SURVIVING 24 HOURS in a Giant Princess Movie - Rebecca Zamolo

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today i'm surviving every disney princess movie in 24 hours mirror mirror on the wall where am i you're trapped in every disney movie maleficent i'm alpha arendelle is mine elora get away with this i'm alice you're awfully lame would you like some tea mad hatter sure you're spilling the tea isn't the tea party fun no the queen [Music] [Applause] up with her head up with my head what are you talking about no no no no no with your head sorry i was having a bad dream no it's not a dream we're trapped in a program what welcome to the happiest program on earth where you'll be trapped in every disney movie for 24 hours every disney movie you must collect one item from each of the movies to complete the program if you don't you'll all be trapped forever this is like when we are trapped in every scary movie for 24 hours and every holiday movie we beat those programs before now we can do this one rebecca must complete every level she may choose one other player for one movie and all four of you for two movies so choose wisely why am i the only one that has to go into the movies and why am i the only one in a disney onesie level one frozen you must retrieve the family heirloom well i've got this it's disney movies how bad can it be looks like i am going into frozen and finding a family heirloom and i have something for you guys i'm gonna give you guys a disney onesie if you are subscribed with notifications on we're almost to 13 million subscribers so make sure that happens comment the best way to contact you on social media wish me luck you guys oh i'm elsa now all i have to do is find the pendant but where is it announcing queen elsa on her coronation day [Music] elsa i am so proud of you you look beautiful thanks anna and you're wearing the pendants there's the heirloom she just has to ask on honor for it this should be easy yes but there is someone that i want you to meet this is han from my boyfriend boyfriend yeah we just met yesterday but actually can we tell her we are beyonce maddie of course you'd marry somebody you met the same day don't hate on anna you wish that you could get anna hey you're engaged yeah we're getting married it's true love nice to meet you hans i have an idea we should get married today before sundown you know what since you're gonna be family seems a little rushed what are you doing i want you to have this family heirloom you're giving it to him yes that's been in our family for years he's about to be family we're family now we share everything anna don't worry about a thing i will make all of the arrangements thank you don't you think you're kind of rushing things i know that it's true love i just think that you should wait a little bit wait elsa what do you even know about love why are you giving me advice because i'm your older sister i mean you're the one trying to marry someone in less than 24 hours it seems a little rushed don't you think mary's someone that i love stop judging me elsa what lana you're being ridiculous you're being ridiculous no you are now anna is mad at me but she shouldn't be getting married to some guy that i don't even trust right now i just need to focus and find that pendant i don't trust that guy ah hello hans crazy we're gonna be family soon speaking of family that pendant that my sister gave you it's a family heirloom it's been in the family for years and i was wondering if i could get that back it looks so good right here no seriously i want it back so you want this back yes please you know i've always had a thing for blondes oh i'm not sure what you're trying to do right now i'm just trying to get the pendant back your hair is so soft also you know what i was thinking what's going on she tried to kiss me with the cold lips i did no such thing anna let me explain i don't trust that guy i hope the sisters can work it out if she doesn't how she can get that family heirloom everything's set and ready to go very good oh that's on stalking to his car what's he saying yeah i'm gonna kiss her sister but you're still gonna marry the other one before sundown yeah i'm just doing it to get the family fortune duh i knew the only reason he wanted to marry anna was to take our family fortune he's not a good guy come on come on he's sleeping stamping what am i going to do obviously i need to get that pendant but i need to prove to anna that this guy is not the right guy for her to marry hey hey i don't have anyone else to talk to i'm really upset right now but my sister's mad at me and this guy is going to marry her today and he just wants to steal our family fortune and i need the pendant and i don't know what to do yeah that guy's terrible your sister deserves so much better she does right i mean she's an amazing girl he was flirting with you right yeah i think i have an idea hans yes hello pardon me hans sorry about that earlier i know you said you wanted that kiss from me right yeah yeah i just want to make sure that you don't actually love my sister okay you can't tell anyone this but i don't love your sister i'm only marrying her for the fortune oh wait now that you know what i'm gonna have to kill you what no no no that's right give me that pendant come here i heard you hans we all did you are officially banished from our kingdom thank you so much you saved our kingdom of course you deserve the best honor you're absolutely beautiful and you deserve a true love's first kiss oh hey i hate to break this up but um can i get that pendant oh yeah there you go thank you heirloom okay you guys so one down is six more to go level complete next level incredibles retrieve the incredigent credibles where we all had our powers what if we all go with together on this one yes i want to go in that might make the most sense but remember we can only go in together in two of themselves we need to be very smart on which ones we go into whoa yes you guys we are incredibles again this is awesome remember this is the first of two programs that we can all go in together we need to work together i'm just glad that mr incredible is back we'll add elastigirl this outfit doesn't fit like it used to if you know what i mean but you know what you guys want me to turn off that light yeah okay here we go okay do it whenever stretch it out guys i'm trying it's not working that's weird i'll go turn off the light here we go all right let's go dash okay i'll be back in a moment i usually can't see him it's taking him so long it's so fast you got the light but that was pretty slow what that wasn't super fast speed don't worry mr incredible still has his power you guys feel it no i didn't feel anything hold on violet is gonna test your powers oh where am i you can't see me because i'm invisible no you're right here [Laughter] how are we supposed to work together if we have no powers this is so frustrating what just happened how did i do that daniel you're mr incredible matt can you get us a cup of coffee just one cup yeah whoa got a cup of coffee no that was like seconds but the boys switched their powers then maybe we switched our powers maddie can you turn off that light over there i'll try whoa which means you're violent i'm violent violet can be invisible guys can you see me where'd she go where did she go rebecca ow why did you do that oh come on quit playing around rebecca why don't we split up and practice our new powers because we need to get that in credit jam ready go oh gosh i have to get invisible again here i go look i'm right here now i'm over here did i scare you i bet you i'm a way better dash than you are no way prove it whoa i just moved all the clothes in your room actually in my room that was so fast high five oh i forgot how strong i was are you kidding me all right damn fam this is gonna be incredible i am about to dunk this basketball now it's time for syndrome's revenge what was the other power that violet had i can't remember sam fam what was it i should go ask maddie she was violent she would know maddie oh no who's that with maddie guys guys come here yeah what happened you guys look someone has maddie who is that no that's syndrome okay you guys well we need to take on syndrome so we can get the incredible jump you can do this incredibles on three one two three incredible oh time you guys got here he had maddie i'll go first okay it looks like the rest of the incredibles are here i don't think so [Laughter] who's next go go go not the tick tock i'm gonna go in there and just knock them down okay and then you come in and you can help and save our friends no dude that's frozen too all the incredibles are frozen it's up to me all you can do is be invisible i can't remember my other power come and get me did that hurt what about that i'm right here where'd she go i'm over here i'm going to get you on this one oh no oh no my friends you must be at the movie theater let's go go the incredible jab i can't believe that minnie daniel was syndrome did you see his yeah i should have worn beanies next level beauty and the beast bring back the rose looks like you're on your own for this one or you could bring someone along no that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard she can only bring in one person one time she's not gonna waste on beauty and the piece daniel's right we've got to save that for later i can do this you guys yeah i've got this good luck rebecca okay okay zambia looks like i'm going in to get the rose and i get to be belle a disney princess what i'm not belle am i mrs potts if i'm mrs potts who's belle i hate you oh no i wish i never made the promise to live with you i'm belle oh i'm mel chill out guys concentrate on sitting here well if you hate me so much then go to your room and start fine i will who do you think the beast is it's probably fake sean mendes or a charming prince i think it's connor ew i mean i've seen weirder things today well hopefully we get a face reveal the beast belle and the beast are fighting but zamfian look heroes it's locked silly girl that will only open up if they fall in love who are you i'm lumiere the lamp well i wasn't always a lamp well i'm mrs potts so you said true love will unlock that rose that's correct and we don't have that much time because the leaves are falling off so all you have to do is get them to fall in love easier said than done well why don't you work on the beast and i'll work on belle uh-huh nice accent matt yeah where are you from i believe lumiere's from france bell go away please open the door i wanted to talk to you it's mrs potts what do you want miss potts i wanted to talk to you about the beast i hate him he is so mean he is a little rough around the edges but trust me just give him a chance and it's what's on the inside a cold heart please just give him one more chance fine excellent i think you need to give her a try but she's so stubborn and she keeps eating my food you just need to get to know him how do i do that are you sure about this yes he may be rough around the edges but he's got a heart of gold come here love so why don't you two get to know each other a little better all right beast do you like to read yes that's why i have a library just a little change small to say the least i like reading too i think they're starting to like each other look she's scooting closer the soup sorry it's okay she doesn't mind i think it's working oh both a little scared either one prepared daddy and the beast i think they're falling in love oh this might work [Music] they're so cute all you have to do is fall in love and then i can get the rose beast was always a good dancer i have something to tell you i love you can i please your true identity yes halloween hacker help mr x trapped me in a phone halloween hacker did he just say he's trapped in a phone he didn't say that at all damn fam go back and comment down below word for word what the halloween hacker said the wrong's true love beast belle may i take this of course thank you miss potts no say thank you thank you good luck with true love the halloween hacker was the beast next level freaky friday get the yodeling pickle i know freaky friday it involves two people so i think i need to bring someone for this matt i thought you'd never ask remember you're becoming me and i'm becoming you right yeah that's how it works rebecca okay [Music] yes i'm not pregnant i'm me i thought we were gonna switch bodies yeah this doesn't make any sense but it's freaky friday what was that we're gonna give you my nunchucks first you're so mean guys [Applause] you guys need to stop fighting yeah you know what you guys are both grounded what where can i do that yes i can do that because i'm the adult here no fear it must be so much easier being in a are you kidding me being a kid is so much easier i wish we could switch why what what's this i'm little i'm light i'm not pregnant we switch bodies dead bod i don't have a dad bod we're adults we can do anything we want yeah so the adults are in the kids bodies and the kids are in the adult bodies this is gonna get freaky don't copy what i say jinx we're adults now we can finally drink coffee i've been waiting for this tastes like dirt we need lots of sugar get it in there yes yes pour it [Music] so bad it's still bad it's still bad i'm not pregnant anymore i can do the worm rebecca is living her best life now that she's not pregnant yeah look at that worm and i can do gymnastics don't have a belly anymore i don't have a dad bod anymore i'll finally go to basketball are you kidding me i can't even dunk anymore why is my belly so big oh wait i'm pregnant i can't see my toes i need to go upstairs ugh why am i so tired and hungry i think i need a snack mmm pickles and ice cream why does this taste so good why do i have all these hairs going out of my face my nose and my ears i have to shave i got this i didn't know shaving is gonna hurt this much oh i did great i'm not pregnant anymore i can eat anything i want hello do you have sushi can i order some i like to order as much as i can payment oh my card's on file thank you sushi i haven't had this in so long chopsticks i don't need them so good am i doing it are you kidding me i'm too short for the bike we're tall enough to reach the camera yeah they put everything on the top shelf so we couldn't reach it which one do you want that one yeah reese's peanut is the best i can finally fit in this car but i wish it wasn't pink i'm the greatest alive we can watch a scary movie yeah because we're adults we can watch anything we want ooh we should watch a rated r movie like a really scary one are you sure yeah i mean we're adults we can handle it you're right you're right okay oh yeah scared what are you guys doing oh what's going on here watching a movie yeah you're watching a scary movie yes yeah cause we can't we're adults we're totally fine look see i can't watch it where's matt where's my where's matt i got the keys i got the keys okay get inside the car are you sure you know what you're doing no but it can't be that hard i'm sorry i know what i'm doing rebecca i have the best idea ever what is it something only adults can do fireworks no you're gonna get in trouble you can get arrested for that no it'll be okay what am i supposed to do just doing them come outside oh no no what are we doing he's just a kid he's just a kid you're not adults you're children they're telling the truth i don't want to be a dog anymore oh my gosh this is the freakiest thing i've ever seen cheeks on second thought this all seems normal here you guys have earned this the pickle get that pickle huh carry on thank you why is that pickle making noise not exactly sure but let's just make a path you guys say kids and we'll stay adults thank you guys this has been a really weird day yoda lane pickle that was super awkward guys yeah it looked awkward so now what level complete next level alice in wonderland find the pocket watch pocket watch should we all four go into this one or should we save it no you did well on your own when you were alice last time plus we have only one more chance to be together so maybe we should say that until the end yeah absolutely good luck rebecca you got it who do you think is gonna be the queen of hearts don't lose your head daniel sorry and alice i need to find that pocket watch zamfam where am i supposed to go hello alice cheshire cat i know you're looking for a pocket watch where you go complete my three challenges and you'll get the three-digit code to unlock this box what's inside the box the pocket watch you've been looking for what am i supposed to do just follow the white rabbit white rabbit where's the white rabbit wait i'm like no time no time no time i'm late i'm late i have no time no time no time no time i'm late i'm late i'm late i taught myself this last night it's beautiful wait rabbit wait robin welcome to the tea party have a seat right there we've been expecting you all of us have been waiting now we can eat and drink have any of you seen a pocket watch a pocket watcher watch if it's in a book it's hilarious no i haven't seen it i haven't seen one have you no i haven't seen one you already know how to get the watch on this oh alice there is a note for you look check by your plate a nope alice find the plate with a youtuber that has a sister wait there's no mr beast that must be the first challenge colin's key but he doesn't have a sister he has a brother excuse me would you all be able to look under your plates to see what youtuber you have of course alice but move closer down here okay pierson but i don't think she has a sister that's a youtuber i know this one this one is sniper wolf sniper wolf she doesn't have a sister i don't have a youtuber did you move it no i didn't movie you probably did no plate okay i think maddie's fighting with herself i mean tweedledee and tweedledum okay well look there's another place that's preston i know who he is preston kristin has a youtuber sister that must be the youtuber that's not it alice i need to get the first digit of this code have a seat alice brett rivera lexi is his sister very good alice your first digit is five five happy on birthday alice it's your birthday we must have a slice of your own birthday cake birthday cake cheshire cat was eating birthday cake maybe that has something to do with the clue why don't you have the first choice i want birthday cake no you don't need any birthday cake please just a little piece no no cake for you this is my specialty get it special tea my specialty i want a slice i don't want a slice i want a slice a big slice no slice for me so eel that's disgusting but what about your slice last one looks perfect for the birthday girl that one right yes that one right there alice this cake does look good it's so good zamfam a little more alice a little more that's it alice that's it three damn fam i did it i got the second digit now all i need is the last and final digit and i can get the pocket watch great job alice the last challenge is with the queen the queen who's that queen of hearts she looks evil there she is the head no no no no no no no hey give me back my box i need that oh you want the box then challenge me set up the hot candles or candles challenge this must be it the third and final challenge i have to go against the queen of hearts i'm the queen so i'll go first beat that great it's my turn i just have to beat four candles that's easy let's go alice let's lose alice oh i did it one two three four five six i did it i won i get my box i'm the queen i never lose off with the head get high what are you doing here you won the third challenge you get the last digit now i have it and it's five five you better leave you better escape but what if the carts get me you better hurry running out of time escape the rabbit hole [Music] i got the pocket watch thanks to the white rabbit matt not matt but you know what i mean you're welcome all right where are we going next next level cinderella retrieve the ring looks like there's two more levels if i bring everyone in now then i won't be able to have anyone in the next one i think i'm gonna do this cinderella one on my own stamp do you think i'm making the right decision comment below let's do this i'm supposed to be cinderella where's my dress and my glass slippers this is almost the last one and i don't know the story of cinderella what happens she needs to go to the ball fall in love with the prince and make sure that that shoe fits all before midnight what about the ring the ring isn't in the story where are you cinderella hey it's time for you to mop you clean the floors you got her in the face come on chop chop we need to get it clean for the bowl there's gonna be a ball yeah and prince charming's gonna be there and you're not going yeah you have to do our chores what if i finish all my chores right now finish your chores you don't even know to sweep before you mop no no i'll sweep and then i'll mop and i can be done and then can i go with you guys what would you even wear to the ball yeah look at you you look so poor and ugly it's just as pretty ones going anyways we're just stuck with you as an ugly step-sister on second thought why don't we help cinderella get ready for the ball really can you guys maybe help me find a dress or something yeah do you really want to go yes yes more than anything in the world perfect let's go this way thank you guys so much the dress is right in here oh okay this looks like i'm back looks like she really won't be going to the ball come on let's go i gotta go shave me out let me out what am i gonna do i need to be the program hello cinderella who are you i am your fairy godmother she's a fairy godmother you didn't tell me about that i forgot she's the one that gives her the dress and the shoes and all that you seem upset why are you crying my evil stepsisters just trapped me in this bathroom and i need to get out and go to the ball oh you want to go to the ball not just like that whoa a new dress this is beautiful thank you fairy godmother hold on i hear something i'll be right back charming hello hello it's prince charming walking down the stairs he's so dreamy the prince the prince just arrived at the ball well if the prince is at the ball you'll need to make a grand entrance but remember everything goes back to normal at midnight that means that i need to get the ring by midnight okay fairy godmother thank you vividly so prince charming are you looking for true love at this ball absolutely is this crown real gold can i try it on it's real gold is there anybody else here that i can there is a new mystery guest at the ball a new guest is here yes who i don't know [Music] prince charming at your service can i have this dance yes you can come this way friends guys with me prince charming dance with me no he's dancing with me i'll dance with both of you don't worry but first i'd like to have this dance with you okay oh you look so beautiful tonight yes you look very handsome uh you only have one shoulder pad what happened to the other i lost it in battle battle yes who is that girl she better not take my prince i know she's kind of pretty though wait do you think she's no way i am getting a little little dizzy a little dizzy i want to know everything about you where are you from what do you do i'm um what's your name it's almost midnight midnight no uh you can't see me like this i i must go but now that she's gone you can dance with us next time i'll take a rain check thank you have a wonderful evening is it my breath probably i'm gonna get the ring before midnight no look at me prince charming's never gonna want me now hello it's prince charming and he has my glass slipper is anyone home prince charming that's my name what are you doing with the shoe whoever fits this shoe is my true love it's me it's me that's my shirt settle down i can prove that it'll fit my foot i don't think it's one of you but if the glass slipper fits you're my true love it'll fit oh no my evil stepsisters they're telling them that they're the ones who wore those glass slippers there's no way they could fit into those shoes i go down there right now but look at me i can't go down like this oh what's wrong um oh don't ruin it maybe your big toe can fit in there oh it's not fitting it's not fitting try on my foot try my foot oh i took the sock off just for you thank you for trimming your toenails oh yes i forgot two months ago there it is look it fits perfectly true love i don't think it fits your foot isn't even in is there anyone else here there's our ugly step-sister it wouldn't be her she wasn't at the ball no way she's ugly it definitely was not a person that i met because she was beautiful just call her fine cinderella cinderella oh no you're calling for me oh i do when he sees me like this there's no way the prince will give me a ring see here she comes definitely not her get ready for disappointment are you cinderella i am cinderella let's see if the shoe fits no is it gonna fit it has to fit it'll fit it looks pretty close to being the right size there's no way what she wasn't at the ball the most beautiful shoes i've ever worn it's the right fit she still doesn't have the ring now stand up cinderella it is you sisters can i have some space yeah background cinderella i don't know what it is but i feel like i've met you in another lifetime it would be my pleasure to be your husband will you be my wife the ring i got the ring yes it fits as well okay let's seal this with true love's first kiss i have to thank you for the ring i have to go what about my kiss over here i got the ring guys cinderella got her ring we made it to the last level we can finally go in [Music] final level toy story put forkey back together again we are all going in and we need to work together as a team no bickering we won't i can't believe they're still going you know what enough of this take off the electrodes the leader doesn't want them to know what we're doing baby's anthem scan complete quickly now quick we've got this you guys remember we just need to work together together we're in toy story you guys now remember this is the last chance we have to go into the program all together we need to do whatever it takes to find forkey come on stop hitting me with your weight you guys stop fighting we're toys soldiers i'm glad you're here today we gotta find a friend forky he's spread out all around the house but luckily i've got this map to help you out it's a map of the house well we need to split up jesse and i'll take downstairs oh peep and i will take upstairs and i'll take everywhere we gotta find porky and get to the moving truck before it leaves in 10 minutes oh and beware of sid the bully oh i've heard about sid he actually destroys toys well what does sid look like time to break some toys that's it okay that way yes send all units you know what i'll get you later i'm gonna get buzzed right now hello there handsome good to see you [Music] no toys to break down here better go upstairs now that sid is gone i can search for four keys and vote and i need to find forkey okay where would forkey be that was close do we do sits up here hopefully the others have found the rest of porky and we can save him and get on that moving van all right i think i found my spot right now i'm just gonna hide right here until the coast is clear looks like i might have found the best hiding spot it doesn't look like it seems to go out there so i'm just gonna stay here until the coast is clear i didn't fix forkey [Music] truck oh no is that the moving truck i need to get down i'm finishing the program they weren't supposed to get this far what are we going to do we need to get out of here quickly where's woody he's not here he's not here we need to put forky together so what about woody okay here start tipping it together hey woody your turn oh wait what's that back there what's your toys where are these toys i gotta catch up to everybody else go woody where are you going [Applause] hey come on come on no one's here what if they're still in the warehouse i'll check let's go look come on come on go go go go pink flash drives down here you guys my stomach feels weird
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 31,345,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Surviving, every, princess, movie, in 24 hours, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: lWmss5Cw7Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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