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today my daughter Salish and her best friend Nadal let Instagram control their day at Magic Mountain what could possibly go wrong what was that the first thing they have to do according to you on Instagram is ride the scariest roller coaster what is the scariest ride in this whole amusement park Wonder Woman it was the scariest ride you did Wonder Woman the super Wonder Woman we've asked a bunch of people on a Peter woman kind of scary let's see what happens go go I posted on my Instagram this morning that we were coming to Magic Mountain and I asked you guys to give us suggestions on what Sailors in the doll should do and that's what you're gonna see today we just got here a little bit ahead it looks really scary he's definitely terrified how did Instagram pick the scary ones yeah I'm not scared okay I have to impress your wish impress me I didn't say that thank you they listen to Dollar on this right now this is terrifying oh my God let it die that was crazy fun look at her expression okay you know what I think they should also have to do the highest ride what do you think I'm scared either this is reminding me so much of the video they did two years ago at Disneyland my little girl was oh so cute ah let's recreate some of it we don't remember how we pranked my dad with the nails bracelets at Disneyland yeah we should still prank him again with necklaces yeah do you think he's gonna notice I don't think so if he doesn't notice for the whole entire day I think we should reveal Tim at the end what should I say on how about I have nay you have Lish No it should be like English and you don't and yeah we get this silver heart necklace we have one half an S and one half an N thank you yeah perfect no you don't attach it like that okay go ahead [Music] oh shoot my destiny okay put the necklace in your shirt oh my throat I was screaming too much on the right yeah same oh are you okay so the next challenge is you have to go to another ride right yeah the other ride is way over there so Instagram has decided that either salus is going to carry Nadal or Nadal's gonna carry Salish please okay okay and the answer is the dog carries if you're not able to get all the way there before you do the ride you have to go on the Merry-Go-Round twice what oh you're doing it that way you're gonna carry her all the way there like this oh not sure about that look s a very long distance away you good yeah did I mention this you have to get there in 90 seconds you're kidding actually maybe this is a bad idea if Salish and the doll complete all the Instagram challenges they get an awesome surprise but it won't be easy actually let's make it 10 minutes oh if you touch the ground it's a merry-go-round with your face you know I don't know if Nadal's gonna make it oh wait I forgot it's actually up the hill I was good totally going the wrong way I'm sorry come on oh I tried to fool them it didn't work you guys are giving them some awesome challenges on Instagram but I hope they do all of them because the surprise is so sweet and it's oh everybody did it yes another one of the Instagram challenges was holding hands but they just did that all on their own bathroom [Music] this is probably Sailors and the doll right now if you want to see all of their rides you got to go to Nadal's Channel because he's trying every single one and rating them because the vote was so close they're gonna have to do the tallest ride as well 55 dollars sweet he just bought the tickets 55 bucks he's 12. dang that was expensive ouch my bank account's hurting more than me right now are you down here no no no no no hold on I can't do this no we don't have a choice now you have to do it oh my God it was so funny we jumped all the way from there we were like three two one I pulled I pulled the cord and then we went flying and we almost flipped and really so they're going again this time I'm definitely paying go with us suddenly my heart actually I don't like heights can you tell me like how scary that's terrifying I have to right yeah I have to if you think I look scared go to Nadal's Channel after this video and find out what happens next I just post on Instagram so we gotta wait one minute and then you get your next challenge then you get to go on a ride oh my God all these rides makes you really hungry twenty two dollars it is time for lunch Nadal got a burger with fries Taylor Scott because Magic Mountain gathered together for the vegetarians you have two options for how to eat eat blindfolded or feed each other please be blindfolded please be blindfolded please be blindfolded and it is eat blindfolded okay okay coming up a prank on my dad gone very wrong right whoever finishes the food first gets an unlimited budget for one minute at the candy store go I was supposed to take our time like a smile up yeah yeah so you're both taking your time huh oh he ate them and the dog's really winning here you got two little ones left they say Chew Chew Chew please let me see it looks like did you just finish at the same time wait how did this happen they both get candy now Okay one minute unlimited budget a nut you got 30 seconds you don't want to buy anything for a stranger yeah we should 10 seconds they're panicking three two one stop four things one for a station okay okay ready I'm now giving you one more minute to go buy whatever a stranger wants go do you want anything is there anything about you this okay perfect okay two one done plushies for Sophia by the way do you guys like plushies should we do a plushie comment below very good before your daddy gets back let's put one of these in her mouth okay and then like remember the thing that we did like a long time ago with the pasta yeah let's do that to print Jordan okay all right let's practice yeah good one ew up rude I wasn't eating you it was the sweetness of it all right I got the shirt whoa whoa no no what was that it was really sure oh do you think he found out I don't think so he probably would have told us what do you think the prize is gonna be at the end I have no idea maybe you coming to Texas I can't I didn't I want to though okay yeah Nadal is always trying to convince Salish to visit him in Texas but she won't allow herself to miss gymnastics wait Stitch what if I talk to your gymnastics because what that's so embarrassing guys comment down below if I should talk to her gymnastics teacher no and uh tell her to come to Texas are you guys having fun so far yeah rapist versus Disneyland oh this is better this is better by the way this is not me this is Instagram should you wear one shirt together or exchange shirts no what are you hoping for one shirt oh well you are in luck here's your shirt are you guys ready no no no all righty and then put your arm in I don't know about this uh your shoelace is untied we have to tie it Taylor you guys together there we go oh okay let's go the park is closing soon if you guys want to get more rides we better hurry up a little next ride very easy this is hard I never want to do this again sit down here what happened come on come on [Music] guess they're taking photos get ready okay we take the weird filter and we look really funny we're best friends the photos are printing I got it I got it [Applause] let's do this one no we are not doing that oh I do not want to do that no it doesn't actually shut okay suit yourself I guess if Nadal asked her to do something she does it because if I had said why don't you get shocked no whip and it's safe right I'm sure it's safe must save yeah they are having so much fun and it is always so sweet but it's actually hurting my heart to know that Salish is not going to see an adult all summer says crying some more crying and way more crying whatever she does is cringy tick tocks what do you think the price is gonna be you come to Texas Texas yeah oh you're so cute of course I want you to come you want to see me detectives yeah yeah so you can go to Kalahari Kalahari was so fun and that's like almost a year ago now wow that was a long time ago maybe we should do a part two if you guys want to like this video okay totally random but look at who just showed up right here at Six Flags Too Hudson is filming his own video right now he's going to five amusement parks in 24 hours they're getting bigger when they were in Disneyland I think he's here hey Sandy make my muscles look really good with a graphic big surprise coming up but here's the next challenge from Instagram dance in public or sing in public oh no dance dance please Dance yes it's dance dance in public do you remember the dance Matt and Stephanie to tell you wait you went like this okay we went boom boom I'm not that flexible anymore so I can't do that oh I had to do it back could I get new dance yeah choreograph one go for it spin hold on let me show you what you're trying to do a boom a boom and then you look and then you go boom dancing that was pretty good right you look like you're dying hey this way yeah oh you got to get it right because you're gonna have a big audience oh no no no no would everybody like to see a dance performance a dance performance right let's bring it in dance for the for your watching pleasure let's go I want to introduce all of you to my daughter Salish and her best friend Nadal better known as nailish malish malish I still know seven but I wanted to embarrass him take it away oh my God [Applause] thank you [Music] now go get some high fives give High Five Guys that was the coolest dance I've ever seen in my life and I totally didn't tell him to say that to the camera he's seen these necklaces out and he hasn't noticed anything oh I hope my dad likes these necklaces you mean my dad one day Magic Mountain vegetarian over here all she's eating is ships all day next challenge is this should they recreate the final Disneyland photo Shocker the answer is yes what was that one I'll give it I'll wait for it oh my God no there it is it's the one that for the last two years everybody has said you kissed we didn't we didn't I know but everybody else on the planet thinks you did there's no kissing there never was anything [Music] there's no kissing but it's a pretty photo and we're about to take it now that we're two years older get it should we skip this round nope get out of here oh my God hurry I'll win you here we go ready look at him look at her [Music] this is prettier go over here sorry you guys tell me which is prettier the other one Sailors you matching everything this is so pretty look at that yeah yeah warm up when did you get that necklace can I see that necklace what oh I got it Mom gave it to me oh that's pretty what is it I just like see I thought I saw a pendant it was the Abundant all right Jordan take the picture you wait you have a necklace too no it's a chain it's just funny that you're both wearing it whatever okay all right it's right there it's good okay ready and dip [Music] okay you were right that's fuss better exactly surprise is so awesome I can't wait what's the pendant though nothing wait that was sketchy what's up with the necklaces now just tell me I I it's now very obvious that there's something up in the necklace I'm just kidding we're trying to prank you okay Jordan turn around turn around we'll tell you when to look okay Jordan okay I'm gonna go with that sweet that's not even a prank I love it I know they thought I was gonna be really angry about those necklaces but that was so sweet you guys are best friends and now you got necklaces to say it best friends only friends yeah look you guys just did a lie detector test and you definitively actually walked out the room right when I asked if you had kissed anyone all right as every 13 year old change like this like cute Disneyland can you see how sweet she was there I'm gonna show that expression oh yes [Music] whoa all right let me see it again go arms back sailors oh this is cute whoa get close to each other arms yeah hold on and arms back so I can see your faces more hahaha why didn't you why did you spit on me oh this morning okay I don't know what just happened or why that happened um Salish that was a prank go wrong yeah what was that they did all the challenges and it is time for the surprise Salish tell us what the surprise is well you know it yeah anyways drum roll please the surprise is never gone there there's no way yeah there is I know you're joking there's no way I think you promise you're going to New York thank you oh my god I've always wanted to go to New York oh my God thank you so much all right bye Jordan like always I want to say something sassy but that was just really sweet see you next week [Music]
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 12,107,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, nalish, nidal wonder, magic mountain, amusement park, roller coaster, instagram controls, six flags
Id: N9dQeWggE9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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