An Engineer's FIRST BASE in Minecraft...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to minecraft fish needy by the way fish native shirts still available in the merch store anyway if you have come to watch a noob at minecraft in 2021 which is quite rare i hear in the comments then you've come to the right place let's get involved in the single player and we'll be continuing with then zootopia oh wow that that was an unexpected start i forgot last time we went mental with pigs didn't we now will you guys bog off i just thought it's my food slow i need to work out how to eat a carrot oh god not like that sorry sorry was it like q or something no that's throw a carrot uh oh what happened there what the hell i'm not i'm trying to eat a carrot there's a baby pig what the frig so if i right click them oh where did you come from what's your name mate how do i actually eat carrot myself oh there you go oh wow so i can properly go to town with pigs if i just feed them carrots can i okay let's make sure my pigs are happy what do these little ones do they're like going green wait what are you doing no escaping no escaping you are you actually are you stuck outside god damn it all right can you come in now oh he's off he's escaping he's had enough are they right he's in he's in no no no no don't go through that door what am i doing with my life what is this right we're back we're back okay so now it's night time that was that was a day wasted but it's a new day right let's go find something to do i think we worked out last time we can cook in this can we oh god don't do that don't do that matt you idiot alright what was oh my god why am i such a noob i'm pressing every button was what's the inventory oh it's e e for inventory sorry sorry pigs i realize this is a bit weird for you i put them on there how do i make sure they don't burn pigs how do you know when a pork chop's done do you know oh yeah yeah they just pop out they literally just pop out oh they go straight to me cool right so i'm gonna eat one of these out here so they can't see me all right now my health's regening and we're all good we are back on track so the question is what the hell do we do now shall we go explore somewhere near what the hell is that noise i hear like a man is that you is it me oh there's a cave here who's making that noise oh it's you oh okay um i assume these guys are bad out oh all right that's great i'll just stand here and you hurt each other idiots are you architects you're acting a lot like architects he's down right all right put some of this in out your brick oh yeah i remember i remember now you gotta like you can't just spam click was this a new cave is this new this wasn't here before was it don't know it's all light it was like a hole oh all right more strawberry rocks oh god it's dark down there if i go in the water will the torch go out apparently not oh god we're swimming we're swimming down right we are we are down the bottom i assume i can just swim back up can i that's a long way up there i hear something growling should i grab some of that stuff feel like i needed that for something oh wow i really cannot see a thing hang on stick and cold to make a torch all right i didn't i didn't really come prepared for this sort of we'll get the cone out so we'll just dig that i'm sure this makes good youtube content actually can i just put this on a wall can i put this on a wall can i pick that up later yes okay right we'll do it that way oh man people are going to be cringing at this i can tell i'm pretty sure there's black stuff is it just coal or charcoal or something i think that's probably useful for like cooking stuff oh what's this one again it's like weird mushroom it looks like down there my granddad was a coal miner by the way no wonder i was so good at that right look more cold runs in the family obviously right spunk you over there a bit more mining i just looked at my inventory as well these this like weird mushroomy stuff like that's that's not a mushroom can you believe that that's not a mushroom it's called iron i probably did know that before i've just forgotten it's been a while since i played this but now i have your attention mining in the pitch black almost if you want to see another video of me playing this game 25 000 likes that's what i've decided now 25 000 boosters of the like button will get me to embarrass myself in a future video anything down the other end oh lots more cold another river this one doesn't seem to go anywhere they i think it's coming out there i'll tell you what can i be like a drainage engineer can i block this can i just go plop i can no way i can see why this is called minecraft now because you literally mine and then you go back and you craft my god i've worked it out this is addictive man this is addictive oh freak me what is that what is that is that like a claw really oh what is that oh there's two of them what are you guys you're right guys i wonder do they like carrots right they don't seem to be too interested in the carrots right well we might have to leave them sorry lads oh that's nice meeting you they and oh what's that oh what is that oh a new recipe glow ink sack oh is that thing like a squid i thought it was like a mollusk or something anyway we're gonna swim up all right we've got to get back to our base and have a snooze because it's dangerous at night oh god they're not monster they explode holy oh me and you piggy we just got very lucky i tell you what your luck's increased further come with me that's it that's it yes he's in all right hello pigs i need to get some more carrots for you guys don't i anyway i'm having a snooze right okay day seven whatever it is actually that's what that seven means i need to recraft one of these pickaxes so if i put coal and raw iron does that give me proper iron yeah iron ingot so if we take that i'm pretty sure was it this one the crafting table thing can i then make an iron pickaxe oh i've just i've just got to the iron age i didn't even realize we're still in the stone age right so i need three iron ingots i also need some sticks so i'm gonna have to go get some wood i'm not sure what all the different woods do most of these sorts the games like the better the tree oh god this is a big tree shall we try and take this boy down timber oh yeah it doesn't do anything oh god what's that is that a bee is that a beehive should i should i do anything with that it's dripping like honey oh look at that will it fall down if i do this one i probably shouldn't stand underneath for doing that as well oh look look there's bees there's actual bees they're touching should i be watching i think we should censor this oh that is juicy that is juicy i thought this was a kids game that was disgusting right 35 wood that is a hell of a lot of wood and hopefully our irony stuff should be done by now let's go into there grab oh look 14. grab all those oh okay so it doesn't matter what type of wood we have anything will do right okay so i had a plan i'm not sure whether to do it out of wood or wait till i get a few more like better materials i could just build it in wood first and then use something else afterwards oh like a chain that would really help right anyway anyway distracted distracted what am i doing i'm making an iron pickaxe to replace that crappy one oh we can make armor should i be armoring up do you want armor okay you heard the man let's make him we've got pigs who pushed me so far meant to be over here advancement made a suit up nice right let's get some we can't afford anything else okay we might have to go mine some iron at some point right okay then piggies i need to suit up i assume i just dragged them up there do i yes although i look a lot less engineer now right so i want to do i want to do some building i think the best bet is to do stairs to make what i want to make now it's not going to be very engineery it might be a little bit architecturally that pig is shuddering at the thought of me doing architecture but i think that's what this game is all about it's not really engineering it's about making things look good so we want wooden steps what's an ominous banner where do i get that from all right and then we're gonna snooze don't eat my carrot pegs don't eat it all right i didn't eat it we're all good oh that's not day seven then i don't know what that is is it like xp am i leveling up anyway to make this base a lot cooler i'm sort of thinking we build something incredible and i'm probably i'm probably thinking a bit too big if i'm honest for my first ever base build but my plan is rather than have this as like a cantilevered base i want to have it completely separated like it's literally hanging and the way i'm gonna do that i want to build like a crane i don't know how big it's gonna be well look you can jump and oh that's useful oh so i could have got out of the cave without using ladders and stuff okay that's good to know the only thing with these stairs i don't know if i can like rotate them well i was thinking i could try and make it look like cross bracing so if i went like this direction bollocks why am i so bad at this okay not just build i've actually got a build underneath that's going to take ages we've got as our temporary sort of solution so we can bunk those there and that then we do this over here oh this is going to be quite a big beast actually we plunk that there we need to build a load more dirt down the back oh god i'm going to run out of dirt that goes on there and then we can get our dirt back am i doing this right is this like what minecrafters do they do like temporary scaffolding with dirt am i like massively overthinking this all right so just delete these bits of soil and then we've sort of made a bit of what i want to do i just i want to get like is there a way to go like upside down stairs go upside down i can oh i can that's wrong around what if we go that way yes okay so i think that's what i want all right so crouch which is not see see you zoom in whoa that's really like laggy so if we go yes like that and then we come over here and do oh god all right so let's go upside down you gotta click under there okay got it got it yeah that does actually look sort of what like i'm after i think the trouble is i actually need way more planks so i'm gonna have to mine a crap ton of wood it's also really hard to get back in i do plan on putting like a ladder on the outside so i can climb up easily oh man this thing is so quick like i'm cheesing through the wood slicing through it like butter no wood left behind i'm getting this one come on you're not being left behind yes oh there's one above it as well oh bee just popped out you're right mate all right we've done the mining bit we've got a load a load of wood we're gonna head back and we're gonna do the crafting bit out of the way pigs they give me the planks is there a way to do all of this can i do like shift or something oh shift i can just do shift i've just saved like 10 hours of my life okay we got six ladder pieces i'm not sure whether pigs can use ladders so i might just be safe and go this way and i think to be honest i want to put a ladder over this side because this is where i'm going to enter my base from so where do i want to go probably up there wanking ladders up as we go right and then to do the cross bracing i think we want one of those there right so like that with the dirt i think and then one there one there and then we dig those out jump over there to get the dirt and then we can put stairs underneath now we're here so it's crouched down so on there on there one there one there right and if we just oh god i'm gonna die making this thing i think that side is now done so if we just work around and do the others i really need to eat some food as well i'm dying i probably need to go collect some food as well actually let's eat a pork chop and an apple an apple with a view there you go now our health is going up so we basically need two layers of dirt on all of these bloody out and stairs go oh god this this crane is going to be a lot bigger than i thought it was going to be i think oh god oh i'm going to die i'm going to die doing this all right so stairs under here you got to click the roof ones the underside all right i might just do this just so i don't die i probably won't keep this it's just so i can get around easier while building all right so stairs that way stairs that way i've run out of dirt so i'm gonna have to use wood all right but now we just do the under stairs it's like the under stairs cupboard but they're literally under stairs all right nice now just one more to do so i'll do the old wood the safety wood i like to call that wood and then we want to jump out of here and try and land on the ladder okay never in doubt right so we'll rinse and repeat this a few times and then we should be able to start building our crane outwards and my thinking is we build it out that way and then we sort of suspend this maybe by the chain if we can get the chain to work all right we're guessing there i need to i want to get some of my planks back they're like all falling down can i jump over there will i die i'm scared i'm gonna die oh god all right it's okay it's okay collect all the planks and the stairs i've dropped quite a lot doing this we'll just add these horizontal beans on wait are they high enough oh they're not high enough they need to go one higher damn it right there we go we'll just go around adding these and then i think we're probably high enough we can start doing our crane arm look at all my pegs down there i do actually need to go find some more carrots actually just to keep them happy but yes with the sun setting i myself am very happy this is pretty tall now just shove a ladder there and then we can head all the way down and we'll go have a snooze and then you can see what it looks like in the daylight because there's a pile of pigs all right good morning world good morning pigs and then when we look up whoa it is actually looking a bit trust like i need to do that a bit there i've missed that much better right so let's head back up so this is the sort of top of our crane i don't know whether i need to like try and do like a triangle i think i do don't i yeah i do i do okay so i'm guessing i want to do one of them some temporary stuff and then do like that sort of thing let me just head along here to do my the undersides the undersides are important so you smash away the dirt replace with upside down stairs press the wrong button i do this like every time delete all of those but yeah if i can get some sort i might have to do double stairs like a long yeah i think that will work oh hang on why is that one why was that on the corner why is that like corner stairs i don't want corner stairs am i gonna be like no stop doing that why are you doing that you know let's go over here see that oh what is going on we're getting corner stairs everywhere have i gotta be oh yeah i've just got to face that way okay okay i got it i'm learning so much about this game i'm thinking perhaps that should be stairs as well yeah let's let's replace that i think if i do this and jump yeah that's better that is better right delete that one delete that one and jump and stare jump and stare right so yeah i think if we just extend this outwards we should be good oh god i really don't like this thing that people do the old leaning over the edge now let's see how far out we want to go all right this is actually going to be awesome all right let's keep going probably out to about there maybe and we just want sort of similar spacing so how many is that one two so four then one two three four i think on this one you want that three one two three four yeah okay we'll just do one more at the end then all right so that gets that on it oh god i'm so scared i'm so high i'm looking right down you should never look down when you're up high noise right so we'll go out to each of those like that and then we just got to do the stairs so we'll do up there up there one at the end up there and then we've just got to do temporary stuff so i've lost all my dirt i think my dirt fell down oh is that the moon rising i thought i was like smoke in the distance it's so pixelated it's the moon which means it's night time which means i should probably get to bed oh god i'm actually really hungry as well i sort of forgot this was a survival game i meant to be surviving not building stupid crane houses oh god i nearly fell off then man where am i actually gonna do i might have to dangle from like here maybe yeah so if i dangled right down i think that would hang everything i want nicely i also gotta build that way maybe i should build that way as well how many segments do we do one two three so we'll do three this direction as well right the sun is rising i've just realized i've cocked this up as well so we're gonna have to lose some of these hopefully they'll drop into our base oh god that's one of those weird slenderman things so basically i need to move this arm over one so let's put all of those in i'm an idiot right so my speed run slash speed build tactic here so we do that we do that we then hook do these across do the same this side one there one there on there get that bit of mud back and then stare under there actually was that in the i think that was in the right place i've just cocked up oh no one two three four oh i was in the right place i'm an idiot i'm an idiot and i'll tell you what it's a lot easier building with a platform next year so you're not scared of dying all right and we're actually out of stairs and i think we've dropped most of them down there so i might go and get them because there's not too much else i can do it means we can also go take a look from far away so here we go then oh god it's so deep now that was a hell of a splash all this wood floats that's cool right let's head over this direction right so there is my crane sort of sort of thinking maybe like the horizontal one should be a bit taller looking a bit chewy isn't it maybe i just need to make the segments longer i don't know but i do know i need to add a weight to this side so if we do if we go do some mining so what is this stuff cobblestone yeah i think that will do so we'll just grab a load of cobblestone basically i'm actually avoiding the minerals this is like the opposite of how you're meant to mine that's probably enough stone so basically what i want to do is add it to that end so if we just go to our stairs i think basically i just want to like do that sort of thing i don't know how i meant to go lower though this is the counterweight which will allow our hanging base to actually not not fall because this game is definitely realistic in terms of physics i want to do another layer on top i think but i don't really have enough little head back where is where are the stairs again down this one oh god all right back to bed i'm not messing about no mining at night time oh yeah i feel like we've definitely got to go like taller on the outside now we've pretty much made a crane though is that have i done well for my first ever base is this normal is this out there i don't know i feel proud of it anyway but yeah you know the deal if you want another video in this series 25 000 likes is what it's going to take boo shout button anyway guys i'll catch you next time peace love and cranes [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 341,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professionals play games, experts play, minecraft, funny, moments, first time, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, game, lets play, pc, pc game, minecraft funny, minecraft part 1, new series, never played before, minecraft new, minecraft survival, minecraft house, minecraft lets play, gameplay, diamonds, gaming, survival, real civil engineer, mine craft real engineer, real civil engineer minecraft, first time minecraft, mine craft, minecraft first time 2021
Id: hQD39QYMbZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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