My Brother-in-Law Said My Mom Gets Dad's $5 Million Stuff Because She's Oldest!

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after my father's funeral our family got together to talk about the inheritance my father had been a respected major shareholder in a company during the meeting my brother-in-law Jason suddenly spoke up my wife Emily your eldest daughter should get the stocks and a total of $5 million he argued firmly as my brother-in-law and sister seemed eager about getting a large sum of money the lawyer with a bit of surprise cly explained Emily doesn't legally have the right to The Inheritance my name is John I'm A 42-year-old salary worker living with my wonderful wife and two children my father was well known as a major shareholder in a company and was still working at 78 I have an older sister named Emily who has always caused our parents a lot of worry with her repeated Troublesome Behavior even though she is middle-aged she hasn't settled into a stable career and lives a selfish life I've always felt uneasy and frustrated with my sister's actions so I keep my distance when Emily turned 50 she suddenly brought home a young man and announced I'm getting married the man Alex was much younger than my sister while he was attractive he seemed irresponsible which didn't impress me Emily boldly demanded money from our father for her wedding which she quickly spent she shamelessly asked for more money causing Our Father more stress it's my inheritance anyway so what's wrong with using it now she said defiantly I watched my sister's Behavior coldly not not long after her marriage Our Father suddenly fell ill while playing golf and passed away quietly a few days later losing him so suddenly was a deep sorrow for me his Unexpected death shocked his many friends and the phone kept ringing non-stop telling myself there was no time for tears I took charge of the funeral arrangements for my grieving mother as usual my sister left home and refused to help with the funeral exhausted after the funeral my mother and I barely had time to rest when the lawyer came to our house the next day to discuss the inheritance we already knew that our father had left a will unaware of this my sister Emily and her husband Jason who seemed ugly confident barged into the discussion and made a shocking statement Jason looking triumphant said the stocks and the $5 million inheritance will go to my wife your eldest daughter so don't think about using it as you please he boasted confidently my mother and I were bewildered by this absurd statement at a loss for words Jason looking smog exclaimed all right Emily with this we'll be rich too his excitement was barely containable far from mourning my father's death my brother-in-law's jubilant demeanor shocked the lawyer Emily looking dissatisfied questioned what kind of reaction is that the lawyer facing them seriously clarified I'm sorry Emily but you have no legal right to The Inheritance this news left both my sister and brother-in-law stunned Emily visibly angry raised her voice that can't be true Emily is the eldest daughter after all Jason said revealing his high hopes for The Inheritance a clear hint of greed in his eyes were you now aware Emily is not the biological daughter of the deceased upon hearing this Emily's face changed dramatically and she turned to her mother with a questioning gaze mom at that moment my mother looked conflicted as if she couldn't find the right words to say I had always known that Emily wasn't biologically related to our father but it seemed she was completely unaware of this fact confused Emily began to shake our mother's shoulders pleading in a desperate voice mom what does this mean unperturbed by the shaking my mother calmly yet firmly replied Emily you are the daughter of my previous husband as she quietly disclosed the significant fact Emily who had always tormented me by saying dad loves me the most now wore a face of utter disbelief suddenly Jason interjected but if there was an adoption she would have rights to the inheritance right that's correct isn't it Emily he asked seeking confirmation from my sister yes that should be the case Emily replied however in front of Emily our mother slowly shook her head no Emily we never went through an adoption my mother stated quietly at her words both my sister and brother-in-law once again wore faces of shock Emily shaking with anger cried out how could this be I am the oldest daughter of this family and dad even said so Emily yelled at me filled with anger her voice shaking she continued why do you get to control all of our family's money her words made me furious and I quickly shot back have you ever thought about how much you made dad spend do you still have something to say I said angrily shut up I'm the daughter of this house I have every right to the money spending money on a daughter is what parents are supposed to do she insisted I was shocked and let out a deep sigh normally spending money on a daughter isn't wrong but the problem was how much my sister made dad spend on her debts and other expenses then the lawyer who had been quietly watching finally spoke up how about we let Emily see the will too a will what are you talking about I don't know anything about a will Emily responded confused Emily's ignorance about the will was her own fault dad wanted to discuss the will with the whole family and had asked everyone to be there when it was written but she ignored this and went out to do other things when I mentioned this Jason couldn't hide his anger and glared at Emily why did you do that Emily it was important so what will you all do at this question my sister and brother-in-law looked at each other and agreed to hear the will the lawyer then read allowed dad's will which clearly named my mother and me as the only inheritors of the entire estate the will also explained why Emily was not legally adopted it seemed dad had originally wanted to accept Emily as a formal family member but the will detail his disappointment in her mean actions towards me's childhood and her increasing wastefulness as she Grew Older no way Emily was shocked and speechless faced with the reality of having no inheritance rights she seemed unable to recover from the shock what does this mean Emily were you deceived me making me believe we become rich Jason demanded my mother and sister were stunned but I wasn't surprised Jason's dishonest Behavior regarding money had always been obvious he might have married Emily just for her money Emily don't come back here until you have money wait Jason don't be so cruel I believe we'd be rich together I'm so disappointed in you Emily pleaded Jason roughly pushed past Emily and left the room left behind Emily glared at us with a face full of anger mom why didn't you adopt me she demanded my mother struggling to find words managed to say well that is why why does Mom get the inheritance I should have rights too it's unfair because of Mom's lack of action don't you think it's terrible Emily cried my mother quietly murmured Emily it's unfair too cruel Emily's cries with her hair disheveled were intense enough to scare anyone but the lawyer remained calm as if it were a normal day why do you get everything why nothing for me Emily demanded because I'm dad's biological child I said as soon as I said that Emily in a fit of rage reach out to hit me it would have been better if he never existed she screamed I thought that even if I hadn't been there dad would have made the same decision because of Emily's Behavior but before I could argue back the lawyer quietly intervened Emily please refrain from such actions otherwise I will have to contact the police he warned her gently Emily startled by the mention of the police calm down with a history of minor crimes like shoplifting she was sensitive to the mention of the authorities my mother holding back tears tried to speak again but Emily clicked her tongue in frustration and left the room about 6 months later The Inheritance process was smoothly completed Emily and Jason initially resisted strongly but the lawyer's skillful handling left them little room to interfere eventually my mother did give Emily a small amount of money but it wasn't my place to comment on it frustratingly Emily and Jason then disappeared Without a Trace their blatant greed left our relatives shocked and disappointed one day my wife suggested we take my mother and daughter out for a pleasant meal since losing dad my mother had been down but spending time with her beloved granddaughter brightened her up Mom why don't you come and live with us I proposed to my mother but she hesitated well Emily might come by occasionally Emily only comes here to beg for money you shouldn't indulge her I replied my mother's hesitation was understandable despite her issues Emily was her Irreplaceable daughter if we went to our family home there was a chance Emily would cause trouble again understanding these concerns I gave my mother some time to think as I drove her home surprisingly there were lights on at the usually empty house thinking Emily might have returned I parked the car cautiously in the garage we got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance suddenly a car rushed towards us watch out my daughter who was leading the way yelled instinctively I threw myself to protect my wife barely avoiding the car ouch I groaned in pain fortunately the car only grazed me but I was thrown against a flower bed the car eventually crashed into the garage entrance and came to a stop my wife with a worried expression asked are you okay Dad my mother trembled at the entrance unable to speak due to surprise and concern the situation was chaotic I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and ended up staying overnight it turned out Jason was the one who caused the accident he told the police he mistook the break for the accelerator but I wasn't convinced during this time Emily visited the hospital with my mother while my mother was sending to flowers Hy looked at me and said you're surprisingly tough aren't aren't you she muttered seemingly disappointed I thought to myself just as I suspected and provocatively responded if I had died in the accident mom would have inherited everything disappointed at my words Emily clearly looked uneasy I know what you were expecting I continued as Emily averted her eyes looking down but you see Mom intends to renounce her inheritance so your hopes won't come to fruition as I said this Emily stared back at me in astonishment it seemed unbelievable to her that someone would willingly give up what they could receive I have a wife and kids so Mom says The Inheritance should go to them that's what a parent should do I explained but that's Emily started to object her words trailing off I've made a will up early following dad's example Unfortunately The Inheritance that I should have will no longer go to Mom at these words Emily shivered unable to hide her agitation unable to conceal her anger Emily raised her voice give me a share it's $5 million isn't it when I said no firmly Emily got really angry and grabbed my shirt you should give me half at least I'm your real sister she shouted she kept yelling loudly about wanting half of the money we inherited but I felt sorry for her being so greedy would have disappointed Dad can't you see that I said calmly to her Emily's face turned red quickly and she tried to grab my throat just then our mom came back into the room and yelled Emily what are you doing when she heard our mom the nurses came in and took Emily away mom seemed to want to protect Emily but Emily left saying mean things to her what did I do wrong raising her mom said sadly not long after that we found out that mom had gotten sick we felt sad seeing her get weaker so we started helping out more with things like driving her places and doing chores this seemed to make Emily even angrier she might have found out from mom or my wife when she asked for money one day Emily called me unexpectedly on my phone we'll take care of Mom from now on you don't need to come anymore she said what do you mean all of a sudden I asked I've already decided she replied I was worried about leaving mom and Emily's care because Emily struggled with basic household tasks let alone caring for someone who was sick I quickly called Mom to understand what was going on surprisingly mom said Jason had experienced taking care of people and she felt okay for the time being I felt relieved but then Mom suddenly had to go to the hospital in an ambulance because of a mistake with her medicine dosage we all rushed to the hospital and found Mom very weak I asked my wife to stay with her and went back to our family home when I got there the house was a mess mom couldn't even cook her favorite meals anymore the fridge was empty and it seemed like Emily had fired the helper without telling anyone I regretted expecting anything from Emily and felt angry when I checked Mom's safe a lot of money had been taken out of her bank account thankfully the money from the inheritance was safe somewhere else but the money mom used for everyday things was almost all gone I quickly gathered important documents like Bank books cards and seals and went back to the hospital to explain everything to Mom and figure out what to do next Emily has mom struggled to say it seemed she didn't know about the money being taken out of her account and she was shocked when I mentioned the mistake with her medicine mom said Jason had prepared it and her expression became eek and darker I think it's best if we don't let Emily back into the house I told Mom JN mom replied looking confused I explained my worries further I promise to take care of things but the house is in such a mess mom you've lost a lot of weight you must not have been eating well seeing her reaction I gently suggested Mom let's live together let's build a new house and stay there together mom started crying heavily at my words but soon after her condition got worse and despite the doctor's efforts she passed away heartbroken over what Emily did I went back to the family home to get ready for mom's funeral I found out that all the valuable things were gone it turned out Emily and her husband who were having money problems took them seeing the empty house I felt shocked and angry we have to fix this no matter what I decided firmly the day after mom's funeral I was supposed to meet Emily and the lawyer at the law office to talk about the inheritance Emily feeling Superior confidently said I have the right to Mom's inheritance unfortunately for you I couldn't help but laugh at her misunderstanding she was making a big mistake the lawyer opened the will and as soon as we saw what was written Emily's face turned pale with shock no how could this happen Emily exclaimed the will clearly says you're not getting anything the lawyer told Emily Jason Furious demanded what's that supposed to mean she's her daughter you can't fool us give us the inheritance now he banked the table in anger I calmly asked him Jason did you do something to Mom I didn't do anything he replied dismissively then why was her medication messed up I pressed but Jason just brushed It Off saying that doesn't matter John I can't believe I'm getting nothing from Mom's inheritance what did you do I can't pay my apartment right now Emily said her words shocked me I realized Emily had assumed she'd get something given though she didn't show up right after mom died Emily desperate asked the lawyer is there really nothing for me the lawyer sighed deeply and said yes the will is clear then the lawyer explained the legal stuff about the mandatory share it turned out that after taking away the money Emily had taken out and sold without permission there wasn't much left in the inheritance actually this was part of a plan I had talked about with the lawyer Before Emily was shocked and protested loudly there can't be so little mom and I had purposely not told Emily about this in reality most of mom's stuff had been given to my daughters while she was alive so there wasn't much left to inherit but Emily didn't want to accept it and kept complaining like with Dad I felt really angry with Emily who only took from others without doing anything herself it's so disrespectful to just take money when mom thought you take care of her taking care of someone costs money and you don't get that I told her then show me what you spent on mom if it's really necessary I'll pay for it Emily said when I said that Emily got shaky and her face changed there's no proof without receipts We can't agree to those expenses I told her while Emily was silent Jason attempted to use a gentle tone to sway things his way John think about it your sister really needs help right now wouldn't it be good to lend a hand I'm sorry but I can't agree to that I said firmly Jason was shocked by my direct refusal and stayed quiet for a bit I didn't hold back my feelings and openly admitted honestly I've been treated badly by my sister for a long time I almost feel satisfied now but you're siblings right can't you try to work together a bit if the plan we had made earlier had worked Emily would have gotten all the inheritance Jason said what plan I asked Jason went on it's Emily's fault things didn't work out I was supposed to get a new car but now I only have enough for repairs Emily panicked and tried to stop him but it was too late that sounds like fraud I said seeing where it was going what that's against the law we got permission to record this meeting beforehand the lawyer explained Jason went pale realizing his mistake I said firmly I'll be taking legal action about what you just said that's ridiculous there's no proof Jason protested proof what you said is proof enough I replied Emily cried out in agony shaking Jason you fool what do we do now this is all your fault as a result Jason faced legal consequences and his past wrongdoings came to light leading to his arrest although Emily seemed to be involved too she struggled to pay her apartment R when she asked relatives for help they all said no meanwhile I kept working steadily not letting the situation affect me and looked forward to small Joys like stock dividends
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 1,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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