My Daughter Becomes a Doctor for 24 Hours ft/ Dr Mike

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today my daughter salish transforms into  a doctor what could possibly go wrong if she passes seven challenges suggested by  fans no okay youtube sensation dr mike will   get a surprise consequence are you ready  to become a doctor's salish or what yeah   what is this you got to look the  part you want some scrubs yeah   wow you look great look at this  i think i have a better idea what oh okay i've been selected as the  patient for the day and the number one   request on instagram was chest compressions  salish doing them to me this is mike's   merch so go buy it salish you have two  minutes and the challenge starts now no no no you do test compressions first salish  will have to pass four out of seven rounds to   officially become a doctor and give mike his  surprise consequence did you call for help check his pulse ew no no no no  how do you know if he's alive oh that is not good patient  etiquette one two three four   oh he's alive you brought him back  good job yeah those were some of the   worst chest compressions i've ever seen but  there was a lot of effort the steps we're   taking in the right manner so i'm still giving  salish a patch this is passing what do you have   to do to fail she didn't shock you next round  split pea soup you know what this looks like okay this is probably the best feel good we lost the student doctor doesn't a nurse  do that no doctors do that doctors who care   about their patients are you one of those no i'm  not cleaning you up but i know someone who will   just breathe through through your nose oh i can  smell it that's okay it's good practice there's   peas and bacteria oh it was dripping the glamorous  life of a doctor all right say how do you think   you did terribly yeah i agree too fail on that  one pass for dad for the next round you have to   learn how to get micro naps because as a doctor  you get very little sleep find those areas where   no one can find you okay you've got one minute  to find the spot ready set go one two three as you all know i am racing ben aslar to 10  million subscribers i am currently losing help   me out to make sure i win i am giving away an  awesome prize to a subscriber every single week   last week olivia won the iphone 13. you  could be next make sure to subscribe   and turn on notifications how about these  rooms this one sucks i could hide better   but no under the desk right now this one i  could hide right there telescope goes off oh my god that was hard okay i'm ready 59 60.  ready or not student doctor salish here i come   you got one minute mike to find  her one minute is she in this box   she's not why is there an ice cream machine  in the hospital she's flexible so she could   be in one of these 45 seconds i'm usually  better at this is she this flexible no oh no oh no go go nope that's one good hiding  doctor sailish where are you whoa how did you get up there i cried she  has bright pink scrubs like how did i miss   this play that back oh no this is the biggest  pass i've ever seen micro nap salish is the win   student dr salish are you ready yes we  are about to perform vital what's that   you're going to check the patient's pulse  blood pressure temperature no how else will   you know if the patient is healthy or sick i  don't care you have the tools here wait are   you in a large adult post does he look like  a large adult he gained seven pounds dude do we trust her at all to do this okay okay  you're gonna stop this thing no let it cool   let it call it 120 over 80 is normal i just  had my blood pressure checked and it was   fine what is the number 150 over 97. his blood  pressure's a little high he's been running around   you've been stressing me out over here what do  you think about that student doctor just don't   get stressed out you're okay we might need to put  you in shock what does that even mean i don't know   dude the shocky thing he has a normal pulse  he's awake cool okay i think we need to do it   again you need to check his temperature because  if someone's temperature is high they have a   fever yes which means it's a sign of a thing yeah  thing infection not in the eye not in the eye   yeah yeah just like that just like that 96.6  okay good he's he's healthy he doesn't have a   fever you got to check his pulse make sure  his heart is beating appropriately this one   yeah put your finger in yep less bossy it's  impossible for her 65 do you think 65 is a healthy   pulse student doctor yeah the normal pulse is 60  to 100 beats per minute all right student doctors   say you have one minute left you still have yet to  check his heart or his lungs using the stethoscope   hold this she said hold this i've never had a  hole you spit can you get that from your doctor   what are we hearing any murmurs any  murmurs any arrhythmias any rubs or gallops   but his lungs go to the back  ask him to breathe deep breathe what does it sound like  pretty normal why is it gross   because it's him what kind of doctor are you  training in next we got to go to reflexes but   we don't have a reflex hammer how do you check  someone's reflexes without a reflex camera   stand to the side so he doesn't kick you  when the reflex happens that would be funny this is just violence now this  isn't even a medical visit   sorry about that tickle break oh okay i have a  reflex you were really rough with the reflexes but   i gotta say everything else was pretty on point so  you're gonna get a p from me yeah okay say when   this with your dad okay this is a syringe there's  no needle but i'm gonna distract your dad so he   thinks there's a needle okay and you're gonna  give him like a shot in the arm let's go there's   a student doctor that likes to come in go ahead  this is your patient please don't look please   don't don't look at anything we're just gonna  do a shot oh a shot she's giving what's it up the next round is a full patient encounter  no idea what that is but i'm scared   here's a patient low back pain what do you  do to help them out what questions do you ask   lie down now have you been running did you gain  some weight how tall are you how old are you okay who's your favorite child what was that  that's you need to tell me i i don't i don't   pick favorites what maybe does your back hurt  because you've gained some weight what no   no i want you to go in your stomach listen to  the student doctor now i have back pain i know   i'm massaging it all out to get all the knots out  where is his pain where's your pain my pain is in   my lower back what causes that i don't know being  old wow good diagnosis do you feel any hypertonic   muscles no he needs to get professional massage  and you'll be fine go get em thank you for seeing   us make sure you pay she just hit you with the  copay that was brutal i'm not gonna lie she put   you in the correct positions there was a lot  of good stuff that happened but because there   was an overemphasis on money i'm saying fail the  values aren't there for me whoa that's what did   it this isn't about money this is about caring  for the without money make sure you tip me tip   yeah i've been so nice just an extra ten dollars  maybe 100 if you're rich do doctors get tipped no   you're richer ready you're a doctor student loans  are killing me all right student dr salish we have   a patient here you're going to give them their  diagnosis or instructions and sometimes medical   words are hard to pronounce you still got to do  read it out loud with confidence to your patient   you must be hungry because and i see that you  spell it because wrong i hear your poor worry gum four berry e ribo nuclear  acid deoxyribonucleic acid   aka your dna ah so a salt  mold oh optometrist papamology ophthalmologist oh oh that was the last one i win  no that says you fail this is the final round if   she passes awesome surprise slash consequence  you're gonna want to wait if she loses she loses   for even more fun and games with dr mike he  is going on tour in april all the information   is in the description you got to check him out be  there or be square that's the ultimate test right   there she can do the nasal swab that's meant to be  done at home she's an official student doc nasal   swap nasal swap you got this you got this are  you getting nervous yes don't she's an expert   half an inch into the nose half an hour go in  a little more go a little more it doesn't hurt   go away yeah okay actually that wasn't bad  twirl twirl twirl if it's blue it's negative   pink is positive okay do i test positive  or negative i tested him before we started   oh it's negative good job now what about that  surprise now i get to transform you into a gymnast   is that my size though 14 16 perfect i'm  ready and jump into the nail split and open you should stick to being a doctor  do not subscribe to ben subscribe   right here stay happy and healthy
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 15,211,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, saysay matter, say say matter, dr mike, doctor mike, medicine, challenge, jordan matter
Id: dph7FUCjvLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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