Baseball in Japan is Incredible! ⚾️ πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅

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today I'm here to experience my first baseball game ever here in cor Japan let's [Music] go I've actually traveled from Tokyo just for this game because it's kosian 100th anniversary and they invited me here to celebrate and today it's going to be hunin Tigers versus y cult swallows and I am so excited to check out a baseball game because I've heard the Japanese go absolutely nuts for baseball here I've gone all out today I have dressed up in the hunen Tiger's uniform because now I'm a true fan and I need to support my team and apparently there's lots of shops here so I'm going to check out if there's other merchandise cuz apparently this is the female uniform but uh yeah I want to see what else they got there are tons of shops around the stadium and I'm just going to check out this one but there's a really big one towards the station as well let's go inside it honestly almost feels like a theme park like they have these really cute tiger headbands this is like what they have at Disneyland and usj here in Japan they have like uni they have food they have like accessories it's honestly overwhelming how much I wouldn't know what to get I'm just walking around the stadium right now and literally everything is themed it's awesome they have all these like Signs because it's the 100th anniversary so it's really fun just walking around taking it all in I can see how passionate the Japanese are about baseball and I've just arrived even on the other side so many posters lining up and there's like really nice like anime style artwork just like every Sports Anime in Japan these baseball ones are really popular here I I haven't actually got to watch it yet but there's one called ace of diamonds and I do need to check it out maybe this will ignite my baseball Passion by the way the stadium is super close to Kosen station and it's only a 3-minute walk to the stadium I've actually come really early today because they have a stadium tour and if you pay 2,000 Yen you get to actually go in before the game and see the players practicing and warming up and then later in the day I'm going to go check out the museum so let's do this I'm so hyped got my tour participation lanard let's go for the tour you get to see the Press area where the players are interviewed as well as seeing the bullpen the staff will explain information about the history of the stadium and that it used to actually be used as a swimming pool and then we'll head outside so on the tour we've been taken out to the stadium and we get to sit down and get a view of the players practicing it's really cool today it's hunching tigers and your cult and the opponents are coming on to bat and warm up it's pretty much a private viewing because no one's here yet having lived in Japan there's actually one baseball player that I've heard of before and it's shaani and he is so big in America right now at the moment and globally because he is the best player and his baseball Mitten is here and it was actually from when he played at the high school tournament here at kosian stadium so this is a huge part of history and it's cool to see it here in person so if you come and visit check it out it's really cool they actually have a manga area where they're featuring all the baseball themed manga and I was actually asking which is the most popular here in Japan and it seems to be Ace of Diamond I think that's the same case overseas as well feels like I've entered inside the manga panels they're featuring quite a few there must be heaps of baseball manga this because like baseball is so big here I wonder how many professional baseball players really like started their interest in baseball from like AER or anime very very awesome so when you come to the museum here you can actually see tons of signed baseballs by famous people in Japan there's also a few foreign people who have come like BTS they've got two signatures it's just really cool to see all these people come and appreciate baseball but then of course they have things signed by actual baseball players too so I'm excited because I've heard that there's some pretty special items here that have been collected so let's keep exploring one thing I learned about baseball is that they are really big on it since high school and like Primary School we have a massive tournament here at koshen every year that's really prestigious and high school players come here to try and perform and win so this whole area is actually dedicated to all the high school tournaments over the years so it actually started early in the 1900s and of course it's been continued today because this is a crucial part of their careers here in Japan like it kickstarts so many of them and yeah you can see all the history just collected here and they have all the jerseys which are really cool they're all very different this is kind of the culture we don't have back in Australia like high school sport isn't considered good it's just like average but yeah it's a completely different world here oh there's Ko's uniform I recognize KO they have a high school and a university there's also an exhibition for the hunchin tiger team you can see all the memorabilia try on baseball gloves and get hyped to support the team right before the game I just got my ticket and we're about to go inside I wonder where our seats will be 30 minutes until the game starts and it is packed now this is a week day and there are so many people and people are lining up to buy tickets on the day but they are going to be waiting at least 20 minutes or so there's so many people inside now and it's so exciting oh my God it's actually pretty packed and we still have another 15 minutes till I about to say kickoff what is it what is it what are the baseball terms I don't know until first throw here's my seat I've got a really good overview of the entire like field and we got really nice clear weather and I can smell all these amazing Foods I actually haven't had lunch yet so I'm very excited to try some of the most famous Foods they have here but I'll try and focus on the game for a bit and then attend to my stomach oh by the way I brought something hold on a second I am so prepared to grot for my new team hunching tigers and I've heard they have some chance so I'm going to try and learn as much as I can to really like soak in that atmosphere and support the team the team I also got a towel that I'll put around here it's not summer so I'm not going to sweat but I have all the goods to support the team before the game starts I wanted to quickly come down to the bottom and check out the mascots of clothes the hunchin tiger mascot so cute if you wave to them they'll wave back and like pose one of them blew me a kiss it's really cute I'm actually impressed at the speed they pitch at I didn't think it would be that fast like I know it's fast but like seeing it in person you can just see how impressive it is they've already got some trumpets playing in the sounds I think that must be from like the supporter side they're on the other side of the stadium but I can hear them so right now they're singing the lyrics for one of the athlet called Sheldon so this is his own song I can't believe they have their own lyrics for every single player [Applause] wo I just heard all the Japanese people saying hash there which means run for a weekday the turnout is so impressive too like there's a few free seats around me but honestly the stadium is almost half full so this is my first baseball game ever right and I didn't really know what to expect because when you play when you go and watch things like football soccer or rugby they don't really have all these animations and sounds happening all the time but here in baseball after every ball is hit there's some sort of like animation playing on the screen or like announcement or noises so it's interesting taking all that in so so apparently the girls who go around they're called udor which is basically girls who sell it's kind of a weird name but uh yeah so if you see udor around you can just be like hi put your hand up and they'll come and serve [Music] you okay I got my bear come by guys this is the true way to enjoy baseball so for a big beer like this it's just 750m also can you hear the chanting everyone is in the spirit there's another lady going past me right now they come around so frequently you really don't have to worry about missing them they're here every minute I actually just bought some more nuts from the um ladies who run around and I noticed they have these knee pads on and I was like is it a fashion accessory but then I looked more closely and because they're kneeling down every time they serve customers it's basically essential so I asked her and she was like yeah we really need it cuz it's painful and I'm like wow you guys work hard in the cold in skirts and then also like all the endurance and like energy it's crazy this is kako T and nuts woo I got a lot of them and they got some like coating but it's from K area tastes like okonomiyaki sauce if you want to grab food that is other than the stuff that the women are running around with you can come down here to where the stadium has like all these shops there are literally so many food options here if you walk around the stadium they have like churos pizza Ramen sushi so much to choose from I'm also just wondering if there's something else I want they do have ice cream and desserts after drinking my beer I was like I need some snacks and KAG is something that's really popular here and I can see why it's just like a really easy to eat thing so they I find in Japan compared to in Australia the food at the stadium is way more affordable and reasonably priced so don't worry about that I wonder what it's like in America like is game food like cheap actually wanted to try all the food they have so I also have a Yaki M yum by the way these all go really well with beer so another popular food here is the Yaki soar Yaki soar is basically like a noodle dish and it's got like a sauce coating it I love yaka I actually have one more famous dish to show you that they have here that I'm very looking forward to it's Curry so this is kian's curry and it actually has been around since the stadium opened a 100 years ago so this is a 100-year-old recipe that is still popular to this day this tastes so good when you think of Japanese Curry this is exactly what I think of so they've nailed that classic flavor I guess it's been around for 100 years so they've had a lot of time to perfect it so Rocky works at Tokyo creative and he's here with me um yeah and he's been very supportive to the team I'm from Osa and hin tigers is my dream team my favorite team come about it we don't know which team is going to win get two more rounds and we'll find out [Applause] the fans the supporters are not impressed the guy behind me is not having a good day so basically um your Cults always always have have a comeback and now they're even with the hunch and tiger so things are getting interesting we're literally doing this all day the hitting the Batters I respect the [Applause] dedication okay we lost but we put in a good effort yeah yeah it was good it was a good game I respect and everyone gets up immediately and starts leaving the winning team supporters will stay for like another 30 minutes to an hour hour after the game has um finished so all of the uh hunch and tiger people have left but because the swallows won they're going to be there just keep cheering sooy they're very passionate so I ran into my friend and he was here supporting W with his friends hey so bye they actually have an area here where you can practice your batting so I'm going to give that a go don't judge me I'm not going to be amazing you have to stay out there cuz it's dangerous all right let's go yay it's actually really fun I want to get a home run y h time for some pitching so that was my baseball experience here in Japan it was my first time I honestly had a blast that I recommend it if you are ever visiting and now I can say I'm a hunchin supporter so see you at the next hunchin game bye guys guys
Channel: seerasan
Views: 206,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japan Life, Japan Travel, seerasan, baseball, baseball japan
Id: 5wPsFChMvtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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