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today my daughter Salish goes on her  first date with her best friend Nidal wow   what could possibly go wrong and at  the end they will decide if they go   on a second date I'm freaking out I am at  Universal Studios with Salish she thinks   we're doing a video which she doesn't  know is Nidal is hiding right there to   surprise her we get to do every ride the  video is every ride at Universal Studios thank you it's gonna clear up it's gonna be awesome I think  you have a really fun day lots of surprises okay this is awesome she had no idea he was coming what they just went running off because I know that  Nidal is about to ask Salish on their first date   and I also know there's no way Salish  is going to say yes so I'm not worried   Nidal FaceTime me and asked me for permission  that was really really sweet check this out   hey hey how you doing buddy Jordan I want  to ask you something okay so I'm going to   LA tomorrow but I want to surprise Taylor  so is she like available tomorrow yeah she   would love that one more thing  I want to ask her out on a date uh this okay so this is like a prank call is  that what this is like a YouTube prank call no   I want to take it on a date hold on you actually  want to take Sailors on a date for real yeah so   people have been shipping us for like two years  now so we want to try it out for ourselves whoa   hold on okay first of all that is not a reason  to go on a date because other people think you   should be dating and second of all I think you  guys are too young I mean like it's you're only   30. you don't understand I might be going out of  the country for a while so I want my first date   to be with my best friend you're going out of  the country yeah I don't I don't know it at all   Jordan she can't be a little girl forever if she  wants to just let her uh uh I'll tell you what if   you ask her out on a date and she says yes that's  her choice yes I don't think she'll say yes but   good luck all right guys I guess I'm going on a  date okay so if I have something really important   to ask you though okay shoot I don't know this  is gonna be weird okay just say it go again   I wanted to ask you for a while now okay no I want to tell you for a while it's just weird  if I tell you just tell me okay okay well    will you go on a date with me why are you laughing you're nice so are  you yeah you're definitely joking oh sure wait what actually yeah sure that's  right yeah yeah what do you want to go I   don't know as friends obviously Okay sandy  what happened she actually said yes okay but no this is a really great date just like  sitting here pretending to ride okay okay okay   get dressed up oh okay don't get out let me help  you let me help you and is that you trying to be   a gentleman no get back in the car Salish and  Nidal have been best friends for two years and   made a ton of amazing memories will anything  be different now that they're calling it a date you know you actually look good yeah and  you don't look so ugly today oh thank you   that's a compliment from Little you kind  of have to look good for our first date at the end of the night Salish and nidal going  to decide if they go on a second date oh what   are you like asking me out  again and that will freak me out   that was too easy wait he asked her on a date  and you said yeah it's a friend day next thing I have to photograph you on the  date dad dad you just called me   dad no no way of my father-in-law material here   's the first day and our wedding whoa yeah that's  it cute are you trying to be taller say which is   taller than you that is an awesome friend's photo  if this is a date it's the most innocent date I've   ever seen here we go um okay number one rule  don't trust anyone first date photos nothing   weird about this what would be a first day kind  of thing good good good nice beautiful one two three go Nidal's steaming he's  like he's got first date energy remember that pose we did in Disneyland yeah  they were so cute then and they're still cute   now I can't why don't you just do a low in our  best okay three two one go okay that was actually   really sweet all right guys for a while since I  can make this the best date and I'm really gonna miss   this is a pretty photo and and good right there  right there snuggle in there it's cold okay okay hold up there in the door [Music]   do your hands hurt no obviously not on my man I'm  actually Spider-Man you're spider boy maybe not   the spider all right guys you guys been tripping  us for the last two years so we decided to try it   and we'll let you guys know how it is at the end  of the video there's a bug on your face you can't   hit a girl remember whenever you did like the  backbend photo and then uh you're not that weekend the young crush on me on me right after the  first video or did it start like after a   couple videos we're gonna start today why  does everybody say that we have crushes I   mean it's obvious that you needed me  but me to you no me to you you know look at how happy she is I don't  even care what you call this a day   best friends whatever I love that don't  think she's old enough to date not ready   for her to date but I love their  relationship Salish and Nidal have   started their date at Universal Studios  but it's going to end tonight at the most   expensive restaurant in Los Angeles hey say  where are you guys she won't tell me okay so I'm gonna drink water and you're  gonna try and make me laugh and   laugh and spitting it at you  okay straight to him run Salish run thank you I want to make myself  look better for my day oh my God I'm freezing oh   you're freezing poor little thing aren't you gonna  be cold yep oh I don't care thank you yeah guys   let's go oh that way I got hot you will I can't  follow you I can't be with you come don't come it's with you please did you see I got blocked  two selfies thank you where'd they go now I have   no idea where they are what do you want  to do how about we go on a ride let's go my daughter's 13. her best friend is 13. do  you think that they are too young to date yes   yes we all agree a little young what do you  guys think when your daughter was 13 would   you let her date yes sometimes if you resist  it goes south real quick if I push it too hard   like don't do it she might do it behind my  back exactly just make sure you talk to her   about the dudes and the ghosts it's like the  secret life of pets ride right yeah what is   his hair yeah it's clearly not working for you  today I'm joking it looks good the cat the cat right now Go Alone Together Reagan just turned  13. I gotta asked the Mom it's 13 too young to   date like a friend they're now dating sure you're  good probably what about what do you think if it's   just like being friends and like hanging out then  it's not but if it's like more than that than it   is they just disappeared so I have no idea like  where they are my daughter was like this little   yesterday and now she's your age she's on a date  and I don't know what I'm freaking out all right   guys I'm gonna try to make this the perfect  date so salish should go on another one with me   come on Wow gentlemen like can I get  a Beyond Burger without the tomatoes   no with the tomatoes without anything else  the tomatoes without anything else and no   cheese and no cheese and no sauce and no  sauce thank you all right and that one's   for the lady lady and can I give a large  milkshake with two straws sure no problem   to share okay I'm gonna miss you when you're  not in La anymore oh you're gonna miss me oh we secretly know that you're gonna  have a picture of me up on your wall   and look at it every day sure thank you I  really don't know when they're gonna see   each other again and date or not they're  obviously crazy about each other they're   best friends and I think it's gonna be  really hard for Salish once he leaves how's the food good and better now   a gentleman would share his fries a little  boy who loves his fries open the mouth uh what the [ __ ] it didn't work if  I actually had to do the heimlich   on the first day it would be the worst  day ever I'm joking my dream date would   probably be Kalahari again that was fun  kawari was so fun because of you the Reds no no look I am all about relationships  that is beautiful that is love I want   that for Salish I'm just not sure I'm ready  for her to take that first step yet because   she's still my little girl it's actually kind  of freaking me out that she's growing up so   that's why today's honestly a little hard but  they're still acting like best friends you already know I'm gonna win actually I won  we're on the ride there's no going back okay whoa   whoa that's the ride that we  were just on the Harry Potter oh no no no no no no no no no no no  no no no I don't want to go ahead in the waterfall look it's a dinosaur this is so cool you grab me so hard you know I'm gonna miss  you when you're away oh are you gonna miss   me are you gonna miss me uh yes you are sure  this part we know you are deep deep deep deep   downside is nidal too young to date my  daughter no dad if you're watching this I   don't miss you dang why don't you miss him  because I'm having fun with you that's what   I like to hear it's gonna be so scary whoa oh  my gosh all right I'm gonna win you this prize   wait I could easily win myself a prize  we'll see okay let's have a competition okay let's see your try ready I'm gonna  show you how great I am great I am out of the heart not gonna lie thank you it  doesn't mean your head is too big all right   so guys I'm gonna be leaving La very soon so  um I don't know when the next time I'm gonna   be able to see you is but you can book some  flights to Texas you see me I go to La all   the time for you guys go to gymnastics I can't  go to Texas so skip your gymnastics no yes long   distance friendships doesn't work yeah it does  because I've been doing it for six months she's   going to Texas she's coming to Texas so how  do you think the date's going so far I think   it's going pretty well actually yeah why uh well  what if we want to do a second date are you like   asking me out again kind of kind of depends how  this day goes so I'll tell you at the end okay the evening now continues on nidals  Channel click to see if they decide to   go on a second date please say no  please say no please say no
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 29,283,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, challenge, nidal wonder, nalish, universal studios, amusement park, rollercoaster, best friends, date, dating
Id: fG1l2Kd02tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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