MY DAUGHTER'S FIRST JOB ft/ Preston & Royalty Family

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today my daughter salish attempts  10 super fun jobs in 24 hours at the end of the video she will  have to pick one to be her first   summer job i do not have a crush on nidal first job ice cream parlor right now i get   to be an ice cream scooper do you get free ice  cream yes really yeah really yeah this is the   best job ever i don't know where to start  you know what i just can't eat all of them say are you seriously gonna try every  flavor you're not gonna sleep tonight dad   i'll be fine this is a disaster i just tried every flavor in here and my favorite  is lavender and honey lavender is so calming i'm never eating ice cream again all right  ready to clean i have to work this is the worst   job ever salish only has one day to do all 10 jobs  but then she's gonna have to pick one job to do   all summer so wait until the end are you gonna  help the customers oh hi welcome to today's   world um nutella what size just one scoop please  i think you need more than that to get you geez you have to be strong to do this nutella  here you go how much is this you know that's like   50 of gelato yeah kid's killing me oh actually  i'm going to create this special what kind of   flavor are you frozen chocolate looks like it  has chocolate in it here's the thing special   three scoops of this most popular ice cream lots  of chocolate white whipped cream a lot of it   caramel plus caramel sounds good  i hope you like rainbows oreo sprinkles kind guy are you  allergic to said you were chocolate nuts no perfect that's about right okay and now  we need to top it off with some whipped cream   and there you go your very own  salish special there you go enjoy you oh it's brief i wonder how ice cream places  make money next time she's working i'm coming back   comment down below if you think i should be an  ice cream scooper this summer delish big favor   to ask you can you babysit my son for just 30  minutes yeah you promised yeah you're amazing   ron your dad just told me to babysit you while he  leaves i'm literally 11 and you're 12. you can't   game starting off it's bad for your brain what  why would you want a game when there's a party   let's go bro do you want to go in the ballpark  come on i know that the slide can sometimes   be scary but i'll hold your hand on the way  down come on let's go don't worry it's okay   she's the worst babysitter aren't i the best  babysitter this is the only sweet today open wise   i can do it i can i can i can do it myself  do you feel like i'm violent it's so cute   i hate this where is baby's belly  button i'm not a baby peek-a-boo right   wait sometimes babies have temper tantrums  who said i wanted pizza me and why are you   getting the veggie one here comes the choo choo  chain peek-a-boo where's milan what do you mean   you're supposed to be babysitting milan i told  you to take care of my little son not my oh next job i get to style my brother's clothes and  he really needs it okay first thing the sketchers   come on they're getting a little old i like them  i don't know about shapes on you today mom said   she was gonna throw that shirt away no joke and  the shorts they're athletic shorts and you have   too much stuff in your pockets and what's up with  this baggy fit oh my god we're gonna fix all this   okay let's go sailing how about this yeah it works  out like that yeah i actually i do like this no   no it's no it's not my face yeah i hate purple oh  i kind of like this stripes will make your legs   look longer yeah my legs are plenty long you're  you should use those you don't know what you're   talking about i'm in charge we've got this now we  have to go get shoes actually i like that no way   i don't want this no i like that one i don't  like it i don't like it i'm not doing it oh i   kind of like these they'll help you get a date if  you ever need to practice kissing you could just   i really like these because they have the blue  and the purple these are the ones let's go get   sunglasses now these are really expensive do  you like these those are this shirt oh these are   nice ready do you guys want to see these are  really expensive so i think you can buy them   okay outside and go change bye  hudson doesn't really care about   what anyone thinks which is awesome but  for clothes i kind of want him to look good i love this comment down below if you guys think  i should be a stylist we are at morphe and sailors   is going to learn how to be a beauty advisor  first we have to make you look like a beauty   advisor so here is your brush oh cool here is a  little name tag oh that's so cool first you're   gonna greet them with a big smile amazing to  sell makeup you have to wear makeup as well   no no no seriously actually yes i'm almost a  teenager i like eyeliner i like grab lipstick   i like blush i like foundations and i like  eyeshadow no no no let's do some gloss and be   done with it so i got this little lip oil for you  how about we add some little blush as well here   okay my little girl's growing up looking  dad stop it i'm gonna cry okay so cute   i think she looks great let's welcome them and  say hello and show them our favorite products okay   go get em let's go let's go come  on come on come on come on come on you all know i'm really shy maybe i'm not cut out  for customer service there's someone coming right   here she looks really nice girl go say hi excuse  me do you need any help here's the shopping basket   oh thank you yeah i'm looking for a new  palette that like really brings out my blue eye   this is allison she's director of marketing  at morphe but salish doesn't know that   here's a great colorful one lucky  charm like the cereal can i see it on there oh that's something let's just pick  up one of these i think you're going to need   these two things a little pencil some setting cray  another palette just in case your other one break   whatever that is thank you for shopping at morphe  my name's cece in case you need anything you'll   need that and maybe one last thing you got this go  get them tiger wow i might actually hire her that   was so easy where's the next customer hi here's  the basket what can i help you with um i think   yeah it says concealer right there so what kind of  concealer do you think she should get um i don't   know uh you you can pick this one yeah that's a  great color just to be safe we'll do one of each   one okay thank you for shopping with morphe what  was that oh my god look dad you're gonna need this   defining cream i mean because you don't have any  hair so this would help you grow some i love this   i might pick this job no one's really here right  now so i'm gonna get some stuff for you guys   we're gonna give all this makeup to one lucky  subscriber one more thing that we do in store   is makeovers why don't you go subtly suggest to  do someone yeah i got it hi you look like you   need a makeover wanna go do one with me sure this  is gonna be awesome which one goes first that one   okay close your eyes okay i don't really know why  i'm picking this color but i think it will bring   out your eyes and your hair also i love sparkles  oh i like that color she's really good how do i do   that one you're gonna put on your cheeks what is  this for um this is to make you look really skinny   perfect not that you aren't oopsies i think  that's a little too much here use that brush   perfect i almost finished off with some lippies  it's really glossy i like that the highlighter   is gonna go it's gonna go right here just  so when the sun hits it'll be real shiny now i'm working as an animal rescue volunteer  unfortunately sometimes people abandon their pets   and animal rescue organizations take those  pets in and try to find them homes adopt me   rescue in los angeles has over 20 dogs to  adopt right now and they're all so sweet make sure you get a dog that you can handle this  little guy's name is cookie he's 13 years old he   reminds me so much of my dog bloomer who we also  got at a rescue shelter cookie is totally blind   and he needs insulin for diabetes but he's the  sweetest little dog in the world and i really   hope someone adopts him adopts don't shop i love  animals so much i might choose this job my name   is preston i am going to teach salish how to be  a gamer are you excited to be a gamer yeah you   got to have a chair i think your favorite color  is pink perfect that looks great on you how many   times have you played roblox never you're kidding  right no well how will winters you've never played   all right sailors i'm going to help you build  your roblox avatar yay what's an avatar it's your   character in the game i gave her 20 000 robux to  spin but she still has to be responsible i'll try   now this hair i think yeah the black ponytail  look at these faces oh this one's so cute she   likes the wings oh these are ones you want the  heart have you seen my avatar yeah we clearly   have different tastes yeah we have one person who  has a good taste and one person who has a bad face   she spent the entire video on hair accessories wait for it a very cautious spender i'm impressed english  you know maybe i'll let you manage the finances   of my company oh that's going to be a good idea  i want you to tell me your favorite kind of game   a scary game because i want to get scared oh okay  you can't tell me that's not terrifying you have   to put these headphones on they're going to ruin  my hair gamers don't care about their hair yes real gamers don't use arrow keys she's she's doing  everything wrong right now you need to go help   your teammates i don't want to help them you're  all going to die to piggy then no no use the wasde boom look at my look at my fingers look  at this movement yeah buttery smooth huh   like that butterfly oh that's here you gotta  okay i'm letting you play now i'm on your point   yeah you gotta play no you gotta play look at you  died you died yeah that's why you don't use wasde running wait we just got in the game yeah i'm done no  it's this game i don't think she's meant for   gaming guys what is this job again shampoo check  i got this oh okay okay wait nope that's a good i   got it up my nose it sucks okay salish only use  one drop of shampoo does he even need shampoo   i mean with this hair just one little drop i  can feel the skin cells ew you know i'm done   hey you got to rinse my hair i don't think shampoo  tech is her gig are you ready dad sure oh no no no   no no no i did this once and ever again thank you  i love you no never again nope since i couldn't   find any volunteers i'm gonna have to practice on  this expensive mannequin so why don't we try the   hair cutting how about that okay hold it with your  left hand you go underneath your hand not on top   very careful good job perfect looks pretty  good i think i have a natural so just keep   it simple okay okay you need to be careful  with that mannequin it's really expensive   so just do a little trim i think she needs  a new look things are not for my look but it   will probably look good on her so i think  you twist it and you always go like that i mean it's a little uneven i actually  have an idea that might look kind of good oh okay he hasn't seen yet oh i cut way too  let's keep cutting oops i stuck that in her ear   sailors what did you do here i thought  it would look good if i went all around   you kind of made a dorothy hamill except for  this piece right here what's that all about   sorry about that i need to style it now okay it looks so good i kind of want to  do this to a real person who wants   to get your hair cut by salish matter  i got you next job photographer and   my boring old dad is going to help me one  two three go wait what you're taking photos   there's something fun oh that's fun he's  gonna get his feet off the ground look at that   wow actually pretty good what does this button  do oh god that's always a concerning question   she's just like her dad i love it she loves  me so much she wants to be a photographer   we really love each other okay my bad this is so  cool did you get that i keep saying all you have   to do is click a button how hard is this now say  that she's gonna learn to be a voice over actor   and the person doing my voice right now is brie  hello do an intro like your dad would for a video   this is so embarrassing but you do  it all the time today my daughter's in sick hours like that you got this oh i got to go to  the bathroom i'm going to leave so she stops   looking at me you know that salish does not like  to get emotional but i have a plan to trick her   to say something emotional on camera wait till  the end of this scene i'm really shy i don't   know if i can do a voice i wrote a few lines for  you and i want you to say it with tons of emotion   what if you don't believe this this is acting  oh acting okay yes i will never use makeup what was that oh nothing let's make it more  intense like i will never use makeup i will never   use makeup ugh how about this one wait  did you write these of course i did   i won't date until i'm 35. can you make me believe  it i will not date until i'm 35. that was good   how'd that feel terrible  i'm gonna date when i'm 17.   i need a lot of passion gotta sell it i do  not have a crush on nidal i feel like we're   gonna get some comments on that one remember  you're a professional actress you've got this   very professional the emotional thing is about  to happen just say exactly what's on here   i love my dad so much and i'm really grateful  for all the time we spent wait did you write   this or did he write this oh i totally wrote  it all these sound like this i totally wrote it i don't think she's gonna choose voice  acting as her next career i loved so   many of these jobs and it's so hard to  pick but the one i loved the most was   animal rescue worker this summer i'm  gonna work at an animal rescue center   and help dogs like boomie 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Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 51,145,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, saysay matter, nalish, morphe, summer jobs, jordan matter, preston, brianna, ferran, royalty family, ali, stylist, hair cut, hudson matter, hide & seek
Id: uoVZkYVGpXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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