Found iPad Underwater While Searching Drained River! VR180 (River Treasure)

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what's up guys jake here today i'm here on the chattahoochee river located in columbus georgia this is actually my hometown and i thought today would be a great day to go around and do a huge trash cleanup joining me is my dog treasure we have the jet ski out here we're going to jet ski to the spot but this video actually looks a little different before i get started let me explain it's actually shooting in 180 degrees so meaning like you guys have the power to move your phone around or if you have the goggles you can actually look around you can see what stretch is doing or you can see what i'm doing and it's just gonna be a ton of fun i'm excited to give it a shot if you guys enjoy this stuff make sure you guys leave this video a thumbs up and then uh maybe i'll do another one like this in the future but with that said let's hop on a jet ski get to a spot and get this started all right so i have treasure on the jet ski we're ready to go i've never done this before i don't know how how it's actually going to work out but we're going to give it a shot hopefully it uh you know everything goes good and we're not swimming in a river all right here we go hold on treasure oh god [Music] [Music] so hey all right guys so i'm gonna hang out with jojo first i can play with her but after i'm done i'm gonna grab the trash bag and then start looking for trash along the bank here you can often see people hanging over the railing having a good time or whatever and sometimes trash things up in there so i'm gonna pick up fishing lures cans all that cool stuff and maybe i'll get lucky and find like an iphone or something cool like that so let's get at it all right i'm out of breath she's gonna have a good time today i'm gonna go grab my trash bag start picking up trash and hopefully we can find a few good things too i've actually done this in the past and found some good things like a flat screen tv someone dumped in the water some iphones and even some wallets but you know my goal today is just to pick up the area and maybe i'll get lucky i got something oh i gotta rock justin oh i'll save that for later every time hey guys what's cool about the spot is it actually goes from low flow to high flow it actually looks like it's just low right now and it's like drained almost but give it a couple hours this water will go go to high flow it's gonna rise it's just controlled by the dam and but when we hear the alarm go off that means the dam's releasing water and that's when we gotta get out of here and uh but we'll just keep an eye out for treasure we gotta run having a good time all right i found something but it's blue oh i found a spoon awesome i really think we can find some good stuff though yes this looks like an iphone yeah oh it's a fork it really did kind of look like the edge of an iphone easily mistaken yeah easy mistake i love coming down to the river but it can actually be pretty dangerous sometimes and and i got to keep an eye out for treasure just there's just a lot of fishing gear and treasure's actually wrapped up in fishing line right now let me cut this before she starts running hold up come over here okay go go oh gosh she's in more fishing line now treasure come here okay gotta keep an eye out you know try my best to clean it up but there's so much stuff in here look at this dig down there oh gosh all right you keep digging treasure [Music] fishing everywhere this is bad dude what was that this year you're not supposed to do it like that my dog's broken you're supposed to dig with your feet not your nose treasure the police are coming for you she's been bad go run you actually just pointed us out to me need a hand [Laughter] got a monster can get some more fishing line on this island i'm gonna go ahead and get that up before treasure gets tangled got something over here check it out the first fishing that i found today it's not the best but pretty cool all right this island's clean now we're off to the next one right all right we got a fishing bobber we have some help from some people up here and we're gonna see if we get some more cool stuff all right y'all see anything else there's a kid there's something like moving down over this way it's nice having everyone help me out we got the aerial view oh yeah i see it right here we've got a smeared off eye smash all right so we checked a couple islands but we're making our way further down this wall here we've got a couple more islands down there but kind of cool to have a bird's-eye view from these people up here helping me out but let's get to it man hopefully we can find some cool stuff yeah that's disgusting let's go in the trash baby all right we've got something big in the water oh my gosh what is oh this a pike [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just got the big pipe out of the water hop back into the water and i spotted something red right here i think i know what it is yeah it's an old fishing reel cut the fishing line off of this treasure sometimes doesn't like to go across the deep end even though her dad is a scuba diver finds treasure all in the deep stuff she likes to be carried like a princess and carry over the next island i don't see too much right now what we're going to do is actually hop on the jet ski jet ski to a new island and then search there but we did get a lot of trash out of the water and that's always great but i think we're also looking for a little bit of treasure all right guys we have omar here he watches the youtube video thank you so much bud it looks like you're uh you're saving a turtle maybe yep all right so i guess we're gonna let this thing go in the river and so it could live on but that's awesome of you man that's really nice all right all right here we go guys treasure watch out he's coming to you the turtle's going straight to treasure she'll even see it all right turtle's going that way now but that's pretty cool omar thank you so much for saving that turtle man and thank you again for watching the videos have a good day bud i thought i went straight to treasure i thought she was going to die it was like a jaws but with a turtle watch your toes next time dude all right so we searched this entire area picked up a bunch of trash didn't find anything good but treasure and i are going to hop on the jet ski go to a new spot hopefully find something good there there guys we made it got my girlfriend kendall here with me you're gonna watch treasure as i look around too but we're just out here having a good time debbie are you even looking for stuff she's leaving me man i told her to help me out got some kind of piece of metal let's think of the trash can i haven't found anything good yet but i'm thinking in front of the weeds where the main current hits the weeds first could be some good stuff is this is that part to a car we got a sunken car all right try to find treasure right now she's taking a poop not only that we're looking for trash we're keeping our eyes out for snakes as well justin don't get geez man i'm trying to focus i'll be honest with you guys i'm here picking up trash but like in the whole scheme of things this river is getting really clean man this is my hometown so i'm always here picking up stuff and you know dude brandon tristan always teaming up we're doing our best to clean up the area and honestly you don't see too too much trash i remember when we first started there's trash everywhere but now there's not much oh no way dude i found a capri sun oh i love those yeah got some more bottles i got no shoe oh dude that's your size oh my ballet slippers i lost treasure i don't know where she is hey hey bud that's awesome he's just going down with his zipline that would be so cool if you guys could see him in the video like go around if you can see him that was like awesome i found a cell phone battery oh now we just need to find the cell phone yeah now we need to find a phone what's that metal i thought that was a phone i think i found something cool i actually have no clue what it is i found some dyes but oh wait i think that might be an old lighter i don't know but i've never seen something like that before if you guys know what that is let me know in the comments but dice stacked up on top of each other with a hole right there i just found two pretty cool things i just found a shotgun it's broken it would've been way cooler if it was real and then i found an old wallet it looks like the wallet doesn't have anything inside of it a lot of these wallets that i find i guarantee are from people who raw people and then they throw their wallet into the river to get rid of it but it is what it is you know found a wallet and if there was information in here i'd give it back to him but there isn't so we'll just throw it away yeah get a treasure get it find it dig it dig it dig it [Laughter] what you digging for huh are you trying to hide something gold you got gold down there i'll help you come on come on let's go help me find the gold treasure oh gosh we're wore out she's gonna be dead tonight that's for sure we're coming up to an end here i was actually searching these steps here and you guys are not going to believe what i freaking found man check it out i found an apple ipad i've never found one in my entire life before but when you turn it over there's some cracks on the screen here and some scratches but it looks like it's been in the water for a few days at least but it's from georgia state university but uh man it's freaking cool we're gonna try to save it but i doubt it's gonna be worth anything i'm just gonna put in some rice see if it charges up but i doubt it man but pretty cool to find an apple ipad and all the other trash was just you know just icing on top of it but that's my best friend of the day over there you found an iphone dude this girl is the next river treasure hunter i don't know her but she's a fan of the videos i walked by and said hey but can i see this check this out man i don't know what kind of iphone that is but all destroyed i actually found this right here the apple ipad i found that one right here where'd you find the phone uh over there where we're at oh wow that's pretty cool check that out that's a nice one great fun all right so i just threw away the trash but if you're here in my hometown they actually have trash bags like these mesh bags for you to grab and pick up trash around the area as well you know i'm just one person but if we had 20 or 30 or 40 people come down here and pick up trash this place would just be spotless i encourage you guys to pick up a bag no matter where you're at in the world and just start picking up some trash you know take the initiative and you guys can clean the environment a little bit better as well and then once you're done with the bag just go ahead put it back on here and carry on with the day all right guys i hope you enjoyed today's youtube video if you guys did make sure you guys leave this video big thumbs up and also don't forget to subscribe if you guys are new i had a great time hanging out here with treasure as well if you enjoyed the vr content let me know in the comment section below with that said thank you guys again so much for watching we picked up a lot of trash had a good time and i can't wait for the next adventure i'll see y'all next time
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 17,679,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, VR180, river treasure finds, found iphone, found iphone underwater, found iphone in river, found phone in river, found phone underwater, found ipad, found ipad underwater, searching for river treasure, best river treasure finds, unbelivebale finds, returned to owner, scuba diving, dallmyd, drained river, found in river, found in the river, river finds, collecting, swimming, underwater, searching, fishing, exporing, jetski, german shepard, dog, animals, iphone
Id: F11XRuHml-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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