Surviving Every Job in Alphabetical Order For Daughter

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surviving every job in alphabetical order for my daughter to teach her to work hard while learning her ABCs [Music] now it's some of the finishing touches as long as I don't get fired from over five jobs then one of you subscribers will win a brand new iPhone so make sure you are subscribed also my daughter zadie will be watching the entire thing and voila my arms is complete it is a masterpiece I'll buy it you're hired you got yourself a deal come on that and I must Barista and here at Starbucks our customers deserve two things perfect drinks and perfect customer service and if you don't provide any of those you're fine now get to work welcome to Starbucks what would you like her can we get a bagel and an iced coffee here we go your venti iced coffee will be right up next to order you have a grande latte please that'll be 4.55 thank you very much your drink will be right up and I just have to make the drinks hard work is what got me to where I am and I want to instill that work ethic in my daughter no matter what she does here you go guys go iced coffee and a latte enjoy Sam fam this is so much easier than I thought comment below your favorite Starbucks drink order another customer welcome to 20 hot coffees 20 yes of course yeah and just tall awesome yes that will be 53 okay and then would you be able to carry them to my car I can't do it on my own oh um of course customer service is our number one priority here at Starbucks thank you okay I'll get to making those I got this you're gonna hire me who orders 20 copies 20 right up my car's just this way okay [Music] you know coffee just please don't say anything to my boss you're on fire no at least I don't have to clean this up can I get a refund she is coaching [Applause] see you ready to learn some new moves here at my gym oh what's in here think you might want to hire me as your coach let's go on the slide now are you gonna go tummy or sit yeah you can do it Zade three two one go go [Applause] look at you high five great job now you're gonna walk on a balance beam arms out one foot in front of the other [Applause] you're almost there ready and Yay good job high five now obviously you'll eventually do a backflip but today it's just about jumping jump jump jump jump why am I doing all the work oh good girl jump jump it must be your coach now I'm gonna salt um hands down now put your head you did it now I think you need to swing on the bars you're gonna try to hang on the bar for three seconds arms up one two three good job you must have a really good coach huh so Zade am I higher no that's a yes D is for detective glad you're here detective I'll show you the body so what happened we think he was poison but we're not exactly sure oh no we have three suspects in custody mind if I take a look around sure let's do this looks like he drank some hot chocolate he could have been poisoned but how what other Clues can we find a phone interesting wait a second this doesn't look like his phone maybe it's one of the reasons he was poisoned look hair this probably belongs to the killer I need to look around I feel like I'm missing something and I need to solve this so I can get hired look at this it says enjoy some zamfam hot chocolate Rebecca that wasn't me someone's pretending to is this the poison that killed him I didn't I need to stop for fingerprints fingerprints will help me find out who the Killer is bingo we have some fingerprints and it's gonna be easy now to figure out who the Killer is are you ready to interview the suspects you bet I am here are the suspects he was the last one that Matt called Matt had her phone and she was the first one to find the body you have five minutes to solve this murder or you're fired time starts now wait five minutes hold on no no wait this takes longer five minutes five minutes in front Okay I'm gonna have to figure out something else young man they said that you were on the phone with Matt when he died what were you guys talking about yeah he called me and told me that he had something really important to tell me and he never got it out what oh sure yeah you just stopped talking yeah sure sounds a little sus but I have more questions you he had your phone why would Matt have your phone yeah I actually forgot it I was on my way back to pick it up sounds like a killer or maybe you had something on your phone you didn't want anyone to see and Matt saw it and you you found his body how did you know that Matt was dead in the foyer I was on a zoom date in my room and then I heard a scream I come downstairs and see the dead body and guess who's out the door she was I told you I came here to pick up my phone now for evidence number one there was some hair by Matt's body hair that was extremely long officer him out yeah he is not the killer you're free to go speaking of Bree are uh you free tonight and then there were two I don't think either of you guys are the killer you guys can just sign your names you are free to go officer can you get the handcuffs off these ladies all right bam you're free and you ma'am also free thank you officer now just sign your names and we'll move on hopefully we find the killer somewhere out there good can we get out of here not so fast I wasn't sure the killer was here before but I am confident the Killer is here right now I wasn't able to send it the fingerprint into the lab but I can confirm that the killer was right-handed and when you guys wrote your name she is Left-Handed which means Maddie you have to be the killer fine it was me I did it but I didn't mean to kill Matt I meant to kill you me why yes you were gonna go on a date with my crush Javier he doesn't even like you that's why you deserve to be poisoned I put poison in the hot chocolate for her but then Matt ended up drinking it congratulations Rebecca you saw the murder you're hired and you're coming with me young lady no no please away that's toxic love right there but I got higher it's for exercise instructor and I have 10 minutes to get them to lose one pound otherwise I'm fired now get the jumping jack I don't need to lose any weight I already got an eight-pack you better get jumping or you're gonna have to add a layer of clothing that's right if you're not gonna work it out you're gonna sweat it out because there is no way I'm getting fired how bad do you want to lose it really fast what about I don't have to lose anything get down and give me 20 push-ups can we do like an ab workout I am not leaving until you guys lose one pound don't stop oh put a layer of clothes on sweat it out I'm talking water weight I'm talking to anything we need total loss of pounds I have no way to lose maybe if I drop that Sharpie you'll lose a pound lifting weights get your metabolism going so you guys grab some weights and I want 20 crows get some weights uh no those weights are not acceptable those are weights for an ant I need those ones grab the big one what remember you stop you ought to layer of clothes on I'm looking at you [Music] that's something to you and then we are gonna weigh you zamfam they definitely have had to lose a pound they just did a ton of exercise now step on the scale we took your weight before and she stayed the same you had to have lost weight what it all went to my ass get on the stairs I need you running up the stairs okay zamfam I only have one minute left and they have not lost a pound this is going to be impossible I need to figure out a way to get them to lose weight in the next minute what just perfect do not tell them I did this all right you guys you must be thirsty sorry for being so hard on you just want to be a really good exercise instructor it's a weird water it's got electrolytes all right now get back to some jumping jacks you guys I'm gonna go use the bathroom what something's happening down here uh you guys see if it might have to do this because if I get fired fired in an iPhone hey zamfam they're coming right now and we have to wait them I hope they lost the pound and I hope this works you guys good yeah Maddie took forever the bathroom she wrecked in it's terrible in there don't go time to step on the scale Maddie Step Up oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah one step closer to winning you guys an iPhone that was exhausting I can't believe I did it oh oh no this is for fashion designer you will be competing in a fashion show where you design your own look but you can only use whatever's on that table you have five minutes what are you just standing there for go what oh this is yeah you're not getting hired today got something Maddie let me have one of them sorry figure it out on your own what that's not fair all I have is a deck of deck of close with you I can only use stuff on this table there's tape balloons I think I have an idea they say one man's trash is another man's treasure I'm gonna make sure that this is the best ever ever actually saw this on Tick Tock you just make a little slit on this side right here it opens up everything and voila you have fashion guess what it's also waterproof I have all these supplies but all I need is this aluminum foil to make a DIY dress I saw this those I've done something cool with this before in my hair time's up let's see what outfits you've designed [Music] what inspired you for this look the future inspired me next [Music] what was the inspiration for this I just wanted something a little bit more trashy and super Airy next [Applause] wow I've never seen anything like this what inspired you I went with the Las Vegas theme and I was hoping that would make me a little bit lucky indeed it does everyone over here now well it was a difficult decision but the winner is [Music] Rebecca oh my God G is for goalie and I have to block three of the five goals if I want to be hired has she ever been a goalie before I don't think she's ever played soccer before but we're not going easy on her kick up let's go come on I played soccer for nine years oh no it's not here why is there Velcro on these gloves there you go oh yeah [Music] right now right now but I blocked it my turn [Applause] oh no it all comes down to this if I block it I'm hired but if I don't I'm fired okay down [Music] oh yeah oh that's glory is higher yeah yeah H is for hair stylist sir what are you here for today well before I hire you my hair's been feeling really dry lately is there any way you can make it soft sounds like you need a deep condition just add in a few things Scout a massage this is my secret trick it always the coolest really adds hydration oh it feels so cool yeah that's part of the deep condition oh this is really cool do you want a deep condition or not as long as it won't be dry oh it's so cold what are you using it's a secret ingredient through your hair tell me how soft it feels this is so soft yeah this is the softest it's ever felt so you're the best you were definitely hired yes why is my hand think you know what he's saying on my date I got this ask him if he thinks I'm pretty as she muy bonita oh he says he likes the low crazy hair the like he thinks you should maybe grow it longer okay I can do that okay I can do that I don't actually know Spanish so I'm just gonna tell her exactly what she wants to hear so I don't get fired uh I think you think he's having a good time can you ask if he doesn't see if he wants to hold my hand let's do mono Bravo so you can elivo yes yes oh oh dry bow El su casa suerte um yes es suerte yeah I think he thinks you're strong the connection that I have a feeling okay of course I am your interpreter una connection oh I think that was a compliment she said that he likes you very muchisimo much I think he's ready to take it to the next level muy confidente okay umero please oh so I don't get fire ego I'm going in donut levo gas it [Music] I really need to learn Spanish J is for janitor you're gonna be cleaning up this message some dumb Barista made what I don't think she was dumb just say it I can't believe I have to clean this up who orders 20 coffees I don't want to clean up this mess but I've already been fired twice and we're not it's gonna suck it up oh God In My Eyes even with the letter j mommy is working hard and I'm not complaining at all wow that was quick I'm impressed you're hired awesome you're doing the bathrooms next what no sorry I have to move on to okay instructor and this is I think I can do it yes you can after the Rebecca's karate training now everyone stand tall and repeat after me hi hi can can break okay that last one was not a karate move let's see your karate kick getting prepped to break that board karate okay oh yeah okay come on I want confidence I want you to kick your foot up in the sky oh do you think you guys are ready this is gonna be easy Focus through the board yeah oh nice job just remember straight through okay not bad at all oh looks like someone's gonna hired all right Eric you got this just like that kick but with your hand all the way through like harder though break it can't do it you know what you guys I'll be right back hey what's going on I'm sorry I just couldn't break the board you can break the board though all you need is confidence you're just not confident just like that last kick you did just have to do that the same thing but how you just have to think of the board as something okay and use that to drive your hand all the way through what am I supposed to think of she can't do it she's just a girl she can't do it quiet did they just say that girls can do anything that boys can do now use that and break that board you got this I hope she's got this okay Erica are you ready put an extra board on there are you sure yes you've got this remember what to think of to just go on through you can do this oh how'd she do that what I did it because girls can do anything that boys can do yes they can high five to death anyone want karate lessons L is for librarians do you see this decibel reader you are not a librarian yes these three kids come in every day and cause a Ruckus and stairway customers you need to get this under 45 decibels or you're fired you're five minutes five minutes they're kids this can't be that hard what does nuclear explosion happen in 1982 excuse me could you keep your voice down we're in a library Public Library I can do whatever I want yes but to respect everyone else could we just lower our voice and then you can go back to picking out your books sorry lady no is there anything I can do to just get you to lower your voice down you know for everyone I mean you could pay me a hundred dollars there's no way it's worth a hundred dollars I'm just gonna keep on being loud then hey hold on you take it okay just keep your voice down okay this isn't a hundred dollars it's all I have no oh everyone want to voice down I mean those shoes look like a hundred dollars no not another Pete from you that boy was awful this girl's gonna be easy I do love this song what's that smell nothing I'm pretty sure it smells like dirty socks you know what that's not important I'm here because this is a library and you cannot play music in a library unless you're wearing your headphones so could you please just wear your headphones ah no okay I see why don't you just read a book you don't have to listen no I'm gonna play my music whether you like it or not what am I going to do it's definitely over the decimal reader 45 and I cannot get fired so I have to figure out a way to get her to stop I know something that all kids hate hey nice song you got there phone back you want it back oh too short Too Short promise me you'll use your headphones fine get the headphones give me the cord put it on now if I hear that music one more time playing I'm throwing that phone in a toilet yeah I'm watching [Music] go down one to go this is a lot harder than I thought but I am not getting excuse me this is a library can I ask you to put the chips away huh that was easy just backtracking you uh the gum we don't really allow gum it makes a loud sound and the decimal reader is definitely reading over 45 so can I get you to also not have chips or gum you said don't eat chips yeah and gum you just spit it out no you know what I didn't want to have to do this but you like a good challenge um I to a bubble gum blowing contest if I win you have to spit out that gum what happens if I win I'll leave deal go first you nervous oh you think I can't blow a bubble bigger than that oh yeah oh yeah look who blew the biggest bubble now spit it out oh quiet congratulations you did it this is the quietest this place has been you're hired oh yeah M is for masseuse if you can give me a good massage blindfolded yeah I can do that right there is good what if I go down on the legs yeah I'm on my legs all day all right as long as I get hired I'm willing to do anything doing good how are your hands you want a hand massage okay oh wow wearing gloves keep them nice and soft any other parts of the body my face has been a little bit tense recently okay let me just find oh there we go oh like a head massage yeah that's good wow you got some kind of coarse curly hair yeah I got a condition more I'm not judging I'm just trying to massage so I can be hired you know what that was a great massage yeah really really oh my gosh thank you so much what's the problem good good and I will be your news anchor I'm here to fill you in on the latest tea for the next hour to start off we will be talking about this new trend where they make clothes out of uh modern things uh can you go go back a little bit oh back to the dead fire wait no that teleprompter moves so much faster than I thought oh it's for office assistant uh hey don't fit you are my assistant so you do everything I say and it'll get more extreme there's no way you're not getting fired well I am willing to do whatever it takes to stay hired good clean the toilet now okay yeah oh I didn't know an office assistant had to do this I'm just gonna wipe it oh it's smearing Sadie if you're watching this I'm doing this for you come on okay it is all clean and it's unclogged no one should be eating burritos anytime soon I just don't understand why it's so smells the toilet is clean it's a lot grosser you have a little something on your cheek oh oh oh that's what that smell was I'm hungry order me a salad extra croutons you got it oh being an office assistant is a lot harder than I thought but I have to do this for zadie so here we go here's your salad enjoy let me know if there's anything I said no [Music] croutons you're right I did I need to put my nose no I need her on my nose I need to blow oh don't make me fire you okay that's enough thank you assistant will you please take photos for me um being professional anything I can do to get hired okay good maybe a smile yep looking good uh you just got a text from who Javier what does it say um it just says stop calling me I don't like you that was not for you to read listen you are a confident strong powerful successful woman and if a guy is gonna talk to you like that he doesn't deserve you you can do better and you deserve better I'm sorry if I if I overstepped as an office assistant but it's true thank you you're hired get out of my office okay officer look at that we're on it with the two on one robbery in progress you catch the bad guy you get hired this is my house go get them okay Robert's in my house hey there's a rubber you can't catch me oh yeah okay you're not gonna catch me oh yeah hey where'd he go hey come on rookie you gotta do better than this [Music] I thought you went in here and I am not I'm not gonna get fired come about to arrest you where'd they go see if Bambino police officer is a lot harder than I thought I swear I thought he went in here maybe I'm just gonna have to get fired have you guys ever tried to be a police officer it is harder than it looks [Applause] turn over you're under arrest I did good job rookie so does that mean I'm hired you're hired yeah yeah Q is for quality food inspector you have to eat all these Foods other quality inspectors would not eat if you eat them all you're hired easy wait why didn't they want to eat the foods you'll see Okay pink corn dog and fries this can't be that bad tastes a little painty that's edible right sure okay definitely a paint flavor but I like that it's pink next candy cane these quality food inspectors obviously are a little bit of wimps because these are candy canes and these are delicious [Music] oh it tastes like ketchup and I love ketchup but not in a candy cane oh hot dog candy cane these should never be candy cane formed test it though because I'm gonna pass this keep moving along what is this damn fam can you uh explain to me what that is ah yes this is the octopus jerky that's a thing oh yes and no one else would eat it but good thing you will I don't even like octopus I can smell the octopus I'm just gonna think it's bacon oh but chewy here insultier is it good no what I tasted it please be something delicious breakfast food I love breakfast weed is my favorite actually all those foods are Blended up into this smoothie it wouldn't fit under the tray bon appetit Ive just for you and for you damn fam so you can win the iPhone this can't be good I guess the sausage oh oh in a good way not in a good way I don't think you should sell that to be people unless you really don't like them all right you have one more food taste and then you will be hired please be something better something as easy as that corn dog what is that anchovy cookie dough a little bit of salty a little bit of sweet so I just have to oh it's a lot more anchovy than cookie dough if I put this in my mouth and taste it then I pass right exactly three two what all right congratulations you are hired [Applause] oh it's from race car driver and I have to be my husband around the pool if I want to be hired you marks get set go can't pass now take your mouth looks like I'm getting higher this is her swim instructor and I have to teach is 83 new moves let's go the first move I was Sadie is how to just move herself across the pool now you're here and you have to go there just move your arms oh look zamfamji's doing it almost there dude almost there and she got it the next thing I'm teaching zadie is how to slide it down this into the water do you want to slide okay slide and oh good girl you did it now the third and final move is zadie's gonna have to kick so her arms are gonna be here I want you to kick zadie kick kick kick good girl zadie you just learned three new skills today so I think I'm hired do you agree T is for teacher and if you want to get Hive you must get all of these students to get along by the time I get back hey what was that for that was for winning suspenders how do you like it now I took your book okay can you stopped messing around I'm trying to sleep stop it me I have soccer back just later of course you do oh God hey everyone sit down now I am Mr molo and I think that it would be best if all of you just got along okay I'm not getting along with that nerd hey who are you calling nerd besides you can't even read why don't you read this in your face okay okay now we don't need physical violence what if I told you if you guys all get along you can keep all of this zamfam merch we already have it what hey whoa hold on whoa whoa this is getting out of hand San fam what am I supposed to do I cannot pack if I don't get them to get along and they are clearly not getting along I just need to figure out a way to get them to work together like they have a common goal that that was fast if you guys can find my pocket watch then I will let you throw water balloons at me deal you guys are gonna have to work together here's your first clue you'll each take turns reading a clue she will go first then you then you got it I have four legs but can't walk I also have a back what do you think that is you guys oh yeah a table you better hurry you guys aren't working together what is it read it oh I have hands but I can't clap a clock oh yeah oh I'm often a rectangle but I'm not a soccer goal I often have a handle and sometimes have a keyhole okay what do you think it is a door oh maybe I'm smarter than you thought nerd you're right that was actually pretty good let's read the clue I do not eat food but I do enjoy A light meal every day maybe a light a plant oh yeah what there's nothing here oh the pocket watch oh congrats you guys got the pocket watch by working together yeah way to go you know you guys are actually pretty smart and nice too you guys want to get pizza after this sure yeah okay you guys get pizza that was a great job uh oh no you don't have to do that [Music] looks like everyone's getting along you hide no I have to blow dry my hair U is for US president and as president of the United States I hear I declare everything to be made pink just like my suit including this room uh excuse me Mrs president yes you've just been fired what how you got voted out man by who the American people what they can't do that oh yes they can it is a democracy me as president I'm eliminating all pink what no what's that what's this you're hired as my vice president what am I supposed to do as vice president wait around until I die if you work here you need to earn twenty dollars in tips easy and if you get that cute girls number for me I'll give you a dollar I guess I'll start with table number one my pressure's right over there so pretend like it's a good idea this is where my ex used to go it's fine do you want me to pay you the 50 or not hi what would you two like to order we will have two burgers with two fries and then a milkshake with two straws that'll make him really jealous okay be right back hi hi oh hi hi okay great I thought this was gonna be another job what would you like to order could I have a burger and Coke please I'm gonna have a cheeseburger and a Diet Coke cheeseburger Diet Coke you got it I can take those have you guys been here before no it's actually our first date oh you are going to love it especially the service hi hi oh hi sorry I'm just a little sad because I just broke up with my boyfriend of two years oh I am so sorry is there anything you'd like to order I guess I'll just get a vanilla shake vanilla shake no problem I will be right back with that oh my name's Rebecca what's yours Sarah thanks Rebecca thanks CFM I worked at a restaurant for four years there is no way I'm getting fired from this job hey uh did you get that cute girls Sarah get it every dollar counts okay milkshake two straws two burgers with cheese and Fries is there anything else you guys need no let's drink the milkshake so that he'd really see that all right one Diet Coke one Coke one cheeseburger one hamburger and actually one of the specials today is that they all come with fries oh great is there anything else you need I think we're okay okay I'll be back to check on you thank you he's not even looking Sarah a vanilla shake would you like a straw no thanks okay well let me know if you need anything at all see how you guys are doing how is it going how are the burgers fries milkshake it's not working what's not working you know what I actually saw this thing on Tick Tock where they like flip the food around on a plate oh you do that we have one of them yeah I'll give you 20 bucks if you could do it twenty dollars I've never been more motivated maybe we'll get him to look over here if I do this trick I'll get the 20 I need to get hired okay you ready so you just go one two and then you spin it [Music] um Jeremy what are you doing here you know this is my place you've already moved on we just broke up a week ago that's not what it looks like you know what enjoy your day you can have it oh my God oh my gosh I told you to stop following me she just come back okay don't still get paid wait tip or Tippy you lost all of our customers even the cute girl you're fired got bad X is a Straight Tech you need to figure out what's stuck in his throat so I can get it out otherwise you're fired okay so it looks like something round is in his tree can zip him I cannot get fired from this I got fired five times and if I get fired you don't get an iPhone maybe I can talk to him was it a a penny a round ball something like that was it a marble like you were playing with marbles and you just swallowed it oh my gosh are you okay we saw that you were in the hospital do you know what he what he swallowed something stuck in his nose I'm so sorry okay I just need to think see if I'm not getting fired today what else is small and round and you can swallow it a toy do you have like a kid okay yeah it's not kids maybe it was a piece of a cookie like you swallowed the whole thing are you okay did he call either of you guys if you guys and let him know no he didn't how do they know he's here it's hard to find you but I got your order okay wait if they didn't call us here at the hospital okay I know just what to do oh got it you're hired oh yeah she said that she's your girlfriend is that true what what are you doing is this Chinese bad why is for yoga instructor and I have to get each of you to do a specific yoga pose if I want to be hired you are up first okay show me your down doll put your hands here yep and then put your feet here remember like that okay we call this the Superman and now can I get you to go up up yes yes oh okay good hands down and behind up you know what that's excellent why don't you just rest there in that yoga pose that is called the tired kitten let's have you two stand up please Maddie I would like you to do a natara just sauna what's that yoga instructor it is a scale on one foot you lean forward and you balance just go with the Zen there excellent excellent now can you push your body and mind even more stretch a little deeper feel the burn I feel the burn well then you learn I'm gonna let go of you do not fall okay yeah yeah boom laughing laughing off let's do this Matt us yogis like to call this a tricona sauna so you're going to want to straddle arms are out you're going to want to reach to the Sunset and then go down touch the toe and reach to the skies above can you do it I can try I will help guide you as a yoga instructor arms are out reach to the Sunset and now touch the ground it's not a good idea no no you should do it you guys all did the post looks like I passed get some new shorts yes we did it Z is for zookeeper and zadie I need you to hire me are you ready to go to the zoo look at all the animals that's a snake that's a tiger what about this this is an elephant oh I'm an elephant a hippopotamus where is the giraffe oh is this a giraffe hi zadie I love you oh the monkey what does the monkey say hi hi the monkeys don't say hi so am I hired as your zookeeper oh yeah I didn't get fired more than five times which means one of you subscribers wins a brand new iPhone so make sure you're subscribed and comment below your Instagram handle zadie mom worked really hard in the alphabet and I want you to know that if you work hard you can do anything too same with you zamfam click and watch this video right here say bye bye hopefully I taught her her ABCs and showed her that if she works hard she can do anything she wants to
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 3,358,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving, every, job, alphabetical, order, daughter, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: 7-u9hhcE9s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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