My in-laws didn't reserve a seat for me at a fancy dinner because I'm not part of the family.

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there's no mistake in our reservation for seven people I'd appreciate if you could prepare a separate seat for this lady who isn't included in the count Elizabeth my husband's mom often made bold requests teasing me but today might be different because I know a secret she's hiding and I plan to reveal it at our family gathering I'm natally 28 years old and I work as a chef I met my husband George at the restaurant where I work he runs a long-standing electronic store in the city past down through his family sadly his father who ran the store before him passed away last year I grew up in a family passionate about cooking my parents and brother are all culinary professionals surrounded by this environment I learned a lot about cooking from a young age thanks to this and my talent I graduated top of my class from culinary school I used to be confident in my cooking skills but marrying George made me doubt myself we ended up living with his mom Elizabeth after his dad passed away George wanted to take care of her so we agreed to live together I hoped for some time along with George after our wedding but living with his parents changed that plan I knew he might eventually live with them but not right after getting married maybe he didn't want to upset me by mentioning it earlier living with Elizabeth wasn't as bad as I thought she was kind and helped with chores she even bought me treats from my favorite Bakery but there was one issue her cooking was too salty for my taste she prepared our meals but they were always too salty I knew Elizabeth was from the northern region still I assumed her love for salty food might be typical there I'd read in magazines and seen on TV that Northerners often prefer saltier tastes however I knew it wasn't true for everyone like my colleague at work who's also from the north but likes lighter flavors Elizabeth's cooking didn't match what I expected her dishes were much saltier than what I'd heard or what my colleague liked her stew for example had such a strong sauce that it overpowered the natural colors of the ingredients it felt like eating pure sauce sometimes Elizabeth would encourage me to eat more saying that if the food wasn't flavorful enough it wouldn't be satisfying I'd often wonder if this was the standard taste once my husband mentioned that the dish seemed lighter than usual and Elizabeth said she adjusted it to my liking but even then I found it too salty I couldn't help but think this is considered light I was shocked by what happened next eating Elizabeth heavily seasoned food every day seemed to dull my taste buds I started doubting my ability to taste properly especially when cooking at work luckily the head chef did the final taste checks so it didn't affect the dishes much but it worried me a lot to deal with Elizabeth's cooking I started making my own breakfast before she woke up it helped me keep up at work but it made her cold towards me she started ignoring me when I greeted her in the morning one evening I asked her opinion on a dish I'd worked hard hard on she questioned if I'd seasoned it right saying cooking Basics were important she added more sauce saying it needed more flavor it made me feel like she thought I was being arrogant about my cooking skills but I was just worried about health issues I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a reason behind Elizabeth's Sudden Change in behavior my husband has two older sisters who welcome me warmly into their families from the start of our marriage they even offered to help if I ever had any problems with their mother their support made me feel valued even though we were just getting to know each other their husbands were also friendly which added to the family's warmth especially Emily who has a delightful 5-year-old daughter we were preparing for her big birthday celebration and I happily agreed to help with the food the table was filled with a variety of dishes each colorful and inviting Emily praised the spaghetti I made saying her daughter loved it her appreciation made me really happy she even thanked me for the delicious spaghetti with sparkling eyes Emily also shared a stew she made which she was a bit shy about she encouraged everyone to try it especially her daughter Emily's daughter frowned and refused the spicy stew saying it made her mouth burn she asked for more water after trying a bit but her glass empty quickly then she commented that her mom's cooking was usually heavy on seasoning and today's was even more so her mom got angry and stormed off ending the party abruptly I regretted offering to help with the cooking especially since Emily's daughter's comment seemed to upset her mom it felt unfair for our efforts to be criticized like that that night I wanted to apologize to Emily but I couldn't find the courage when I finally did she responded coldly telling me not to act Superior because it wasn't my house her response was sharper than I expected life became increasingly difficult from the next day onwards Elizabeth would heavily season the meals I carefully prepared and on the worst days she'd even throw them away before finishing them I turned to my husband for support but he didn't take my distress seriously he suggested that maybe I had antagonized her and needed to listen more it felt like he wasn't understanding my feelings to add to the strain despite being married for only half a year he started coming home late sometimes not until midnight he said it was because of work but he even started missing important family events like Emily's daughter's birthday party this put a further strain on our marriage just when I thought things couldn't get any tougher Elizabeth had a bad fall down the stairs and seriously hurt her leg Emily offered to help with her care but Elizabeth insisted that it was my duty as her daughter-in-law to look after her after that my life changed completely I had to attend to Elizabeth's needs all day every day from small tasks to big ones even at work I'd get constant calls from her disrupting my tasks at first my colleagues understood but eventually they got frustrated with the interruptions I ended up resigning from my job when I told Elizabeth about quitting she seemed happy about it since then my days have been filled with meeting her spontaneous demands at all hours it's taken a toll on my mind and body as my husband's absence at home grew I couldn't sh my doubts about his excuses for working late I started considering what our next step should be feeling like I couldn't stand by any longer I decided it was time to teach both Elizabeth and my husband a lesson a few days later during breakfast I brought up the idea of divorce they were both shocked by my sudden announcement my husband questioned why I was bringing it up reminding me that we were still newly wets he denied any suspicion of cheating and seemed hurt by the suggestion he also pointed out that I rarely came home and he felt belittled by Elizabeth he said he couldn't be happy in such a household environment I've made my decision I declared with Newfound determination surprising both of them my husband quickly apologized promising to be more attentive to our home life he even suggested I take a break and go to my parents house for a while if I needed it however he asked if I could still help Elizabeth due to her leg injury his apology caught me off guard but I sensed a hint of resentment in his tone he urged me to reflect on what had happened and suggested we keep trying to live together he hoped our feelings might change and things could improve I replied turly saying I would think about it it their smug Smiles revealed their shared Bond as family the atmosphere at home improved briefly with my husband coming home earlier but it didn't last he started staying out late again and Elizabeth returned to her cold Behavior despite her injury she frequently left the house when I questioned her actions I uncovered a shocking truth my phone rang incessantly one day with calls from my husband and Elizabeth they demanded to know why I had left Elizabeth alone I I explained that I was at my parents house as we had agreed it would be temporary but something had gone wrong amidst the commotion I heard Elizabeth's voice in the background I won't go back to that house from now on all communication should go through lawyers I stated calmly before hanging up for the next few days I enjoyed the pieace of my parents home they cooked my favorite meals and I felt grateful for each one in return I cooked for them and when my mother praised my cooking tears of happiness filled my eyes during this peaceful time I got an unexpected message from someone I didn't want to hear from Elizabeth she apologized for her past actions and invited me to her upcoming birthday party I didn't want to go but the party was at a renowned restaurant a rare luxury I decided to attend and convey my intentions Elizabeth was happier than I expected and shared the details the day of the party arrived and the venue was an upskill restaurant near the station it had become popular among food enthusiasts because of a new Chef trained in France his dishes were claimed as authentically French earning rave reviews from Gores in the city upon arriving at the main entrance of the restaurant I observed George and Elizabeth awaiting my arrival with what appeared to be a smug expression the attendees of the party included Emily her husband and her children constituting a small gathering of eight individuals notably the topic of divorce had not been disclosed to the attendees at this juncture shortly thereafter Elizabeth approached the restaurant staff and requested confirmation of the reservation which was indicated for seven individuals she subsequently requested a separate seat for me indicating an implicit acknowledgement of my presence as we settled into our seats and began dining Elizabeth's comment about the spaghetti tasting like mine warmed my heart then George mentioned how the restaurant's dishes had improved since the new Chef arrived especially recommending a forthcoming meat Dish as we eagerly awaited the arrival of the anticipated meat dish delicious smelling plates kept arriving at Emily's table however George and Elizabeth hadn't received anything yet Elizabeth's frustration became apparent as she loudly question why their food was taking so long drawing glances from nearby diners the waiter apologized explaining that the chef Was preparing something special for them which was why it was taking longer he asked for their patience a little longer despite Elizabeth's annoyance there was a flicker of satisfaction on her face knowing they were receiving special treatment soon footsteps from the kitchen caught their attention their expressions froze in Surprise as I emerged dressed in a chef's hat and apron Nataly why are you dressed like that Elizabeth questioned while Emily and her husband seemed to enjoy the surprise I smiled gently and place the specially arranged dishes before them I've prepared a special menu just for the two of you I announced as I placed the dishes before Elizabeth and George Elizabeth's plate held a beautiful black lump adorned with a rich sauce which I further enhanced with a topping seeing Elizabeth's surprise expression brought me satisfaction for George I presented a dish adorned with various Delicacies each shining brightly I also provided a special sauce for him to try eny's daughter laughed cheerfully appearing surprised yet intrigued by the unique service however George and Elizabeth reacted with anger this is unbelievable I've never seen such inappropriate service call the manager George demanded I calmly replied I'm the person in charge here is there a problem Elizabeth joined in accusing me of allowing disrespectful service and threatening to sue feel free but we're also considering legal action for the destruction you've caused I responded firmly how dare you Elizabeth exclaimed in disbelief it turned out that they were frequent visitors to the to the restaurant and were known for their demanding behavior and constant complaints the staff had already viewed them as problematic customers until now considering our familiar relationship we've treated you with leniency but now that Natalie has chosen to distance herself from you too we will treat you impartially is that okay Natalie the person in charge who turned out to be my brother Peter asked me of course I replied Peter Elizabeth and George were utterly stunned to realize that the person in charge of the re restaurant was my brother in reality the restaurant success was a result of Peter's diligent management and hard work they had not been informed of this fact despite not attending our wedding due to work commitments Peter had sent a generous gift he had never spoken with Elizabeth or George before but he remembered their faces from pictures he had received from family gatherings he couldn't attend I couldn't go to the wedding so I wanted to say hi when you came to visit but every time you guys seem too busy with your friends Elizabeth told George and Emily they looked surprised we didn't know can you tell us more Emily asked trying to sound happy but her eyes showed she was serious we actually came here to eat with some store owners from the town's Market it's popular now to eat at these new restaurants George explained just then a waiter came up you forgot this last time you were here he said handing Elizabeth a shiny earring you often eat here with guys who wear earrings isn't that risky I was surprised by Emily's question but laughed well it's not exactly like that he's secretly dating the woman who works at the flower shop across the street George looked shocked how did you find out a few weeks ago I felt suspicious and hired a detective they took photos of him having dinner with her here and even going into a hotel together to be honest I don't think it was a good idea for you to marry her I'm planning to get a divorce just be ready for that George said said speaking openly about divorce for the first time for me it wasn't a surprise I had expected it just remember to pay the alimony don't worry I recently made a big business deal so I'm financially stable now I'll happily pay all the alimony Georgia assured that reassured me now about you Elizabeth Elizabeth who had been listening quietly suddenly spoke up she was a regular at this fancy restaurant and known by the staff what do you want from me since my husband passed away I don't think anyone can criticize me but I knew something she didn't actually I had a detective look into your secrets too turns out you've been in a secret relationship for 5 years but wait didn't your husband just pass away a year ago what's going on Emily and her siblings were Furious and disappointed their father had met a lot to them so this news was hard to take I was surprised too but when I asked the detective how he knew so much about Elizabeth I found out that her father had hired the same detective agency before you deceived him for so long even while he was still alive and George even when you were with Natalie you were seeing another woman how could you Emily and her siblings were Furious and disappointed their father meant a lot to them so this news was really tough to handle the tense atmosphere at our table caught the attention of other diners we promised to talk about it more at home and ended the dinner as I left I thanked the restaurant staff and Peter a few days later under Emily and her siblings Stern gaze George and I started the formal divorce process now I'm free I won't regret anything no matter what George said confidently I never expected this even after I told you about my bad leg I didn't think youd treat me like this Elizabeth said surprise her leg had actually healed already but she had pretended to be in pain to seem better than me it shocked me again from now on both she and my husband will be strangers to me even though our marriage ended quickly I have no regrets a few days later when I checked my bank account I was surprised to find that both my husband's and his mistress's alimony payments had been deposited at the same time it seemed like my husband covered her share too with this knowledge I could finally see them as completely out of my life then some interesting news came about my husband and his mistress he had gotten into debt to pay the big alimony but soon after after we divorced she dumped him easily Emily told me that the woman is known in the area for going after married men after what happened at the restaurant Peter told us that regular customers were tired of George and Elizabeth's behavior and they were happy we stood up to them after that the restaurant banned them from coming in their dishonesty became known in the community a big contract my husband was bragging about got cancelled his electronic store relied on trust from the locals but now that trust is gone running it will be hard Elizabeth's life got tough too she was left by her longtime lover and medical tests showed her unhealthy lifestyle was hurting her health her health problems were her own doing so she didn't get much sympathy luckily I got to go back to the western style restaurant where I used to work even though they knew about my past the staff and bosses welcomed me warmly Emily and her family including the spaghetti lady kept coming to the restaurant which meant a lot to me they had cut off all ties with George and Elizabeth their betrayal especially after their dad passed away and the truth came out hurt them deeply and seemed hard to get over cooking brings me so much joy those moments when I'm happy in the kitchen are the ones I treasure the most it makes me feel truly blessed
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 1,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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