My Daughter's Emotional Surprise *No Phone for 24 Hours*

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today my daughter Salish attempts to go 24 hours with no phone to make it fun we will recreate 10 iPhone apps in real life no no and it ends with a huge surprise and if she doesn't touch her phone all day she gets whatever is in this Mystery Box first iPhone app is find friends if you can't find me in 10 minutes I'm gonna return the prize 29. salish she's gonna have to get creative I left a little surprise for her five three two one before phones we use dogs to find people so are we fighting we got anything that with the scent on it yeah are you ready good find it well let's go it's this way oh my gosh she's so cute if Salish thought the dog was a surprise wait until the end of the day she's going to flip out Charlie where do you think maybe not the best move to have Crocs where I'm trying to outrun a police dog but at least they're in sports mode okay my dad smells like coffee oat milk a lot of hairspray Charlie are you smelling any of that nope I have no idea where he is she has to find me in 10 minutes or I return this to a store and it's awesome or is it a prank you never know you gotta wait to the end to see oh my God Charlie we only have five minutes come on come on boys go find it oh he's definitely this way good find it oh my God that's them right there they went that way I'm going this way that was so close I don't know where I'm going okay what about this I don't know if they can smell like I'm gonna hide right here and they won't be able to see me and hopefully he won't be able to smell me there's like two minutes left she might just lose this first challenge oh yeah now he's picking up the scent oh he's got to be close okay we're right there okay well I think we're super close okay you got 30 seconds we gotta find them okay you got it Charlie oh no no no no no no good boy how did you get me no no no she got me next round you still got a long ways to go before you get this sandwich doesn't know but right now I am currently in L.A and I'm a surprise her later at her house but first Jordan told me to FaceTime her and see if she answers I just got into all the FaceTime Salish let's see if she can't resist answering it and she loses the challenge if your phone just started buzzing the dolls FaceTiming do you want to take it he never facetimes me why is she not answering she never answers what's it about there you go yeah why because the phone thing what if it's important I wonder if she even knows I'm pulling the prize is pretty good but you never actually she's not answering I guess I have to surprise her later on today I can't wow okay you have to try harder than that Dad that was so funny next challenge tick tocks but how do you do it without your phone well we are in Charlie demilio's bathroom and she makes viral dad stop Flying it's just a green screen okay it's just a green screen yes we're still in our home but here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna act out a bunch of viral tick tocks and see how she can decide she wants to watch it or swipe to the next video Renegade Renegade that hasn't been a time for years watch out this is the most viewed tick tock on the platform ever and I'm going to kill it m to the beat replay release I get a replay and swipe why okay wait wait wait hold on I got now and there's a new plant new plant next Tick Tock it's loading loading it never takes us over Tick Tock twist we have bad Wi-Fi um hi sisters today I'm going to show you my skincare routine sister is makeup and I'm going to put it okay you know that was me rewinding hi sisters in my morning routine oh God this kind of sucks to get swiped in person so there is something to this why am I wearing this any day now loading Wi-Fi is so slow you're gonna love this this took me forever just wait this is gonna be awesome no no no I'd racked this for an hour everybody I'm at you how to get jacked like me in one minute ah you want some of that you can have it just follow this easy workout plan first what aren't your swords gonna blend in with the green screen am I transparent okay are you not seeing this section say could you get me out of here just fight me no just wait get me out of here no pause that if you want what are you doing Sandy don't do it I'm bored thank you oh my God that was so embarrassed I'm getting bored I might leave we gotta stay there or else she doesn't get the mystery present usually when people are on the couch like grab their phones but it's kind of fun not to and I kind of love not having the option because then I can just hang out with money okay ready swiping it looks like those right goes right don't try don't try just wait don't don't don't don't oh hey everybody watch how satisfying this is it's so exciting look yeah wow Tick-Tock PSA here you've been watching Tick Tock for a long time I think you should put your phone hey I'm Salish and I'm doing a tick tock I don't do that anymore add another Beauty Tick Tock is that my curler maybe from my hair care routine in the morning first I wet it then nobody cares normally if you're doing tick tocks the audience isn't talking back at you while you're doing it all right let's forget about my hair care routine instead I'm gonna do salishs hair care routine plug this in real quick waiting for it to heat up let me show you how I curl my hair give it to me I just like this right and then straight in the end oh gosh you beat me through it get ready with me Meredith Baxter Berry to do my Foundation technique that's very first I'm gonna have to put a lot of this stuff on my face I guess just goes everywhere more rub it all of olives and eyelashes oh what am I supposed to do this no no stretch don't make fun of her I'm not making fun of her you told me to do it I've never seen her I mean I'm a big fan big fan why do I feel like I want more you kind of addicted to do your makeup for you okay don't let her oh you look beautiful now this is Meredith Baxter Berry what's her name raspberry raspberry what's her name somehow this doesn't make me look younger okay let's move on next I want to replay no no kidding swipe everybody hold on let's just relax out there in Tick Tock land and I'm gonna need these what are you doing yeah ready sit there oh that's disgusting you know how I always sang You lullabies when you were little I didn't okay now mom's sang You lullabies when you're ready she did so honey did you sing lullabies to say you don't remember them anyway I'm gonna sing you one right now this time ASMR Style Hush little say don't you cry swiping that actually fruit roll up with ice cream I'm pretty sure you gotta do a full roll of an ice cream treat in 30 seconds go how much ice cream do I put you watch these I don't watch them no I put way too much one two three go now this is a real thing I don't think I can finish this I'm like I think this Tick Tock in real life thing is awesome what do you guys think next challenge texting in real life hey honey did you have something you want to say to I don't have my phone to text what are you gonna do this would you do it are you kidding kidding I think I prefer texting [Music] mom wants to know what time you're gonna be home for dinner like eight o'clock or something okay thank you bye why don't you just text me I can't more minutes of running and I should be done with this challenge [Music] be home by eight no that's not gonna work today are you serious you told me that sorry sexy is so much easier than running I really wanted Texas but then I can find out that with the surprise is but you have to be home by seven all right what's for dinner oh I don't know I'll go ask her just text me I can't this is so hard oh I'm probably gonna have to run back again oh my gosh I'm so tired there is no way she makes it the whole 24 hours without her phone monkey I've even been on my phone all day you're not even stretching oh please don't do this okay okay anyways dinner salad and lentils can you ask her to add some chicken maybe maybe some steaks I think I'm done with this challenge What's Next by the way I just spent 24 hours without my phone so if you want to see that video it's right there but Peyton is FaceTiming her let's see if she answers this hey say Peyton is FaceTiming you oh no I forgot to say they're back about something yesterday hey you gotta do it you can text her no surprise me and Dexter I have another way of doing it Salish wait where are we going where are we going I need to contact my friends uh I can't she's basically trying to go 24 hours without her phone if she doesn't touch her phone for 24 hours she gets an awesome prize at the end so why are we here can you put like a spinner like this big the biggest one you have maybe 30 feet that's all good I'm gonna just write down what you wanted to say [Music] thank you I promise I'll pay you back tomorrow thank you there you go [Music] this is the craziest Banner I've ever flown what does it even mean whoa hey Peyton there's a message in the sky and has your name in it what yeah go check it out oh guys I think I know what this means Salish wants me to wear the purple dress which I think that one's really cute too so that's really cool I asked Salish which dress I should wear to the school dance and she said the purple one oh my gosh dad get off here I'm about to win this game I'm killing it okay we're real games he's only on the phone number oh oh oh can I throw one I used to be a college baseball player no Bragging but I got this [Music] oh you think that's funny okay you try it do you want one yeah enjoy say come all the way back and go boom and you gotta scream like this I obviously can do it I mean play back the time I did it right oh wait never mind okay oh yeah there you go that's yours we're giving away free prizes to subscribers there you go yeah this is so fun coming up the last app leads to a huge surprise for Salish there's nothing to eat at the house what would you normally do doordash like a vehicle or Starbucks or something you had to find something and you had your phone what would you do use the map you have 30 minutes you have no phone you need to get a bagel let's go this is so confusing there's like a thousand Pages this would be so much easier on my phone that's true I've already looked it up I guess we could go to the beach and just see if there are any Bagels around that this section is actually down to the beach nope but that's not how you use the map that's not how you use the map there's specific spots why do I have a feeling she didn't find them or not no okay nope this way how am I supposed to know where to go just keep looking it's there I'm gonna ask some people you guys know um where the bagel place is we're not from around here there's a blue line there's a yellow line there's a red line no idea watching kids try to use a traditional map is hysterical do you know where the bagel shop is I have no idea do you know where the nearest bagel shop is it's on Main Street [Music] do you know where I know where the follow Main Street oh everyone is saying that follow Rosecrans until you get to Main Street and then you know exactly where you're on the map and then you just follow these lines this is the way we used to travel my entire life yeah you're that old what do you think is easier phone or no phone I'm not addicted to my phone but it's way easier there dad come on come on come on my theory is the harder you work for something the more you appreciate it so I think she's gonna love that Bagel because it wasn't just handed to her screen Time reveal this is sales and screen time last week oh okay so maybe she isn't actually addicted to her phone [Music] what about no don't actually look at my screen time oh my God okay but it's work it's work uh it's work so in this family dad spends more time on his phone than daughter what about you guys are your parents addicted to their phones too maybe you should do this challenge oh I'd have a hard time with this challenge next app in real life is Google Salish I want you to find out how to make salted brown sugar caramel popcorn what how would you normally do that look it up how long would that take you a minute I'm gonna give you five minutes and you're gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way by finding it in a book five minutes ago okay when I was a kid you didn't have Google so you had to actually go to a bookstore or a library and find the information there um cooking where's cooking every day sailor sets an alarm on her phone when she has to get ready for gymnastics but today Hudson is bringing the alarm clock to her in real life we got a whole marching band here did I say it's over here I think Dad it's a bookstore what do you guys think do I look good guys no I don't want to make a cake trying to research something without Google is really hard you're so old I'm a little old see this is called an index so I'll take caramel all right when salish opens the note that is our cue we're gonna run past it we're gonna sneak in and it's gonna be so exciting salted caramel sauce nope not there this is the Lost look of someone who's never been without Google in her life that popcorn are you ready Salish hates making a scene so I have no idea how she's going to react when Hudson and the band walk through the door I'm gonna give you a hint you know the author oh Salish and uh atom worked on a video together hi hi sausage brown sugar caramel popcorn what's that it's time for gymnastics oh your alarm usually goes off doesn't it oh what's that for [Applause] the last app is a phone call since you don't have a phone to make a phone call how would you make a phone call you're right two cans in a wire I'm gonna go outside and speak into one if she can hear me she gets to open her present I'm gonna go outside I'm gonna talk oh my God she almost just saw me we flew all the way from Texas to L.A hopefully this will be a good surprise she's gonna think it's Jordan the entire time when it's really me I gotta close this so she doesn't seem she is actually literally no idea he's here today is you ready yes hello Salish can you hear me yeah yeah kind of I love it oh no what did I just say I love you so much and then you said what did I just say can you hear what I'm saying yeah okay I have one more thing to say okay [Music] foreign who's your best friend needle why are you asking me that wait see can you hear me yeah but you sound weird your voice is like really high oh uh oh what are you talking about I'm just your dad [Music] oh [Music] say you wish I looked are you gonna say something or are you just gonna leave me on red oh little they say your best friend's coming in there what my best friend's coming and where hi I was wondering why my dad's voice was so high did it sound like me I mean my voice deep purposely to sound like Jordan that was your deep voice then what's your high voice we played the first moment after salish saw nidal what does she do with her hair [Music] had no phone for 24 hours so she gets to open this package here oh she made me the present oh and it is a flip phone you approve that you don't need your phone so she now has my flip phone okay this is better than my first phone what's your first one a horse flip phone
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 37,598,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, nalish, nailish, payton delu, nidal wonder, iphone, tiktok, challenge, funny, IRL
Id: E6W83SpUEzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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