MY DAUGHTER'S NEW JOB ft/ Brent Rivera & Royalty Family

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today my daughter Salish attempts 10 insane jobs in 24 hours so I'm here to talk about your feelings for each other at the end of the video she will have to pick one job to do for the rest of the year here's your second discount [Music] oh my God first job orthodontist oh yeah this is the worst idea of all the ideas you're gonna put those in my mouth okay you need to hold your hand is that it oh wow there we go ew your breath smells really bad maybe I should clean it oh do you need some air oh no yourself okay she's gonna clean your teeth though get right down oh okay open do you trust her do this she could do it why do you have so many metal things it's because he's old yeah it tastes really bad by the way [Music] stop moving my patient is really bad that's good now just rinse oh tomorrow anything could you wear that already this is kind of gross oh where where's she going that's so gross she's just washing her hands with her clothes his mouth is disgusting love you too gotta have clean clothes now what we're gonna scan your teeth and then see where to put the braces braces we're not actually doing this is just it says orthodontist out there all right we're gonna get him scanned okay sounds easy wait she didn't give you any instructions oh look I can see it on do you want to get braces or Invisalign stop stop it I'm trying to see what I'm scanning your skin my cheeks eh it's been an accurate skin okay all right so that's how it's supposed to feel what the orthodontist is tickling my foot your foot smells bad now I'm gonna tell my patient if he needs braces no huge gap right there wait how do I get it back Gap Gap Gap Gap what's the gold on your teeth this tooth is green dad the only reason I'm even here is because Hudson is doing a video asking a mystery YouTuber out on a date he was supposed to be in that chair so my consensus is can we talk to the expert Dr summer in all seriousness just tell her how mistaken she is please in all seriousness Jordan you really do need braces uh what like for part two and I'll give my dad braces no no no next up is personal assistant to for on oh yeah I've been playing video games too much so my legs kind of hurt can you possibly carry me to the stairs one two three oh okay I don't trust you don't go any further no not down the stairs are you kidding me oh yeah a little bit faster please Chop Chop right here thank you very much I think the stairs might be a little bit dirty and you know I don't want to get my white socks dirty so can you please like clean the steps before I go on to them are you serious yep thank you very much okay let's keep going come on now that one oh my goodness faster please I can't go let's go come on let's go to The Pantry comment unless you should pick this job because I could actually get used to this yeah I'm sure you could please do not comment this also excuse you you're smushing my hair thank you very much no I can eat my Oreos wait do I at least get one no no you have to if your personal assistant if you work with me for the rest of the year I'm gonna give you a Christmas bonus I probably have to break it in small little pieces oh wait you haven't had enough oh okay there you go you know what oh I'm gonna keep driving her crazy because remember that one time when she was my babysitter she treated me like a baby my teeth need to be brushed absolutely do it or you're fired oh okay King fron this is not the job I signed up for um okay good turn on the water please ew my face feels so minty can you please Pat it down with my towel yes sir King prawn more gentle okay okay okay good let me guess now you need me to put cologne on you no actually yes okay yeah that's enough okay it smells good I'm actually like a professional hair stylist okay so let's go I'm like an armadillo it's got hairspray not not face spray my eyelashes are getting stuck together let me see I look like the dad from Adam's Family oh my God no perfect actually I regret saying she should pick this job you know what you're fired I was never hired coming up the jobs get crazier and crazier I'm gonna teach Stacey how to do this to be behind bar you've got to put your hair up no I did my hair all right I guess I'm ready to be a barista we're gonna teach you how to pull an espresso shot I think it's actually moving on okay okay you're gonna dry your basket press this button okay position it so the coffee grounds don't fly everywhere you're gonna kind of settle your espresso press my shot down okay oh oh oh dear they say you forgot to dump the old pups smells so good then this thingy say you've got an online order what they're gonna be waiting tap on the order now you have to make that latte with 16 ounces milk okay so it's the large am I gonna have to do this by myself yes I can barely do it with you whoa look how satisfying that is put it in that center now press the middle button don't forget your cup oh yeah it looks actually pretty good this stuff is awesome okay now you need to steam your milk wait will I get messy you're gonna get a little bit messy no if you spill make sure that this is purged out take your milk and you're gonna put it on the steam one okay [Music] oh stay safe I think I made a mess well it looks good now pour your shot into your cup pour this into there yes good job CeCe thank you here you go Katie thank you bye bye yes first order they say there's a customer okay hello may I help you can I please get a double espresso um It's actually an espresso I think it's actually espresso anyways it's coming right up like 10 to 20 minutes Stacy I think you can make it faster than that here you go thank you I think I might actually end up picking a barista this is kind of fun I'm gonna make the safety special and if you guys ever come to two guns order it for real ice milk two scoops of vanilla powder and one shot of espresso you can order a decaf if you want now comes the fun part you can never go wrong with vanilla and half a cup of caramel and it went on with syrup chocolate I'm just putting it around the room of the cup for the drink yeah I'm taking this away from you and this is the safety special I2 gun next job Junior cheer instructor sales are up to a cheerleading instruction for none other than world champion cheerleader Jack Payne this should be pretty easy and in the end Jack will decide if you pass the test what's first first up jumps do you even know how to do a jump you're looking a little old ah solo chant though solo champ first we're doing straddle jump winning cheerleading I guess it's called a toe touch that's the first thing I have to do yeah but you have to do a triple because apparently you're a world champion step aside Taylor stop talking you're about to see the best triple coach I'm sorry I won't do it again oh all right ready one two out three stop four five six seven eight one two three four six go ah those are the best toe touches I don't know about cheer but for gymnastics wait those toes straighten those knees my toes were pointed fix your form five one one two three four five six seven eight Play-Doh please nice for him boom I just threw that in there you know say to do that oh there's no one should get it just do what I tell you to do five more questions it's been a while let me catch my breath you're out of breath buy four push-ups what one two three four this heart is five six seven eight nine ten can I go get some water no those jumps were acceptable but not water worthy Junior cheer instructor is an actual job at 360 All-Star cheering tumbling so if she chooses this one she starts tomorrow next is tumbling what so you have to do an Arabians to double and if you step back you owe me 20 more push-ups and cheerleading you can step when you land it's not stick it like gymnastics it is today can I get water first at least I go through an hour of practice before I need water and he needs it in 10 seconds we gotta work up your stamina world champion why am I doing this yeah [Music] that was actually pretty good I mean you still got a little of that world champion stuff in you but you were bending your legs in your double foot what are you talking about you should Replay that Sandy replay [Music] I think that was pretty meant to me two standing tough burpees oh now now go go go go go push up push-ups well next is something um yeah I guess you gotta use me oh I'm literally the worst at stunting I hope this goes well um I think I have life insurance let's see how you do a toss hand extension easily I hope you know what you're doing cause I don't one two extension one two weeks I'm holding I'm holding hey guys oh we're doing I feel scared put the down we made it okay Jack I think I've had enough of watching her do this could you tell us whether or not she passes this she definitely passed she slalished this challenge I love that that's my thing like slave Queen Slayer Queen that's cringe slay Queen no nobody next job volunteer at foreign jobs of a volunteer Boys and Girls Club is to entertain the kids so good luck with that wait what what do you think we do boys versus girls I'm usually really trying these situations but this is a lot of fun now let's win this game are you guys jazzed up too yeah swimming team gets Donuts actually picked this job boys are you ready girls are you ready one two three go it's so awesome to volunteer at a Boys and Girls Club you can spend my number I wasn't too sure how she handled this because she doesn't really like big crowds but she's having a great time oh my God oh my God oh no all right everybody let's give it up for Leah one two three go you did really well high five good job okay boys you won congratulations you get donuts because if I do then we can do this every day you got this girls I said cut next job smoothie shop this is the best shop ever I mean I can make as many as I evils as I want to eat this is our fruit that you need to put on top okay yeah I got this I do this every day hey what may I help you with can I get the Sao Paulo I don't really know what that is I think I'm gonna make you a station special it's really good trust me did I say it's right here okay um it's a little cold kind of heavy yeah just a little did you ask him the size what size do you want okay a large because it's extra money and I want to make someone for the large bowl you need to put 15 ounces okay perfect and then put some granola on top does he want coconut uh now what do you want I like blueberries mango is always good real I'm toasting it out for you [Music] really impressive the potent is good for getting over allergies do you ever have it on the allergies because me too but I think it tastes weird yeah it does but like it's probably good for you gotta build up the immunity oh coconut whatever this is some almonds because I've heard they're healthy just a little bit okay Nutella this is special there you go I'm gonna get a lid on it do you guys think I should be a smoothie member I could do this all day long we have a lot of smoothie orders to do there's no one in the shop but it came through our app okay um one bite oh this guess I gotta get to work oh boy Who present milk oh it's in here eight ounces I guess stinky said that they wanted a classic there it is oh she's put this thingy and she put honey in for 20. I think I did too much I guess it's gonna be a really sweet smoothie because I think I had way too much of everything sales are gonna try 10 totally different jobs today and at the end she is going to pick one to do for the rest of the year [Music] so stick around to see which one it is I did way too much milk oopsies say less we need to finish with those smoothies please whatever I always gotta test it maybe some Nutella just a little surprise for them we got one classic smoothie done uh-oh three more okay I gotta go quick what's apple oatmeal oh I got it whey protein [Music] what is happening I don't think this blender likes me very much it's a little thicker than I expected pretty good do you need any help with those can you do these yeah thank you um by the way you might need a new blender next up sports reporter for the LA if you do really well we have a junior position available for you okay wait do I get to watch the perks would be the sports report ERS and free food free food I might pick this up you're gonna be interviewing number 12 Trevor Moore is he cute I'll let you be the judge of that how about that thank you a big interview coming up so I [Music] have a big moment in my reporting career no no you don't want to twist the mic open don't twist the mic open okay that's no don't want to be doing that I get to use this thingy when you're a reporter I wanna put no video and which one do you like the most oh here comes Trevor game on Carlin Bates standing ringside here at the LA Kings game and I just got word say is on the scene speaking with Trevor Moore let's take it and head over to the two of them and hear what they have to say thanks so much Carolyn I'm here with Trevor Moore how do you think you're gonna do in the playoffs hopefully good I mean I think we got a good team we're looking to push hard I think you're gonna win the whole Super Bowl you sure why not yeah we'll go for that one too I think you should come over here because I think there's a good side and bad side you know you want to show the good side that's good that's good thank you so do you have a dance when you score a goal uh I like to do the gritty I think oh I'm saying you're having a baby that's correct little boy congratulations thank you okay so do you have a name we're still working on it Salish Jr that's Jay aren't you supposed to be putting that mic in my face in your roommate oh it's just a prop whatever it's just to make me look cool you know you look very cool have you ever been in a fight uh not many no I'm no good at it why should kids play hockey because it's fun you get to hang out with your friends learn about teamwork uh I mean it's a great sport do you think I would be a good hockey player I mean look at me I have the perfect like size absolutely I think you'd be great and last question are you do splits like the goalies probably can but I can't get back up well I'll teach you next time because gymnastics beautiful looking forward to it I'm tiger let's go thanks anyway thank you that guy was sweaty the most important thing hockey players sweat a lot so Carlin how was my first day on the job be honest stay safe you slayed I think you could come back any time then maybe even take my job one day comment below if you think stay safe should take this job next job couples therapy so what brings you into my office well you're the one that asked us to be here I thought it would be really healthy for you what is this little number Harvard University you're like 11. oh I'm 13. so wait what what is this exactly so I'm here to talk about your feelings for each other [Music] say your friends and I don't quite believe that what face it's okay for you to be vulnerable so tell me how you feel about each other um well Pearson can stop you can go first Brad I think you can do it quite all right you can go first and this is exactly why you are here what it's okay I see this all the time in my practice friendship is just a defense mechanism meaning you're too afraid to get close to each other emotionally well that's not at the end of this session it's my goal for you two to express their true feelings to each other we understand each other all the time why is it such a friendship if you guys are so close why do you have so many questions okay so how long have you guys been together well we've been well we've met we met we met three years ago and right away I was like Wow Pierce is really cool you know right away I said I thought the same thing we became friends right away friends oh yeah we were friends no we they work what are you writing what are you writing um that's for me to see I would like you guys to describe your dream partner well she has to be funny uh-huh that sounds like Pearson should be very like light-hearted be willing to take on any Adventure so basically Pearson okay Salish what's your dream boy maybe like this high can do flips maybe um well I turned to discuss this what is your dream partner yeah Pearson what's your dream party yep get away from it someone who is ambitious ambitious someone who is funny someone who shares a lot of the same like likes as me the beach that's not you I like the beach so what I'm getting at is Brent likes Pearson and Pearson doesn't like she listed a lot of qualities that I have she's an ambitious but I also said funny so it can't be you yeah I am funny well I'm funny right how do you feel when Pearson kisses other guys oh oh yeah well I don't know if I like it Pearson how do you feel when Brent dated a hundred girls this is something that's engraved in my brain If Pearson was in the video she would have won liar no because I've been in one of those videos that I lost it was a blind kissing date and you didn't choose because I didn't know which one you were I was trying to pick you and I couldn't find you whoa she's what are you writing yeah you know what yeah write some more stuff down Salish I want Pearson to be happy you know at the end of the day and I think she wants you to be happy there right you want each other wait to be happy do you want each other to be happy exactly you want each other comma to be happy I think you need to do couples therapy with with who do you think a lot of people oh the dog no I don't care if he knows we're about out of time I need to try one more exercise one more turn into each other that's fine hold each other's hands okay and look into the eyes Brent has his lips like this [Music] oh the way you look at yourself I think we'll resolve this you guys are now a couple could you just sign this really quick you don't have to read it this is just to say that like you did it right thank you so much I hope you guys come back next week here's what they thought they signed and use what they actually signed we are at Cola pasta restaurant in Santa Monica where sales is about to do two jobs chef and server whoever comes in here next you are in charge of that table okay you got to take their order you gotta prepare their order and then you got to serve it to them I mean this sounds pretty easy is anybody supposed to be helping us table for two please I forgot about that sorry I'll lead you right back here they start them young now are you like on a date or anything oh wow a bit nervous usually you like oh my chair you know oh well thank you so much for that you look very young no I'm good you guys said you were on a first date um is that how you dressed I was thinking the same thing I mean I'll be right back I'm cold this is cold all the customers in this restaurant are actually friends of my assistant Rowan but Salish has no idea this is my dad's jacket you can have it that's so sweet she's a good server are you cold babe oh wow going right into babe I'm okay it's all for you okay I came prepared now you look a little more like I was embarrassed to be seen I'm glad I passed your guys's test are you guys like ready to order uh we haven't even gotten a mess yeah it's an Italian place I know how to make pasta do you guys have spaghetti meatballs by any chance uh we don't do meat I should have the perfect appetizer for you I'll go grab it okay oh yeah oh I waited tables for 10 years New York never saw a server like her anyways anyways on what do you what do you want able to take the chef special oh great because that oh no I have to come up with that real quick oh I've got an idea thank you so much hey it's our first date here's this flower oh okay I have to tell you the truth I even attempt to give to you it doesn't really look like he knows what he's doing her hand okay thanks [Music] um I'm not your server I'm an amazing server I mean like what the heck I'm so good I'm so Charming I think that flower thing is gonna give me a huge tip I mean I just like saved the relationship I told them an appetizer okay uh what's that no no oh red Sandy this bread count is an appetizer sure okay it's warm pretty good here's your bad your appetizer oh um you kind of ate some of it did she just take a bite of the bread Sandy yeah upside oh I honestly used to steal desserts but not in front of the customers worker we could speak to by any chance um I know I think she's having a great time as a surfer but I don't know if she'd actually get the job oh excuse me we get some more wine yeah anyway I'm one you can open it I used to be a waiter for a long time I love this restaurant called the pasta if you're in La come here it is the best pasta place in La before you cook in my kitchen you have to wear the proper uniform wait um what Okay sandy come back in five minutes okay so how do I look I know I look really good so when you said you were the chef you weren't joking no called The Colony Pompeii for four minutes you're gonna put it on the spicy tomato sauce yeah on top parmesan cheese olive oil pepper chili flakes number six your parsley okay right okay you're cooking we're gonna cook it's all yours okay go oh oh okay was I supposed to remember that okay I guess we're gonna get started they used to this is actually pretty fun boom boom I did it this is actually fun I could totally see myself as a chef three four I want to be a chef it went off don't burn yourself go why is it bubbling at me for the ravioli num now topping I'm doing it parmesan first pepper more pepper this thing that I molded back into place a little parmesan oh olive oil some red to top it off ravioli I forgot about this no not really I am definitely rocking put parmesan now I'll do some pepper parsley oh brown butter gotta heat this up real quick now brown butter okay okay now I gotta make sure this is good yeah come here try a pasta I made [Music] drum that's really good okay don't talk while you're eating also that one I spilled on the floor no I have to be back to a server okay we're back and now it's time to serve our first dish so here's one did you make it did you I did okay I'll be back with the second one okay that's impressive that looks like a real Italian Dish I don't know about this one but we'll see if they like it here's your second dish [Music] oh my god oh um I'm so sorry was that part of the special it's okay I think we can save it no it's totally fine um yeah I want to see you guys eat it it's a big noodle it's really good okay here let me try it okay could use some more salt is there anyone else who works here really good it's really good so I guess I don't care okay so how did I do great but you're not done yet you still have to clean I have to clean all those jobs were so fun and it was really hard to pick but Jello please I picked two jobs I know I do want to do boys and girls club volunteer obviously that was so much fun and the second job is I want to be a barista [Music]
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 21,972,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, saysay matter, hudson matter, brent rivera, pierson, jack payne, la kings, barista, coffee art, royalty family, ferran, jobs, amp world, amp squad, cringe fam
Id: pe1tMR0TUX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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