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what's up guys i'm with sayla she's 12 years old and right now we're doing a kids versus adults gymnastics challenge and over here we got jordan matter who's going to be judging us okay are you ready for this journal can we get out of this backpack yeah we can get out i guess jordan are you live hello let's do it let's do it okay now jordan i know you're judging this and i know this is your daughter but you have to actually be fair you have to judge us equally obviously of course it has to be fully jordan what are you writing nothing but what is this jordan we haven't even started oh yeah we haven't even done any tricks yet okay he already has nine no you're right you're right you're right okay we'll make it fair first round round up back handspring back hamstring [Music] nice i felt like that one was like probably a ten out of ten that was super solid i mean i give it like a six a solid 7.5 because her legs were apart her feet were all pointed and her knees were bent your legs were apart your feet were not pointed not pointed and you're and something was bent so it's a 7.5 wait what that was so solid the only sailor nevermind i really want to win so i'm going to add a tuck wow totally unbiased opinion but salish matter is leading one nothing round one goes to the one the only stateless matter let's move on next round backbend race on your marks get that you got this oh wait say let's hurry hurry hurry you got this you got it get up stainless what are you talking about what happened you were in my way the whole time oh i'm sorry was i i didn't realize i was in her way [Music] i don't have anything to say about this next round who can hold a handstand longer this is easy first one to fall loses when i tweet you both get a handstand started one two three say this has the early lead this is going to be a while they can both hold a handstand so it gives you a chance to subscribe to sophie dassey also guys whoever loses this competition has to get a strawberry refresher dumped on their heads but i don't want that to happen stick around because if i lose i'm going to make my dad do it and then comment how awesome i am as a joke it's over wow i'm not a proud father right now i'll cut that i didn't mean it was a joke next round who can do more giants and they are not messing around [Music] oh my god giants are my gym i've got this ramp here we go [Music] and here starts the giants right there one two keep them going get faster speed three four five six get up there six oh yeah seven it's gonna be a while people hey remember subscribe to sophie dawson and there's so much time you can subscribe to jordan mata too 11 [Music] 12. 13. you got this 13. i'm too dizzy i can't see you're not going to puke are you i could have done more if i wasn't dizzy all right sophie dusty needs 14 to win this round i'm gonna be honest i have not done giants since i was 10 years old and i'm 20 now so it's been 10 years and i've not even attempted this so let's see how this goes looking like good form so far oh can she get over the first one is always the hardest here it comes oh whoa oh my god three four no [Music] i haven't done that in 10 years i was insane that was impressive even though stage baby i'm proud of myself this is getting exciting next round front flip from the onto the mat whoever gets further wins gosh can you like next time like feel a little quieter with that yeah are we starting right now you need me to even out your ears oh okay we do not count the skit if you replay you'll see she's skidded her feet landed right here oh wow i don't even have to cheat she wanted for real i was gonna add space because you're taller but she doesn't even need it i like the direction this is going next round rope climb whoever gets up faster wins this round one two three oh she's actually pretty quick oh she's getting caught up and then she's getting twins oh she's slowing down she's getting tired okay you got it 12.11 seconds okay i know you can do that but you what you guys you guys do fast because you don't want to you you can take a big lead here ready set okay oh she's quiet become kind of got to pick up the pace though got to pick up the base get there get there get there first person to five wins so this is getting really close next round round off back tuck gotta land in the square [Music] nailed it right there if sophie gets this we make the square smaller [Music] all right here we go wow oh it's wow over it's all over it's all over no oh wow okay oh maybe she'll fall no she doesn't fall oh that's really good okay salish try to top that sailors dude now i'm gonna do a contortion thingy i don't really know what it's called because i don't do contortion but let's go i'll tell you when oh say that's good that's cute that might have a chance this is going to the final round what i have four points and salish has four points oh my god okay jordan what's next the final round one of them is getting a strawberry refresher dumped on their head oh no it is a chip whoever can do more kids wins this competition i haven't done a kip in so long i don't need your excuses sophie let's go by the way my kip is not gonna look good cause i don't have grips don't judge she was two years old the last time i did a kip that that's a really close angle what do i look like like that couldn't possibly be flattering nobody needs to see this there starts that's one two yeah three three three is it because she got a rip and she has competitions and all that stuff sophie if you do four we're dumping a drink on salish's head see here's the thing jordan um this was just a bad competition because i just don't know if i can do a kid i believe in you i think you can okay ready for the win is that it it's over what wait she's trying another are you kidding me it's over wins yeah all right i guess i gotta get a strawberry refresher dumped on my head at least it's a strawberry refresher just do it i'm sorry oh my god that was so cool there's literally x down my shirt okay sailors want a hug to say say goodbye are you sure you don't want to hug jordan uh-huh are you sure [Music]
Channel: Sofie Dossi
Views: 9,051,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sofie dossi, america's got talent 2016, agt, contortionist, acrobat, jordan matter, salish matter, gymnastics, flexible, challenge, gymnast, contortion, comedy, funny
Id: ZT4zNTli5kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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