[FULL STORY] My Ex Husband Cheated On Me With My Sister. It’s been 6 YEARS and He Just Emailed Me..

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my ex-husband cheated on me with my sister it's been 6 years since and I just received an email from him I 33f met my ex-husband Dan 40 if almost 15 years ago at a restaurant when I was celebrating my 18th birthday he was really nice charming and mature he made me feel loved and special for some context I grew up in a dysfunctional family my mom and dad used to always fight my dad would sometimes go out and not come back for months he died when my sister Abby 5f was born my mom was way too fond of Abby since her birth rather than me Abby was basically babied by my mother she didn't neglect me at all always did her best as a mother and provided for me but I always felt sometime missing after Dan came to my life I didn't feel like there was something missing from me he supported me he was caring he would always buy me gifts and take me out in long drives I felt complete when I was with him we got married after dating for 4 years I wanted to start a family right away but Dan encouraged me to do my masters and helped me build my career he wanted us to be in a stable position financially before we start thinking about having kids seriously he was the best guy I could ever ask for after 5 years of being happily married I discovered that my husband was cheating on me with Abby I discovered the affair when my husband made an excuse that he will go out of town for a week but he stayed in town and he booked a hotel room where he and Abby can have sex this has been going on for 6 months behind behind my back I was really devastated Abby and I were close growing up I loved her and cared for her how could she do this to me after the D-Day Dan and I had a fight I asked how could he do this to me that too with my sister who just turned 19 he said he didn't love me anymore that I don't give him enough attention that I am not the same girl he fell in love with between this mess I discovered that I was pregnant but due to the stress I lost the baby he didn't even care enough to visit me at the hospital when I lost our child he was having a weekend getaway with my sister I should have seen the signs Abby would always be touchy with Dan Dan would sometimes stare at her but it is still very disturbing for me my mother as usual took aby's side and told me to just make peace with it I wanted to K myself because I had no one left lost my child and my husband my whole family then my best friend Tina my savior came to my rescue she was moving to another state and asked me to come with her I said yes I was already divorced at that point and we lived in a small town so I would obviously run into my ex and my sister it took me a while to settle into my new life in a different state but I met some kind people there it helped me healed some trauma I still have trust issues I met my now husband Tony 32m after one year of moving to the new place I was really hesitant and kept my guard up but he showed me that he is trustworthy and loves me a lot I was so happy with him that I almost forgot about the life I had back in my hometown his parents were really welcoming and generous people we got married a year ago I am now pregnant with our first child yesterday I got an email from my ex Dan it just brought back all the bad memories I am just paraphrasing his email he mentioned that he misses me he tried to find me but couldn't he is very miserable with my sister she is very dumb and doesn't care about him like I do I used to bake him a cake and throw birthdays for him but Abby only texted him happy birthday and didn't even bother to buy him a cake plus she is very rude she doesn't respect him she is always at the bar with her friends He also mentioned that she has cheated on him five times already the last Affair was with his cousin our mother also doesn't stop her he will soon file for a divorce but lately he has been missing me a lot he wants us to try again as a couple he wants us to become a family just like before since I do not have social media except for Instagram which is private he probably doesn't know that I am married and I have a baby on the way I don't know if I should feel pity for him or just laugh because the grass on his side is very Brown rather than green update I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who messaged and showed me support I have decided to send him an email and be done with it it goes like Dan I am sorry to hear that you are suffering but there is no way I would be with you yes there was a time when I used to be that girl who would have taken you in a heartbeat but that girl is not there anymore that girl has died the day I had a miscarriage and you were somewhere shacking up with my sister I called you but you never picked it up I am married to a wonderful man who loves me and cherishes me I am also pregnant with our first child I am beginning this new chapter of my life with someone I love and care deeply so please do not contact me ever again you made your choice you chose my barely legal sister over me I do not care if she cheats on you or she doesn't respect you someone like you don't deserve loyalty and respect anyways I have left my old life in my old town it will be best for you to move on and have some self-reflect on yourself you are just a deeply insecure man who is getting old and thought having a young woman would be good by your side goodbye update 2 3 March a lot of you have been asking me what he replied well he replied within an hour of me emailing him he said that he was stupid enough to believe that I would still wait for him and he said he would always wait for me because no matter what I will always be his baby doll I cringed hard he used to call me that but now it feels repulsive I also got an email from my mom and my sister my mom just congratulated me and was excited that she is going to be a grandmother and my sister also did the same and said she will be the cool aunt I cannot believe these people they forgot how they treated me when I needed them and moreover betrayed me I cried for a long time because I have been reading your comments and it seems like me and my sister was groomed by that man I feel so stupid I know I shouldn't be mad at my sister but she was old enough to know it's bad to have an affair with a married man that too someone who is your sister's husband I blocked all of them I am 5 months pregnant already I don't need more stress God bless my husband he comforted me when I cried later took me out for ice cream I hope I can move past this update I cooled down now I think I can make a more elaborate update thanks to everyone who has shown me support I needed it the email from him my my ex just struck me like a train I had flashbacks of everything he has done to me I think you guys deserve a detailed update after I sent him the reply mail he emailed me within an hour with the thing I said in my update two part few hours later I get two other email from my mom and sister they sent me in my old email address that I hardly use now I don't know how they knew about my pregnancy I try to keep a low profile I still haven't posted my baby bump picks on social media or made any announcements I only have Instagram to follow my friends but it just scared me I broke down crying on the spot luckily my husband Tony was around he held me and put me on the couch he knows everything about me I never hid anything from him I was a little bit scared that my mom and sister would find me he reassured me that I am hundreds of miles away from them I mean we are on the opposite part of our country he took me out for ice cream to comfort me it took two ice cream cones to finally calm me down loel I told him about my concerns and that my mom and sister might demand to see my baby it's a girl he told he would talk to his uncle who was a police officer to be in lookout for them even if they come here and force themselves on you he would fight for it he is going to consult his lawyer friend about this matter and told me not to worry about my ex he cannot harm me anymore my husband even made a joke that he would move countries if he have to lastly someone in my post commented that I should alert the daycare about my mom and sister in case they try to steal my baby well we aren't planning to put her in daycare even though I am currently working I decided I would quit my job and look after my baby and focus on healing from giving birth I do have a good amount of saving in my personal bank and this is my own decision I will go back to work when our little princess is a little bit older my in-laws are amazing my mil and F lives nearby they are both good people and offer to help with my child also don't worry apart from my in-laws I have a good support system too Tina and her wife Jenny basically adopted me lol they are really good people and always helped me I don't know what will happen in future but at least I am surrounded by some good people that I never had growing up now I will take your leave and enjoy my husband pampering me if something big happens I will keep you guys updated and my ex sister and mother are all blocked there has been no updates since story two my husband's nephew put his hand on me while I was sleeping if I tell anyone this whole family will be ruined my husband's nephew and godson is 17 my husband got a job offer overseas for a month we live in a house and because I felt uncomfortable living alone in the house my sister-in-law my husband's sister suggested that I stayed with them in their guest room I love my husband's family a big loving family that took me in and welcomed me with open heart and arms even with me coming from a broken home with no family to love me especially his oldest sister 47 my husband and I are 41 and 32 I loved staying with my sister-in-law everything was going great besides missing my husband who I spoke to a couple of times a day I am a night owl and when everyone went to bed yesterday I stayed up in the living room to binge House of the Dragon I must have fallen asleep in the couch I woke up later to my nephew's hand under my shirt I pushed him away but he put his hand on my mouth and pushed me back in the couch he hit my heart a couple of times and told me to stop moving moving I grabbed a cola glass I had on the coffee table and hit him with it my sister-in-law must have heard him grunting in pain and came downstairs she started hitting him and pushing him out she asked him to go to the guest house and she went after him probably to see to his head injury because he was bleeding she later came back and took me to the bathroom because I had peed myself and cut my hand with the glass she later gave me sleeping pills and stayed with me in the room I woke up today at noon everyone but my sister-in-law was away all the warmth had gone she told me she was so disappointed in me she opened her home to me and yet I used her son I told her that she knew the truth she saw everything she said she saw nothing and nobody will believe someone like me and if I wanted it on my conscience to break this family I wanted to leave but she blocked my way because what will the family say I started crying and begged her to let me go and I won't say anything now I'm home and I don't know what to do this will destroy my husband loves his family they his pride and prize in life what if he resented me for breaking his family and ruining their reputation and worse what if he didn't believe me he'll be home in 3 weeks the black eye will probably be gone by then edit I'm sorry I messed up his age he's 15 and will be turning 16 in a couple of months I did bad math edit two thank you for the response I'm sorry I can't answer every question I want to say that I've talked to my husband now the usual scheduled phone call before bedtime for him but I just broke down crying and told him everything he facetimed me and saw my face he told me to pack a bag and wait for his friend to come and pick me up because he never wants me to be home alone my husband and I have been married for a little over a year and we have been living in this city my husband's Hometown for a couple of months I don't know many people here anyway he told me to stay with his friend and his friend's family they're good people he is flying home tomorrow thank you and I'm sorry again for not having the opportunity to answer everybody update hi everyone this is a throwaway account I have written here before and I got a lot of support I owe 100% to the online community that I took the correct measure and told my husband if it was up to me and my own thoughts and my S I would have just kept this quiet and tried to move on I will however not answer any DMS because I don't want to read all the sick and abusive DMs like the ones I got from my first post I will gladly answer your comments here but I'm deleting this account as well after this update I want to answer a few questions first one question about my last update why my husband believed me without questions many speculated that my husband must have know something about his nephew and that's why he wasn't so surprised no I asked him this and he said apart from the bruises on my face he just believes me I have never given him reasons not to trust or believe me why my husband told me to live with his friend's family many questioned why I wasn't independent enough to live alone in my house this is a new town to me I come from a very big city with people everywhere to move to a smaller town living alone in a big house was a big change for me I didn't feel comfortable so my husband suggested that I should live with his sister and bond with my new family after what happened however I went back home my husband was floored by his nephew's actions and honestly he didn't know what to expect from him or his parents anymore he was scared they would hurt me so he didn't want me to be alone he was adamant that I didn't tell his family where I was either he was just terrified also I'm sorry I messed up his age he's born nov06 it makes him 16 soon I did the math wrong and made him 17 my husband came home late in the afternoon next day after my post I have never been so happy seeing him like I did then he called his sister and told her he was going over when he came home it looked like he had been crying he asked me if I wanted to press charges and that he wanted me to do it but only if I wanted when he was at his sisters she tried to put the blame on me but he told her to cut the crap if she really cared about her son he asked her why she's not more worried about him the way he escalated to beating a sleeping family member go this length to overpower them he also asked her why she gave me sleeping pills about that I don't know why I took them I just did I've unfortunately always obeyed people who I thought had authority over me since childhood she told him that I was panicking and she couldn't calm me down anyway she denied that her son ever done anything like this and that she still thought I came on to him my husband talked to his nephew as well and he was saddened to see that he wasn't sorry or affected at all he didn't apologize even he said he we trying to wake me up because the couch wasn't comfortable and I hid him we have made a report there's not much more I can do I don't think it will lead to anything TBH but I wanted it to be out there my husband's brother called him to yell at him they have already started with the smear campaign my husband told them my side I don't know who they will choose to believe my husband has six siblings we will have to see how this will unfold his nephew is still a child and my husband doesn't really want to hurt him he thinks he needs help but not the type his parents are offering enabling him also he shared the sentiment that many of you have this boy will do it again and probably I wasn't his first it pains him because he loves him very much but he needs to tell people what he's capable of doing to protect their families my husband has been quiet and distant these past couple of days I didn't know what to do about it I just felt immensely guilty I didn't know if I dared to apologize to him and ask his forgiveness for ruining his relationship with his favorite sister and her family when I finally had the courage to do it he looked surprised at me he cried and told me that he was the one who's sorry he thought that he was finally giving me the big family that I dreamt of I don't know anything about my family and he hugged me I cried in his arms we don't know what will happen now we have plans on moving back to the big city I don't know what to do with my new job I need to quit after a CLE couple of months I'm a preschool teacher so it shouldn't be hard to find a new job or get my old job back thank you again I don't think I will be making any more posts I just want to heal and move on
Channel: InkSpillers
Views: 69,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yhbKEuT3AZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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