My late husband's former best friend claims she is pregnant with his baby

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[Music] i'll try to make this brief my husband jonah passed away unexpectedly a month ago from a stroke i don't want to get specific about that part it's the worst pain i've ever felt in my entire life and i'm still not sure how i'm ever going to move on we were married for five years together for seven the past two years we've been trying for a baby but we're just getting to the point of considering ivf when he died jonah had a close friend in high school named marjorie margery also ended up going to the same university as he did and they spent a lot of time together during those college years jonah said that he liked margaery's company but never felt anything beyond friendship with her which i totally believe jonah dated other women during that period but told me that several times marjorie hinted that she wanted him to ask her out she also joked about wanting him to be her plan b in case she didn't meet someone and get married by 30 by the time i'd started dating jonah he had moved a couple hours away from his hometown and marjorie despite this marjorie immediately began finding excuses to come to our town and hang out which usually involved her encouraging us to go drinking and then her passing out on the couch at jonah's apartment i didn't mind her for the most part but she had a habit of saying things like you know you ruined our marriage pact haha and pointing out all the things that she knew about him like what he took in his coffee his favorite bands etc over the course of our relationship and especially after we got married jonah definitely put some distance into his relationship with marjorie he confided in me that he felt he had outgrown her and that they really had little in common anymore he stopped responding to her invitations to hang out as often though he would occasionally call to catch up out of guilt especially when she would text him or leave messages saying she was so sad he was ignoring her and the like but now he's gone i had him cremated like he wanted we haven't done the memorial service yet it was too hard for me to even imagine the first couple of weeks and i also wanted to give time for some out-of-state people to make travel plans the memorial is this weekend however two weeks ago i received an email from marjorie sent to around 60 people including jonah's family saying that she was holding a memorial service for jonah in the town where they grew up the day before his memorial here i was completely blown away seeing as she hadn't mentioned anything to me or even attempted to call along with the details the ml said that she was planning the memorial in light of the fact that no other service had yet been held in his memory and he deserved to be laid to rest with honor for the record she was invited to the memorial which i've been planning and knew it was happening i called her of course and told her that while i appreciated her willingness to help with jonah's goodbye i was already planning a service for him that would involve all of his family and friends she immediately went on the defensive and said that she had only started to plan a service when she realized i wasn't willing to do it in a timely manner i told her that the timing wasn't her choice to make but that if she wanted to have a memorial of some kind to please just add on the invitation that his official memorial was going to be held this weekend she said fine i sent a message to all of jonah's invited friends family to make sure that they knew the real service with both of our families was going to be here and then just washed my hands of the whole thing this week i received a message on facebook from jonah's cousin saying that margery who has apparently blocked me on facebook created an event for jonah's official memorial service her memorial and invited everyone she possibly could i've been getting blown up with mls asking which day the memorial is and where i'm honestly furious i don't have the emotional energy to deal with this i ended up putting a post up on my wall reiterating the date of his service here and asking people to please share it thankfully i think the older members of the family don't use facebook or email very often so most of them haven't been confused but a lot of people now think that margaery service is the real one i called marjorie again asking her to add an addendum to her event saying that his actual memorial was going to be here she told me that jonah would have wanted it this way and that if i couldn't appreciate her efforts i wasn't invited to say goodbye to jonah i told her that was fine seeing as i'd already said goodbye to jonah when i held him as he died she hung up apparently she's now spreading information to her mutual friends with jonah saying that he was planning on leaving me because i wasn't able to conceive she also said that we had approached her to carry a baby for us all absolute lies his cousin sent me a screenshot of a text where she said that jonah always thought we would have the cutest baby together and that angry widow doesn't understand how much he wants children i'm at a loss as to what to do i don't care what she says about me but she's now tarnishing my husband's memory especially saying that he wanted to divorce jonah would never have left me and anyone that knows him at all knows that we were committed to each other above all else i need to figure out how to tell this woman to [ __ ] off without encouraging her to spread more lies and i also want to just forget the whole thing and crawl in bed and never get up again help me please i apologize for not updating sooner but a lot happened the last couple of days thank you to everyone who offered help and advice for those that offered monetary assistance jonah and i were in a stable position financially i'm going to be comfortable until i decide to go back to work your willingness to help was deeply appreciated however and i'm truly bowled over by your kindness i took the advice of the majority of comments and called the chapel where marjorie was planning her service i spoke with the pastor who immediately told me that he had been trying to get in touch with me regarding the service apparently both jonah and marjorie had grown up in that church i'm not religious and neither was jonah as an adult my voice a male has been flooded so it's definitely plausible that i overlooked his call he immediately expressed how sorry he was to hear of jonah's loss and said he had received my contact info from jonah's great aunt who still attends there he said he was surprised when marjorie asked to have a service for jonah but she had claimed that jonah and i were separated and i didn't want to be involved he had been trying to follow up with me but obviously that didn't happen he was very apologetic and said that we could cancel the service or move forward in any way that felt right to me he said that he knew the church members would appreciate the service since many of them remembered jonah as a boy but obviously margaery would no longer have a role i agreed that the service could go forward he called to speak with marjorie after our conversation and informed her that she was no longer welcome to participate in the organization of the service after her behavior he wouldn't tell me all that she said but says she was distraught and he recommended some mental health spiritual services to her that he hopes she accepts she apparently apologized for lying and asked to speak with me but i declined i feel bad if she's truly contrite but i just have too much on my plate right now we had two beautiful services for my husband first the one at his hometown church and then the non-religious one that i planned everyone that came wanted to honor jonah and that's all that really matters i was told a dozen stories about him that i'd never heard before and i laughed so hard i cried then cried some more my cousin was on the lookout for margaery and i honestly didn't think about her the whole weekend she turned up for the first service and the pastor ended up speaking with her unbeknownst to me my cousin says he was sympathetic but firm and told her that her presence there would be inappropriate surprisingly she left without fuss i'm still not sure this situation is entirely resolved but i got to lay my husband to rest in the way he deserved and that's the most important thing to me right now thanks everyone for your support it's been around five months since jonah died and honestly it still feels like i'm waking up and living the same day over and over again i'm in therapy but the feeling of grief has not subsided whatsoever everything reminds me of jonah and i still feel like half of me is gone i'm considering moving out of the country or at least to a different state but i also feel like a piece of jonah is here in the house where we lived even worse margaery has still not disappeared i deleted my social media a couple of months ago in an attempt to simplify my life but my cousin who also knows margery let me know that she has been recently posting photos of herself on facebook with jonah some were from several years ago but she was saying things like i still miss my man every day and i can't wait until jonah's baby arrives she is apparently pregnant and claiming that the baby is my husband's she has also photoshopped his face onto several photos some on another shirtless male posing semi-suggestively with her the photo shipping is pretty good but it's obviously not my husband's body people have been saying things like congratulations we know you'll be a great mother to jonah's child nobody i knew thankfully it honestly made me feel sick and i went and laid in bed pretty much all day i hate that she is getting to me like this but i can't stand the thought that she's claiming my husband was unfaithful to me and that people are believing it one bright note is majora's brother who also knew jonah on one of her recent posts he commented wtf marjorie i spoke to jonah like two weeks before he died and he said he was trying for a baby with kelly you guys were just friends this is ducked up and you know it the post was deleted a couple of hours later i don't know what to do anymore i don't have the energy to battle with this woman but i'm infuriated and hurt by this blatantly disrespectful pack of lies that she's spreading my cousin called her and asked that she remove the photos but she apparently said that angry widow can go to hell she just doesn't want to accept that jonah wanted a baby with me more and she couldn't give him one i'm lost guys what can i do about this it seems like all i can do is sit and watch this crazy woman try to convince jonah's friends and family that he never loved me update i just spoke with marjorie's brother who called to tell me that marjorie is not pregnant but seems to truly believe that she is he asked her how far long she is and she said five months but she is still completely flat he isn't sure if she's lying or she actually believes she's having a child with my husband he asked her when they conceived and she mentioned a date that he knew we had been on vacation a lot has happened since my last update hopefully this will be the end of the story majora's brother became very concerned after speaking to me and apparently questioned margery extensively about her behavior she continued to claim that she was pregnant with jonah's baby and that they had had a lengthy affair but the details didn't add up the brother knew jonah pretty well and was generally aware of his work schedule etc she said they were meeting at a hotel at lunchtime three days a week but he knew that jonah came home for lunch with me every day stuff like that he went home late that night to sleep on it after he went home margery came over to see me at 3am she started screaming at me to come outside saying that i had ruined her relationship with jonah and how happy they were before me etc etc i called the police and her brother who both arrived around the same time she pushed the police officer who tried to ask her what was going on and was immediately arrested i felt bad for her brother but he just apologized to me repeatedly margaery yelled exclusives and tried to demand special treatment because the police were apparently hurting her baby by keeping her in the car i gave a statement and they left not exactly sure what happened after but her brother says she is now under psychiatric evaluation and is apparently struggling with a mental disorder that he wouldn't name she has apparently not taken her meds in two years i didn't ask for details but it seems she is going to get some help i'm not pressing any sort of charges her brother also linked me to his post on social media where he made it very clear that margery has been having some difficulties and absolutely none of what she said about jonah is true i'm glad this seems to be over but i've decided i need a fresh start no matter what i'm looking for a job out of state and i'll be doing my best to leave my life with jonah behind thank you all for your help and encouragement we have been married for five years and together for eight not really great at writing so apologies in advance i'll try to include as much info as i think is relevant but please feel free to ask me for more in the comments if i wasn't clear about something my wife has been jealous of a coworker at my job for some time now her name is heather and she's in her early 20s tall pretty just observations as i have a pair of eyes heather is nice but i don't go out of my way to talk to her we worked together on a project about eight months ago which is when this seems to have started heather three other cowhawkers and i were assigned to this project and so for a good month we spent much time together at work my wife saw her one day when we were all coming out and she was picking me up to go to dinner at my parents she immediately asked who she was and if she worked at my job i told her she was new and was put on our project for the entire duration of the project my wife was in a bad mood almost every day and would take every opportunity to tear heather down saying she was lanky or her nose was crooked or whatever she is insecure about her height because she's five feet four and not a six foot tall glamazon i love my wife's height and her petite figure and tell her this every day she is extremely gorgeous and turns heads whenever we walk downtown but once she saw heather was tall and not ugly she was convinced i thought she was hot i kept telling her she was just a colleague and that i had no interest in her regardless she would greet her coldly or not at all if she saw my colleagues our home and jobs are located downtown so we usually walk to meet up with each other after work my wife would start dressing up a lot more than usual when she'd come meet me and make a big show of jumping on me and stuff she works at a very nice bakery and usually brings leftovers from work for us all people at my job she always gave things out to everyone except heather eventually heather picked up on the hostility and approached me to ask about why my wife was acting that way i simply told her i didn't know maybe because she didn't know her as long as the other colleagues she was distant she seemed to accept that but would no longer leave at the same time as everyone else and would either go early or hang back brian another cow walker approached me on friday and asked to talk to me privately he told me he had been at lunch with kate the coworker in question and she had gone to pay for the food she left her phone on the table it let up with a text and he saw it was from valerie my wife's name the text basically said did you see him talking to her today what did he say then do you think heather is going to stay at that job long when kate came back to the table he asked her if that was valeria's in my wife she got a deer in headlights look and said oh yay we text sometimes we are friends he said he thought it was weird because she put her phone in her purse without even checking the messages he had asked about and wanted to go i went home and i snooped on my wife's phone i know it was wrong but i had a feeling that if i asked her she would deny it or become defensive and not show me the phone there were weeks worth of texts that basically were little reports on what went on at work if heather talked to me what we talked about did she hug me goodbye did she touch me at all did i laugh at her jokes did the guys think she was hot did i join in with them did i look like i was flirting kate was also apparently talking up valerie at work to heather she made sure to mention often we were married how great valerie was how long we'd been together i even read one that said i told her val works in a bakery i bet if anyone tried to steal her husband she'd just chop them up and bake them into a pie ha ha which was pretty [ __ ] creepy a lot of things started coming together then heather was much more distant lately she seemed hesitant to say bye at the end of the day we used to talk casually like everyone else at work but now she would just say hi and by mostly i've been sitting on this information all weekend today at work i could hardly look at heather for shame of it and i couldn't look at kate for my disgust i haven't been able to approach my wife about this because i just don't know how or what to say i feel frustrated and very much weirded out i feel gross to like i've had my every move watched without knowing it and as if just talking to a coworker is doing something wrong i haven't talked to anyone else about this not even brian who first mentioned it i don't know what to do from here i don't even know what this means for our relationship it feels like something big has changed because i haven't been able to look at her the same way and all my interactions with her since friday have been kind of forced and faked i need to talk to her and figure out what to do any advice would be appreciated i feel very lost right now [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 33,891
Rating: 4.8938775 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit pregnant, reddit marriage, reddit wife, reddit, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/pregnant, r/ marriage, r/ wife, r/, askreddit girl, askreddit pregnant, askreddit marriage, askreddit wife, askreddit
Id: 3fOeyjGtI48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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