KIDS ROB A TOY STORE On CHRISTMAS Ft. Salish Matter | Dhar Mann

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okay how can I help you have some EPA dolls on layaway and we wanted to pay off the balance should be under Sophie Peterson oh all right well with that it looks like your balance is 360 257. what there must be a mistake we only owe you 150 oh well kid things have gone up since the last time you were here I mean toys cars gas everything's gone up but we don't have the money and you can't just raise the prices on us we had a deal we want to talk to the owner okay kid I am the owner and if you cannot afford it it is not my problem see I will just put the stuff back out on the floor and I will sell it to somebody who can afford it the toys aren't even for us I don't care who they're for I'm the owner I set the prices if you're gonna be rude about it we'll go buy our toys at a different store give us our money back four days before Christmas good luck with that I'll tell you what how about you cough up the dough that you owe me by Saturday morning when your layaway expires or else you will forfeit your deposit now if you will excuse me please I actually have some paying customers that I would like to attend to bye bye how can I help you according to my calculation we're gonna need to pick up 33 extra chores to come up with how much money we need we're never gonna be able to do that by Christmas it's not fair we worked our highness off for weeks to get that money and now it's all ruined we paid for them those toys should be ours right now hmm hold on a sec if they're technically ours why don't we just take them are you crazy we can't do that that's stealing we can't steal what's ours you even said it yourself paid for them yeah but it's still a bad decision it's like a chord I read once bad decisions with good intentions what we can either take what's ours or show up empty-handed and let all of our work over the past couple weeks go to waste I hate it when you have a point okay but if we do this we have to think smart about it I'm not risking my future at Harvard I wouldn't expect anything less from you we'll need blueprints earpieces Mall employee schedules and a solid team houses [Music] are you serious do you want to do this or not whatever um Sophie didn't see you there how are you my lady lioness how many times do I have to tell you I'm not your lady I came to talk to you because we have a favor to ask you if you have a situation with some toys at the mall which we really need to get our hands on and we think we can use your skills to help us Sophie knows I do anything for her but for you the kid who called me a wannabe David blade for the entire third grade and said that magic tricks were for geeks not in a million years ah sheesh I'm sorry is that what you want to hear Too Little Too Late fine what's your price I'm on eating with you guys at the cool kids table a week fine but in that case I also want your limited edition Pikachu illustrator card what no way all right then good luck finding another line he'll give it to you are you kidding me I'm not giving away my most prized visit I give up are you happy now a pleasure doing business with you I look forward to attending my services Milady Linus I'm not your where did he go did he just disappear oh my gosh she's right there hey dude we can see you all right who's next [Music] when the Cirque du soy is this exactly I appreciate you thinking of me but I don't know you're the only one that can help us please it's too risky the last time I got caught texting a boy my dad grounded me for a week imagine what he would do if I broke into a store I'm sorry guys but I gotta sit this one out good luck bye Noah ah back to the drawing board I'm not giving up that easily what Allison hold on I get where you're coming from and yes it's risky but with higher Stakes come higher rewards what do you mean rumor has it you have a crush on Noah and if you help us maybe I can help you wait how do you know does he know of course not he's a boy he barely even knows where his own nose is at I'm just saying I could put in a good word for you you would do that if you help us I do anything you want do we have a deal all right so let me get this straight you guys want me to use my computer hacking skills to replace the mall security cam live footage so you can bypass them and make off with a bunch of toys yeah yeah and we're willing to give you anything you want if you help us the opportunity to disrupt the capitalist system and address corporate greed on a micro level [Music] when we start Bernard feet of the table [Music] gentlemen lady I've gathered you all here for one purpose to pull a heist at the toy box you have all been hand selected for your various skill sets Linus for his magic Alison for her flexibility and Bernard for his I'd rather you not say my skill set out loud government might be listening before we move on with this how exactly are we supposed to pull this off I mean this isn't like stealing pizza from the school cafeteria what a proof of this Linus is right this is a real storm with real security what is the plan I'm glad you asked you see the next delivery the store gets will be tomorrow Christmas Eve when the driver puts down the packages no Allison and I will sneak over and put Allison inside a shipping box foreign [Music] from there the delivery person will take the box and drop it off inside the storage area [Music] once Alice Alice side and the guy leaves she'll break out of the box and head to the store as this is happening a coral pulled with Bernard [Music] from there he'll connect to the network and knock out their surveillance using his hacking skills wait I'm confused husband are gonna knock over a monitor with computer code not literally he's gonna replace a live feed with the dummy feed huh I Got Loaded resources here try to keep up moving on the general will make his final move of the night this is where Linus comes in [Music] hmm hey hey how'd you like to see a magic trick okay yeah show me all right nothing [Music] how did you do that that's crazy he'll perform magic trick for the janitor taking his keys in the process solid trick thanks see ya see ya picture while this is all happening Allison will be making her way through the store towards the toy section the only problem is there's a state of our alarm system with a series of laser Fields making it nearly impossible to overcome [Applause] [Music] this piece of the plan requires practice patience and most importantly precision once she's through the laser field she'll disarm the system and voila from there the toys will be ours for the taking we walk out with the goods and have the best Christmas ever [Music] CeCe that's our plan any questions [Music] it all sounds doable but I think you've overlooked one small teeny tiny detail are we just gonna walk home with duffel bags full of toys so Noah what's up got your tits right on time everybody meets Steve our cousin what's going on hold up why are you all looking at me like that no no no no no no no no no no no okay I'm not helping you with whatever Ocean's 11 style Heist you guys have going on dude come on stop being such a scaredy cat no okay you're not dragging me into one of your little schemes and that's final that's fine I guess I'll just go ahead and tell your mom well you really were when you were supposed to be babysitting me and Noah last month I'm sure she'd be surprised to know that instead of watching a movie with us he's not going to go see a girl you want it oh dear cousin Steve do I look like a person you underestimate [Music] if I do this this is the last time you get to use that oh I think we'll be sick no no no no dude don't I just got this car wash Linus you're fine oh Steve chill your car is as old as me now everyone put your earpieces in so if anything goes wrong just click the side and talk and as long as we all follow the plan we'll be out of here in no time we're at [Music] and go uh foreign are you kidding me you didn't check to see if we had enough tape before we came here hey don't blame me you're the you're the most bajillion times me you're the one who Skies hurry this up we only have like 60 seconds before the delivery guy comes back no way we have like 30 seconds what what do we do now [Music] it works come on we gotta move remember when you practiced and you'll be fine [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] done wait you made that look like really easy yeah what'd you think I was an amateur Allison you're Queer on this end [Music] Jack is out of the box our pink Jack is out of the box copy that check in and out uh over and out the janitor will be making his final stop in T minus three minutes are you ready I won't let you down Milady what did I never mind just go great our hopes are in the hands of a magician and gymnasts oh what could possibly go wrong excuse me sir do you have any spare change what are you doing back here there's no laudering kid I'm sorry I'm just down to my last few cents and how about a magic trick in exchange for a dollar I've been told I'm pretty good well if you're pretty good maybe you can make more dollars up here beat it kid what did I just say scram before I call the cops [Music] I hate kids foreign [Music] we have a problem what is it Linus I thought you said you got your car cleaned it was five bucks for the trunk would have been money well spent I'm sure there's something in here we can use we can work with this foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay for the lasers where are you guys we are kind of in the middle of something right now we will be there soon all right almost there and now oh my gosh that actually worked I spent last summer in the arcade playing the claw machine for nothing we're actually gonna pull this off and with time to spare could have done it better myself wow we're at it maybe I could take some shots do you remember what you said bad decisions with good intentions make it not so bad we're not here to steal we're here to take what's ours you're right Noah I'm sorry okay can you please stop doing that with the chips you're like getting them everywhere dude oh no chips the horror oh no look look here comes the slushie you need that give it to me no I'm serious I'm done [Music] look what you did me yeah you did [Music] self-care Sunday [Music] what in the world all right let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cake I think I sprayed it you have to get up now security and cops will be here any minute come on [Applause] guys close my door foreign what happened well your son I'm assuming his friends stole toys earlier this evening what I I am so so sorry I don't know what he was thinking we will make sure that he remembers this and learns his lesson well usually the kid is age I let him go but we've already spoken to the toy store owner and he would like to press charges no please is there any way that we can just uh yeah no pal there's no way listen you know what I don't like spoiled and tidal little brats coming into my store trying to steal stuff you need to make an example of this one you I remember you these two they came into my store the other day and they did not have enough money for their layaway items I bet you anything this one was behind this entire plot hey back up buddy Sophie is what he's saying true Dad don't blame her okay I was somebody thought of this we're sorry Dad we only took the toys because I like to advise my stepbrother and client to plead the fifth as for whether or not my client can be charged with theft I'd like to enter this document as evidence you're not an attorney and this isn't court but you can wait and show this to the judge whatever this is please just bear with me folks I know what I'm talking about what you're looking at is a dated copy of a layaway agreement know it and I signed which clearly states that the price is at the time of signature are fixed and therefore cannot be increased past that date as we paid the original sales price in full the items in question belong to us and therefore cannot be considered stolen goods this is bananas arrest her oh wait hold on if she pay for these items in accordance with the agreement Technically she's correct furthermore as the only here raised the prices and attempted to avoid the agreement he stands in violation of his own contract I've already taken the liberty of filing an official Complaint to the Federal Trade Commission for unfair and deceptive business practices okay you know what stop even if they did pay for the toys you can still arrest them for breaking and entering it's not really breaking and entering when you have the keys is it well in light of the evidence I have no choice but to drop the charges oh no no no no okay wait hold up I like something like I said I can't but I can pass this along to the district attorney for further investigation to see whether or not they would like to press charges you're free to go kid uh why don't you stay a little bit longer sir [Music] Pokemon card back if you didn't I couldn't have saved you I know thanks sis hey not so fast you two yeah you're not getting off the hook that easily breaking into a mall and stealing toys what were you thinking well Tech ah save it you know what you're grounded both of you for all of winter break better than being in jail oh fine actually can we start the punishment tomorrow excuse me um we sort of have somewhere we need to be oh really you didn't think we went through all of that just for a bunch of toys did you um [Music] yes a yippie doll I love yappy he's all I watch on YouTube I can't believe this I thought I was gonna get nothing this year thank you thank you guys so much for everything no problem we didn't want you guys to end up with nothing oh yeah we love them thank you guys can't believe you planned a heist just for other kids could have toys for the holidays we felt bad they're all orphans otherwise they wouldn't have gotten anything for Christmas wow look I'm not proud of how you went about it but at least your hearts were in the right places does that mean we're not grounded anymore I mean it's just like what Noah said bad decisions with good intentions make it not so bad uh that's not how it goes it's bad decisions with good intentions are still bad decisions so yeah you two are still ground that's not what you said well I don't want something like that oh my gosh hey Merry Christmas I appreciate it thank you thank you I hope you enjoy them you should go talk to Allison ask her to hang out just as a thank you do you not want to no it's not that I'm just a little nervous to talk to her QR why you know she likes you I know and after all of this oh I think I like her too that's so cute Barbara's got his first crush what are you waiting for girls like Allison don't like to wait around do I have to [Music] do would you like to go to the arcade sometime or get milkshakes uh I don't know do you not like milkshakes no I do it's just um I've met someone else and I think I'm gonna go get a milkshake with him I'm sorry [Music] you okay I just got rejected by Allison embarrassing I wish I could just disappear well I may be able to help you with that as long as you put in a good word for me and Sophie hmm I'd say yes but we all know you know how to make anyone disappear Abra [Music] oh you actually did it do you think you can make me disappear too so I can't be grounded I don't see why not Milady hey don't call me yes well this really is a magician I guess so whoa is that a shooting star I was gonna say Santa Claus riding a sleigh with Rocket Blasters but you're right it's probably just a shooting star [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 17,010,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: bZyewkD-dFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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