My Daily Japanese Grocery Haul πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅

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[Music] welcome to a Japanese Supermarket today I'm going to be taking you along to my grocery shopping and I have a lot to buy today so let's get to it once you get inside you'll always find these baskets and you'll put it inside the trolley like so I'm looking for ingredients to make a miso soup an udon dish a matcha dessert a juice as well as my dinner a tofu based dish one of the first things I making is a miso soup so I need to collect all those ingredients it'll include things like miso paste as well as veggies and tofu one of the best sections to check out is the tofu aisle because Japan being Japan has so much tofu and there's so much variety and different prices but one of my favorites is basically Morman tofu which means it's like firm buy them like in this size but it's definitely not as firm as like foreign tofu unfortunately I had no idea where the firmest tofu was so I asked the staff and they found it for me I've never seen this before in person or found it so I'm very excited to try it out because all the recipes I like require really firm tofu so called at a so it's kind of like deep fried tofu but when you put it inside miso soup it is so good so I'm going to grab one of these for 130 in there are even things like peanuts tofu tofu noodles as well as tofu desserts like onion dofu and puddings now it's time to move on to the veggie section these strawberries are about 500 yen so whenever I buy strawberries I'm always like I got to make sure they're perfect so I check the back and they're looking pretty decent so I'm going to get myself one broccoli is3 Yen for one of these which is pretty expensive celery is not too bad 124 Yen for a big stick and you'll find lots of these pre-cut salads so ready to go but also like pre- sliced cabbage and this is I mean 200 yen for that isn't bad but these salads are just so small like 100 yen and it's tiny it's good for on the go and you'll often have these like dressings as well of greens there are so many like I don't know half of them like this is called mizba I think and they're all really reasonably priced like always under 300 y usually between 100 to 200 and of course we have spinach H Daner and if you've ever lived in Japan you'll probably mix up H Daner with Kat cuz they look very similar but the nutritional benefits are different between the two I believe hanser is still better these Tomatoes actually aren't that expensive so 360n for a little box I've never seen this box before I've never seen this before look how cute the writing is oh my gosh it's tiny though for 160 Yen or 70 Yen with tax just this tiny little amount of herbs I need some speint for a juice I'm going to make so I'm going to grab this although this is so small for my juice I need two cucumbers and they're 73 Yen each they're kind of small though so for daon they have this giant thing for 180 y but I I can never finish that much I just want a small size I hope there's a smaller one can't find anything other than this size so it's going to have to be this this this feels like it weighs like a killo just kidding I found an even bigger di which is so big but onions they're only selling this giant bag for 300 Yen I don't really want to have six or five onions trip to a supermarket is complete without one of these giant Negi sticks which is spring onion very anime yeah know and I'm just going to get one of these because these are more affordable Naga Negi these mushrooms are only 130 Yen so that's not bad although it only contains like five another dish I need to have lettuce because I'm going to make kind of like wraps so you put all the meat which for me is going to be soy meat or tofu meat and then wrap it in the lettuce so I need to get a big lettuce leash for regular lettuce it's about 250m but this is a really soft it's not iceberg lettuce and so it's not really good for this recipe and then they always have this sunny lettuce which it's fine I don't think it tastes particularly good and I don't like how it's all like brown at the top so this one's called pituu and I don't know what that is but it looks like it would work well for my dish so I'm going to grabb this for 170 Y and another one which says for Yaki niku which should be exactly what I want another common area in supermarkets is the wagashi section AKA Japanese sweets this is like Yi Dango I guess Mochi this is one of my favorite whatab be moochi packs I might actually get one I haven't had one in ages other section is all these pre-made Foods so you'll find things like pre-made salads as well as like little Bento boxes one of my favorite are is the dairy section unfortunately the most expensive section too so I'm not going to spend too much today cuz my wallet already hates me next thing I need is some Greek yogurt which I live on but it's quite expensive here it's 462 Yen for 350 g o that hurts I usually love healthy recipes and all of them include Greek yogurt so I'm consuming this so much it's just what it is my other go to is this brand it's just like plain white yogurt the most popular brand is this one here which tastes so bad I don't know why it's so popular I hate it I've noticed a recent boom in alternative milks here in Japan oat milk of course soy milk has been big and there's even soy yogurt nowadays and you'll find tofu vegan cheese everywhere [Music] too supermarkets in Japan actually don't fit on one floor so you have to go up two floors and I've got my bag and I'm going up I'll often see huge promotions in supermarkets there was a huge one going for this giant dessert and then a cup noodle section there was so many and they had the cup noodle Ambassador out as well I think it was for a new meat flavor there's some promotion for Super Mario where if you buy a certain number of these santory drinks you can get this box that's so cute time to hit the spices in condiments aisle shichimi which is one of the Japanese spices it includes seven different ones I recommend this one it's one of the better Brands it's a bit pricey but it'll last a long time unless you're decking everything out and shim get it in this little can so the other one was like a refill same price and they also have like different ones from kilal I actually got this as a present for a friend recently and this one's a lot pricier 700 Yen if you're living in Japan you're probably going to experience cooking with miso but I actually waited years before I did because I was just so intimidated by it I don't know why it's just something we don't really use in Australia so I recently bought one and there's so many options there's like white miso red miso organic miso so I'm going to try it today in the video and cook a miso soup and I've already got one of these and it lasts a long time and no oh oh that's right I'm making miso Ramen as well so I'll get to use my miso twice today depending on which type you go for the price varies quite greatly so this is 500 yen and then this one is 1,000 yen and we've got 350 Yen and all the flavors really change depending on what you get and the ingredients are different too so I don't really want dashy inside mine so I try and get one that's just the Miso so if you see this sign that means it's organic one big thing here is something called GMA abura which is sesame seed oil and I absolutely love it it's so addictive and there's two types you can buy here there's one that's a healthy variety and it has zero cholesterol so I always pick that up and this is surprisingly expensive this is 400 Yen 430 for this bottle so I'm going to grab that and as of about last year everything has increased so much in price and now they have olive oil on sale for like almost double what it used to be so it's very painful because I cook exclusively with olive oil especially the hard cold pressed I think that's what it is so yeah it's very pricey I try and buy it when there's a sale on olive oil so 1,000 yen for about 456 g one of my favorite aisles is the snack one of course and if you guys want to try Japanese snacks from the comfort of your own home check out Tokyo treat the sponsor of today's video Tokyo treat is a monthly pop Japanese subscription snack box with up to 20 treats inside featuring lots of limited edition stuff seasonal things and each month the theme changes so let's see what it is this time it is a ninja snack Adventure so each time you order the box you'll get a booklet and they put so much detail into it including all the dietary information as well as stories about Japanese culture and history the cool thing about this month is there was some Ninja themed Goods like a katana candy blade I'm a dangerous person now I can't go walking out on the streets of Japan with this each month it comes with a drink inside and this time it's from Al mod which is famous for their apples so of course it's an Al Ringo juice M that's so fruity I found some cup noodles inside so I'm going to quickly make these and start slurping be back in a moment oh this Kani here says Karai which means spicy so I'm scared for my life oh it's a little spicy this is actually my level of spice it's perfect for me if you guys also want to experience all these snacks check my link down below and use the coupon code sarahan for a discount at checkout all right let's get back to the video one of my favorite recent discoveries at the supermarket here is something called T and so essentially it's likeu which you use it's like a spicy sauce you have with GZA it's in this jar and it's only 375 Yen and it's so addictive I add it on Rice I add it to like noodle dishes I add it to so much and I love it I am going to get this cuz I already ran out of one that I bought a couple of weeks ago and it's going to go in my udon main meal today one of my absolute favorite places in the supermarket is always this discount corner and here today they have all sorts of things they even have some Milo cafe latte like base and you can always find like some anime items I always see these kinds of like little chocolate knickknacks and there's like a little gift inside but I pick up like randomly really cool things here and there's a lot of Foreign imports cuz I think they import it thinking the Japanese will buy it but then they're not that interested so there's people like me buying it i' ever lived in Japan during the summer you'll know that sikaa is a huge thing here it's an icy pole in the shape of watermelon and it's so addictive it's got like these choc chips inside and at the supermarket you can actually buy this box which has two varieties it's got like a melon as well as just like the watermelon and I love it the tip is they don't even sell the watermelon bar at the convenient the supermarket gets it early so I'm going to grab this and enjoy it my favorite way to store noodles as in udon and SAA is actually the frozen ones because they taste just as good as like the fresh ones in my opinion especially considering how cheap they are so for a bag like this which contains five packets of udon is 398 Yen if you want to buy some readymade things they have things like this which is kits in a udon and it looks like it's got two packs inside so for 800 Yen you've got that as well alternative is of course just buying the dry ones but I feel like they're not as chewy 228 Yen but I don't think they're as cheap as buying the Frozen udon packs it's not possible to live in Japan and not be a tea lover so let's check out the tea aisle so they also sell matcha at the supermarkets here and it's not particularly cheap but I think it's cheap for mucho so 800 Yen for this as well as all types of green tea and some really beautiful packaging I love the way they package tea here like look at this just as there is overseas Japan has its foreign aisle and in this particular Supermarket it's called the Chinese aisle and so we've got a lot of Asian spices and noodles and I'm picking up coconut milk because I'm going to make a type of dessert it was in the recipe I've never I don't really buy coconut milk so I'm curious how it will turn out you can also find things like Sriracha which is so popular in Japan which I didn't know about until I moved to Japan as well as the Korean spice gotu Jang you can find that here and I'm addicted to this I use this all the time my cooking and it's Western St cooking you just put it in pasta all sorts of things I love it one thing I've seen now that it's almost summertime is fireworks and I can't believe they sell that at the supermarket here I'm excited because I actually have a kit from last year I didn't get to finish using and hopefully fireworks don't expire 650 Yen for this pack but one pack here is also 400 Yen so it's definitely affordable and of course there's a bigger one like this giant one which is 1,000 I think I got everything I was looking for so it's time to check out and pay and head home and do some cooking this is everything I got in my grocery haul there's not too much actually and it wasn't as expensive I paid about 4,400 Yen for everything here because I had a few of the ingredients and sauces already at home so if you had those in it probably was an extra 2,000 Yen so I have a lot of veggies I have this giant dyon which I wouldn't normally get and I did find a smaller size but I thought it was fun for you guys to see like this giant radish the lettuce cucumbers a giant Nei I lost part of it in my bag my only fruit which are strawberries my tiny amount of spearm mint it is so small tofu Greek yogurt coconut milk brown mushrooms sober tea oh and another type of tofu I got the extra THM one healthy GMA abura Wabi moochi and watermelon bars that's everything for lunch I'm going to be making miso udon and it is a really simple dish it takes about 10 minutes to complete what we're going to need for this recipe is bring onion a pack of udon coriander miso T shimi soy sauce vinegar sesame oil I believe the maple syrup as well as mid and we're going to start by chopping our spring onion so let's get to it first what needs to be done is that I need to have the greens from the spring onion separate from the whites cuz it's going to be used different topping wise and I've actually improved my knife technique since a year ago when I got this knife it's still nowhere near good but it's better I think I'm holding it properly I find it really hard to do this finally but do it as best as you can once you've chopped it up put it into bowls and we're going to go back to this later the next task is making the soup for the flavoring the broth and so I'm going to add some soy sauce as well as my G AB next we have some maple syrup and I find that in a lot of the Asian dishes I cook maple syrup has a really good flavor it's like a nice rich kind of sweetness some mirin add our shimy as well starting to smell really good we're going to only add the white part of the spring onion into the broth I'm going to save the green part for the topping can't forget the miso paste careful when you add the miso paste because I made this twice now the first time I made it I thought wow this tastes amazing I'm going to add more miso the second time but then it was too much miso so you got to be careful to not overdo it cuz miso is quite strong and salty chop up some coriander which we'll use later as a topping too once the water's boiling you can pop your UD on in and I think this is good enough so I'm going to pop it in now woo because it's frozen UD on it's going to take a while to cook but if you buy the fresh packets it would be pretty fast I let it cook for about 1 to 2 minutes once you put the ud on or your choice of noodles because you can actually use Ramen for this I totally forgot that I was going to do Ramen and I love udon so much so it's fine either way for me mix it up and then we're going to actually add hot water to make it a broth now for the fun part we get to do toppings my favorite part I added in the green onions the coriander I added some seaweed it's Korean seaweed sesame seeds and my Tabu as well as a boiled egg Tada usually I can't make my food look aesthetic at all but this one is just so simple you just put things on the side Jazz it up that's so tasty I did the Miso flavor really well this time not too much not too little oh yeah I love love love the flavor of that t value like if you've never tried it before please do yourself a favor get it I was very satisfied after eating this and demolish the plate so it's on to the next dish the next thing I'll be making today is a matcha tiramisu chia seed pudding I saw this on Instagram and it looks so delicious and it's full of protein so let's give it a go and while I'm doing that I'm going to enjoy my lovely Ichigo Japanese strawberries what you'll need is matcha powder chia seeds maple syrup and coconut milk and Greek yogurt that's it I never use coconut milk so I'm a little not sure how this will go start by adding 1 cup of coconut milk then we're going to add A3 of a cup chia seeds I did not measure and I regret this immensely later I have some really special mcha I bought it in Kil and it's from kurasu which I recently showcased in a cafe video and we're going to add one to 2 tspoons of mcha and please sift it unlike me and then add your maple syrup and mix well after that I'm going to leave it in the fridge to set overnight and then tomorrow I'll be able to make my little snack I left the matcha chia seed mix overnight and I actually didn't put enough of that coconut milk in so it was so firm and I had to add a bunch of almond milk to kind of make it a little more wet and liquidy so I've been doing that and now it's reached a really nice texture the first base layer is going to be the Chia seed mix I recommend putting it in one of these clear glasses because then you can see it really nicely the next layer is going to be the Greek yogurt I'm going to be honest this Greek yogurt that I bought this time isn't as nice as the one I regular get it's very sour I just tasted it it's not quite what I would look for when doing this dessert so I know what to buy next time the Chia seed tastes really good with the mcha flavor and the coconut milk but the yogurt I bought is just so sour I'm so sad overall not bad but I think I can improve this next time I make it next I want to make something called a cucumber juice I've never made this before but I saw it on Instagram and it was very intriguing so I'm going to give it a go all you need are two cucumbers a lemon as well as some sparkling lemon water I'm just going to slice it just so it's easier to blend so it doesn't need to be perfect also going to use half a lemon [Music] now it's time for me to blend now I'm essentially just straining it and getting all the juice out and I've never done this before except for when I make satii because then you want to remove a lot of this but I've never kept like the actual juice part so this is kind of interesting I put a bit of ice into this cup and now it's just like a shot so here we have it a cucumber juice M this is really good I think I could start making this regularly Japanese summers are so hot so something like this is the perfect way to just kind of survive overall really like that and I'll be making it again in future for dinner I'm going to be having some vegan tofu minc lettuce wraps and I am so obsessed with them I made them the other week and for this recipe you need lettuce to wrap at the end as well as as therm tofur as you can find some mushrooms as well as a green capsican Ginger garlic and we're going to make a sauce and I'm missing one key ingredient to this sauce it's a hoene sauce but I could not find it for the life of me in Japan so it's a little different to what it's meant to be but I've got some soy sauce vinegar sesame oil as well as Sriracha first things first I'm going to remove as much liquid as I can from this tofu and there are a number of ways of doing this like microwaving it freezing it but I'm just going to press it out and this is the first time I've actually used this kind of firm tofu in Japan like it is so hard to come by I've got myself a bowl and I'm just going to place the tofu inside and kind of like break it together with my hands now that the mixture is ready I'm going to start cooking it in the fry pan all you need is a little bit of oil finally chop the capsican and then finally chop the mushrooms then you're going to add it to the bowl and mix it with the tofu mix it really well now we're going to start cooking on a low to medium heat and then working on the sauce we're going to finally chop the garlic as well as the ginger and then we're going to add the rice vinegar soy sauce sesame seed oil and a dollop of shacha and then mix this well Sriracha is so popular in Japan now you see vending machine setting this stuff crazy if you ask me added a little bit of water to the sauce it's time to just Chuck it in there the next thing I want to try making is M do Fu so that's my next challenge maybe my next food video my of it it's ready and I've washed all the lettuce leaves and it's time to just put some of the mixture inside and enjoy it I just realized I forgot something a topping for this is crushed peanuts I have some let me quickly get it roasted crushed peanuts are a must for this so you put them on top and I've also decided to add some coriander it's a bit messy to eat oh my gosh the combination of the spicy juicy tofu mixture and the fresh lettuce is just so amazing the harmony I love it as well as the crispy kind of crunchy peanuts and the coriander I think you'd be hard pressed finding someone who doesn't like this dish all right on to my last meal to cook good morning it is time to make some miso soup and I'm actually not very experienced but I'm excited because usually I only ever have it when I go to hotels or I'm in Japanese restaurants and it's quite versatile miso soup so you can add in whatever veggies you want but of course the core thing is to have miso my fresh daon which is a Japanese radish and look how big it is I feel like an animal crossing player I just pull it out of the ground and then I have my leftover Nei from yesterday as well as some a I get atag atag yeah so this is like deep fried tofu it's thick and it absorbs all the flavor of the soup so I absolutely love it and I'm just going to chop these into like bite-sized pieces and Chuck them all in there with some hot water so let's get to it the next step is the at a and it looks like this so this is really fun to chop I find it really easy just super smooth next up is the daon daon is something that I didn't really eat until I moved to Japan but it's so so tasty I'm just going to make it really small the water is right before boiling point so I'm going to add in in my spoonful of miso and this amount is very uh tikto and tikto in Japanese means like not precise and usually when you make miso soup a lot of people add dashy which is Japanese fish stock but I prefer not to wakame is also another thing that's commonly added but I don't really like the flavor of it so I'm not putting it in so this is a very plain miso soup but I like plain things so judge me all you like once the miso paste has dissolved then you can add in your daon as well as your soy sauce and then add in the green onions and let it simmer on a low heat but not boiling for a while and you can cover with a lid no Japanese breakfast is complete without a knuckle oh that tastes so nice feels like a grandmother has made this and served it to me and I'm in the mountains of Japan this miso soup was so easy to make and I'm going to keep making it from now on so let me know if you guys try it out that was my grocery haul what did you think let me know down below subscribe and like for more and see you next time bye
Channel: seerasan
Views: 73,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japan Life, Japan Travel, seerasan
Id: _iIJuM9HyjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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