Surprising My Daughter 5 Times in 24 Hours! *Emotional*

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my daughter Salish has been surprised in some  of the most insane ways possible here are my   five favorites starting with number five an epic  holiday house makeover to distract Salish while   her brother transforms the house I took her  to surprise Brent Rivera and the amp Squad   with super fun holiday gifts yeah okay I am so  excited I love the holidays let's go h on what   what's wrong you're not in the Christmas spirit  yes I am green okay all right well then what   Sandy I got you this you were supposed to poof  into this how cute would this be why won't you   do it cuz I'm a teenager now Dad here will you  hold this wait what are you doing I'm supposed   to go through a chimney right what how does  Santa do this knocking walking in and giving   it to her oh oh hello happy holidays thank you  she's supposed to be an elf but she wouldn't   really to think cuz she's teenager now well I  get it I wouldn't want to be dressed as an elf   either she's a teenager now you can open your  presents under the tree that sounds great but   first you have to do your morning routine mhm in  a handstand in a handstand stlish I just want my   present okay my curing is over here and then  the coffee pod should be in this drawer okay   do you see it yeah I got one and then the mug  should be up here Dad what's great about this   is she still needs my help to get a because even  though she's a teenager okay here you go did your   parents have a hard time when you turn teenager  you know what I'm in a handstand right now and I   just want wait how do you turn it on I don't know  I'm in a handstand all you have to do is turn it   on every button is not working you know what I'm  done with this hi can I please get an order for   delivery of course what can I get started for  you just a tall iced coffee Ros thank you can   I please get out of this Dan yes you earned your  present my dad is going to be out with Salish all   day but I have a lot of work to do first up I got  to find some people to help me decorate I want to   deck my entire house out with Christmas lights to  surprise CRI my sister Salish is there any chance   you could come over here with your team tonight I  don't think we can do that tonight okay all right   no worry we're actually going to be unavailable  tonight we won't be able to make it happen dude   oh my gosh this is much more difficult than  I thought it would be hurry hurry we've got   a whole day of presents to give here it's really  special I know it's very meaningful To You O oh   wow a necklace so pretty wait what what it says  bexi forever Lexi dated Ben but that was 2   years ago that was my present 2 years ago there  you go oh this is the more accurate one that   was awkward let's see no this one says Landrew  forever oh and there's a picture inside are Lexi   and Andrew dating or just friends nobody knows  are you going to wear it every day I might never   wear it actually you know I think Andrew will like  this yeah give it to him and he'll wear it every   day I'm just going to take this okay well anyway  Merry Christmas Happy holidays bye hey yeah sorry   we're going to be unavailable tonight would it  be possible to get this done by tonight no that   was a bummer sorry we're not in right now please  leave a message and thank you for your call today   I don't think I'm going to be able to make it  tonight super super short notice sorry I can take   your number in case we get a cancellation likely  not tonight I am running out of places to call I   don't know what to do ho ho ho happy holidays oh  my God H all right okay okay right there what's   in there what's in the back I'm so sorry what  happened I heard you know what happened we don't   need all about it and I just feel really bad I  feel a lot better now I saw your song and I'm   really sorry that your bunny died no I thought  this whole time you're like talking about my   breakup no I mean I feel bad about that too but  you said in the song that your bunny died so I got   you a Christmas present my no no no no my bunny  didn't die that's not what the meaning of the song oh my God oh my God it's so soft okay don't forget  this one you guys are going to have so much fun   together oh my God you guys are so cute happy  holidays a enjoy your new bunnies I didn't ask   for bunnies Merry Christmas Jordan Jordan I have  got to decorate this entire house all by myself   no you're wait you're not you're not supposed to  show that Sandy Sandy no no no it's it's just me   here it's only me no no one else is here no one  else is here helping me Sandy okay fine I got a   couple people to help me try it lower no you do  it you do it do do it do it you do it's your turn   I'm ho ho ho happy holidays I have an amazing  Christmas gift for you but first you have to do   a truth and dare and I thought it was Truth or  Dare no truth and dare we asked Instagram don't   blame us these are from them go easy on me okay  Brent and Pearson are best friends so are they in   love this was the most asked question okay ready  do you like Breen how did I know that was coming   I have to answer this if I want to get the gift  you have to be a truth yeah I love him he's a good   friend of mine Pearson is in love with Brent who  who whoa I didn't say in love who wo W if Brent   was outside in a limo ready to take you on a date  would you say yes I just love limos yeah just girl   the girl nobody else is here are you in love with  Brent I love Brent but not but not in love in and   love are very different very different maybe one  day oh my God Sandy can you replay what Pearson   just said I love friend everybody share that  everywhere she's in love okay shower cap and   goggles am I going to get slime am I going to  get dirty am I I'm out of here you know what I   don't even want the present anymore oh man what is  that your present is at the bottom of the Jello-O   and you have to get it with your mouth are you  crazy that's the dare you guys suck pear pears   pears pear it's not even in here I swear it's not  even in here you got this woo are these   airpods yes they are oh my God this is so worth it  thank you s no come here please ho ho ho mer Merry   Christmas what nice bike Jordan I found it in your  storage okay you have three presents right here   and each time you open a present you have to eat  one of these holiday treats sounds easy enough 3 2   one two jelly beans have you ever heard of Bean  Boozled that's not what this is right it's cherry   and lime or vomit and poop which one is it s take  it both that one do I want to mix vomit with poop oh that is not vom and poop oh speed shoot it's  a parachute so then when you jump off Bridges   you don't hurt yourself if I jump off a bridge  I'm still going to get wet yeah but you'll go   slower I'm taking the risk the seay special  holiday drink what's the grossest drink you   can make is an official Starbucks drink it might  be after this scene hey everybody here are the   ingredients oh this looks really good it's even  in a holiday cup you're welcome it's better if   you don't know what's in it I'm down for another  gift so let's go what is in there never let her   make that ever again hey Starbucks if you want to  make it official give me a call you don't want to   make it official since you're a guy and you're  like not that romantic I thought I would get you   something for Hannah what wow it has an h and it's  got diamonds on it okay this is nice thank you oh   my gosh tell her it's from you all right boys  how can I help you can go up here if you want   bro off the ladder oh shoot all right I'm down  I'm down oh shoot hey anybody want to hold this   for me thank you my man oh goodness appreciate  you oh thank you oh gosh can I hold your hand   sorry bro oh thank you dude am I safe hon I'm  right here okay all right I feel better about   it I feel better about it most Brothers like to  prank their sisters but Hudson loves to surprise   Salish so he took money out of his savings to  make this makeover epic dude fingers crossed   loves this how is the makeover going uh it's  kind of going well I don't know if I'm going to   be able to get all this D no I got to go okay  we're going to get it all John go to your shoot   I love you bye okay okay he just hung up with  me this makes it feel like it's the holidays I   am so excited this is the first time we're ever  actually decorating our house it is pretty crazy   living here in California and it's never snowing  I know saor she has missed the winter a lot so   I'm very excited to see her reaction to all of  this stuff it really feels like Christmas we're   all putting in an equal amount of work right now  how are you helping this is an important aspect   of the decorating process ho ho what's up he has a  way better Santa outfit what the heck I I'm sorry   man this is like my channel this is my video you  mean my channel and my video okay Jeremy do you   think you can beat me in a strength challenge I  mean I've been working out a lot and I am like   way taller than you and I'm older than you so I  think I got what it takes so if you beat me you   get the small present and if you lose you get the  big present all right what is small and expensive   all right I'll do the challenge I'm not scared  let's go okay tuck up Pike up straddle up first   one to five wins go get him wait what is that  what do you mean is that hey hey that's three four four wait it's it's over what was that  and I thought we were going with like the whole   like Santa outfit thing and you're just wearing  that yeah I'm a teenager now I don't wear silly   costumes I'm a teenager too guess you don't get  the small present wait what's inside of it though   you'll never know let's see what's inside of  here okay it's another gift is there even a   gift in here bro what's even the point of this  one lb dumbbells next time you might get close to   winning you got them tiger you got to be kidding  me this is going to be a massive transformation I   did one of those sections but I'm going to take  credit for all of it let's be real as you know   salish doesn't like calling attention to herself  but me I don't care about calling attention to   myself we're going to make this epic I love  Christmas because I can buy so many toys for   kids that don't have that many it's fun giving  different YouTubers presents but I think this   is even more fun people love squish Mallows Nails  that's cute that's cute that's cute that's cute I   love Legos so hopefully these kids will too you  can be Santa's helper this year by donating toys   in your community the lights are all set up but  the thing I am most excited about snow woohoo I   those huge things guys dude it's snowing right  now I never thought this would happen we're in   California what we lived on the East Coast for  over 14 years and Salish is missing snow but   there's one person who misses snow more than  Salish does me oh my God it's snowing oh my   God oh my God it's snowing ho ho ho hey happy  holidays I'm going to ask you one question if   you get it right you get to use this credit card  to buy whatever you want for Christmas if you get   it wrong you get this present are you ready I'm  ready what is Lexi's coffee order Lexi's coffee   order call iced coffee Rosé what if you want  to take her out to get coffee or like what if   you want to just get coffee in the morning or  what if she's sick so you get her coffee like   you got to know that yeah yeah you're right you're  right okay uh Le's coffee order um he's panicking   right now she's probably watching this right now  Lexi if I get it wrong please don't don't hurt me   Macha latte open this present oh my God you could  have had an unlimited credit card unlimited is it   still something good it's amazing is this like  a necklace or something it's a necklace with a   heart and it says Landry forever oh oh my God wait  it's it's a picture of myself with a flower in my   mouth oops you didn't change picture I supposed  to change thect this gift might or might not   have been regifted from Lexi wait so you're saying  you gave this to her and she didn't want to maybe   anyway happy holidays it's been a long we got a  a lot of gifts to give bye happy holidays okay I   need more explanations to this Hest so she don't  want to accept this how did you not know my copy order I quit hey oh no wait get him no oh my God  all right so Hudson just told me to get away from   Salish FaceTime him he's got a surprise for me  hey what's up first of all I'm with your favorite   Boomer second off we're chilling in the snow wow  she is going to freak out right Boomer that's a   lot of snow in our driveway we're going to have  to shovel that oh I didn't oh I didn't think   about that but anyway that is so cool we're almost  done I got to take her to gymnastics so we have a   couple more hours finish the lights and then we'll  be home for the big surprise we're going to make   it look absolutely insane bye have a crazy son but  this is going to be awesome ho ho happy holidays   oh my gosh can I open this no first we have a  challenge for you are you in love with your best   friend quiz okay I saw that you dated 100 girls  so you must not be dating Pearson right now but   I think you're in love I had to take this with  my best friend n doll which I'm totally not in   love with but you have to answer these questions  in order to get your gift wow I feel like I should   have be hooked up to a lie detector test right  now we should have brought the lie detector this   video gets 300,000 likes and Lie detector do not  cut that do you get jealous when you see another   guy with Pearson do you guys keep secrets around  one another no I would never keep a secret from   Pearson never that's so sweet do you keep secrets  from your best friend yeah is Pearson the first   person you call when something happens I know  that I'm the first person that she calls a she's   very smart I like to call her and like get her  advice on things a so romantic okay next question   they're definitely really great friends we are I  don't know why you put quotations around that I'm   guessing you and the dollar really good friends do  you take extra time to look good around Pearson it   depends if we're doing like a fun activity I've  seen a lot of pictures of you guys dressed up so   it looks like you go out a lot just like friend  dates like the dates that you have with an nll   I've never on a date with nidal when you guys are  just hanging out you too what are those  called uh-oh how old are you 13 I just you know I  had my first girlfriend in middle school at like   13 oh boy it only last but it only lasted 2 days  we've discussed 21 22 she starts on her first date   maybe 15 16 I don't think your dad wants you to go  I have seen you kiss her do you kiss friends too sometimes friends get kisses yes so you  would kiss Ben and Jeremy and it's all the   same thing I'm going to go with a note time  for the decision based off all your answers   I am judging that you guys are in love it's  a very reliable quiz I think that you need   to hook me and piercing up to a lie detector  in order to even determine if we're in love   or not 300,000 likes please please please do  that for us I chose a present specifically   because you're in love with your best friend  this one's good oh wo it's heavy lifetime crystals what is this it's you and Pearson  and you're going to get married this is   actually really cool obviously you're  going to get married with your best   friend one day uh bye happy holidays  okay we are done with presents I now   have to take stus to gymnastics practice  and then we have to go home whether or   not Hudson is done Christmas carolers  just came knocking check this out oh yeah one can you guys sing me  one last song subscribe to Hudson matter hit   that Bell no oh no sorry Merry Christmas  subscribe please it's finally time for the   big surprise they did do a good job with their  light didn't they yeah what about us look at   ours I think we should totally decorate we  will one day no worries don't worry about it what look at this a ginger how  did you get that reindeer right what the   Nutcracker get Nutcracker and snow this  is real it's California saers what do   you think did you do this I did this all by  myself what all by myself this is so cool number four I had only one day to surprise  Salish with tickets to the soldout Taylor   Swift concert first I started by calling  my friends first person I can call is   Preston because I did a hide-and-seek video  with him and there were 50 YouTubers so at   least one of them might have tickets I  sit in the Box for like 8 hours so the   least that he could do is get me tickets  right and I didn't even win I'm trying to   find relatively inexpensive Taylor  Swift tickets for tonight's concert that's not the reaction I was hoping for Preston  I'm going to just tell you right now buddy good   luck no chance I mean i' like to be optimistic  buddy but like I don't think you're going to get   these tickets thank you for your honesty but I'm  not giving up Preston just squashed my hopes going   with Taylor Swift tonight and inexpensive do  you know it's like the hardest concert to get into   in the world right now I'm finding that out I  want to have one last summer memory I know she   loves Taylor Swift so it would surprise her but  see the thing with saor is she would never let   me spend a ton of money on tickets they can be  back row she won't care she would just love to   be there look this is going to be my dad dance  right here that was awkward let me make some   phone calls see what I can do nothing's coming to  the top of my mind right now thank you Dar byebye   I'm going to call Ben he knows people right no  he's not answering come on Ben maybe Brent knows   someone I'm panicking I wouldn't normally just  FaceTime people randomly asking for a favor but   I am today no answer by Brent these people are  busy hey Brent just wondering if you by chance   have cheap Taylor Swift tickets I've played  basketball with Mr Beast a few times I have his   manager's number Jimmy wanted to go to concert  he'd be in a VIP Suite in an hour I don't have   Mr BEAST's number but if I did would I actually  call him yeah probably he has a lot of money so   I guess if I had his number he could just buy me  the stadium no answer Rebecca kind of looks like   a Swifty to me come on Rebecca please please  please please please please nobody's answering   I'm striking out all over the place okay I saw on  Instagram that Sophie dossy went to Taylor Swift   so maybe I can find out how she got tickets how  was it it was actually so fun I met her mom you   met her mom yeah how did you get tickets Instagram  got me tickets they brought like a small group of   like creators I guess I missed that email then  are you on Instagram I do Instagram too I guess   I got to do more of it though would you mind just  doing me a little favor uh could you just call T   mom and ask her to get me two tickets for me  and Salish real quick oh well I didn't get her   mom's number you have to get Salish tickets you  just have to have the experience of the Taylor   Swift concert fish would love it okay thank you  I'll do my best good luck because I think they're   sold out I've got one more call to make my friend  friend Evan is the creator of famous birthdays   obviously they know everybody there cuz they have  them all in their studio so let's see if he knows   anyone funny you called I want to take my daughter  tonight oh prices I checked are through the roof   crazy expensive what's up I'm going to check like  last minute okay hoping you know some people just   reput the tickets on the market and try to scoop  them and take my daughter okay that sounds like   a long shot but if by chance there's four tickets  rather than two will you let me know sure that's   a long shot he's going to like last minute try to  get tickets I don't know I got to figure this out   I've got another plan by the way it's 3 hours  before the concert starts I am at Sofi Stadium   trying to buy two tickets this is my last chance  let's see what happens any chance you have extra   tickets for tonight sorry no okay we'll have  fun maybe I'll see you in there I don't know   how training goes uh I'll take this one and then  is this one okay there you go and then I get to   pick one we're going with white horse thank you  thank you I'm like a full-on Swifty right now any   chance you know anybody has extra tickets can I  have your tickets sweet thank you that's a joke   total joke I would never take your tickets I'll  give this to saish if she ends up here oh my God   you're all giving me braceletss oh wow I've got  a plan give half of these away see if I can get   tickets that way what I have to make sure is I  don't accidentally give away my daddy bracelet   that saish made me that would be a disaster are  all these people here to kick me out 34,000 on   StubHub yeah that's what we're dealing with here  today now any chance any of you know somebody with   extra tickets sorry this is a long shot serious  Swifty action here oh my God triplets is there any   chance that you had two more and they cancelled  and you have two extra tickets Sor enjoy the   concert say hi to I I will hopefully say hi to her  in there tonight anybody have extra tickets I need   extra tickets for me and my daughter I want to  be a good dad last chance for the summer memories   anybody extra tickets I'm desperate I'm going  to cry okay thanks for your attention you have   any extra tickets I'm looking for extra tickets  how long have you been here uh we got here at 3   okay do you know anybody with extra tickets we  have extra tickets you actually do I want you   to get that you've been here for hours um Okay so  so you you you go for it go for it that might work   so they had extra tickets but I felt bad because  those girls have been trying for 3 hours so I just   let them get them I might regret that something  about this crowd gives me hope extra tickets is   that a Swifty Dad you're a Swifty Dad I am I am  too not really cuz I don't have tickets there's   going to be 100,000 people at this concert I'm  going to talk to each one of them a chance you   know someone I can buy extra tickets from Legally  no okay thank you that was actually risky tickets   anybody have ticket hi hi hi thank you hi wait  do any of you have extra tickets no and have   two tickets NBA have two tickets concert's going  to start soon it's kind of a bummer like I was   all enthusiastic but I can't find any tickets  she's got a sign gave me an idea two tickets   for Taylor Swift oh I guess Taylor Swift part is  obvious I'm getting desperate nothing's working I don't know if it's going to happen  honestly I'm starting to lose hope a little   100,000 people I can't find two tickets man  this is rough I was pretty sure I could get   them on Ticket Master then I was really sure  that somebody would know somebody and then I   was absolutely positive that I would find them at  the stadium and none of that happened uh anybody   have tickets anybody two tickets anybody have  two tickets concert's going to start soon I   don't even know if there'll be enough time for  sales to get here if I got tickets anyway it's   kind of a bummer like I was all enthusiastic  but I can't find any tickets I'll keep trying   them Evan's calling me right now look I'm at  Sofi I've been asking for hours nobody's got   tickets what about you I don't know if it's our  lucky day four tickets just came on the website   in the third row what at about a third the cost  when we were checking our okay okay did you get   them of course I got him wait are you are you  serious right now are you serious right now are   you serious right now no way I got tickets I got  tickets I got tickets I got tickets I got no we   got tickets yes oh my God yay I got a call sish  Evan came through blow up famous birthdays right   now oh my God thank you man oh I'm excited I'll  see you here don't forget your bracelets I got to   call saish she's going to freak out she's got  to hurry up she has no idea this is happening   wow I think I have just enough time to go pick  up and get her to this concert I got to tell   her I hope she's excited say say better child  she did that hey where are you hey you want to   go have an adventure tonight sure I just wanted  to have one big last summer thing with you like   a big thing a big event so I just just just got  us tickets to Taylor Swift what right now right   now go put on your favorite dress yes oh my  gosh really wait Dad you actually did yes put   on your favorite dress I'm coming to pick you up  okay all right I'll be there in 10 minutes she's   already running for the dress on love you bye  bye love you that made it all worthwhile right there number three Salish traveled from Los  Angeles to Texas to surprise her best friend   are you from he had to complete eight epic dares  before she shocked him with his dream Adventure   one we are here in Texas we are going to hide in  this car and Nidal about to arrive right here   and we're going to give him some dares but  he has no idea we're here come on say come   on come on here they come here they come so  Jan what are we even doing salish going to   be controlling your life from La for 24 hours  and if you do everything she tells you to you   get a huge surprise Nidal has no idea we're in  this car right now watching everything s's about   to FaceTime Nidal give him her first dare jiji  is totally in on this whole prank oh shoot it's   wait hold up he's fixing his hair before  he talks to you hi hi so your first dare   is to go up to a stranger and pay them to give  you a pie in the face what no you did it to me   with hon okay hope you have fun good luck bye  they should be paying me for this here's your   wait what shirt what is this he put that on so  he won't get his little precious shirt dirty can   tie your hair oh my God I look ridiculous  his signature look excuse me can I pay you   a dollar to pie me in the face um I don't think  so can I pay you a dollar to pie me in the face   I don't than I'm sorry ah they said no no  can one of you guys pie me in the face for   a dollar no we're good a everybody's saying  no can you pie me in the face for $1 for $1   yeah can you pie me in the face um sure oh oh  oh she said yes smack him as hard as you can okay oh my God oh my God she just she threw it at him thank  you so much you're welcome hi sish you look so   ugly I got a couple nose and this was a yes you  have to do 10 push-ups then do a back flip then   clean yourself off better a push-up 10 back  flip back flip backflip you happy you can go   clean yourself off have fun bye that's nasty  that was crazy that was super crazy so messy   he's getting changed what is she doing what she  she doing n Do's inside he's washing off in the   back no no no we don't want to get does he  have any idea we're here no no no idea okay are   you sure I got whipped cream all over my shirt  I'm going to go change my shirt there's a huge   surprise at the end you get to be a part of it too  if he doesn't find us before it's time okay hurry   go go go you might not know this about Salish  but she actually doesn't love to travel and she   hates missing gymnastics but she did both of those  things so she could be here to surprise an adult   and way till you see how she's going to surprise  him and it's just so sweet she's so excited to   see him yeah I'm kind of worried about the next  couple Dar oh I think he's right there okay o   he's candy we got to go there what's he doing  of course he's looking for candy okay facetime   him right now hi needle I have your next stare  for you oh my god what is it you have to go to   a sporting goods store and get a pink bike and a  pink helmet and ride around no I can't yeah s she   would be so much more fun if you were here and by  the way where are you oh right now I'm um I'm in   my room oh you got to go bye he has no idea but  he's going to see me in a couple minute so stay   tuned all right we got to go find a sports store  open they just went around the corner let's go if   he sees you this whole thing gets blown don't  just go in say find y all the girliest bike   you can find he's right there got it look there's  bikes over there he's up he's up he's up somebody   just arrived for the next prank waiting you see  who it is you we only have 2 minutes left oh my   gosh he's back there we got to hide come this way  hide it pick the girl back you can find got one   he's right there Dad we have to move I found  the best helmet ever no stop don't go around   the corner she's going to totally get caught I  don't know how to ride these kind of bikes get   ne you have to go all the way around this whole  st's kidding oh look that wait oh do you get that shot you made it that was so embarrassing the  surprise that Salish has for Nadal is better   than anything they could find in this mall so  stick around okay I have to do another FaceTime   so I'm going to pretend like I'm in the middle  of a forest that looks great why do you always   flick hair when you talk stop it I do that with  everybody you always flick your hair it's so oh   wait s she's calling me wow you look amazing in  that helmet no I don't where are you oh I'm just   outside you know just chilling your next year  is you have to find a woman and challenge her   to a push-up contest she'll beat you girl power  it's going to be so embarrassing this is bana   and she has an awesome YouTube channel she does a  bunch of videos with her with her husband Preston   they're awesome check them out she is going  to be our plant in this scene need all will   totally pick her and then she's going to prank  him so watch this oh my God I cannot wear this   helmet anymore it's so annoying go go go go okay  there's like nobody in the store right now so he   almost has to pick break oh um excuse me yes  can I challenge you to push-up contest me you   can tell I'm really strong I've been working out  a lot oh okay looks like I got a challenge check   do girl push-ups count no oh good good good  good go one 2 yep I'm totally beating him this   is come here come here look there's people  this is hard I should definitely work out for I have not done those for a while keep doing  push-ups yeah I right yeah I'm fine I don't feel   so good anymore need water all right oh my God  are you okay are you okay you okay SC   oh my God that guy's right there but he didn't  even notice your friend sish you might to sent   me here for something I have another challenge for  you no you ready you have a song called everybody   shipping us no I'm guessing what it is let's go ah  so funny let's just go right here in the center I   believe in you he's not singing yet so I bet he's  arguing he's going to be so mad we'll start right   here come here hide hide hide okay how wait do  I have to sing the full song Everybody shipping   us do we ship too he's so embarrassed you all know  us better as we are out here in La form sun   shines bright and it keeps us warm there was one  time we got cotton candy it was on the board walk   and it was kind of fancy oh my God that was  the most embarrassing thing I'm never doing   that again hey nidal hi you have to go to  your camera roll and post the last picture with   no explanation this is the last picture I'm sure  it's going to be a FX what is that I just posted   this is that me yeah how could that possibly be  the last photo on his camera I accidentally sent   it to him what I have real hair that's a filter  you did a bald filter on me with a mustache and   send it to him why would you do oh all right let's  go find him he'll never know where I am cuz it   looks like grass hey I have another Dare  for you go with your VR set in public and play   a game on it no no yeah you'll look super funny  in the middle of the mall wait what if I run into   something let's go spy on him come here he looks  up we are busted here you go no that's not how it works okay ready he looks ridiculous calm down how are people just standing there watching oh he just fell is he  hurt no he's good he's beating me   up let's get out who cares if he's  hurt I care if he's hurt all right   before we do any more dares I need  to get some Duncan cuz I'm tired he's right there let's go all right sa there's  something I've been wanting to tell you for a   really really really long time it's time that  I finally tell you saor I really are you need   yeah can I take a selfie I guess I can't say  thank you nidal and Gigi right now are shopping   about to call him with another dare I just  matched the perfect outfit for you Nidal doesn't   know anything about pickup lines and neither  does Hudson so this is going to be fun what's   the next thereare you have to call Hudson and  you have to ask him for pickup lines then you   have to use it on the girl in the mall Hudson I  have a question can can you give me pickup lines   guys this is going to be so cringe okay okay I  got one I got one you're going to say are you   from Tennessee because you're the only 10 I see  that's horrible I know you don't like raisins   how do you feel about a date cuz a date is a  oh this going to be so embarrassing I cannot   do anything he's saying no idea what he said  but he's right there and he looks freaked out   come on let's go find you some ladies now are  you nervous no you're going to find yourself a   date today do you think yes I'm very Charming  need all look those girls over there look at   those girls do the trip one oh shoot oh sorry  guys I fell for you that was that was so fast   that was so cringy how was my pickup line it  was amazing that pickup line was like horrible   those girls right there wait no no ask that  group of girls right there ask them they have   boyfriend I got it I got it shoot your shot oh  sh oh my God ow ow sorry guys I fell for you that couldn't have been more cringy so would you  guys go on a DAT with him two rejections for you   need I see more girls over there right there  um so are you guys from Tennessee cuz you're   the only 10 I see that was so that was so would  you guys go on a date with him you're rejected   for the third time buddy I found another girl  right the one in the green hoodie she's with her   mom it doesn't matter okay I I to tell you if you  were um if you were a vegetable you'd be a cuute cumber would you go on a date with him I  get rejected by everyone I hate this okay   guys I'm about to surprise jiji is with  nidal and she's about to tell him to pick   you next he doesn't know you're here put the  hood on or something okay go go go I've got   it go go go you know look at that girl right  there go go go talk to her no no no I don't I   don't think I can she's all by herself it's  sad no is he coming what you never know you   might marry her one day no I won't go no she's  wearing a hood I don't know what she looks like   this is going to be so awesome just go up  to her just go up to her oh my god um are you hi I missed you I missed you wait wait wait  how are you in Texas I thought you were in La yeah   I came to Texas yesterday but you you FaceTime  me in La I was in here I was in every store I saw   every dare you did that was so embarrassing never  make me do that again I have a huge surprise for   you let's go wait where is sish is about to give  Nidal his huge surprise but first she gets to do   one more dare so before your surpris you have  one more challenge that I'm going to do it's a   makeover no no I'm not doing that nope yeah yes  you are wait so say you've been watching me this   whole time yeah oh my God at least make it look  good stop squinting your eyes relax all right   concealer is done oh no should we do pink or black  none no guys I have no idea what I'm okay let's   start with some blue that was great you're looking  good let's do no what are you doing her up hey y you definitely don't know how to guess  give me that I'll do it comment down below who's   the better makeup artist I have hair extension  no okay need you look amazing now we're going to   take photos and I'm going to post them everywhere  come on oh okay no let oh my gosh she's posting it   go get cleaned up and then go see your surprise  yes I'm taking these out I'm taking these out   let's go where are we going you'll find out in  a second they run really fast okay am I going   to hit anything no 5 months ago my dad gave us  a surprise gift and we're finally going to use   it three 2 one are you joking this is  my office and by the end of the day it will be   transformed by zhc into an epic surprise room  makeover for my daughter and it was all her   brother's idea to make this plan work I've got to  get Salish out of the house I'm taking her back   to school shopping since moving into our house  my dad has been working right next to salish's   room and he can be so loud guys he never stops  what the heck we just do this one she's really   serious about school and has always wanted a quiet  room to study so I had an awesome idea we're going   to convert my dad's office into an epic School  room for Salish I knew I couldn't do this all   by myself so I called YouTube's best artist zhc  hey what's up Hudson is there any chance I could   get you and your guys to fly all the way out to  LA to help me customize a school room for saish   yeah I think we actually might be able to fly out  tomorrow what oh my gosh okay that would dude that   would be insane okay yes let's do it wow we have  a lot of work to do as I take saors back to school   shopping what she doesn't know is zhc and his  crew are waiting in this car for us to leave I   think they're about to leave wait wait for them  to go wait for them to go they're leaving go go   go go go go go go go let's go out hello hello  oh my goodness okay let's go we got to go quick   thank you so much for doing this you're too slow  coming through okay guys let's go let's go you   guys set up right here I got to go help break down  the room I'll be back soon Jordan is going to be   back in a few hours with Salish so we got to do  this fast those are my shoes e let's break down   this room let's do it wow this looks like old man  stuff while I'm out shopping with Salish Hudson is   prepping the room for zhc crew all right this is  the last of it woohoo before saors can get school   supplies she needs something to put them in so she  is going to buy a backpack and her budget is one   penny Wait what Ryan Tran did this whole series  where he traded he started with the pennies they   got to give you a penny for a pen it's easy go get  them tiger wait that that was my thing all right   we should be ready to go I quickly sketched up an  idea okay what we can do is we can have one half   of a globe over here okay and then there going to  be inspirational quotes coming out of it and this   would be the other half of the globe how long do  you need for this project ideally around 2 days   maybe I can possibly get you 2 hours what about  eight can we meet at five come on five six 5 and   A2 okay we're meeting at 5 and A2 okay now I've  got to call my dad hey um you can keep Salish out   for like 5 and 1 half more hours right what no  what well we didn't get as much time as I hoped   not sure why you agreed to that 5 and 1/2 hours is  not a lot of time please 5 hours 5 and 1/2 oh my   God oh my God you're a dad you can do this do you  have anything I could buy for a penny oh no sorry   this is really really difficult for her but I'm  doing anything I can think of to keep Salish out   of the house ask those two ask those two excuse  me hi do you have anything I could trade you for   a penny O A Penny how about the H&M bag yeah you  can buy the H&M bag for a penny Okay thank you   oh yes I've got a plan excuse me can I sell you  this bag for a dollar how about can I post your   stroller for like a minute for a dollar sure okay  wow okay thank you you're four wow you're big we   got to take the kids to the bathroom now so oh  do you want me to help you with that for another   dollar no it's okay we just got here we've got so  much to get in such a little time let's do this   Hudson and my assistant Rohan are at Ikea buying  furniture for says new room this is the one if we   don't get home soon the surprise could be ruined  that was loud turn it sideways oh all right we   got to get back to the house right now let's go  your bag looks like it might rip and you know you   wouldn't want that food like spilling all over the  floor so can I sell you this bag for a dollar what   do you say did she sell the bag um okay thank you  this is going well I already have $2 come on push   it in we just moved everything in time to start  building Sor just went to wash her hands I'm going   to FaceTime Hudson and see how they're doing s in  the bathroom how's it going yeah they're kind of   just getting started they're just getting started  look I need you to keep saors away from the house   for like let's just call it 6 hours I don't know  if I can keep her at that long look I promise   what they're going to do is going to be absolutely  insane you're going to love it say she's going to   love it too just give me 5 and 1/2 hours I'll do  my best hurry up hurry up uh what do I do I don't   know I have $2 a shoes shoes these are going to  be like Flats remember Salish has no idea zhc is   in our home making this mural right now how much  could this little shoe be let's just get two of   them and ask what which one's the cheapest this is  probably not that much I mean come on 180 for the   Jordans and then the Yeezys are 150 do you know  how much my shoes were $19 at the thrift store   do you have anything I could pick for $2 if you  want this black hanger for $2 I won't take your   a dollar you can just have a hanger guys so far I  have a hanger and $2 yes do you guys have anything   from the back that she could buy for a dollar the  only I could find was the she a sticker oh perfect   a dollar I a doll that's yeah I don't know if this  was worth a dollar but I panicked later in this   video sist shocks Everyone by running into the  house before they're finished customizing will   she catch them Mackenzie that looks absolutely  insane how much longer do you have there's a lot   to do right now so anywhere you want to help would  be great yeah you know what I'm going to give it a   go oh boy okay I'm getting a paint what color  should this be blue no no no no no no is this   going to be red no just to ensure that I don't  mess anything up I'm going to take some green   um was that good did I just help out it seems  like I just helped out a lot I've got an idea   wait all right say so who can you sell stickers  too how about kids kids I have a question can   I sell you this for $10 a lot of kids come here  right and you give a sticker to each kid and those   kids will tell their friends and you'll get more  business you know what yeah I think I will take   wow oh sorry but wow yes thank you so much I don't  know if they were really worth $10 but she was so   adorable H can I turn it around we need like a  slightly more yellowish right right right now   it's a little bit off I I think we need to adjust  it a bit over here I'm going to do the second half   of the globe and I I think Salish is going to lose  it when she sees it meanwhile Hudson and crew are   making a lot of progress building the furniture  and zhcs crew is rushing to get the mural done   in time would you buy this hanger for $9 no thank  you no thank you no thank you it's not going this   is not working she's done great but I can't make  her suffer anymore time for the next challenge   you did great you raised $11 I will match the 11  we'll double it let's go get the backpack really   yeah let's do it let's go come on come on let's  go getting school supplies let's go oh oh you   went outside the line oh no oh no wait wait wait  I can fix it I can fix it put some painted outside   the line again look oh just make the line bigger  no no no please he's done kick him out this is   my idea guys this is dangerous I may be messing  this up a little bit but what they are doing is   genuinely awesome tlor she's going to absolutely  love this surprise hey um Hudson more painting   less vlogging yes sir $22 is her budget to find  a backpack go get them let's buy some backpacks   you love Frozen I think I'm a little old for that  Dad but it's so cute orange makes me nauseous what   about this one I actually had this exact same  backpack in first grade hey let's keep going I   really like this one but it's $34 it says $55 what  are you going to do with that I'm trying to stall   and she's running everywhere 19 they a little  small for school but I think I can make them   work come on they're 19 you going get one no I'll  get this one for Hudson thank you all right and   now let's go get school supplies as we're going  into Target my assistant Rohan is sneaking to my   car and taking these backpacks to zhc to customize  for the next back to school challenge Salish has   10 minutes to get everything on this list and you  have to fill up the cart or you have to give it   all back and you get no school supplies this year  sill off the cart or get it all wait what sailors   doesn't know it but she's actually shopping for  love Beyond limits charity we're going to donate   all of these school supplies to Kids in Need in  Los Angeles okay let's get five of these cuz five   is my lucky number I would get more than five  okay then let's get 25 cuz that's also my lucky   number you know what if they don't trust me I'm  going to earn my way back H I'm feeling kind of   dizzy can I get some water if you go downstairs  and then I was actually thinking uh you might be   able to grab some for us wellow I the water boy um  you can't paint so you need to be useful somehow   this is I'm going to we have fun here I'm coming  back stronger than ever I just want to let you   guys know you got all those pen why do I have to  fill it up I'm not going to tell you just you got   to fill up everything okay tops of pencils this  Rose one is so cute how about this one a water   bottle where that way I like this one cuz it's  really nice and big can you tell me why I have   to get so much stuff nope okay Dad come on we got  to go got your Waters where should I place these   good sir a nice quote over here right now we have  every child is an artist And subscribe to Jordan matter subscribe we need notebook paper it would  be less crowded in the office supplies come on   come on yeah oh folders I like yellow flamingos  are always nice 10 seconds o a sale we could get   three of these three of them don't forget pens  your pens are on your list if you don't get   pens you get none of this five four 3 2 one done  wait so why did we need all the school supplies   I forgot one thing can you start loading that  stuff up there yeah I got to call Zach I have   no idea where they're at how's it going how's it  going wait wait I'll give you a really quick peek   okay that's it oh that looks good how much longer  do you need well ideally we would have the 2 days   two days but what what I got to be done by Sunset  but I think I can give you like another 3 hours   can you get done we will try our best thank you  for doing this I so want to surprise her she's   going to flip out now to show you why we bought  all these school supplies this is Malika she's   with love Beyond limits and it is an organization  that gives school supplies to underived kids right   yes oh that's why he was doing that Mala thank  you so much for everything you do every Community   has local organizations that help underprivileged  kids going back to school so please find one near   you and donate something first day of school the  most important thing your back to school outfit   we're going to go buy one for salish right now  and then we're going to do photos on the beach   and this needs to be good Hudson we just need  one more quote to finish this side is there one   you think will be like really special for Salish  what about you are more capable than you think   oh that's a good one why am I blindfolded you are  going to shop for your back to school outfit first   day of school but you have to pick it blindfolded  wait what I will guide you I will help you D you   have no sense of fashion well I'll explain the  clothes to you what are we looking for first a   talk do this feel right is that a little formal  for first day of school we'll move on oh I see   a nice shirt what does it look like it's like a  little crop toppy no I hate this she hates it how   does she even know okay okay okay got you you  like purple right uh too soft think you would   love it as a color no oh my God that is holes that  makes me have trophobia Dad what oh wo dead I need   a brown shirt straight neck and make sure it fits  me well oh I found Brown great yes never mind it   wasn't Brown I was wrong o I love this saish it's  it's a blanket it's brown it's crew neck it would   fit you well no not my style how's that you can't  see it okay there's purple no there's blue jeans   what kind of blue like ocean or Sky ocean kind  of Atlantic or Pacific Pacific um no okay this is   cute it's got blue it's got pink it's what does  it say probably not a good one what does it say   oh you love black and white right what does it  say that would be awkward to go to school in all   right what about a okay Dad this isn't working  how about you give me 1 minute and your credit   card and I can buy anything okay wasn't really  the plan that we made for this video okay okay   go go go go one minute okay how about these These  are kind of cute barely no doesn't fit little big   no that happens a lot for her pink or black these  would be great for you just a little big guys I'm   rushing don't touch the folding these are really  cute just a little bit everything's big on her   could somebody please design some clothes that  fit me look there's only a couple seconds left   but I'm not going to stop the clock so she's  not finding anything that fits her how about   this this this is kind of cute no guys do you  know anywhere that I could shop that would have   nice clothes that could actually fit me cuz I need  some suggestions Hudson was telling us that Salish   is really into geography so that's why we are  doing this lovely little Glo Hudson really wants   to encourage and motivate Salish so we're putting  a bunch of inspirational quotes on the wall these   Polaroids on the wall depict important moments  in salish and Hudson's life which which I think   is really sweet how about we find a dress oh my  God this dress is so cute my dad would never let   me wear it not my size not my size it's in my  size look how cute that is oh my God I finally   found something I am definitely getting this one  for one time something fits me and now it's time   for back to school photos Salish finally found  a dress she loves for her first day of school   they are so close to finishing but is about  to surprise Everyone by running into the house   unexpectedly watch to see what happens this  is so pretty you have no idea how pretty this is   Dad this is fun but I feel like it would be more  fun with Hudson can we go get him why don't we   bring him back tomorrow or something no it's  too pretty to be out here without him come on   can you call him and tell him to get down here he  can't come down here he can't drive or anything    no dad somebody can drive him no there's nobody  there dad call him okay then we got to hurry if   we want to still see the sunset Salish wants to  do photos with you on the beach so I'm going to   come pick you up will you just get changed and  come out and be outside when we come so we can   Rush okay so for some reason they coming back  to get me I had no idea they needed me there   apparently I need a good outfit probably not  no no no even though I love that M no M yeah   this works come on Huds come here come here  we're going to go do back to school photos hop   in oh wait I need a sweatshirt I'm going to  be cold on the beach no you're good use the   Ben asler one no that's too big on me I can find  one at home actually you're it's not going to be cold dude she's just she's going in the  house right now oh my God what's what's   going on in there right now are they  in the room what are they doing yeah   they're customizing Jordan's calling me  right now hey Jordan dude Salish just   coming in the house right now right now okay  okay got it got it oh my God they just worked   for like 8 hours and she could just find  out right now like 30 minutes before the surprise guys mom where my all right I think she's out of the house that  was close you got it Dad let's go you good yeah   okay let's go we're going to miss the sunset  go go hurry hurry come on back to school is   an emotional experience for a parent because  it's a reminder of how quickly they grow up   and how important it is to cherish every moment  of their childhood wow oh my gosh say that's so good how's the room looking oh dude she's  going to love it it's so awesome is it really I   can't wait to see it I can't wait Dad I'm getting  a little cold can we go home can you distract you   I'm going to FaceTime Z I think we're almost done  we probably need a little bit more time though   okay 10 minutes 10 minutes actually you're done  in 10 minutes we'll try we'll try well I can't see   anything but I'm excited to see what you do okay  sounds good by guys hurry up let's go while we   were finishing the photo shoot Zach's team put the  finishing touches on the mural and then brought in   all the new furniture we just finished customizing  all these school supplies and we're going to place   them all over the room I just need to finish  this backpack and I really hope salish likes it all right we're done is a minute away but  it looks so good let's go surprise her long day   huh yeah tired surprise what are you guys doing  here what we flew in all the way from Texas to   surprise you come on come check it out how do you  like surprises say I hate surpris right I didn't   do it hunson actually did it go beat hunson up he  did it you know how you've always wanted to have   a quiet room to study yeah okay I think you might  be in for a treat you ready yeah all right here we go what this is your new school that look so  cool when did you guys do this well we did   this all day Dad is that why you took me up Yes  actually it was so cool wo thank you thank you HUD this was the most incredible surprise thank  you zhc Hutton is the best big brother in the   world and we will be using this room to study  together for you years and my very favorite   surprise was when sailors turned 12 to celebrate  her birthday she challenged me to say yes to her   for the entire day happy birthday to you what she  didn't know was that while she was pranking me oh   ow and shopping like crazy we're going to get  so many presents her best friend adal flew all   the way from Texas to give her a huge emotional  birthday surprise no surprise sors picked a mall   to start this isn't going to be good my only  goal today is to drive my dad crazy I can't   keep up with her listen Salish hasn't seen the  doll in a month she is going to freak out when   he surprises her so wait around now I got to  go spend some money sish who are you talking to   they're 12 they're teaching you had to be 12 you  need to wear C tops R ones makeup drink coffee oh   and date ande wa W no no no no no no no dating  you're 12 what is happening with this world I   don't believe believe that my daughter's 12 Clara  is 12 this is 12 stay little you're little you're   my little girl you're not 12 okay good she's not  12 don't listen to anything they said no listen   to us okay got it this is a nightmare okay I got  to go by dude you're killing me right now where   do we want to go shopping for clothes yeah I'll  let you buy whatever you want in there you have   10 minutes but you have to be able to wear it all  at the same time up to the okay this is   not going to be good you want this thing this  look look how good they would look amazing are   you kidding me no yes you have to say yeah I I  thank you I'm just kidding I would never wear   that okay guys I'm flying out from Texas to LA  to go surprise S I haven't seen her in so long   I'm going to go to her house and I'm just going  to like jump scare her or something I don't know   how I'm going to do it but I'll plan it with  Jordan so let's go I think I need to get jeans   first no say these are ripped jeans you're just a  little kid I'm 12 now dad next thing kind of hard   to move in these jeans over here you've got to  be kidding me are you serious that's like tiny   whatever those jeans are too tight on you Salish  okay this is getting a little hard to put on could   you button your pants this I'm wearing pants under  what are we looking for an 11 12 okay I can't even   see it Sandy can can use your glasses there we go  oh oh now I can see it oh this is a little tight   please get me okay s thank you watch me work dad  so you got 3 minutes left what only 3 minutes oh   boy oh my God I'm so hard now this is how I want  my little girl to dress this is getting kind of annoying they're really cute I can't believe how  much stuff you're buying I think I could fit one   more thing and last but five four 2 1 let me see  you we got to do a dance photo oh boy   just put your leg up I don't I don't think  this is going to work I can't let's try it okay let's go buy those clothes luckily my  card is unlimited this is going to be so fun   let's go get some makeup did she say makeup  she didn't say makeup right while Salish was   busy shopping Nidal was running frantically  to catch his plane oh my gosh I'm running   wait I don't want to miss this Starbucks  what what this isn't even a little bit   of a surprise remember team SE we should  get the reusable one yes I agree yes but   wait this is way too big for they don't  have any smaller ones yes I have to get   that size may I please have a strawberry the  biggest you've got she's going to [Applause] be I don't know how long Jordan can attract sa  us but I don't know if I'm going to make it on   time yes we made it to our gate she might be  12 but she's still little enough to be on my   shoulders all right we put all those clothes in  my car now let's go get some makeup at Claire's   go getting a little for that he's 50 no wo woah W  I used to shop at Claire's when I was 11 but now   it's a little young for me but that's okay cuz I'm  not shopping for myself I think I'm going to need   lipstick some brushes I think I'm going to get  some eyelashes for him I don't think he'll like   these so I'm going to get these this is a good  one the colors are very bright the pink one is   really cute Nal just made the flight he almost  missed it apparently that makeup is for me okay   Mr matter are you ready for your your makeover  yes starting off headband oh God my hair why are   we doing this so that nothing gets in your hair  you're welcome going to wipe ouch I already   hate this now I don't have a beauty blender  that looks like a lot really know how to put   this on your face that doesn't feel right this  is definitely the wrong color for you this not   doesn't feel good it's not supposed to perfect  if you pull this back too much it's going to   look like I don't have any hair no okay that's  not good for my hair dad stop St actually ow ow   that's a very valuable spot right up there oh  you mean your bald spot cut that isn't this so   pretty maybe some blue can you stop moving ouch  now let's do the pink on the other eye oh you're   you're not even matching them that might have  been a little too much perfect so we're going   to put fake eyelashes hey guys can you help  me I regret this video just for the record   I actually don't trust myself no it's not going  on this this is there's nothing funny about this   right now oh it's on it's upside down oh my God  what's happening ow this is looking terrible B [Laughter] more I think you're done okay great  let's get it off no no no you have to keep it on   for an Instagram post may I please have your phone  yes smile like you're happy you actually posted it   yeah did wait can I delete it can I delete it no  this is a disaster 2 hours late but we're on our   way I'm giving away awesome prizes to subscribers  Cali just got an iPhone this is real I'm actually   giving stuff away all you have to do is subscribe  and turn on your notifications you could be next   Dad don't you want to sing Happy Birthday to me at  the top of your lungs right here no what did you   say yes I do say this is a little too embarrassing  so I'm going to leave you're leaving bye I have to   sing you happy birthday you not even going to wait  for me oh I'm going to embarrass you right now you   better get up there quick oh boy happy birthday  birthday to you happy birthday to you happy   birthday my little girl sailor standing right  up there happy birthday to you yay she turned 12 yay I got her she tried to embarrass me and  then she got embarrassed boom cut oh my gosh   is it 24 hours yet no dude I just sna the  allll and told him to try a vanilla bean   Frappuccino with a cake pop inside of it I  told her that I am sick so she has no clue   that we're coming Dad don't you think you  need a haircut no I mean yes fortunately   there's absolutely no hair salon in this mall  we don't need a hair salon do you know how to   do this I cut my doll's hair I gave her bangs  and layers when I was like six so I think I got   this I would have bought you like a car it  would have been better than what's about to happen can you hold this what is  happening watch out don't move I   actually really have no idea what I'm doing  oh that's noticeable just going of go like   this I don't know I've seen people do it  before you're just chopping hair off there   looks perfect this is not happening right  now this is this is love that looks so great you're welcome okay I can't  do this much longer I'm going to   find out when the doll is getting to the house Daddy I'm hungry let's go get some cake  oh my goodness birthday cake oh my gosh oh   this is so cute this place hi hi by the way  I just discovered that hair product can make   even the worst possible haircut look decent  we're getting birthday cake for the little   girl can I get any cake I want yeah yeah of  course yes she can get whatever you want go ahead whoa whoa whoa what was that it's  her birthday I say yes to everything   let me just pay you okay all right it's  $160 what $160 say say daddy look at my   birthday cake a little help over here  what are you doing are you kidding me   this kid is killing me make a birthday  wish but don't blow on it in case you   want to give some to people I can only  imagine what that little girl would wish for a lot of work okay guys I just got off the  plane and now I'm going to go to s's house and   hide I'm going to show n all this he might not  answer cuz he's in school oh no's calling me   I told her I was sick um what am I going to  do K know I'm at an airport um I was hanging   up sorry sish but I can't let you know I'm in  add an airport all right I'm going to Snapchat   him he's not answering hey n doll look what I'm  doing we're filming your video and guess what I   got this cake and I'm going to eat it all alone  right without you so yeah have a fun time not   eating cake just kidding I'm actually going to  mail you some s's just Snapchatting the doll not   even realizing she's going to see him tonight Dad  D you think he needs more sprinkles of course I do okay that looks good how's it taste let's eat  your birthday cake I'm full what you   got that D be W it's raining it's raining sugar  C it rains like once a year in La I'm going to   have them cut this up into a bunch of slices  and give it to people in need we service 300   families a week here at our food Bang come and  see us but I'm going to save a couple of slices   for you know who okay I'm in LAX right now and  someone's going to pick us up and I'm going to   go to her house and rer I can't wait we're going  to get so many presents aren't we Dad yes we are   okay dad first present awesome and let's get  this one some sugar Sprout books this one was   probably my favorite I'm using all the money  from selling my omgz merch to buy presents for   kids in need and I'm donating them to toys for  TOS you can to link in description okay I'm so   excited we're here now and um I got to think  of a way to surprise her I'm basically going   to hide in this box and is going to think it's  a present for her this thing is so I can get in   and you can film me like inside and like her  reaction she snapped me she's like oh I wish   you can come here she's like oh I'm like oh no  I'm sick so she does not have a clue that I'm   here uh she thinks I'm in Texas still but um  she's in for a big surprise nadala is at the   house it it's almost time for the big surprise  but first I have one more birthday treat for s okay guys I'm going to snap salish and get her  to come home I shipped something to your house   it's waiting for you there she opened  it did you have a good birthday yep you   ready to go home yep okay guys I'm going  in oh oh my gosh guys she's out the door not oh boy I nidal is my best friend and he popped  out of the ball and I was so excited I couldn't   believe it it was so fun to see her so happy and  it was a big surprise I knew she was missing okay   now pick up goodbye is that why you said you were  sick yeah cuz you didn't look very sick I went I   know that was way too obvious I was like is he  just trying to skip school obviously the party continued salish happy birthday my girl
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 30,151,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, nidal wonder, nalish, preston, dhar mann, sofie dossi, brent rivera, famous birthdays, lexi rivera, amp squat, pierson, ben azelart, surprise, room reveal, room makeover, ZHC
Id: mKlftUrQT2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 59sec (4139 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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