I know that you want to get back to me because you don't want to split your business Sophia we were happy together let's just look past this one time and restart our marriage I will cut off my mistress I swear there's no reason to do that sander believe me that woman is going to start running once she finds out that you won't be very rich after the divorce as for me this is my golden chance to get out of this sham of a marriage I must thank you for showing your true colors before we had kids now you will reap what you have sewn with that I was pretty much done with my piece I immediately stopped talking while Xander kept begging and pleading with me not to take his business it was a rather pathetic scene but it didn't move me at all instead it made me think of the times I went to bed crying because this piece of exploitive I call my husband decided to betray me seeing Xander in a vulnerable place only gave me satisfaction and completed my revenge now I simply needed a clean break to start fresh well I definitely got more than what I had bargained for karma hit sander hard and fast he tried for weeks to change my mind and make me come back home I turned a blind eye to everything simply because I wasn't interested in his drama I was ready to move on since he had filed for divorce already I hired someone from my firm to represent me I'm not a divorce lawyer so I couldn't do it myself besides I wanted as minimum minum interaction with him as possible after a month of trying to change my mind he was forced to get a lawyer and ask for a clean break he knew that if I took the case to court he would only face humiliation and ultimately waste money on lawyers appointed by the court so he receded and asked for a mutual split the prenup made it super easy for me to get the divorce of course I had plenty of proof to show everyone that Xander cheated as per the prup he was supposed to give up half of his business to me he wasn't happy but there was no way out so he signed over half of it to me we did give him an offer to buy me out but he had no money now why would a big business owner like Xander have no money you ask well he had spent it all on his mistress who is now not taking his calls or texts I guess she figured out that he won't be rich anymore but now no one is willing to date her because they know what a gold digger she is what goes around comes around I guess well the mistress was the least of Sandra's troubles with half of his business gone his earnings were severely reduced he had to sell his house because he didn't have much money to maintain it or even pay the mortgage properly he's currently renting a condo that is a serious downgrade from the big mansion he stayed at he did try to get back with me again in the hopes of regaining full control of his business well safe to say that is never happening he now either has to continue the way it is or manag to save enough money to buy me out if you want to know about me I'm actually doing pretty well I have appointed someone to take care of my share of Sandra business and so far things have been amazing I ended up upgrading My Lifestyle by buying a new mansion due to my combined income from law practice and business things are going well I'm living my best life and I honestly couldn't be happier all in all the divorce played out well for me instead of getting played by my ex-husband and his mistress I ended up ruining their lives and bettering mine
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 320,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: 1lBDg3wX7Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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