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in this video we will be eating 100 Years of jail food 100 years of school lunches and 100 Years of McDonald's and watch till the end cuz you wouldn't believe some of the foods that were on the menu starting with 100 Years of jail food livep we're friends you can't do this make yourself at home cuz you're going to be in here for a while the only people that go to jail are lowlife losers who have nothing going for them I mean not not you you you seem like a really nice guy I see you've met pork chop is that what's on the menu tonight pork chop oh no I'm pork chop and you on the menu okay before he kicks your butt I'm going to take you to lunch see you later all right Brent for your first meal this is from the 1920s we have lobster we had canned oyster we have cornbread canned beans and tea so in the 1920s Lobster was actually considered a poor man's food it was like the bugs of the sea so no one wanted it that's why the prisoners got it that just looks gross well you're going to have to eat it so b appe a tee thanks Liv cornbread not bad baked beans it's not very good pork chop you want to try the [Music] beans I'm I'm going to guess that's a no let's try the tea next M if this is what prison food was like in the 1920s I mean Count Me In do they actually eat oysters in prison that is nasty here we go 3 2 1 oh yeah that's not good at all is this thing still alive hey go play with your food all right let's give this Lobster a try here we go M 1920s prison meal was actually pretty good let's go on to the next year all right Brent your next meal is from the 1930s and honestly it looks pretty depressing why cuz it's from the Great Depression yes genius anyways you have vegetable soup you got a baked potato you have a cookie and you got milk you know what this isn't bad thank you you're welcome you know who I know wishes they had this cookie right here pork chop huh you want this can't have it you got to come back here sometime I'm going to really regret doing that oh my gosh let's try it oo I love how the baked potato has no butter no sour cream it's literally just potato really Bland I'm actually surprised they give you a chocolate chip cookie in prison m that's milk for sure come here I'm here to break you out it's true what what are you doing here she's going to catch up no no no no go what are you doing here I'm abely do anything I do for you your next meal is from the 1940s you have spinach and baloney a salad with olive oil applesauce a slice of bread and of course milk so the 1940s was during the war which means that supplies were really short and prison food wasn't that great yeah and now I'm stuck here eating it with you just because I tried to get you out of here yeah but you did a terrible job it does not look good all right here we go let's give it a try 3 two 1 E I go like three out of 10 honestly trying my hardest to swallow this right I'm going to SP it out let's go for the salad next how can you mess up salad yeah that's good this is going to be some good applesauce that's really good actually you want to split this yeah what about pork chop keep it down dude I don't think he wants any part of us yeah he's scary huh yeah that's your roommate yeah holy that's the driest bread I've ever had in my life what if you dip the bread into the Apple sace wo that's like apple pie yeah an apple pie right here look at that that's the best thing so far the bread oh oh dude I didn't do anything hey I am not going to warn you again your next meal is from the 1950s we have a baloney sandwich french fries some veggies orange juice enjoy yeah I feel like this is like better than all the other years so far officer do we get like a spork or something to eat with your hands are you kidding me we can make a pizza out of this we're going to take the bread put some ketchup this is looking good we're going to put some cheese on top this is going to be a five star meal once I'm done with it we're going to add our meat on top of our pizza and we have our makeshift Pizza just like that bro yeah I mean that's not bad all right for the 1960s we have spaghetti we have a tuna sandwich pea soup cheese and again milk thank you you are welcome I'm getting on her good side so that she can let me out earlier I don't think she likes me very much none of it looks appetizing except for the spaghetti you can't go wrong with spaghetti my question is why would they give you just a slice of cheese maybe we could put it on the spaghetti or maybe to do this bro why do you keep doing that here we go this is the best thing so far I would happily eat that our tuna salad sandwich all right it's not bad it tastes like hardw now it's time to try the pea soup it's not just green it's like neon green tell me that this was like slime and I'd believe you 3 2 1 that's the worst thing ever oh my here is your meal from the 1970s it is a neutrala basically when the inmates are being bad which you guys are they take everything from the kitchen they blend it up and they put it in a blob like that we're not eating that okay are you going to cry about it ew if we don't eat now we won't eat here we go oh my god get rid of the hole we're just going to uh we're just going to going to go like uh this is your meal from the 1980s you have grilled chicken mashed potatoes a borderline spoiled banana raisins and hot coffee yay I mean this one doesn't look that bad look at this banana so in the 1980s there was a lot of people that went to jail so they wanted to meet the basic nutritional guidelines so this is actually one of the healthiest meals so far all right let's try the grilled chicken first M yeah that's good M mashed potato time all M that's delicious you don't like it mm-m why not dude I haven't liked any of these here's your meal from the 1990s do you know what commentary is I no idea that's when people actually start to care about you I don't know who would ever care about you but somebody did because they sent you hot Cheetos and ramen noodles someone actually cares about us this is actually pretty good yeah compared to our last couple meals hey that's our food bro come on okay so a lot of people in the 1990s actually made prison burritos how with this you take a bag of chips you put some Ramen in it and you just crunch it up so Drew that's your job and then I'm going to chop up cheese and meat to put in there as well I just don't see how this is going to work now that the hot cheet doesn't Ram it or crunched we're going to add some hot water now we go like this and we wrap it with a towel bro it's soggy bro believe in our burrito yeah that's that's cooking and somehow I got this knife even though we're in prison yeah but it'll make me use it it's only to make the burrito all right here we go we're going to open this thing up oh wow oh my gosh wait I can't believe this actually works now you add your meats and cheeses to it and then then you got yourself a prison burrito 3 2 1 oh my God I would that's good that's actually so good the why is this the best thing we've had yet can I try that so this is the year 2000s in this year it was very popular to use these items to make your own prison cake I'm sorry prison what finally dessert you got a honey bun you got some corn flakes you got a cookie and bread with Jam how do we make the cake you know a little something called a prison cake I know a little bit could you help us make it as long as I can get some okay got yourself a deal all right so pork chop what do we do first take all of that all of this put it in this bag all right we're trusting pork chop pour it all in all right do weit do we put the water too mash it first mash it like I do people's faces again oh my God easy pork chop that's a warning just not too much there you go there we go okay oh wow all right we got ourselves a fron cake it does smell like a cake cheers frison cake oh M okay I can see how they can say this is a cake no it is I'm surprised like the fact that you can make a cake in prison I'm going to take a nap you like it oh what dude what do you doing with it that's ours dude he just took our prison cake now it's time to move on to 100 years of school lunches all right Brant your first meal is the 1920s what is that in the 1920s hot meals were finally introduced to kids and so we've got boiled beef bread veggies and a big whole glass of milk cuz you're a growing boy we need those big strong bones honestly this kind of looks like dog food dude that looks disgusting I slaved over a hot stove for hours for this and this is the appreciation I get well let's see if it tastes good here we go here we go cheers mhm what do we think I don't know if I like it I don't know either No Effects we can tell you put in time but it's just not that good I put in the time I didn't put in the effort that makes sense we just got a PL slice of bread did you even cook this no I know what I'm going to do with this bread what why did you do that I that's fine don't you guys think that was funny yeah no that was that was not funny oh yeah hey bread the bread is good great that's the one thing I didn't cook all right now it's time to try the veggies CH oh wow that's a lot of carrots and one do we think not good M it's good good thing we have milk to wash it all down okay considering this is the 1920s it's not that bad no it's not bad all right for the 1930s we've got the Great Depression and so to lift some Spirits we've got a PB&J vegetable soup an apple and a good little coffee for you um wait excuse me there's no jelly in this PB&J it's just peanut butter we ran out it was intensive I'm allergic to peanut butter is there any other options I mean I can just um pocket yeah all right there you go oh oh I I mean that did solve the problem I'm surprised that they gave kids coffee dude kids be bouncing off the walls choo choo Rous don't we love it we love it how is it does it taste like it from the 30s yeah this apple is old we have some coffee I actually never drink coffee because when I do I get like too crazy like I just can't it's making me crazy try it and what do we think wo that's good oh that's really good yo try this guys really no don't give the kids coffee why cuz they're going to bounce off the wall hey if the kids in the 1930s can do it why can't they come on Brad and the 1940s we've got cream chip beef we've got bread and butter steamed veggies fruit cup and another glass of good milk what is that is that moving what are you talking about it looks delicious oh oh my God tell me this isn't delicious right what is that there's like mold on this on these veggies all right well you know what World War II during this time it was very hard to come by fresh produce so a lot of the times the meals would come a little uh rotten ew let's give this a try it was during the Great Depression right so they just wanted everyone to be even more depressed and started making this I think so M oh taste the chipped beef ew girl I like it ew get seeing as they like it next we got the fruit you know what this doesn't look half bad it might be rotten no it's actually pretty good okay then we got some veggies oh my God what is that ew hair what is that are you kidding me no not mine it's not mine this definitely looks like yours we also have a piece of bread here y hey can I R this real quick yeah for sure yep the milk's good let's move on to the 1950s all right for the 1950s we've got meatloaf garlic bread fish sticks apple pie and another big La we should start with the fish sticks the fish sticks aren't bad garlic looks really good you did a good job on this in this lunch lady thank you I feel like you're starting to like us I'm starting to like you oh yeah wow how's that garlic bread it's really yummy you know you two look really cute together I never understood Meatloaf I never was a fan of it and what do we think oh enough with the faces it's really good my eyes are watering I'm super full now e oh he's eating it it's all right let's move on to to the 1960s yeah please the 1960s we've got pizza which was actually the first year that pizza was introduced and then we've got PB and J with the J we've got the jelly in there and then we've got fish Saks with tartar sauce mashed potatoes and chocolate milk oh my gosh chocolate milk I feel like this is the best lunch so far absolutely M okay hey you put an effort in this one I can tell I did microwave and all compared to jail food which I tried before this this is so much better dude I can eat this whole place want to give it a try yeah yeah so guys we got a bunch of subscribers to be in this video so if you're a subscriber and you want to be in the next video all you have to do is like the video and comment down below done you guys are all subscribed right yeah let's get to the 1970s you boys are going to like this one the 1970s we've got McDonald's this is the first time fast food was ever introduced okay we've got a McDonald's hamburger french fries Jell-O corn and OJ they had McDonald's for school lunch let's go hey y wait this is so much better than any other school left dude things are literally just getting better and better all right kids who wants a cheeseburger me the 1970s was this awesome I want to live in the 197 and guys you're going to want to wait till the end of the video because we're going to try 100 Years of McDonald's what we got some McDonald's fries dude McDonald's has the best fries mhm honestly I'm surprised that we even get Jello m is it good I love Jello it's weird that we get corn though with this one McDonald's and corn weird Tombo but and then we got some orange juice I mean this meal has it all all right well now it's time to get groovy and let's get to the 1980s the 1980s all right we've got Square shaped Pizza we're getting hectic now that's actually a rectangle oh sorry we've got dinosaur shaped chicken nugget and we've got a fruit cup a pinch of pudding and Pepsi Crystal hey what is Pepsi Crystal this is literally Pepsi but it's clear I'm going to try this first how do you guys even get this mhm oh my God is it good yeah that's Pepsi wo yeah wait that's so good I know right all right so now I think think we should try the rectangular pizza maybe it's better than a triangle who knows oh that's so good it's better than a triangle that is good it's it's a regular pizza I can just kiss you right now oh my God that is good what did you do to this I sprinkled my Pizzazz to it okay now I don't like it so now we got some fruit M this is why everyone was dancing in the ' 80s got some chocolate pudding mhm M that's good and then we got dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and what's better than that dude that's the best shape all right let's move on to the 1990s the 1990s all right we've got KFC chicken KFC fries a cosmic brownie an apple and chocolate milk dig in boy well we can do without this yeah we don't need that hey all right let's try the KFC fries the fries are so good the fries are so good during the 1990s a lot of the fast food chains were actually selling their fast food at school oh my God mhm oh that's so good dude I would get this every day for lunch this little to my school oh my god oh W let's try the cosmic brownie oh my God wait I've never had a cosmic brownie before dude these are so I haven't either all right we got an apple D that's all you and then some chocolate milk mhm M this tastes just like an apple and this tastes like chocolate milk let's move on to the 2000 all right we've got the 2,000 we've got a corn dog potater tots carrots with ranch nachos and chocolate milk where's our fast food they ended up taking away the fast food because obesity rates were going up there and so they wanted to still make it appetiz I want to go back to the 1990s all right well that's just too bad eat your veggies I want veggies carrots are good dude I feel like I remember having tater tots at school as a kid I went to school in the 2000s and this is literally what we got corn dog and then we have nachos I don't think I've ever had nachos at school the nachos are good all right let's move on to the 2010 this one is very nostalgic for me it's delicious we've got a bean and cheese burrito over here the St for you weren't you born like in the 1930s I'm 24 years old okay really it's Pearson oh my God it was Pearson this whole time are you kidding me first the Frozen burrito looks a little stiff oh God it's dry and it has no flavor I remember good things about these smiley face fries they always looked so good but they never tasted as good as they look they look very happy right oh you got the frozen fruit I got the veggies the veggies are terrible the fruit is wo really good really yeah you know what's interesting is that the vegetables never changed the 1920 vegetables were exactly the same as this now it is time for 100 Years of McDonald's and right behind me is the first ever McDonald's all right starting off with the 1940s your first meal is a hamburger potato chips and milk potato chips where's the french fries those are the french fries what only came out to 39 so that is crazy milkshake is 20 cents in 1940 okay I want to live in 1940 yeah what what do we doing here so we have the potato chips I love McDonald's fries so they good what do you think not good they're not better than the fries though definitely not better than the fries okay so we got our hamburger right here this is the moment of truth moment of truth right here this hamburger better not actually be from the 1940s or we're going to die looks like an ordinary hamburger let's give it a try how is it oh my gosh that's good wait what oh wow it tastes better than normal it's really good all right let's move on to the 1950s order up yes I am starving okay this is the 1950s all right let's see what we got French fries this is the first time that McDonald's introduced french fries and they're actually called Golden french fries they're probably not what you're used to from McDonald's why well because they were cooked in beef fat these look different I mean they these aren't the french fries that everyone loves how is it these taste like cardboard this is the 1950s okay I don't think they really knew how to make them right so you don't have a hamburger this time you have a cheeseburger why is that more people were ordering cheeseburgers than hamburgers all right well let's see if they taste better than a hamburger MH I personally like cheeseburgers way better I don't like it I think it's good now it's time for the milkshake how much was this this was $5 oh my gosh BR a quarter see if it's as good as a normal mcdal Shake is it wo it's like very ice creamy the only thing I'm disappointed in is the french fries these yeah they suck well hopefully in the years to come the french fries get better let's move on to the 1960 order for B uh it's Brent but yeah I'll take it okay this is the 1960 okay look at this packaging cherry pie right here orange juice this is an orange a we have a Big Mac wait what so the 196 CER when the Big Mac was introduced and also the feto fish no way there's no such thing as a cherry pie though anymore no so now it's an apple pie but in the 1960s they had Cherry all right let's start with the Big Mac this is what McDonald's is known for today so I'm excited to see how the Big Mac is in the 1960s w wow this is like a mass look how big this is dude I mean I can see why they call it the Big Mac I can't believe that the Big Mac is 60 years old do you think this one is 60 years old um I hope not all right should I just give it a try let do it go for it all right here we we go that's that's good honestly the Big Mac tastes exactly how it does today all right well for the next item we have the fet of fish dude this thing is Tiny wait it is so small the filet of fish is actually still on the menu today as well I've never tried one of these so I'm actually curious wait really yeah tast like fish let's try the orange a so I guess this is like an a lemonade but like orange oh that's good this isn't on the menu anymore it is a cherry pie from McDonald's I love desserts I'm excited okay all right it's time to give this thing a try here we go that was a big bite oh my gosh M that is so good wow that's actually really good you did good on this one I don't know why they discontinued it it was really good here we have the 1970s oh my God I'm not going to lie there's some pretty interesting things on this platter do this say mixed spaghetti yeah that's crazy McDonald's had spaghetti apparently but they didn't have it for very long so it might not have been that good I had no idea neither did I hello that looks nasty I'm actually kind of scared now let's dig in here cheers you don't like it it's not that good is there barbecue sauce on this I don't even know mixed spaghetti not it sorry you have to try this oh I'm not eating that uh you made it you have to eat it I put some weird stuff in there huh all right so next is the quarter pounder Quarter Pounder came out in the 1970s it was a big hit cuz they still have it on the menu today obv that's right they do I saw that this quarter pounder in the 1970s only went for 75 look at this thing hey the Patty is so much bigger than like the other patties that we've had M pretty good really yeah okay so I think this is the craziest thing we've had so far onion nuggets how does that even work yeah these look a little concerning I'm not going to lie so before McDonald's came out with chicken nuggets they tried to do onion nuggets what onion nugget here we go cheers they're almost like a like an onion ring but like in nugget form do you think this is better than the chicken nuggets I think so really so this is the triple Ripple it's chocolate strawberry and vanilla ice cream all in one now they only have vanilla ice cream I think right and their machine's always broken I'm surprised their machine was working in the 1970s it's been broken since the 1970s wait this is good it like swirls in your mouth it's like is it strawberry is it chocolate is it vanilla it's the triple Ripple triple Ripple honestly I would say besides the mixed spaghetti the 1970s was a good time for McDonald's here we have the 1980s where the Happy Meal was introduced okay I'm happy now this is the first one that they've ever made the very first 1979 McDonald's oh there's jokes why do elephants need trunks I don't know why cuz they don't have glove compartments okay all right let's just let's open it up go oh my gosh some french fries there are so many look how they are some chicken nuggets 1980s Barbie toy some apple slices we're going to open these chicken nuggets I am so excited chicken nuggets are my favorite W they literally put a compartment for your sauce M you can never go wrong with the chicken nuggets at McDonald's no this was the first time that they had these and they taste amazing all right Ashen onion nuggets or the chicken nuggets dude I'm going to have to say onion nuggets really yeah I want to open the toy so this is from the 1980s oh my God W it's Barbie but there's one more thing in the 1980s McDonald's also had pizza what are you kidding me oh my gosh I could have never guessed that this was from McDonald what what here we go it's actually really good not bad not my favorite for McDonald's Pizza I would say it's pretty good all right let's move on to the 1990s in the 1990s they came out with Super Size Me but it was originally called a dino size because it was in collaboration with Jurassic Park look at this drink it is bigger than Ashton's head the Big Mac is double the size and then you get an extra extra large fry this is the superz me cup and this is the cup that you could get for like water that's three hamburgers in one okay give it a try I guess 3 2 1 oh my God bro that is crazy how does someone eat that whole thing I don't know how I'm going to finish all of these fries there's no way this is just too big and then this super siiz me Coke is way too big oh that's cool it's like a little dinosaur look that's kind of fun how old are you guys how old are you stop ruining the fun here's the 2000s it has a lot of new items but a lot of these aren't even on the menu anymore okay I don't recognize any of these neither do I what is this why is there a salad in a cup so this is a mixed salad Shaker just like a portable salad you just shake it all right so we got the dressing on top some croutons and some lettuce and we just oh wow that's convenient try some of this salad yeah that's uh that's a pretty good salad they got to bring these back okay hold on I don't know if I'm eating this Mick Lobster I I don't even know may or may not be good thought you worked there how do you not know well I'm not the chef I'm just the waitress why don't they sell the MC Lobster anymore what happened well I don't think people really liked it should we even try it yeah of course 2 1 judging by their faces I don't think they like it it's not my favorite the MC Lobster is not very good all right next up is the world famous MC rib the MC Rib was introduced in 2000 that is pretty cool look at that o nice juicy MC rib M oh it's actually kind of good that's what I'm telling you it's like literal rib and then of course we have some McDonald's french fries and a coke this is 2010 when the MC Cafe was introduced so this looks so familiar yeah I had this yesterday mocha Frappuccino MC Cafe a Coke some chicken nuggets they didn't come out with any new food it was more so about the cafe why is the server trying our food this is really good if you're a subscriber and you want to be in a video just like this one like the video and then comment comment down below done this week shout out goes in no well and I'll see you guys next week adios amigos
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 26,923,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i4tNdCV7oZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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