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first myth only girls wear pink yeah I love pink today we're busting  100 myths in 24 hours and they're just   getting crazier let's go get it over  with you can't drink coconut toast myth busted Quincy Adams Never blinks oh my gosh next myth we won't  FaceTime a subscriber we have already busted   that myth but we will do it again so keep an eye  out in this video for a clue and we will pick   one subscriber to FaceTime you can't curl a person  with one hand ah yeah it's impossible misconfirmed   it's not impossible not for the world's  strongest man yeah mythbuster girls hate football nice like cheese wait I have to hold it yeah  oh my gosh oh my gosh my gosh she's so adorable   it's like Ratatouille I gotta put in my hat  hey buddy you want some cheese there's this   most adorable things they really don't seem to  like cheese every show I've watched growing up   must have been lying to me that's mythbusted cool  is there a mouse on me dude I'll be back in five   minutes over Rubik's Cube in under 10 seconds  ready go oh it's almost there I feel it bruh Timmy I need you to help us bust a myth  ready go one two no way this is possible three   four five six seven eight nine oh my gosh  he did it nine seconds what myth busted zip   lines are scary are we 100 sure I'm good should  that be hooked to something no I feel like that   should be hooked to something why isn't  that hooked anything oh my God oh my God not too scary that's been busted roller  coaster and we're finding out the hard way   oh no oh no Daddy missed buses  barely you can't ride a roller   coasters screaming and you can't hold  your arms up the whole time [Music] muscles look big but are not strong you know   I hope this myth is confirmed  come on dad actually come on finish makes you stronger no I don't want to eat okay now try to do the arm myself you guys dad one two three go oh  keep an eye out for a clue in this video   how you can get a FaceTime with us you can't  escape being buried in sand you'll be okay   we're gonna be here a while I don't like this oh  my gosh that was so hard I did that all by myself   oh cue 10 minutes ago Sandy if the zombie  apocalypse happened right now I wouldn't   be able to get out and save myself wait as  soon as I get you did not do it on my hair okay I actually can't get out for real I  can't get out misconfirmed get me out of here buried inside what no say I sleep  dads don't trust their daughters boy is what the heck is going on does  she bury me so she can be with a boy   what okay I'm getting out of this  thing we got it we got it I'm good   this is my friend Chelsea and now  that my dad is buried away we're   gonna go bust some Mist together without  him come on let's do it okay games are ready [Music]   busted you get the claw machine  game oh oh my God I think you got it hello anybody oh hi yes oh thank you  can you dig me out please yeah I think she's   somewhere over there I guess I hope I don't know  can you dig me out oh my gosh oh my God no no   wait are you kidding me you have to make silly  faces in the photo booth hey no peeking that's   actually pretty cute if you scream really loud  your daughter will come running to save you damn damn myth busted under one minute Chelsea what do   we do yeah is that Salish with the  doll up there what are they doing like what are they actually doing oh my God get  out of here that's my daughter ah I'm coming to   save you from that boy here I come Sarah my leg's  a little asleep I'm coming dads are protective of   their daughters myth confirmed Nidal what are  you even doing here I thought you were whoa dads are over dramatic confirmed having  a limo get you girls thank you very much   I'm gonna take a photo in this limo  and see if I get any DMs    I'm gonna post this right now let's  check back later see if any girls are   interested this is definitely gonna work  baking soda and vinegar will dirty pen get some vinegar and lastly the penny we're gonna  let it sit for a few hours and we're gonna come   back later next myth my assistant Rowan always  quits I quit I quit I quit we are about to do   a bunch of underwater myths but this pool is  freezing so no no no no no no one's gonna do it   can you quit after we do the  myths next minute you can run our water you can ride a bike underwater go oh it's  working good confirmed you can breathe underwater myth confirmed he just quit again  grandparents hate social media my dad wouldn't let me get a tik  tok account busted I just got one   if you kiss a frog it becomes  a prince Salish any chance you   can do this for me I'm good Sandy cue  some romantic music [Applause] [Music] actually that wasn't a bad kiss but it looks  like Memphis busted you can break a board with wood oh my wow myth confirmed you can break a   brick with your hair this is  a real brick one two three confirmed you can't escape Gorilla Tape okay too  tight yeah good this is good because if this ever   happens to you then you'll know if you can get out  I'm just life training you over here okay got your   phone face ID oh she's cute who's that should  I text her I'll keep doing it until you get out   it's really cute hey how are you you're getting  a call should I answer the call I guess not and   it's busted but how do you get out of that so  fast I think I have already done two strength   challenges and for 300 000 likes we'll do a third  you're going down you can cook eggs in a microwave   three eggs for five minutes and start as we're  waiting for that next myth it's easier to peel a   banana from the bottom I'm gonna go from the top  You're Gonna Go From The Bottom three two one go wait hold on oh no Replay  that I think I won [Music]   Miss confirmed lemon juice is a natural  eraser wait did you write this oh [Music] yum it worked what was that was it the egg don't get so close to it maybe stop  it and see what it looks like oh oh that looks like a cooked egg so I'm gonna go myth  confirm stay here eggs are good for you they're   protein look at this myth confirmed lemon juice  is a natural eraser that's so cool Nick Smith   I'll bet you can't subscribe before she erases  subscribe worked myth busted credentials make you   itch are you ready no bro it's completely safe  bro no no no no no Jay it's itching oh can you   feel that oh dude that's their defense mechanism  is to throw their hair and all those hairs are   like sharp little needles and that's itchy I'm  itching like crazy that Smith confirmed if you   push on someone's chest while they're exhaling  you hear their true laugh first we have to find   out what he thinks his real laugh sounds like  okay okay okay okay now let's tears turn oh wow that's an ugly real laugh I have well  misconfirmed Twinkies never expire I'm   gonna put this Twinkie up here and I'm gonna  check back in a year see what happens if you   mix cornstarch with water you can put your  finger through it whoa but when you punch   it it's solid that's myth confirmed let's see  if the limo post worked time to check my DM   s all right I've got one got one here  we go oh I guess that's myth busted next   myth you can explode a watermelon with  rubber bands this is gonna take a while YouTube videos aren't real I don't think all  three of us can hide in here okay so we'll do   it thanks oh thank you you're welcome okay um  okay bust it it's been 30 minutes I'm getting   pretty tired but I want this watermelon to  explode I've got to be at least 200 on here it looks way cleaner pineapple belongs on Pizza   absolutely not do you want to try it  sure it's fine no this is gonna be bad oh good good you know myth busted yeah  next month are you eating that that's okay what do you guys think it's been hours well we've  got a long ways to go team snakes never bite I   want to quit this myths video why am I doing this  right now okay I think you're gonna have to lay   down um I think we've said that myth  is confirmed so can we remove the snakes but   she looks pretty comfortable Jay Jay okay granny  and we'll be friends shouldn't bite myth confirmed   okay Jay you can get her off now you want to win  a FaceTime with the family all you gotta do is   comment below right now what your favorite myth  is and you gotta explode that subscribe button   like this watermelon's about to explode every time  a teenager goes to Starbucks they do a tick tock confirmed YouTubers never actually do a  hundred myths go back count all of our   myths and see if that is busted or confirmed  oh my God it's cracking it's cracking I see it   hey oh my God can we please stop  no we don't need more busted dude we did it oh my gosh that's been confirmed   and that's been busted or I  don't care anymore we did it
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 16,789,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, hudson matter, say say matter, amp world, ben azelart, lexi rivera, jeremy hutchins, drew dirkson, britt hertz, anna mcnulty, sofie dossi, flexibility, hide and seek, camouflage, camo, camoflage, challenge, yacht, yacht's life, tag
Id: 0NXvJ2rLmbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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