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we are here today because Rebecca zamolo  needs a babysitter and Salish wants the   job she will have to complete all the tasks  on this list and there will be a secret test   to make sure she's honest and at the end of  the day Rebecca and Matt will decide if she   got the job okay here you go wait yeah  let's take her this is gonna be awesome   um she's so sweet how hard could this be ew  what smells so bad well you know after zadie   eats she will um this is on your list say oh I'm  not doing that what it doesn't smell that bad is   it actually part of babysitting yes and trust  me that's like seven times a day huh okay I'm   gonna distract her you open oh okay yep you're  doing great wipe it okay you got the new one   on new one on new one on oh that's really  smelly don't worry it is part of the job   yeah put it there oh this is so sweet because  I remember when say was a baby and she needed   her diaper changed and then one day she's gonna  be like a mother and she's gonna be changing oh   I'm actually surprised that Salish was willing to  change zadie's diaper I would not have done that   if I was her age and she gets bonus points because  she threw a diaper in Jordan's face how many times   a day why I want to be a babysitter I have always  wanted a little sister one day I really want to   be a mom I love little kids earning extra money  would be awesome Matt and Rebecca are so cool well   responsibility stop these  are all ingredients that can be used in baby food   puree good luck kid go get him wait what I you  Salish make good choices okay Adam choices there   are a lot of foods on this table that Sadie does  not like it's gonna be hard for say to win this   round cream cheese that goes in the maybe pile  that looks way too hard for her to bite Salish   has to pick the ingredients make the baby food  and then feed it to zadie if she likes it she wins   this round those are carrots did I mash them oh I  guess not oh we didn't watch those though next one any kid I babysit it's a vegetarian maybe not  this kid this is definitely okay for us okay honey   hmm I planted a trap for say  babies cannot have honey because   of the bacteria so if she picks  that she will lose this round   is this natural it's sweet better than the maybe  thing and no matter what you don't eat honey okay   prunes I think she could eat cream Salish  what do prunes do they make you regular yeah   corn syrup that might be like a little too much  for a baby so that goes in my mouth ew these have   gelatin in them and they look way too like chewy  I don't know if she has teeth you'll find out when   she bites you this is me but there are some things  that aren't me this is your first time opening a   Lunchable yeah I've never had a Lunchable wow  okay I feel like she could have this she's gonna   give zadie a Capri Sun she's saying that like  she shouldn't have it are we really gonna let   Salish babysit Z it's not a good idea right now  so what's this thing actually you would feed a   steak a ice cream cone I don't think so firstly  out this is what you have to look forward to Matt   fantastic Sour Patch Kids says artificially  flavored that does not sound good for a baby   any baby of mine is gonna be healthy if she's  not your baby it looks too hard for her to eat   it's a microwave what do you mean it looks like an  oven you're trying to trick me well look we have   ovens here we don't have two ovens in different  places whatever I'm gonna put it in a mini oven   it's a microwave literally a microwave Sadie  gets hungry and she gets angry okay if you want   to be your babysitter you have to feed her all  day you're going to pick me I know baby isn't   supposed to eat spicy food I mean come on I can  barely eat spicy food next is broccoli okay let   me like take the top off no with your mouth that's  a very gassy food so wait you're eating gassy food little trick if you mash it up it will make it  softer Salish that's not even a little bit of a   chicken bruising it okay oh I'm saving you  from yourself that's really soft now that   actually kind of worked Sam impressed get over  it this might actually work out I mean we need   a babysitter anyways and she has a lot of energy  she's a little young she's not even a teenager   guys I'm right here okay guys this is my no's  this is my maybes and this is my yes I feel like   cream cheese isn't good for babies because like  the milk so that goes as a no I've seen a tick   tock video about honey it says like it's not good  for babies because of all the bacteria so that's   enough were you guys trying to trick me what wow  Sadie is getting hungry you can tell okay Sadie   how much yogurt should we make I think zany kind  of likes you Salish she's like so that yummy that   doesn't mean anything okay look at your future  Babysitter Is that broccoli is that yummy wait   prunes in oh okay she's gonna poop oh my gosh  do you like mango she's getting angry carrot   it's hot we need to put some water in I think  it's enough zadie you're gonna love this right   want to step back a little you want to try it oh no if you're a baby you know you wouldn't want  her uh you know yeah I don't want to get her mad   dad just put it in that little mouth of yours  we all know I'm gonna do it airplane airplane oh oh how is it wow there's a there's something at  the end there she's ready if she eats this Salish   wins this round are you gonna eat this smells  pretty bad okay zadie do you want to try it   I think she might oh yeah wait wait you  like it let's move from spoon number two oh   it looks like she liked it she thinks she's  special that's babysitting goals right there   if I'm Sadie's babysitter she's gonna be a  vegetarian eat healthy and eat a lot and I   knew I would nail that but I bet you they  tried to trick me with the honey she picks   Sadie's food made it fed it to her zaidy liked  it and she did not use honey I'm giving her a   thumbs up right now I'm still not convinced  okay I guess she's all done well no she has   to have a bottle but she just ate say this okay  okay yeah sometimes before her bottle she gets a   little cranky oh have you ever done this no but  I think you just put it in there you gotta hold   her wait here here he's gonna babysit you have  to learn how to hold yeah now put it back good can salish hold you now see you've got this say  and then just move the bottle up you like it   I think she likes it wow I thought four-year-old  Milo is hard this is so much harder they can't   tell you what you want because they're a baby  so you kind of have to guess as you get used   to ziti you'll learn like what she likes and what  she doesn't you see how she keeps staring at you   she likes you but she has to trust you hanzadi  babysitting is such a great job because you get   to see zadie grow up she's about to crawl soon  like you could be there for her first moments   her first crawls her steps I mean it's crazy it's  really rewarding I hope I get to do that obviously   zadie likes Salish but she can't even feed her a  bottle yet she needs your help I barely got that   when I was a mom I think she has the potential and  she really wants to and zadie likes her she's not   even a teenager I think Salish could babysit I  want to believe that but I'm not quite sure yet   ladies I'm your babysitter you're gonna be strong  ready do you really know how to do a push-up and   push back up push back up yeah now it is time for  nap time and swaddle wait what's a swaddle this is   a swaddle okay okay I'll be able to do it just a  little practice and I can do it tuck those little   arms forgot this foot oh okay yeah okay okay don't  don't I can do it I can do it see it's perfect the   shoulder being out is a fashion Choice okay zadie  you have 10 seconds to get out of this swaddle   don't worry that was my plan now I have to do it  for real I don't want to rush you but it is she's   gotta go you gotta be on a schedule if you're a  babysitter put your head there how important is   this for a babysitter to be able to do the naps  dictate the sleep and we want her to sleep the   full 12 hours what what's that what's that lady  oh she is telling me that she doesn't want to be   in the swaddle see Rebecca you have to listen  to your baby oh I do do I see Rebecca this is   obviously what you have to do oh a sleep sack you  know I did take care of his four-year-old for a   whole day I think I know what I'm doing you nailed  it look good night I'm proud of myself good night   Daddy I'll be back after an hour okay so Salish  didn't quite get the swaddle but she did come   up with a good idea of the Sleep sack and zadie  seemed to like it I feel like she's trying and   she's eager I don't know though I don't know if  I want Salish to babysit zadie yet I don't know   sayla she's waking up she's not going to sleep  she's gonna go to sleep she's gonna go to sleep   are you sure yeah I even tucked her in like I put  on the Sleep slack she'll go to sleep I got this   oh she put her to sleep so I'm not sure  about her as a babysitter though a fun part   of us when the baby is asleep  oh yeah oh this is so relaxing is asleep is when we get work done so  you're doing laundry with me wait what   I'm a little tired over here come  on babysitter you busted I actually   really like doing laundry and I do it  all the time at home so this shouldn't   be a problem but I got this don't worry about  this sometimes babies have a blowout okay and you got it wait come back stay it's just Nutella I think she  failed that round oh my God I'm so tired when do   I get my nap time to learn your CPR CPR oh no  if I'm gonna leave my baby with you I need to   know that you're gonna be able to save her okay  I'm going to teach you how to do CPR CPR means   chest compression procedure I think the last  one's an R but it's okay 30 chest compressions   two breaths okay 15 16 17 18 19 17 23 4  27 okay just let me do this no no no no   hold on you're not gonna do it on this  baby then who am I going to do it on   okay Jordan I didn't tell you to go that realistic  hi baby this is ridiculous you're a baby you can't   talk get on the counter oh what does this baby eat  he's a little bit on the heavier side get on your   back no on your stomach I mean flip on your back  check the pulse check the pulse no pulse whatever I used to be a cool photographer  look at that picture   Look At Me Now cool stay safe so I know  you want to be a babysitter and part of   that is making sure that the mom is okay  and I'm kind of thirsty right now okay   can I get water yeah did you grab me some  yeah perfect I'm doing a test on Salish I   have a nanny cam set up and I placed a hundred  dollars on the table let's see if she takes it she took it salish shook the hundred dollars I  didn't think she was gonna do that okay here's   the water thank you very much Salish oh  and here's the hundred dollars that you   tried to prank me with I mean come on I  would never steal what yeah I set you up   when she passed oh zadie's awake let's go get her  look at that smile I have such a good idea for the   final thing on my list you want to do a tick tock  yeah that sounds so fun right I'm Gonna Make You   instant famous but first I have to get a ring  light I got the ring light this isn't working okay zadie do you want to start you know okay this is gonna be your first reel it's  gonna be so popular wait you're verified   you have a hundred fifty thousand followers  you're only six month old Salishs finished   all the things on her list before they tell  you whether or not she's gonna be their new   babysitter make sure to check out Salish controls  Rebecca's life for 24 hours on Rebecca's channel   right after this video Rebecca Matt what's the  decision is she your new babysitter at first we   were a little unsure but you worked really hard  and we saw zadie really liked you so after much   consideration before you say that I have one thing  to announce so zadie is really really cute and we   got along great you know but okay I'm only 12.  so I don't think I'm gonna take the job I think   I'm a little too young yeah okay but I'll see you  guys later wait goodness wait what about in like   like sweet we can do it again no  we don't have a babysitter we don't
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 25,448,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, zadie zamolo, rebecca zamolo, matt slays, parenting goals, babysitter
Id: PlDbfq2HKuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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