My Daughters First Breakup *Emotional*

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today my daughter is surviving every breakup and it gets emotional okay everyone place this why did you have me come here why are you dressed like this I know how much you love Disney the Pink Dream and the flowers I have something to show you so will you go to prom with me this is way too much I told you I don't like big prom puals he said no we're done oh no wait sorry I'm late did I miss it it was at that moment that I realized I am terrified of my daughter zie getting her heartbroken which is why she's not dating till she's 100 but I think that dating is a part of life and as long as we help her through it she'll be fine so I made a program to see how zadee would survive a breakup at every age starting with preschool what zade's dating and PR school she has to give her sad friend a hug did in preschool are you kidding me okay so I'm a class mom in preschool and I have to help Z with her first breakup there's zie she's in preschool so what kind of breakup could it be hey she just stole my daughter's teddy bear put me in the program she's too hey give that back I need to comfort Satie stie listen I know you like that teddy bear but she didn't mean to okay can you give her a hug I know she's your friend yes this is it stie wants to give you a hug can she hug you you I did it I helped her with the breakup wait why am I still here why am I still in the program whose daughter is that hello I'm here to pick up Marlo oh that's Marlo how's her last day going uh what do you mean last day we're moving to Texas she's been really sad about it I think she could use a hug from her best friend zadee that's it zade's first breakup is a friend moving away and I think she wanted to give this to zie too hey come here you guys Marlo I know you're sad about moving and zade's going to miss you a lot but guess what you guys are going to stay friends forever right and we're going to visit her can you guys hug oh this is so sad I did it I helped Dy with her first breakup did you see that it's going to be so easy to beat this program well now you're going to be a teacher in elementary school okay well if it's as easy as preschool then I does she even know what she has to do okay so now I'm a teacher and looks like zadee has the most stars in class she's an Allstar student here she comes Missy I don't feel well can I go home well if you're not feeling well I could send you to the school nurse uh never mind I'll just stay here samam what's wrong with zie do you think she has a fear of going to the nurse all right class we will continue reading Stuart Little but first I want to see your homework from last night for chapter 11 okay zie where is your homework I didn't do mine okay well you must have a good reason why you didn't do it I just didn't feel like it you should probably send me home actually you can do it at lunch today everyone start reading your books what page is it on now you want to talk to me you put the rrap in brat if I'm a rat then you're a snake good thing snakes eat rats enough no talking in class clearly you two can't sit together s why don't you head to the back corner T that's it she must have had a friend break up last time all I had to do is get them to hug and they made up so I'll just get them to hug Rebecca's right a hug could work you know what stie actually you come with me stand right here and Blair I want you to stand up right here now you two have been friends for a very long time whatever happened between you can end with just a hug okay so forgive each other and give yourselves a hug see now it's not a oh get it off me get I thought you liked Z get the glass pit away oh Blair have a seat God I can't believe she put a rat on me I told you a hug wouldn't work really Matt you will work together until you become friends again I cannot handle this breakup Missy can I go to the bathroom fine zie go to the bathroom but wait when you get back you will be working with Blair oh my gosh being a teacher is exhausting wait this isn't mine so what did happen between you and zadee me and zadee used to be best friends but lately she's been so mean I don't know what happened so you guys had a friend breakup I guess and you don't know why I am so happy that there's only friend breakups and no boys in this program yeah read your book I'll be right back okay Missy samam this is Z's diary I can look in here and see what is going on Beach dat mom and dad stie loves the beach she likes swimming at the beach what's this yell yell yell broken heart s's crying in this is this her parents mom's house dad's house two houses wait did Z's parents get a divorce I guess we have to go now zie okay everyone out Z wait I know I'm in trouble I don't care that's not it D let's go I thought Mom was picking me up yeah well your mother makes a lot of promises she doesn't keep you'll understand one day oh wait uh could I talk to zadee just for a second [Music] sure you left us in the classroom thanks Mrs Z look I know you're going through a lot with your parents right now what do you know you're just a teacher you're right I am just a teacher but I was a kid once and when I was a kid my parents got divorced they did yeah and I blamed myself but it wasn't my fault at all I wish things were just the way they used to be I understand that but you know what you'll find a new normal and both of your parents they love you so much yeah I guess see you tomorrow miss Matt are you okay yeah your computer's super Dusty it got in my eye just pull her out already oh no I forgot the class pet poor Z she's having to deal with her parents' breakup I know how hard that is now you're going to middle school and you'll be chaperoning Zade school dance did you say school dance there's no boys there right okay so I'm the parent chaperon at zade's Middle School dance but looks like I'm selling tickets first I wonder if zadee got a ticket have you gotten your ticket yet zadee I've gotten mine no not yet there's zie and she's still friends with Blair she must be handling the divorce well I'm waiting for someone to ask me first did I hear someone hasn't gone a ticket get it the theme is day at the beach yeah right why would you losers even go to the it's not like you're going to be asked that's not very nice you know what I might not be selling you a ticket good thing I already got my ticket and so many boys have asked me to go I just don't know who to go with thank goodness there are no boys in [Music] here not this boy that's a boy unique did you see the way zadee looked at him I think she has a crush on that boy I've learned my lesson whatever he seems to have some history with that bully I hope to see you guys there I'll definitely ask for a dance uh thanks Chris her crush is coming play it cool hello Chris would you like to buy a ticket it'll be $7 uh yeah here's a 10 okay keep five you mean three huh this idiot can't even count no wonder I broke up with you hey I broke up with you Ashley well here's a belated birthday gift a calculator really she did not just do that he's better off without you a that's cute your new girlfriend standing up for you she is not my girlfriend sorry Chris why was Chris so defensive zie was just trying to help I'll see you guys later uh so Zade you want to buy a ticket come on Blair samam zade's already been through so much maybe I can help her by fixing things with her Crush hey what happened I'm a lunch lady now there's z uh what do I Pizza do you think Chris hates me I don't know ask him I can't just ask him that why don't you ask him to the dance you know he's going I agree maybe okay perfect Z is already kind of thinking about asking her Crush to the dance maybe she just needs a little push like a chocolate push zie you look really pretty today and uh I thought you might want an extra chocolate cupcake oh thank you lunch lady but I already have one actually I thought maybe you could give it to someone else you know what I'm saying someone you want to ask to the dance excuse me can I get some food I'll be right there here okay take it and look I'm winking what would you like do you want the cupcake Blair no she's giving it to Blair this is going to ruin everything I hate chocolate maybe I should ask Chris do it oh thank God Blair doesn't like chocolate uh hi Chris I have an extra cupcake do you want it oh yeah sure thanks this is it he's going to ask her to the dance and then I am not going to have to fix the breakout did uh you and Blair get your tickets yet uh yes um speaking of the Dance come on zie ask him ask him to the dance no way she better not be asking him to the dance do you maybe want what are you losers doing is this a tutoring session or something oh that mean girl ruins everything I have never been happier for a bully step in like that she is not going with the boy no I was just that's nice of you you should try teaching Chris how many boyfriends you've had oh wait it's still zero yeah that's right she's staying at zero boyfriends until she's 100 that is so mean there's nothing wrong with not having a boyfriend in middle school losers uh good thing the glucose is organic right what are you talking about the sugar in the glucose it breaks down and oh no s he's too smart for him he doesn't understand the joke never mind thanks thanks for saving me Blair no problem girl okay samam that didn't exactly go as planned but right now I need to get to that dance to make make sure that da does not have to deal with the breakup so I'm at the school dance and I need to get da to dance with her crush and that'll make everything better where is z there she is she looks beautiful oh no her crush is coming enjoy hey Chris I like your sunglasses thanks they're the ones I wear when I go surfing isn't this such a cool theme I love the beach yeah I guess uh oh hey bro oh hey Z and Blair just as I suspected no boys to dance with I don't see any boys dancing with you either I've already dance with three boys maybe if you paid attention you learned something why aren't you dancing out there you love dancing it's too embarrassing to dance alone you can dance with Blair you two can dance there's only one person I want to dance with oh your crush right there well I saw you talking to him you know what this chaperon is going to take care of that why is Rebecca trying to get our daughter to dance with that boy because it's her Crush what hey Chris how's that cookie I made it from scratch just kidding I didn't you can still eat it so so why haven't you asked any girls to dance it's a dance it's too risky if she says no I'll look like a total loser no you won't you're the coolest guy what if I told you there is a girl in that corner and she would definitely say yes to dancing with you really yeah 1,000 trillion per. are you sure I am positive okay go get him oh my gosh he's going to ask you to dance oh yeah he's been eyeing that girl the whole dance this plan is going better than expected hey Z hey Chris so uh Blair do you want to dance I can't believe he did that he asked her friend to dance instead of her feels so bad for zie you think he actually likes zie don't you mean to ask Zade uh her I don't date girls that are smarter than me let's [Music] go o that was hard to watch leave me alone Ashley don't worry you'll be alone forever here's a Matthew equation for you what is she doing to zie she's probably just trying to be her best friend H her 1 + 0 equals you I'm leaving no you're not no don't look don't look do not look at that your dress won't even stay together just like your parents zie zie are you okay I'm such a loser you are not a loser everyone just needs to get to know you better this wouldn't have happened if everybody liked me I'm never going to get a guy a crush breakup is always really hard especially when they were never together did you take my shirt people doo like you and secondly it's not that hard to get a guy all you have to do is pretend to like their Hobbies laugh at their jokes and agree with what they say okay I'll try that then oh like right now oh no she's doing it now okay that Middle School breakup was tough but I gave her some really good advice that I think she's using already I'm just glad she's not with any boys now you're going to high school and you're her Cheerleading Coach I got this STI has a boyfriend what she has a boyfriend put me in right now anyway so last night I dropped off the battle bus and got the victory Royale in fortnite that's awesome I love fortnite where we Dro in beep beep you're so funny babe s did everything I told her to do in middle school and now she has a boyfriend oh anyways you're cool with going to Aspen instead of the beach this weekend right yeah whatever you want all right thanks babe I got to go to practice samfam they seem to be getting along really well but you think that that's going to be the breakup so zie you have a boyfriend but it's not going to interfere with my campaign your campaign for what my re-election campaign for cheer captain that is great I mean I'm a coach but I would vote for you that's Blair who bullied her in Middle School oh no hey coach hey Blair hi zie you want help putting up posters yes thank you so much for supporting me I need all the help I can get Blair and stie are friends now s to forgave her for what happened at the dance everybody loves you you don't need any help s's popular and has a boyfriend whatever breakup is about to happen it can't be that bad oh we should go to practice all right ladies practice time head downstairs vote for zes all right ladies gather around and have a seat now before we start practice today we are voting for the cheer captain for next year would anyone like to say anything ah Zade our current cheer captain go ahead hi everyone even even though I'm your team captain this year and I'm the only one running I still wanted to ask for your vote for this year and I made a special dance the fact she's doing a cheer even though no one's running against her really shows how great Z is b o t e my name's Z vote for me b e s t will be the best I guarantee W excellent job Zade thank you and I have some ideas to put us on top next season you know what I want to hear them but um right now I just need to use the bathroom okay you guys go ahead and get started hey babe it's zade's boyfriend again bad news is I drink too much water but the good news is there is no way zie won't beat your captain you girls going to be done soon we need the gym for practice we're on the schedule go practice somewhere else yeah plus just cuz you're a boy doesn't mean you get to take over the gym right zadee how about you girls do your little dances up in a classroom not like cheerleading is a real sport anyways of course what we'll just go practice in the classroom sick I can't believe she would do that it wouldn't have happened if I inside the program hey wo wo where did all the cheerleaders go oh they're up practicing in the classroom what how are you supposed to do cheerleading up in a classroom I don't know it's not a sport I think your girlfriend would disagree with that actually she just did agree with me I can't believe zie agreed with her boyfriend that cheerleading is not a sport do you think the advice that I gave her in middle school is backfiring it's not that bad in here oh yeah I can't wait to do a back handspring over Mr Miller's death all right ladies we're cheerleaders we have overcome obstacles before but right now I think we should just skip to the voting here you go all right once you're done put it in the box drop it in here we go and Zade let's see who's going to be our team captain for next year okay we've got one for Z got another one for Blair another one for Blair Z's crossed out which means it comes down to this one it's Blair Blair is next year's cheer captain they chose her friend to be cheer captain Blair is the worst put me in Blair you ran against me I didn't have a choice no one wanted you to be Captain anymore you help me put up my posters vote Blair for cheer captain vote for zie if you wanted practice in the dumpster I've never made us do that but you probably would he become such a people pleaser or should I say a boyfriend pleas her yeah remember that time we had to cancel our bake sale because you let the boy soccer team practice Tik toks in the parking lot oh no the advice I gave her is the reason she's not captain now well there's nothing wrong with wanting people to like us you want people to like you you don't care about the rest of us is that really how you guys feel face it s you lost don't drag it out how's this for dragging it out what it oh my God I could forgive you for not supporting me through my parents' divorce and I could forgive you for dating Chris but I will never forgive you for this daddy go leave your uniform zie wait Z's best friend betrayed her and she had a break up with her entire cheerleading team I told you it wouldn't be easy I can fix this I just need to help her he tried to go back in the program again didn't he well now you're going to be speaking at DA's college graduation okay I can fix this okay zamfam I cannot believe I'm speaking at Z's graduation there she is not a cloud in the sky this would have been the perfect Beach day oh totally has Chris said anything to you about his big announcement wait is that Chris from middle school Z's dating him how did that happen nope but I think he's planning to do it after graduation definitely proposing right we'll see he has been acting pretty sneaky lately zade's getting proposed a proposal I thought my daughter was graduating are you kidding me right now this is too much for a mom to handle I need to focus wait diplomas I'm supposed to pass out the diplomas congratulations graduates I know how hard all of you have worked to get here and I want to let you all know that your family especially your mom is very proud of you today it's now time to present the diplomas we have Chris congratulations we have Jess W definitely not player so happy you're a just and finally it's someone I cannot be more proud of Zade zamolo congratulations uh thanks president Z can you get that ring okay wait the proposal do you think that's going to be the breakup this could be the worst one yet congratulations graduate got you a cake congratulations Miss Val Victorian a thanks babe oh my gosh Z I love your necklace oh thank you I got it on my favorite beach trip with Chris yeah you know apart from the sunburn the sand the water oh it wasn't that bad at least we didn't have to go dancing why isn't Chris proposed yet maybe he's nervous I just need to push him a little bit look at this cake it says congratulations and I'd really love to say congratulations for more than just graduating oh um I have an announcement to make Zade you have made me the happiest man alive and I was wrong dating as smco is awesome well I'm glad you finally came to your senses zie will you marry me yes she said yes maybe this isn't a breakup oh yeah Z's getting married oh my gosh Z it's gorgeous I'm so happy me too I'm so happy to begin our beautiful lives together in Alaska did he just say Alaska Alaska yeah that's the other part of my announcement I joined the Marines that's where I'm stationed first you get to come with me you're excited right uh yeah s's moving to Alaska come on let's go celebrate I have to stop this wedding there's no way I can let zie marry him he's not right for her yes please take it off you agree with me finally much as I don't like zie dating she needs to figure this out on her own what are you kidding me but I can fix this she needs to figure this out on her own put me in I'm going to fix this sending it to the wedding she better not interfere okay zamfam I'm at Z's wedding I'm going to do my best not to step in but I don't think she's making the right decision ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to join Chris and zie in marriage if anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace I wanted everyone to know that my right arm is slightly longer than than my left uh never never mind okay um as much as I want her to break up this is zade's life she's going to make her own decisions do you take Zade to be your wife I do and Zade do you take Chris to be your husband as a mom you always want to protect your daughter but at some point you have to let them make their own decisions I I don't you don't want to be with me I do but we're not right for each other I like going to the beach and it's what I've always wanted and my family's here and you want to go to Alaska so you'd be happy for me I am but you should have talked to me about going to Alaska instead of just assuming that I'd do whatever you want I can't believe you're doing this right now you're just scared you're always scared you're right I was scared of people leaving me I was scared that I'd be alone but now I'm just scared that I'm not doing what's right for me I'm sorry it's [Music] pathetic zie I am so proud of you that was amazing you didn't need my help at all you did that breakup all on your own thanks presidency and thanks for coming to my wedding it's kind of weird I don't remember remember inviting you uh got to go that was weird I did it my daughter survived every breakup and she did it on her own and I think we can all agree that s's never going to date ever again she's not going to put it on [Music]
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 142,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daughters, first, break up, breakup, emotional, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: wb8tSS6RtQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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