Can My Daughter Find Her Valentine Blindfolded? *emotional*

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this is my daughter Salish and her best friend Nidal they want to be Valentine's this year but I am not ready for that you think that she has a crush on him yes oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God so I've designed five compatibility challenges ending with Salish attempting to find Nidal blindfolded if they complete everything successfully they'll get two incredible Valentine's Day surprises first round trust let's do a trust fall I don't know anyways okay ready ready set okay okay oh oh okay wow that one scared me it's good magic Nidal moved to Texas a year ago and despite the distance their friendship is clearly just as strong as it was before he left next trust yoga pose no no no no no no okay you guys scrolled through wait it's a good one yeah they're about to do a kissing photo yeah yeah obviously I am certain now I don't want them to be Valentine's okay I'll take the photo but if you guys kiss I am going to flip out we get a little Cliffs and then you just fall okay okay what was that what was that Sandy what did they say did you hear him whoa were you about to kiss him and you fell yeah look at that oh that was not close enough yeah come on let's go again suddenly she's a teenager it's Valentine's Day and they're about to kiss [Music] oh God what happened what happened you fell into it for sure I mean it's not our first time true what did they just say whoa I am definitely not okay with them being Valentine's I'm gonna make this challenge even harder next trust challenge lead him blindfolded to go get ice cream me off oh okay yay I promise I won't let you cry okay beware she gets bored and gets a little flaky okay next there what you go these challenges have started fun and easy but later Salish will have to pick Nadal blindfolded in an emotional test of their friendship we're almost there you won't crash into anything I'm sorry I promise I promise I'm not gonna run into anything stop him oh my God stop him oh God this is more work than I thought okay we're here let's do our handshake needle look can I get a vanilla ice cream in a cone now you have to pay uh thank you thank you perfect okay the tip is right there choose how much okay right here yeah I think he just left a hundred dollar tip eat it yeah you guys passed the trust around but I'm still not ready for you to be Valentine's wait what well because it's dating but you can be friends and be done yeah you can be friends are you sure [Music] if you're Valentine's you're automatically dating comment below what do you think next child should be Valentine's is affection saying very nice things to each other that's all you need to do you're really good being ugly oh shitless your hair is so bubble I love your pearly white I mean your pearly yellow I love your black unibrow you have a thing right there it's cool it shouldn't be that hard for them because they've done it before she's pretty thank you oh remember how cute you guys were yeah really do you your turn I like to hang out with her she's she's funny and I know she's like one of my only friends it's awkwardly teenager did they pass that round okay bye do you think they passed I'm gonna give them a pass all right you guys think that a friend can be a valentine but I think Valentine's are dating so to prove it to me go up to strangers and see if you can get a bunch of people to say friends can actually be Valentine okay all right go excuse me she's saying it's a dating thing right friends can be Valentines yes they can thank you do you think friends can be Valentine yes thank you do you guys think that friends can be Valentine's there we go how many are no no no no no no no no that's four no's right there now we're tired do you guys think that friends can be Valentines or Valentine's means you're dating I don't think okay hold on you know that's my little girl over there you think that she has a crush on him yeah no why are you also you think he has a crush on her yeah they're 13. do you think they're too young today so you're like thumbs up on the Valentines and yeah they have crush on each other yeah oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it's okay if they keep passing all these rounds because the last challenge where Sailors has to pick Nadal from a group of people blindfolded is gonna be really really hard they have to have a really remarkable bond to be able to do that if you guys want to be Valentine's you need to know how to compromise with each other oh I don't like that no you have to pick one item that you guys can order and share and eat together I want this hour Mama's Fried Chicken oh how about steam's ugly I love broccoli baby back ribs I can't I'm vegetarian oh this is driving me crazy you're too much of a vegetarian to eat anything we have to compromise let's do this I think the best thing is a salad no tomato and ranch I hate red I'm compromising the salad at least do my dressing fine can you get the ranch on the side yeah okay this has been really fun they had a great time at the beach but wait until you see these final two challenges oh thank you thank you wait no no wait okay now we can eat that's the stuff okay that's yours works for me we are now in a studio and it is time for the final two challenges we have five friends of Salish in a room they're each going to pretend to be Nadal Salish has to pick Nidal in order to move to the final round when each person talks their voice will sound like this so Salish will have no idea who they are person number one who is it it's me what do I do that bugs you the most do cartwheels around me okay that is definitely not a nidal tell me something you really like about me you're cute I'm cute he would say I'm ugly who's my current celebrity crush Mr Beast he's like not saying my answer but like maybe no have I ever kissed someone yeah wait okay this is actually really sweet is pineapple and pizza acceptable what's my favorite food yeah dang it that is 100 new okay no do I rely on my friends emotionally you're kind of a cry so yeah oh my God this is definitely nidal bye next person okay by this folder to go I think number two with needle because he got some of the questions right I'm gonna be so embarrassed if that wasn't you know this is Nadal's sister Gigi she knows Salish really really well she might be able to throw her off okay okay three go ahead need off what have you ever had a crush obviously like Ashton Ray and Madison Beer okay hello questions this I'm suddenly rooting for her to pick nidal what level am I on gymnastics you're level six what's my favorite event why are you really bad at like theme I won first though everyone else has been really bad then they were really good so maybe sure they were the second one was not needle she's talking to her like she's an adult what do you appreciate most about me nothing you're ugly yup this is Nina yup remember when we did that one color challenge what outfit did you make me wear the little Grinch one oh this is definitely nidal no one who else would know these questions what's my favorite food you look like soup and salad stuff I take back the other person this is they need off with something that drives you crazy about me how you always have to touch my hair all the time and the fact that you care about gymnastics more then what I've been coming to Houston Texas oh my God I like actually knows but this is nidal okay next person dude wow okay she was more Nadal than you are I don't know that you can beat that okay I thought for sure she would guess me but uh Jiji kind of threw her off because she knows everything about her that I do nah not everything actually oh whoa hey hold on let me talk about that for a second what does that mean I don't know I'm just gonna hope for the best I really think number three was needle because he has only who's been calling me ugly hello to the next person that's not needle who's your role model Mr Feast I did not think you're an adult what's the best surprise you've ever given me I don't know if you must know you've just given me a surprise last night for your new video are you good at snapping me back or no snacking you cut snapping me back do you know what snapping is wait say that again all right okay you need to be better as you than Gigi was at you okay I'm kind of starting to root for you but if you don't do this no surprise let's go hello hi um what's your name Lido oh my god of course it is what's our favorite thing to do at Santa Monica together like appears by the parents okay chill what's our favorite ride to do together the Dragon all desperate how many siblings do you have a three wait this this video how did I meet my best friend I was at Santa Monica and you and Jordan were like there we left at the cross patch my first time seeing you do I miss you I would hope so you hope so yeah well that question's gonna go unanswered who's my current celebrity crush you can't open dang it okay but it used to be Harry Styles your favorite memory of us together the water park whenever you're too scared to go down the drop side I think you can do it on your own really hard question what's the first thing you do when you see me uh pick you up and carry you oh okay ah what's something you did that annoyed me so much the first time we met oh when we're playing by the beach and I spot you with water oh okay wait okay Salish one more question then time to make a decision down there with me okay Salish time to make a decision if you pick Nidal then you get to move to the final round okay which one is an adult like they sounded exactly right here five okay okay are you ready are you sure yeah you sure yeah one two three number one the final challenge is the ultimate test of their bond we have switched their order Salish is going to wear a blindfold and hold each person's hand and try to pick Nadal can she pick her best friend without seeing him or hearing his voice if she can they will get two awesome Valentine's Day surprises how know if I'm gonna get me dolls so I'm kind of scared I don't know if he's like could they still like me if I don't guess him we've held hands a lot but I'm not paying not paying attention when I hold his hands I don't know what they feel like why would I know his face so like I'm going like this all the time I got this okay I can't overthink it or else I'm not gonna guess him sailsha and Nadal have passed every round so it all comes down to this and you guys know how crazy it drives me when you ship nailish but this is actually really really sweet and I'm finding myself rooting for them to find each other okay here we go got my hand you can hold their hands you can touch their faces lightly okay here's the first person sorry this person has bony cheeks sorry I don't think it's a but I don't know okay where's the next person where's your face is this the face no you're too tall who's this one is this one it foreign is this your face are you smiling stop smiling oh wait wait okay this is him I think I think take off your blindfold [Music] okay that was awesome I'm actually shocked at how happy I am right now so time for the surprises oh my God oh my God oh God Happy Valentine's Day next time you guys see each other you get to do this like salish to Texas to do a hot air balloon okay I was wrong after all friends can definitely be Valentines this one's the best day
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 25,167,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, hudson matter, challenge, nidal wonder, valentines day, nalish, Jiji wonder
Id: Q5rYzTVh7I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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