I Went Back To 1st Grade For A Day

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today me and the crew are going back to first grade at the end of the class we will receive a 10-question test and if you miss more than two questions on the test you fail and get pelted by water balloons and you don't proceed to the next grade last person to fail school gets $10,000 or if everyone makes it to 12th grade we all get it all right take colors me and the crew are going back to first grade today but waiting on our first teacher I'm miss wicker and I want you guys to go around and say your name and say one interesting fact about yourself okay I'll start my name is Chris and nobody likes me my name is mr. beast and I don't like school my name is Chandler and I like gushers my name is Garrett how about daddy yeah I mean I like for tonight I'm Bailey I had no meal for reckless so first we're going to do something so I'm gonna do story how do you pay really close attention today [Music] so g-man what happened the beginning of that I think of anything so now we're gonna do some so we're about to take our first grade test I'm sorry I'm sorry clear it is put all populations live ten questions in ten minutes when you get done you can put your head down silently just like Christmas all right everyone can sit back up and figure papers here partner number one is a number five is a and Tennessee Danny no we missed more than two questions no no relations you're going to second grade show your work boy well you see you just take 63 and you subtract 19 and you get the test what which of the following is a state of matter 55 plus 62 what is the past tense of through all right once you're finished put your head down on the desk all right you guys picks on my trade papers with so we can grade number one false number once false oh it's false it's fall Oh number three is 117 wait number seven should be 'then got eighty i got me Chris got a hundred here got eighty Bailey got a hundred and Chandler missed three which means he failed and needs to be punished failed second grade brother honestly people are gonna think it's stage please you need to leave that part in there I think it stays challenge is done Chandler dude you felt second grade why I was trying to get two wrong you her yeah you're trying to be funny and then you got a so good all right I'm sorry man let's go punish you [Music] Oh [ __ ] jailor it wasn't over we love you Taylor love you too they're talking about it second grade sorry Chandler there's a good one in town good morning we're missing someone sorry your friend Chandler have been held back the weakest link had to go yeah this is serious no way this is hit or miss I guess he never miss huh is out all right yes all right when you're done just put your head down all right great all right sweets with your partner how many bones are in the adult human body he put 127 oh wait body system controls your brain all right Pass pass pass everyone everybody this outfit and I'm gonna be teaching you 4th grade today and there is vendor on each other so today we are going to start with an evite tell us our state colors red and blue yes alright already says yes there are no notes during this test what is the state bird right the fraction that represents this picture okay alright and by heads up number eight will begin be passed yeah I know make it this far my fourth grade graduation present super re right now I was gonna pass I've got a hundred so far I plan on getting a hundred and going all the way to graduation okay I still feel like fourth grade was easier than first grade I suck at school but if you want help with clickbait thumbnails I'm your guy I thought I was gonna get out in first grade and not gonna lie I remember you have the American Revolution the deep French and the British fought a war British was very poor after it so they began taxing America Dominic said failing husband close your book who wrote the Declaration of Independence for number five you have to solve the following equation and write your answer in simplest form your answers not even a number has to be a number answer all right boredom problems train your paper with partner who wrote the Declaration of Independence what's wrong oh yeah guys the answer is 16 and 115 no the British are coming too number 10 is personification yeah I mean the elements left crits got an 80 KeePass Garrett failed no no even got it oh you think got a 10 percent deepen you got one right and then Bailey and me both pass so let's go I lost but I'm glad I got hit with water cuz there reminds me of being on my dad's yeah the water balloons really hurt I have welts on my back now disappointed I lost but I'm proud of myself because I gots a bit great I only expected to get 2/3 ready we're gonna do language art since I'm science [Music] hey thanks 1 what do you do do you like our hoodies that we all do I do I would really like it that if y'all can give me one it's kind of cool just got a shot mister these two get one you remember that it might be on your quiz later 7 restaurant test get out your paper ok so we got 10 questions number one the fifth planet from the Sun is all orbits are blank and shape no I'm good I'm just thinking too easy the traction of force between two objects is gravity right Bailey got him all right I'm this too which is OK and Chris got him all right let's go to seventh grade welcome to seventh grade classroom roll what's your name Jimmy I'm Bailey I'm Christopher I'm surprised Chandler loss you know some people just can't make it all the way through high school or middle school or let's start with early English colonization we're gonna talk about American history they tried to corn these tools and even weapons polio is the adult human skeleton is made up of how many bones 47:27 127 so would anybody like to come to the board and draw the buzz [Music] lunch easy to remember don't worry guys gonna get to dub we're good we're good feeling good okay so now let's go through our English and vocab words and that is the end of seventh grade let's pass all notes away except for your skull number one spell the word that your teacher gives to you and please put your head down when you're done I'm going to labor before you actually finish this text I can't please tray your test did he write for some yeah no that board torso Morten cantankerous 1/4 some did he make me super lenient on it quarter some yeah not even close okay he's out he's the Lana compeltely eyelids but first off some of those balloons don't break on impact and they felt like a baseball second I only feel because of spelling which I am terrible at so I knew that was gonna come eventually I don't know why I can't spell thirdly my cameraman just told me to plug the merge so much fun feeling pretty strong we got this so we're on the eighth grade thanks for talking about a little bit mr. onoe okay that's it for eighth grade you better know your amendments and we better know order of operations oh yeah hi whenever you're finished put your head down on your desk look at my actual handshake did George Washington civility miss a day yeah you tried to 1500 school I'm excited to go into high school I hope the senior girls talk to us he I just don't want to be made fun of by all the big boys through the eighth grade welcome to high school and today we're going to talk about geography how many states border Mexico looks like four to me four yes good job this is not with me Joe pica wait your front is that yeah shame the rains I'd agree exactly great Brooke yeah that's why you're in second grade yes honey I never Eddie knows ok trade with your partner yeah the number ten what state is Mount Rushmore located yeah great whoo you guys want to win between Chris and I I know we're fan favorites yeah we are people love us you're probably the more fan favorite people love you so much I love that thank you so we're gonna start with government oh okay US government her math which sale has a wall in a membrane what what does that even mean what tool is used to measure angles protractor compass retractor what the compass thing protractors that's what radius a compass is for the program you're right you're right we're just flying through this what we both win then we split it I know I'm going to win without right I'm gonna win with you I want to be I want to be well I want to be with you too I mean like should we like oh wait I mean no no junior year boy okay so today we're gonna start with chemistry let's talk about the periodic table of elements what is an atomic number Chris I mean so the only way to eliminate scarcity is to find unlimited resources but you can economize figure out how to use them and that is the fundamentals of economics [Music] please put your head down on your desk I didn't take either chemistry or economics and where does Shakespeare tell Hamlet together the nunnery how many miss miss - wrong I passed 11th grade though unlike in real life but we did it we did it in this game now under 12 Chris you failed 11th grade so obviously we're gonna Pelt you but Bailey here I have the pressure he has to pass 12th grades he passed 12th grade he gets all 10 grams if Bailey fails 12th grade everyone comes back to school and then we Duke it out so let's compile to you he has to be punished [Music] hello hi we've dropped down a lot yeah it's a nice loss electrons okay so you played it to senior year say you got the classes out of the way congratulations so Matt am I ready for my test oh yeah you are ready I'm ready I'm ready the US government is a direct democracy that is false my mother is the best mother in the world she is kind every government is a direct democracy thoughts that's correct yes 63 what's the difference between the maximum and minimum I got that wrong it's not because I'm thinking it's the interquartile range correct i misspelled school does that count my circle then there's the misspelling to school the man to the teacher if it was legitimate leave my class and I watched my kid take the test like that [Applause] [Music] come here I just want to thank everybody for coming and participating in this I did my hardest and I worked really hard and you want to grab my 110 degree what are you gonna do with it I'm going to this I'm gonna spend it all on real school and editing for mr. beast hey so you got in summer school don't forget to buy your merch before the end of January which is today as you know for random people that do will be flown out to participate in a video and to make things easier on you we just dropped a frosted beast hoodie and it looks freaking amazing today's your last chance to enter buy merch before the end of the day before the end of January 31st doesn't have to come in you just have to place your order before the end of January head to shop mr. beast calm or click the link in description and you know go buy anything off the site probably [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 72,808,781
Rating: 4.9075685 out of 5
Id: A-vX1AGBGsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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