My Daughter's First Day at a NEW SCHOOL

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today my daughter Salish has only one hour  to complete her first day at a new school and then she will have to decide if a crazy  big school is where she wants to go next year   for the last few years she's been going to a small  school but today Santiago Charter Middle School is   going to show her what a big school experience  is like starting with the bus ride to school okay say time to go to school are you ready  she thinks this is intense the day is only   getting crazier okay so that's what that's  what a school feels like uh-oh the bell ring today we're going to be doing a decomposition  reaction and come help me out perfect You're   Just in Time come on in we have a new student  who's gonna help us out what classes science   come on okay put this on there you go gonna grab  the hydrogen peroxide and you're gonna pour it   in okay pour that in what are we doing we're  making elephant toothpaste what you gotta put   your hood on okay so everyone who's in the front  row go ahead and move back we have to move back it's fine everything's fine I don't know what's  gonna happen but I gotta film it it's my little   girl grab the final ingredient and you're gonna  dump it in as fast as you can okay [Music] all right well now it's time to clean up actually   to run to my next class thank you so much so  bye I don't know anyone here so let's cry now I don't know it looks like basketball is this  a pe hi this is my daughter Salish we're just   checking out the school if you guys are about to  play her in basketball she is so good you think   this is a little cringy if your dad's at the  first day of school with you no see wow no what   do you guys think everybody stop this is Salish  matter she's gonna take a three-point shot yeah what big moment and there it goes we're gonna play a  game of three on three us hey let's play teams   I've got YouTube all right this is gonna be so  fun come on let's go you believe that dad's not   into this really yeah it has to be just the girls  oh yeah you got a little girl I'll be over here   cheering you on oh nice pass salish did you guys  see that guys whoa chicken to the hoop all the way   just get in there slam that thing okay I don't  know if my little girl has the aggressiveness to   like playing the WNBA what do you think I think  she's great I don't know she just needs to oh   oh sorry oh my God that's my little girl I just  made a basket come here give okay very supportive   school here we go we can do it little girl just  you and me okay actually it's actually really it's   hard oh this isn't poor old man how do you guys  like this cool I love it it's really fun yeah I   heard you talking about the school there's no boys  here right it's just girls school yeah this isn't   an all girls school no they're boys this is gonna  be a problem we're trying to solve a debate if you   think a big school is better cheer if you think a  small school is better cheer oh wow small schools   of course this is a big school so you guys like  the school right even though he's being really   cringy I think he's also being pretty fun and  I think he's entertaining A lot of the students   say we gotta go we gotta go next class let's  go bye I have no idea where we're going I   am not in shape for this kind of video  anymore supposed to be here they can be   anywhere where would oh this one I guess oh  wait welcome to your first day of school oh this is definitely not what I envisioned  for my dream locker but it won't work   obviously if it was a real first day I wouldn't  come to school with her but we only got one hour   to do a school tour so this is the way we  decided to do it and I'm gonna be here say   say wait up wait up anybody know where room 405  is how do you feel about a big school right now   I know there's a lot of kids am I  embarrassing why because I'm like right here oh okay all right thank you  thank you okay hello she's never spoken French when I was growing up I was  always changing schools so I   really understand how she's feeling  it's never easy to be the new kid I guess we're leaving I think the  next one is banned no is this banned   okay no sorry I think it's in here nope  sorry sorry sorry sorry hi is this big   is that band that's awkward that was  awkward I hear it I hear it right here well you might today I don't  know say say go get them sorry new kid and the dad cringy I'm Gonna Leave   I guess she's all yours bye wait what  we're gonna have you play some drums today yeah go for it let's hear one well let's take it from the top is that how I do it one two three what was that oh so that's how you drum after a few classes Salish made some friends and  they helped her feel much more comfortable oh yeah yeah no have you guys seen a new kid uh she's kind   of little her name is Salish  should you see her anywhere [Music] I see you I thought we could have  lunch together oh okay all right so   it's just yeah no lunch okay dad still  go to school with their daughters what it's just one day okay okay I'm gonna eat  by myself I'll eat by myself thank you   amazing good job okay I have no idea  what I'm doing my dad's gone I guess I'm in   your next class is it cheer can I see your  papers I'm gonna have Sadie one of our head   captains take care of you Sadie here is your  uniform and your dress huh that normally works let's go this time we're gonna deal with the  mascot okay I don't know it's my dad is yay it's me your new mascot right right no how  about slavish though slaying it slay it Queen   that's what I'm talking about school can be really hard if  you don't know anyone but it   can also be the most awesome place  in the world if you have friends oh yeah I don't know how Salish is feeling she  looks like she's having a lot of fun I   always went to a smaller school and I  loved it but this school is awesome and   if I was I've been having a great time  right now I think it's this way said uh 109 what are we looking  for we're nine what a five all right we're just lost sorry hi come on come on I screw like this every day I'm still shy so the  big school thing if it's every day I don't know   if I can do it I'll try your title should hint out  the theme of the poem hi hi new yes yeah English   sure all right come on in have a seat wherever you  feel comfortable who wants to uh read your poem no   I I don't have a poem are you sure yeah check  your backpack let's just see the magic of school did you write this no I don't know what you mean  yeah wait what do you mean what okay foreign I would never write a poem for my daughter  but how had on a poem I might have written   something like this and maybe all of you could  you could play with this teenagers may act all   cool but we love our dad he's nobody's fool  he helps us navigate our fears and offers   advice to ease our tears he's our biggest  fan and Advocate our dad is simply great   this was the most awkward moment  of my life okay bye everybody that's not what parents do your first day of  school of course I'm gonna go I'm gonna help   you out okay this is a new student her name is  Salish but you can call her say I say nice to   meet you so what is this class this is culinary  all right great well she's your student she's   trying to get a sense of what all the classes  like then she's going to decide does she want   to go to a big school or a small school do  any of your parents come to class with you   oh is this weird yeah yeah it's weird okay  well then I'll be over there I love you   you got this okay good all right that didn't go  over well don't put you with kitchen chew today [Music]   you're gonna try to become  a pasta expert in 10 minutes go why is it bubbling at me okay I like this  school a lot yeah so the kid's nice yeah she's   been going to a small school she's thinking about  going to a big school what do you think I think   it's up to her and what she wants but that's  actually kind of true thank you is this fresh   yeah it is fresh one great way that Santiago gives  back is they actually take the food they make in   this class and they use it to feed local people  in need fresh pasta so this is our basil pesto   that we made and mix it around with your pasta  noodles and then give it a try see all schools   help us or is it only things I think we're  a special school okay we got to kind of run okay you made this hold on this is so good you any more  projects good right let's go bye guys come on okay   okay we are doing portraits today okay oh okay  I've never done that before cubism like Pablo   Picasso we're gonna draw face as best as you can  but we want to break it up into shapes today I've   never done this so I have no idea what I'm doing  yeah there we go draw your dad okay come here Dad   how can we get this part of his face into  that Circle okay when you do my hair you   better make it look good my eyes aren't  really level but okay looks amazing thank   you let's think about a really strong color  for your dad what reminds you of your dad 30 seconds then we have to go to the next  class dad I would love to finish this but   I don't think I have any time so thank you  so much and bye what do we think [Music] thank you I've never done this before do  you have any idea what you're doing no   put the throttle up right here all the way  there you go it's kind of like really fine   except I've never flown Esports for  seventh and 8th graders this is cool okay so I can get up whoa wait I'm doing a back flush just as Salish was feeling alone again  another kid helped her feel right at home I saved it again good job thank you this is  stressful flying a plane one thing about big   schools is they have a lot of collectives and  that was really fun oh my gosh it was so good   to meet you next year bye see you next year bye  that was so fun but oh my gosh I'm so exhausted   now I have a big decision to make tomorrow okay  I've had a night to think about if I like a small   school or a big school better at first it was a  little difficult because I didn't know anybody   but then the kids were really nice and there were  a lot of great elective classes drum roll please   small school for the last couple years so  why not try and make school as long as my   dad doesn't go to a first day of school  again wait I would never actually go to   the first day of school with you say  Obviously I'd let Mom go uh wait what [Music]
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 16,486,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, hudson matter, challenge, say say matter, high school, new school, cheer, music, art, father daughter, family, santiago charter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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