Upgrading the Skunk for a 64-PLAYER Super Auto Pets battle!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to super auto pets now i have a staggering 25 hours in this game i've got lots of wins i've got 49 of the achievements etc etc but it got me wondering am i actually any good at this game so i'm going to go in versus mode i'm going to create a private game and i'm going to enter the max player account 9999 oh 64. 64. my game name is gonna be how long of a game name can we type into this bar question mark and then i can copy that with this button and then i just need to find 64 people to join me so i'm going to ask my 5 219 server members of my discord oh dude i'm going to do the unthinkable and say at everyone wait are you sure you want to ping everyone yes i'm sorry all right it's done now let's watch the carnage commence surprisingly only for angry rce pings so far right back in super auto pets hq people are rocking in now we're up to 20 already right so the final few are joining oh there's one more person to go and then i think it will start straight up and basically we're like playing a knockout sort of series thing i'll show you how it works so same old same old except you will notice we've got 15 lives and bottom right we've got a timer so the turn will end if the timer goes down to nothing so i'm going to start mosquito is always a good shout and probably an ant at the dart we will roll oh look and then we'll go i think we're another mosquito freeze the ant and i might freeze the honey and then we'll end our turn and pick our name and we're gonna be the overpowered monks all right so you see the time has gone down to zero which means we enter the first round we just pick one of those random 64 people this time it's brie cheese with the innocent rodents so i'm sorry i completely annihilated that oh it's a draw though it's a draw and then you can see here this is everyone that's in uh loads of people with 15 lives and then quite a few people with 14 because they lost so now we're on to our next turn we'll shove an ant up there roll again oh we're going to shove another ant in and then we're going to put honey at the back and that's the end of our turn 20 seconds left the overpowered monks we need the power of the ant oh they've got ants on the back oh they're both dead unfortunately because i killed their ants first it means they weren't useless they would have been but it looks like we've won thanks to the bee nice still on 15 points let's see what we've got this turn tier two animals are unlocked so i think we'll stack up the ants we've got a sheep we'll shove you in and then i might put a spider in and then give him a sleeping pill that will faint him but we get the tier three oh this kangaroo okay so if we do a bit of that that should be semi-decent i might just roll and try and get another mosquito there's another ant there i don't want another ant i want a mosquito now one more row oh god there is a swan i'll freeze the swan extra money is always good see what i might freeze the sleeping pool as well you might get rid of the ant next time all right let's end our turn and wait for our opponents all these guys have a background that means they're semi-decent oolander so we got rid of their ant oh look they've got peter win i don't know what that is it's a fish of some description i don't know what it does when a bird damn p to win architects right okay time to do a bit of this then i think we do that's the mosquito get the swan in and then i'm gonna get rid of the ant now yeah i'm gonna do it now oh why did you go to the mosquito oh anyone but him anyway let's keep rolling till we get something good oh god we got nothing we got absolutely nothing all right i might just shove a flamenco and for now really not ideal but it is what it is i guess i tell you what actually i might do that so just move the kangaroo to go behind the mosquito because it's got higher hit points and he's got the b so that's an extra two attacks ahead so he should gain at least four and four but ideally it will be a little bit more than that but we can also see everyone's team as well so we can see how everyone's getting on very sneaky i'm not gonna look at this too much maybe towards the end when there's not as many people left all right here we go we're against the sticky chunks grace all right we're doing oh god our thing died our mosquito died instantly although i think we should win thanks to the rams oh no oh no it's a draw i could not call that one it was all over the place now what other names do we have the chunky balls i'll look forward to playing them right here we go tier three animals are unlocked now it gets serious do i put another sheep and i don't really rate the sheep soda it's in there let's roll oh look another sheep oh we got an early skunk all right okay i'm gonna pill the flamingo i don't think the skunk's worth putting in now sounds stupid but i think i'm better off just putting another swan in because that gives us extra money next time the thing is with the skunk it reduces the highest health enemy by 33 this early in the game the enemies are pretty low so 33 isn't actually that good this is more a late game sort of animal but i think we'll leave it like that i think that looks semi-decent i do want to get rid of that mosquito asap though all right here we are then we are versus the pelting rodents oh they've got a rat as well dirty rat killed our swan although look at this look at this our kangaroo is getting hench nine nine rip through those i think we've got another win here nice and the rat joined us as well all right another victory how many people are still on 15 wins oh not too many was six or seven all right i might shove another kangaroo in i'm wondering when do i get the skunk oh like another kangaroo love to see it love to see it a squirrel don't really rate it if i'm honest i might just freeze the salad bowl and then try and get another mosquito i'll tell you what though you're turtle a turtle could come in handy two turtles could come in very handy yeah i think all i'm gonna do is that and i might lose this one i haven't really strengthened my team too much it depends who it puts me up against it could be anyone from those 64 people who's doing the worst oh someone's already out oh pops olly i'm sorry i think he must have quit because most people only have six lives left are the peculiar kilts playing with no one not the best tactic here we go then the vague cakes all they've got melon armor not anymore thank you mosquito love to see it love to see it all right 13 13. oh no oh yes yes i was going to say we've lost that because i saw that massive fish at the back but no thankfully we've got another victory so victories in this don't matter it's all just who has the lives remaining at the end so it might be time to combine a swan we'll get a turtle in then we'll roll oh god roll again there you go sleeping pill on the turtle onto the swan bung another swan on top of there oh and we got an alligator sorry a crocodile that's very offensive to that creature i think it might shove him in you know so he's in that sorted next time we're going to get rid of the mosquito we're going to give someone else melanoma maybe the skunk we'll get the skunk involved next time i think let's end our turn all right so who are we up against the moist bananas oh yes look we're going to kill the badger and the badger's going to kill the dodo oh i didn't kill it you lucky lucky bastard anyway that gets rid of the melanoma we've got some rams easy win i'm afraid easy win and there's only four of us with 15 lives remaining oh man another bloody turtle right i think we get rid of the mosquito now so i'm sorry mosquito but you're gone we're gonna shove the turtle in i might freeze that one as well you know give our swan some health oh do a little roll oh my god this right sod it i'm just going double turtle oh look we got a cow we got a cow but i really want to get my skunk involved because i feel like it's that time of the game i might have to lose the kangaroo you know i think we put him there anyway yeah let's see how that goes alright who's at the back it's a badger yes and it's going to kill the monkey in front oh yes oh the crocodile is quite good this early on in the game because everyone's sort of starting to get badgers but they're not they haven't got eight health yet they can't survive the crocodile now look at our kangaroo as well 17 17. oh this is quite a good team there's only three people with 15 lives left and i am one of them right we're on the tier v animals let's have a look at these top guys there is one badger that's likely to survive there's so many badges though so i might keep my crocodile one more round oh i don't know who to get rid of maybe i'll keep the sheep the sheep's doing me all right i might sleeping pill the turtle yeah i'll do that sleep and build turtle that gives those two melon armor we'll shove the cow in and we'll give milk to my swan he's gonna become our tank now i'll roll once more there's nothing i like there too much so i might sell the cow for the skunk or a parrot all right sell the cow shove the skunk in i'm gonna freeze the parrot so that's what i might replace the crocodile with or maybe the kangaroo one more roll oh no no i ran out of time i didn't freeze the chocolate in time oh i'm an idiot i wasted three coins and chocolate but we seem to be ripping through this team okay ish we got a 1717 kangaroo i think i do need to keep the kangaroo he's making it fairly easy for me to be honest the crocodile's doing really good as well oh look another skunk i will definitely do that all right i need to be quicker i need to be quicker let's let's roll let's level up the skunk we got a ball don't really care for the balls if i'm honest so i might just roll again nothing i want there one more roll or do i do i chilly someone now let's roll once more i'm gonna chilly the skunk the next time i'm gonna get rid of the crocodile for the parrot to go behind the skunk i think i feel that the crocodile has been quite good to me oh man there's a lot of people out now the week have been cold there's a lot of people in two lives now at the moment i think we're losing three lives around so essentially they're out of it so let's see who we're up against the suspicious riders i've killed his deer before it gets wailed no not quite although i think that's a pretty easy win in my book oh oh oh it's a little bit tight it's a little bit tight no don't worry i've got it i've got it in safe hands we're in safe hands there's only two people with 15 lives left as well thankfully i am one of them and tier 6 animals are unlocked this is where it gets a bit serious is it now time to lose the crocodile yeah so that crocodile's gone arrow is in we're gonna roll oh look tiger and a snake okay so my team's changing completely now we're doing you at the front i might sell the kangaroo sell the kangaroo i'm selling the sheep as well this is ridiculous snakes going in tiger's going behind him we're gonna put melon armor on the snake we're gonna roll and then i'm gonna freeze that skunk i'm not just gonna use a skunk right that's a complete complete change of tactics i've wiped my entire team but hopefully for the better we'll probably lose this just so you know all right so my thinking here is swan's pretty hench we should get a few hits off with the snake and then the tiger will make him do it twice so look at this double hits and again double hits kangaroo's dead double hits oh it's it's a good plan it was a good plan i've still got the 15 wins come on right and now we got 12 coins to do some damage so let's sushi up let's get a parrot involved i might freeze the swan just in case i really want melon armor or chocolate or leopard right leopard is gonna be very good potentially i might freeze that i'm going to give chocolate to the parrot oh yeah there's another leopard which means we're probably going to have to get rid of our swan well i don't know i don't know i want everyone in this team don't you hate it when you have too many favorites now the parrot's on level two two of their enemies at the start will lose fifty percent of their health the two biggest ones which means this could be very good trouble is our swan really isn't that beefy like i've gone all out attack i've got like no defense basically i'm a bit worried if they've got leopards my team's like dead oh thankfully no leopards oh there you go the badge is dead it's gonna kill their turkey nice both the bees are down the rhino's down and we just got that to go nice we didn't have a lot of strength left at the back oh although now we've got melon armor let's shove that on probably the tiger actually right we've got to get the leopards involved i don't know when to lose the swan i feel like the swan's the best one to lose so i might unfreeze that and then roll oh look there's another leopard we can do we can level up our leopard straight away shall i do that shall i lose the swan yeah let's do it this is risky as anything i'm gonna freeze the pizza i'm gonna roll oh i got another skunk we'll freeze that because once we have a level three skunk these leopards are gonna do some damage i'll tell you that much all right i've put the tiger behind the leopard as well because i feel like let's just spray damage everywhere you know i'm massively lacking in hit points so this this is quite ridiculous i'm probably gonna lose oh look look at that ant he's gonna get annihilated i'm a skunk and suddenly it's an even battle oh and look at that we have one that was a tight one that was a tight one we're the only person with 15 lives and i completely wrecked my team all right skunk goes in i don't know if it's worth keeping the snake now oh let's pizza up see it goes it goes to those two that's fine i will freeze both of those just in case i might give mistake now i'm not going to stake i want melanoma ah come on melon all right pear to the leopard we've got to lose one now surely surely this team it's good but it really isn't great i don't deserve to be top look how low the hit points are i got a 4-3 tiger so i'm the real tiger it's a baby tiger cub or something all right here we go then we are against the chunky balls finally right goodbye crab and ox you got annihilated or splash damage oh yes we got rid of their bus without splash damaging us we've just got to get rid of this guy now it's a draw oh it's a draw i still got the 15 lives come on come on oh look there it is there it is there's the melon armor onto the leopard i think i will level up the old snake you know and then sushi and then we'll roll our more melon armor yes please we'll freeze that and end turn we've got a minute left we're just waiting on everyone else now let's see what the other teams are up to oh lively that is a big camel i feel like the loose baguettes could do some damage as well they got a 50 50 fish in there yeah that is a big team although our skunk would probably deal with it yeah there's some dangerous teams in there here we go you're against the withering abs they got a big old seal at the front although it's not very big anymore i'll tell you that come on snake oh he's got his own snake ah it's doing damage thankfully i think we've all that's a big cat there's a big cat oh we've won we fought again we've still got 15 lives we're looking good right then melon armor to the bird and then we'll roll oh look we got chocolate i might do the skunk yes that reduces the highest health enemy by 99 basically puts them on one health which is fantastic i might just roll three more times and try and get a snake tiger leopard or a parrot i guess or chocolate so nothing nothing and the last one is nothing great glad i did that all right we're against the extra housewives oh god they got a 50 50 camel but look the skunk took it down to one health now got rid of their melanoma which is nice i think we might be okay oh it's tight but we just about won again oh man another victory oh look we got a skunk now but we don't need it anymore we've got chocolate i don't know who to give it to if i'm honest i'm tempted to go the parrot cause that'll be two of their highest enemies down to one health oh i was hoping for a parrot there another raw okay a snake is good and chocolate is very good we'll freeze both of those we got one more roll nothing all right here we go then oh they've got their own skunk thankfully shouldn't matter too much because we haven't got many hit points either although splash damage here could hurt now it got rid of my melon armor we might be in trouble yep we're in trouble our first loss it's okay yes okay we got lots of lives remaining we got 12 12 hearts right so chocolate on the parrot beautiful snake on the snake oh i really want to use cats cats are really good let's roll and there's nothing too good there i don't think it's worth using any of those i might move my skunk to the front though just purely because it's got the chilli i'm sort of thinking once we've done the 99 health if it's the front two we could wipe them out in one hit i'm just gonna roll the rest and try and get a tiger really or something like pizza could be good it hit points finally yeah nothing the roles aren't being very good to us we've still got a level one tiger i'm wondering if i've done this right actually whether the other order was better i don't know we'll see we will see their hippo is down to one health and we're going to splash damage it i was dead anyway and the badger you can't hurt me you cannot hurt me mate oh there you go finally a tiger i'll shove you on we'll do the pizza on chocolate there we go let's put that on the tiger and then we're good to end our turn do we stay this way round well these better off at the back i don't know i think we'll leave it like that for now we'll give it one more try but i think it's going all right i'm still winning that's the main thing how many people are left actually oh oh there's like but everyone's dead seven left i'm in the top seven i'll take that right oh god look at the melon armor thankfully the splash damage i was gonna say we'll get rid of it but we got rid of it anyway we're gonna lose this one we're gonna lose ah we lost that was that was a big team that seal did the damage oh look melanoma okay i'm putting melon on the skunk and we're moving the skunk back to the back with the parrot i feel like this this order worked better uh pizza i may as well roll or like another tiger or freeze you i may as well pizza and then roll twice more so anything good oh another leopard we'll have that maybe i'll freeze the sushi now i think chocolate's better chocolate not sushi it's what i do in real life it's what i'm doing in this game alright so who are we up against now oh god look at that theme all the 50 50s thankfully they're both just one and one hang on what happened to that parrot that parrot didn't work as intended i'm in the top five what happened to you parrot copyability pet head i swear there weren't two one-on-ones on there something went wrong something went wrong anyway leopard you're up i'm gonna roll i was hoping to get another leopard well it doesn't really matter now i may as well tiger and then just roll the last three so many skunks nothing good in that role i'm feeling a bit nervous now six health we basically got two lives everyone's got very big teams we might beat this one because look how low their team is now come on snake do the damage do the damage snake oh bloody no the rhino no oh how did i win that one right i'm sort of thinking do i want to mess the order up right i really just need two chocolates there's one i don't know who to use it on i know whatever one i use the other one will come up i guess that one come on chocolate chocolate or leopard please oh no that means we've probably lost there's the chocolate oh who are we up against how many people left we're just five sudden death for two of us and looking at all of those numbers like that guy's team is just nuts i think we've lost it we had a good run it's like in f1 when you see like the guy out front he like leads the entire race and then he loses on the last lap that's what it feels like that's what it feels like ah the bloody melon armor it ruined my skunking well there we go we came we came fifth fifth out of 64. i feel like that's not too bad oh yeah that was that was awesome fun definitely recommend that if you've got 64 friends to play with or like me 5 000 people to ping sorry everyone anyway peace love and failed skunks i guess bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 256,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super auto pets, super auto pets gameplay, super auto pets game, super auto pets strategy, super auto pets ep 1, super auto pets win, super auto pets tier list, rce, real civil engineer, sap, super auto pets best build, super auto pets update, super auto pets food, super auto pets food build, super auto pets food strat, super auto pets best food build, super auto best food strategy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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