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today my daughter Salish and her best friend Nadal are going to turn 21 years old and do everything adults do for 24 hours yeah but not all of it is going to be fun sales and it all both think it's better to be an adult than a kid yeah we have freedom okay okay I don't think they should be in any hurry to grow up and so at the end of the day they are going to take a lie detector test yes or no no not that question play the other question which you like better being a kid or being an adult and if they still think it's better to be an adult I will pierce my nose you guys are adults what do you want to do first I spend money oh yeah spend money first you've got to earn money you got to get changed for work so what you're saying is you prefer being kids no no I like this dress it's cute all right stop complaining you're wearing your tie and it is time to go to work does this work I haven't even had breakfast yet I thought we were gonna do fun things oh that's all you get for breakfast is a couple black coffee sorry that's how it is being adult sometimes plus a cheese danish oh yeah the first job is you have to sort letters from the mail room put all of these letters in alphabetical order go get them Tigers don't get paid till you do it bye no way hey pick those up and get to work right now no work work now let's work Taylor whoa what are you doing kids are adults this adult thing is not that cool I don't like it I know you clean all files get to work go ah the little floor feels so nice coming up Nadal has a huge surprise for Salish you know what I'm firing myself no we need to make money why do you want to be an adult because I could drive exactly you need money to get a car if we work really hard then we can save up and have some fun okay fine wow you guys have made some real progress here so what do you guys think is better so far being a kid or an adult adult really huh well if by the end of the day you're willing to take a lie detector test on that and you pass then you know nose piercing you've earned zero dollars so far go back to work I'll be back in in 30 minutes I want to see these stacked in alphabetical order are you kidding me you know if we get paid I'm taking all the money okay okay wait wait okay don't get anywhere in here okay I gotta check it and let me make sure you get paid I am your boss today you look like a giraffe you have to go make me a cup of coffee and if I don't like it you don't get paid I need my coffee in five minutes go go where's the coffee machine he only likes oat milk oh there's oatmeal it's cinnamon roll I guess we're gonna have to go with this guess what he likes syrup I don't know where the syrup is I guess we're just gonna get some sugar okay needle I'm so tired sword is coffee not yours it's actually really good it's good now I've got some energy wait what if you want snack or something oh strawberry I don't think this is our food to take this one looks good this is random people's food oh come on here boss here's your coffee I just ordered my very favorite coffee and oat milk mocha if I don't like yours better you don't get paid oh that's good and now What's this called nailish coffee yeah I can see that as a product someday okay nailish coffee foreign [Music] I'm gonna give this to you you won this round and you get paid you just made two thousand dollars okay let's be honest nobody would make two thousand dollars for what they just did but we're giving them an extra budget for the rest of the video here's two thousand dollars okay hold on give me a thousand back for taxes no you want to be an adult it's taxes a thousand dollars to make the roads work and the police force and the fire trucks I'll give you 500. you can't negotiate taxes you still like being adults how's that adult thing going for you okay this is actually still a lot of money now here's your choice you guys actual Nadal actual sales have a thousand dollars in your hand you can just stop and keep it and save it and not spend it like an adult should do save your money you guys are they kids they don't know what to do with money okay so what should we do with our money obviously order a limo no no I know I'm one click away Jordan look wait a kiss yes oh okay come on [Music] our first kiss through the glass well was it our first remember at the end of the video Salish and Nadal are taking a lie detector test do you think Nadal is cute these clips are driving me crazy [Music] let's do some selfies right stick your tongue out [Music] see it's really quick I got it costs 300 what I got I got him a way better deal than that excuse me can you pull over why did you do that well I'm gonna negotiate say wish what that's not how life works yeah it is hello oh no I love this limo and it's like amazing and great but I think you paid a little bit too much for it you know he just like doesn't understand money he's like new to being 21. but I've had a joke for a while so I know how money Works we're kind of on a budget is there anything we could do at all to get a discount only one thing I can think of [Music] so fun Taylor should we only save like a hundred dollars you know how much money a hundred dollars is a lot with a hundred dollars I could get like something from Sephora or like two pairs of jeans or like 10 million pink drinks part of being a responsive adult she wants to save money oh I'm sorry oh my God they're actually supposed to be 21 today for sure they are that's 21 yeah you know adults can act like that they just usually don't maybe we should more because they actually look kind of fun by the way you got this little piece of hair what the heck you started it no you started it Sandy replay this clip he started it oh my God okay so what do you want to do I want to drive what yeah thank you thanks oh this looks so fun I can't wait [Music] and this is the best Straight Talk in Southern California you guys ready yes can I see your driver license real quick oh there's a 21 right we didn't bring it no yeah yeah all right Black Flag is our safety frag if anybody's out there being too unstable of a driver and we need to remove them that's how we're gonna do it don't bump and don't slide around the tank oh you're getting a black pad who do you think is going to be the slower drive me I've never done this before you've done it so many times so you guys are 21 what kind of cards drug uh Audi R8 but I haven't gone to Korea but I want a white you guys ready yep all right who's gonna win Liam let's find out thank you [Music] in London for me because it was fun it's not bumper cars Salish versus Nadal the race of the century are you guys feeling like kids are adults right now do more kids or adults use this racetrack uh Morrow don't oh no that's not what I was hoping to hear okay we're done my little girl versus what I imagine is going to be a crazy Reckless at all here we go Racers start your engines on your marks get set go there they go and they're off go get him little girl yeah here we go first time behind a wheel Look at Her Go right oh that's what I've always been afraid of oops oopsies I just hit the thing no I'm losing not sure about her as a driver when she's 21. go slow say I'm trying already passed me okay guys so I'm clearly gapping Salish so bad right now and steady that's my little girl she's doing great no that was too fast a little slower dad you guys have an annoying dad because things ahead of you no need no needle he's already on his third one and he's way past me sales doesn't know this but I'm a very good driver okay slow it down buddy slow it down slow it down oh oh that drove me crazy guys this is amazing I'm going so fast this is so far I'm getting a really safe driver you know maybe I'll actually be a good driver if I crashed like I just did maybe I won't be a good driver thank you I hate that one if they ever end up a couple and they're not gonna end up a couple he is not the driver how does the needle go so fast you know you know the first time and this is like something like that it's okay as long as I'm trying this is terrifying I do not ever want to be a race car drivers I'm literally gonna kill them this car can't go can't go any faster I think it's just because I'm really bad so they're slowing it down let's say this doesn't know is I told them to not let her car go so fast they can control it I'm an overprotective Dad okay seriously she did great she only crashed once straight into a wall of the head this is pretty fun honestly in summary neither of them are ready to drive no it looks great can I actually please fix a piece ah there we go look no so what do each of you think about driving when you're 21. I'll drive I'll drive when I'm 16. Taylor's you just came out of that thinking yeah I'm ready to drive when I'm 16. yeah whenever I get my driver's license I'm gonna make a video taking Taylor on a drive see about that the first one first one of them first place okay being 21 is actually pretty cool I mean we get to drink this vodka and champagne not Coke and Sprite that racetrack was so much fun by the way how much was that it was like 60 dollars all right Jordan let me speak to you man to man adult to adult runs your entire Channel she does the intros for you she does all the challenges for you it's not I don't they don't it's adult to Grandpa oh you just take all you do is take pictures oh wait you don't even do that anymore every intro is me today my daughter's English that's me saying that there is no rush growing up kid see how all this energy up this is kid energy cut that right now Sandy what should we do next I think we should go to the mall absolutely no you don't always have to spend your money just because you got it we could go to the gym are we gonna go to on wall or we could go for a bike ride or we could play a board game or we could go ew you're so boring no the moment okay compromise I get half of the money and you get half of the money so I can spend it on clothes and you can spend it on boy things baseball caps Naruto things I don't know how much longer until the mall I don't know but I'm so tired [Music] wait get up I know oh shoot I think those people thought we were gonna be someone cool yeah I know they're like filming us when we got out and I almost tripped yeah and then we're just us if we could get something cheap oh yeah steak dinner no do you want to have any money to spend on cool things nope just like we're gonna spend a little money on food because there's no reason to waste money on food what's the cheapest thing that you can eat here uh we're thinking like 275. 2K cups and can we also have two glasses of water thank you see that's how you should order it's kind of cool to be an adult because you have so much freedom I like being an adult because I could do whatever I want when I want where I want looking it up we got our water wow and they didn't cost anything and they're the best here mmm tastes like a water this is actually a really good meal no hey guys you know that when you're an adult you actually have to start thinking about nutrition because your body starts breaking down cake pops for lunch bad idea this is a way you should have actually spent a little bit of money with a healthy salad because tomorrow will be healthy so this is it for you for lunch yeah cake pops and water yep kids so we only have 30 minutes left in the small because I have a really special surprise planned out for us wait what's the surprise I why would you want to go to Sephora out of everything I need to find a new moisturizer because I just ran out of mine I'm gonna test them on you come on okay let's just get into renewing moisturizer feel good no I don't like it this moisturizer no I have to put it on what does it feel like no I don't really like it that much okay I guess we have to try one more that's not a moisturizer it's a toner oh okay he's just dousing himself with that I guess he likes it do you like that one yeah well that's not moisturizer last one this one's trending really big right now let me rub it let me try it do you like this one or no I like it okay I guess this one's the one that we're getting ah don't show that right there please no okay it's a hundred dollars but you look like you kind of need it for your skin because you don't do that much thing I guess you're getting this for needle but we gotta go right now I'm so proud of me though I mean this is very 21 of you to take care of your skin what we should go get shoes and that's very adult of us to like put our money together so come on let's go so what shoes you want I'm not getting shoes I'm making shoes for you wait but I already got the skincare so which ones do you like you're getting him shoes and you got him skincare yeah are you getting anything no just you have to get something no I don't want to spend the money I feel bad you say you want to choose what is your favorite what's your favorite color no uh I have an idea this is really sweet oh these right here I love this I love those you should definitely get those look at that these are really nice wait is this but I want you to get slime no it's fine usually I want to save money but I really want you to have those shoes so let's just do it I can't get these I can't yes we I can wait what hey when you're 21 I mean do you just work and then that day go out and buy a new pair of Jordans no no right what's better a kid or an adult being a kid that's your vote that's what do you guys think kids are adults adult adults at the end of this they're gonna take a lie detector test and we're gonna find out for sure and if they both actually prefer to be adults I have to pierce my nose oh wow let's just do a graphic I don't know if I rock that I actually don't want to get these I don't want to waste the money a little too late we already paid what tag wait what tag they're not 21. now it's time for the surprise you're gonna love the sunset and our surprise okay while we're waiting to go to the big surprise we're gonna do a game of who's most likely to it but you're gonna have to go to Nate dolls channel to figure it out who's more likely to crush on their best friend and not tell them do you see that guilty smile he has a crush on me all right are you ready yes I'm scared three two one [Music] a boat ride yeah on the sunset thank you come on let's go let's go come on whoa whoa I've never been on a yacht this is so nice we should go upstairs this is crazy whoa stop it this is insane that is the life right there chilling oh this is so worth it worth it oh my God so cold take it get that arm in Cheers Cheers nothing's happening here you know you know it's pretty fun to be an adult but it's also kind of fun to be a kid if we were adults we wouldn't have been able to rent this true but we have our entire live speed so it's what kids we can only do that right now we didn't have that much money left how do you afford this it's so nice I have to negotiate are you serious we have to do this right now oh but it's so worth it definitely how about we recreate Titanic Let's Go remember when you said you're going over a seat yeah and you weren't coming back for a long time all right guys I'm gonna be leaving La very soon so um I don't know when the next time I'm gonna be able to see you with and you came back why no because you missed me no all right it's time for the big moment let's see with the lie detector test if they prefer being a kid or an adult watching her play 21 today was really fun but I actually love that she's still only 13. I'm not in any hurry for her to be 21. but when she is it's gonna be awesome this is John the ultimate polygraph examiner and he is going to determine whether or not Nadal and Salish are telling the truth or lying I'm really excited I'm really remember if both of them answered that they would prefer to be an adult over a kid and they're telling the truth I have to get a nose piercing did you come back to Los Angeles because you missed Salish no that's a lie about July this is fun did you have fun today yeah crew well do you like your new sneakers true time for the big question what do you like better being an adult or being a kid definitely definitely I could do whatever I want an adult crew Nadal what are you rushing for dude you there's a adulthood it's awesome but you only have a few years left of childhood oh plus I'm one step closer to a nose piercing that was a terrible answer Salish your childhood it's it's gold it's gold don't waste it then don't get me a nose piercing okay Salish your turn did you go over budget today no that's true do you think your dad is cringy unbelievably cringy true actually yeah for real I always thought she was joking about that Salish do you like me no oh why yeah I do like those are friends you have a crush on me yes or no um crew she doesn't know have you ever kissed anybody a boy yeah you wait what crew whoa remember okay I'll take that that was not a kiss that was just next do you think Nadal is cute he used to be do you think Nadal is cute now [Music] he's okay it depends on your hair day crew would you guys agree to do a full what you feel about each other lie detector test together would you do it if we get a million likes yes okay a million likes they will do this don't give us a million likes actually because I don't know if I want to hear that now for the final question am I getting a nose piercing ask her the question which do you like better being a kid or being an adult adult Big Lots [Applause] piercings but you actually like being a kid so it takes sometimes I don't get a nose piercing more questions more questions you want more questions you know what you got to do million likes foreign [Music]
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 16,033,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, say say matter, nidal wonder, nalish, turning 21, kids become adults, jordan matter, limo, yacht, budget, trend, challenge, learning how to spend money
Id: AEx0jR-yWcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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