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today 100 kids compete to become my daughter's  new best friend after five elimination rounds   and special advice from nidal you gotta  get ready to get beat up salish will have   to make a very difficult decision you guys  are both so amazing i think i'm gonna pick   salish do you have any idea why we're  here no salish's best friend nidal   moved to texas last year and she's been missing  him dad's stopping she really misses out nidal   will always be her very best friend but for  the times they can't see each other in person   i think salish needs a new california  best friend wait what oh boy what does   he have planned what she doesn't know is  there's 100 rock squad kids right behind   this curtain in 24 hours one of these kids is  going to be your new california best friend i think it's really important that all of you guys  get to know salish a little too the friendship   is two ways you got to decide if you want to  be her best friend also sailors what do you   want them all to do to kind of get to know you  a little better each of them has to hit you what   hit me what the heck all right all right i think  you all passed that round the dog can make say   what's left like this there's like a rug burn  now she's going it hurt so an important element   of the relationship is laughter if you guys are  able to make her spit the water out of her mouth   you move on to the next round are you ready  yeah let's do it do you have water oh what okay   there's water in there why did the vegetarians  boycott gymnastics because they didn't like meat let's go by the way my dad totally  ripped off this idea from airrack  what's blue and not that heavy sky blue that was  really sweet i'm sorry i'm not a photographer   like your dad but i can pick for you yes yes   salish gets the best right and i'm on cleanup  duty we're gonna do a cartwheel okay no do it was a smart move hi salish i'm kylea oh i was just  laughing at my joke i couldn't even sing what do you call someone who really  hates breakfast a serial killer   a little violent yeah you want to laugh right  now i know you do no oh wow oh it worked it was   awesome i knew it worked you guys are awesome  unfortunately you didn't make a lot this time   but i'm sure you all hang out together in  the future and you guys are going next round   this next round is all about trust an  important aspect of friendship the way   salish and nidal prove they trust each other  so much is by doing partner yoga on the beach   each kid is gonna get one minute  to do a yoga post with salish and   if they can do the pose they move on to  the next round are you guys ready yeah that never gets old first pose that oh salish you got to get up there you got five seconds the more i get to know salish the more like  i like her and i think this could like really   work out look over at me start it i got that  one let's go let's go we got this you got it got it good job yes you look so good she  is so fun to hang out with she's funny   and i feel like we've bonded together so i'm  excited to see what happens i'm out you got it i'll do my best i really want to move on great try i'm really sorry i apologize i  found you i apologize when i see you again everyone needs friends and they help build each   other up and they go through the hard  times together you got it that's it i think they're all best friend material  to be honest we can do that i can do that whatever happens i'll be so happy because we've  all bonded and it is just so awesome oh yes oh wow wait i can get this exactly like this with a  silhouette salish is such a charismatic and   kind-hearted person and to be honest she has a boy  best friend and i'm the only boy who's moved on so   far so i think i have a good shot at this it's  all about trust guys yes that's it you got it there we go thank you so much guys and  you're off to the next round   say i'm gonna let you pick one kid  that didn't make it to come to the   next round yeah who do you want to pick oh  that's so hard i like all of them oh i know you're coming to next round we  started with 100 and it's down to 8.   at the end of the day one of them is gonna be  salish's new best friend this next round is all   about communication it is friendship speed  dating each kid is gonna sit right here and   they get three minutes to ask each other a bunch  of questions say do you have an early favorite   what do you guys think hudson and i are going to  be listening to everything let's do it oh it's the   grossest food you've ever eaten chocolate  covered crickets when i was young my dad   crickets it was pretty gross how do you feel about  cleaning your room hate it i actually heard that   um if you have a messy room then you have really  good creativity you hear that dad i have a messy   room for a reason not a good excuse though that's  not true yeah no what's your favorite animal at the end of this round salish  can only pick four kids to move on   obviously friendship is a two-way street  salish she's looking at these kids they're   looking at her so they have to both match up  in order to move on how often do you eat meat   maybe about like four times a week i don't  know it really depends oh look at her face   what's your favorite color definitely pink oh  those are points off because i like orange oh   i those are definitely points off i do not like  orange would you rather go to the space or the   bottom of an ocean the bottom of the ocean  how about you i'm terrified of the ocean   what's your favorite type of bug i despise  bugs it was really nice having you bye bye   oh look at that reaction i'm so happy you made  it this far so my favorite color is pink and i   also like purple and yellow i love that you like  pink and purple my biggest pet peeve is definitely   burping just between us she burps all the time so  she's gonna be your best friend no i do not ow why   sorry for the distraction favorite shoe brand is  definitely nike and like the air jordans team nike   okay i got this and that's so cute she just bought  her off with this stuffed animal that's not fair   though that's cheating it's smart hey my favorite  color is pink and purple those are my favorite   colors okay if you have like your dream place  to travel where would that be definitely Paris    same we have to go some time together yes that  would be so fun also i love your shirt girl power don't worry she's just beating up her brother  and meanwhile he's like ow i kind of want to   give you some advice to help you win never say  you've eaten meat ever in your life never you're   a vegetarian you always have and you're grossed  out by it your favorite color is pink go get them   all right let's go hi salish hi i despise meat i  don't i've never eaten it in my life i love salad   okay i love salad too what's your favorite  color pink i love pink about pink there you   go this is all me are you lying at all like  right now like would you ever lie right now   um no do you have any brother uh yeah yeah let's  trade him in i'll trade i'll trade my bedroom   i heard you trade me for someone oh yeah um  her brother seems really cool i kinda you know   have a little feeling that she might have been  lying to me on that meat thing she seems a   little suspicious i actually have a friendship  bracelet i got this like cute little pink one   thank you that's so cute she gave her a friendship  and it's pink too look how cute that is how often   do you eat meat steak like usually my whole family  likes it i'm kind of like the odd one out i'm like   well it's not the best wait so does your sister  like meat oh yeah of course she does she eats   it like every day we're talking about the same  sister right she told me that she never eats meat you literally ate chicken this morning like  you always eat meat um cats or dogs i like cats   i do not like cats i used to tell everyone i  was park cat i don't really eat out because i   don't eat meat what's your favorite tic toc dance  a trailer okay one i love that one favorite color   three two one pink favorite food soup sebastian  and salish are acting like soul mates right now   how about shoes three two one it doesn't really  matter because we have anything else inside salish is going to give four envelopes to the  kids who are moving on i feel so bad honestly   you're so amazing and you're so sweet but  i really don't think we connected so i'm   gonna go ahead and eliminate myself from  the challenge now it's one less decision   we are so close to 10 million subscribers  and so close to beating ben azelart these   are airpods pro and they are customized by zhc  one of you that subscribes to this channel right   now comments when you're done could win  these awesome airpod pro okay i'm gonna one more kid who is it going to be oh okay i'm gonna miss all of you but i think  we're definitely all gonna get to hang out again we started with a hundred this morning now we're  down to four yeah okay each of you has an envelope   in your hand in it is 100 you each have 15 minutes  to take salish to your favorite store and style   her with the hundred dollars go sebastian  your first come on we got this we got this   one this round isn't so much about styling it's  about vibing with each other and at the end sales   you have to pick two kids to go to the final round  i know that you like the flare no not the flare   not the flare that would fit that's kind of  yeah that'll look cute so let's see how this   looks that's actually kind of cute i think  this white belt would go better it gives   it like a little pop of like colorfully about  like sixty dollars we should get you something   are you are you sure that one yeah we could  do this we both got what we wanted and yeah   where are this out and about it's slay material  girl 15 minutes right now it's over there it's   right here what do you think of like yellow and  green what's what's your vibe on that i am not   but whatever you think is cute no guys i  don't think she likes anything what do you think   of gray and black do you like more colorful stuff  though right sure if you like colorful stuff yeah   pick what you like oh you don't like this oh no  guys what do we do what do we do i think this   might work it's super cute i think it's cute  i don't know about green but let's see if it   works 15 minutes starts right now go okay come on  let's go to kickstarter and we're going to clean   everything up after oh what about this one usually  i wouldn't wear this i mean it might look good do   you think these pants would look good sure i feel  like pants are a little kiddish but you know it's   okay it's the personality that matters what about  that that's actually super cute guys i love that i   think maybe not these pants see come on let's  get the next one you can do jewelry now dad   okay okay okay glitter will look so cute on here  just don't tell your dad yeah that fits get it get   it i love that i love that yep okay okay so this  is a bit different from your style but i want you   to explore new styles skirts would not fit me none  of these would fit me i think that looks cute i   think this belt is cute and then we can bring in  something that will match yeah i would never wear   this like ever but i think the outfit that anis chose is like pretty cute i don't want it to be   like chains and stuff this is definitely not what  i normally would wear i'm like in butterflies and   you could have that side and I can have this side yeah  that would really go with the outfit it is a   little out of her comfort zone but i think she'll  grow to like the style this has been such a great   experience because no matter what we've all become  friends and it's just going to be amazing yeah   we have two envelopes left salish who would  you like it to invite to the final round   this is so hard i'm really sorry to the people  that i don't pick oh my gosh thank you so much thank you so much i'm so sorry i'm so  excited because we're gonna go to target   someday soon good job and when we hang  out no chocolate covered covered crickets   and now for the final round and the final round  starts with a facetime with nadal okay i'm super   excited since you're in texas you can't really  be my best friend anymore because my mom said   that i wasn't allowed to invite trash over to our  house your hair was like you should come over to   my house so we can clean the floor we need a new  mop you want to try to roast me i'm vegetarian   i can't roast you oh that's actually pretty good  now you have to tell them each something about me   so that they can make sure that they still want  to be my best friend she's vegetarian so you can't   eat any gummy worms any jelly oranges because  she's vegetarian sorry that i like animals and   you got to get ready to get beat up a lot you  left me on the ground never share a bathroom   with her she takes forever to do her hair put  this picture of him trying to fix his hair   never goes shopping with salish she always goes  to the baby section she does not go to the baby   section i legit went shopping for it today  it's called big kids section oh wait he   doesn't go shopping for himself his mom does  even though your hair does look like a mop i   really miss you and hope to see you soon and  i might come so just keep your eye out okay   bye now it's time for sebastian and paige to  open their envelopes wait is this more stuff we started this morning with 100 kids and now  it's down to two sailors are going to ask them   each a question and then she's going to have  to make a final decision and looking at them   together right now i think that's going to  be hard it's always like yes i feel like it   just comes natural to you the first question  is are you here for the youtube video or are   you here because you actually want to be here  initially i did do this because i thought it   was a fun video to make but as i got to know you  better and hang out around you i noticed that we   are so alike you're such a kind-hearted  person i really admire that about that   what can i do for you as a friend it's all  about like having someone that like i can rely   on and like really trust and you know they can  always have my back and we can always hang out   we'll roast each other a lot but if anyone else  tries to roast you i'll always have your back   oh no turn it the other way sebastian lost his  phone while we were shooting at the mall nobody   found it since i would love to call you so much  i'm giving you this iphone 13. are you serious   yeah stop but you're so sweet thank you salish  hates emotion and this is probably   about the most emotional moment you'll ever see in  one of our videos it's a very difficult decision   say okay dad can you like leave you kind of like  the cringy dad okay there are qualities that   i love about you both i really like like your  taste in fashion and i think you're super nice   and kind and funny we could do like gymnastics  together and i think you're super kind hearted   and i definitely feel like i vibe with you i love  you both but i can only choose one okay i pick peja thank you so much you  did awesome thank you so much   good job i've had so much fun with you guys  but it's made me realize how much i miss my   best friend in texas nidal so i think i'm  gonna go surprise him in texas right now
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 58,143,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, say say matter, jordan matter, aiirack, airrack, nalish, nidal wonder, rock squad, crush, yoga challenge, sleepover, smores, hudson matter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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