6 Japanese Stores to go Shopping in TOKYO 🛍️

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[Music] let's go shopping in Tokyo I'm going to take you to six stores that I think you should check out next time you're shopping around Tokyo let's get started in Shinjuku today my shopping brings me to Shinjuku which is filled with lots of shops and I've already got one in mine so I'm going to take you guys there also all the lights are up so it's feeling really festive and definitely a good time of year to go shopping if you're looking to buy Electronics in Japan you're probably going to end up at either big camera or yashi camera and right behind me is yashi one of the major like Electronics chains here and this place is insanely loud and colorful and bright like the LED lights in there are just like next level so I'm going to go inside and see if I can find a pair of headphones because I've been searching for them but I also want to see if I can haggle because I don't have a lot of money on me so let's go inside one thing I want to mention quickly actually before going in is that they've got a bunch of gcha gcha capture machines outside the front which is pretty cool I've walked past here before but I've never actually done them so if you want to try them out this is a really convenient location in this one room alone there are probably about 20 screens going off like what is this Mayhem and Madness is about the new Spider-Man you can try but this is just so overwhelming like I wouldn't want to stay in here more than a minute ah they're decked out with lots of cool game accessories for the switch I didn't realize they sold so many official Goods here but honestly it is so loud wherever I go so I'm going to keep moving on I'm actually here to buy headphones so I got to figure out which floor they are on maybe floor number three the only quiet I'm getting is in this elevator and as soon as these doors behind me open I'm sure it is going to be yelling at me [Music] again oh not as bad on this floor this floor is actually a lot quieter but it has nothing that I need it was just a bunch of like toys and figurines and collector items but I'm here for headphones turns out if you do come to this um Yash camera there's actually two sides this side that I first entered was for hobbies and games and cameras and then the one behind me here on the other side is a little more like wide variety so they've got Interior Furniture as well as headphones so I'm going to the seventh floor let's go it's always quite overwhelming shopping here not because of just the sounds and the lights it's just like there's so much text written everywhere and I don't know what I'm doing it doesn't matter how good my Japanese gets I feel like this place will always be like a whole challenge okay in we [Music] go I'm not sure I've been looking at the Sony XM 4S and fives and I'm on the fence about which one to get and they're still not that cheap in Japan in Australia whenever I shop I usually go to a place called JB highi and I'm so good at haggling there but Japan I tried it once and it didn't really get me anywhere I saved 1,000 yen and I still had to download an app and go through this whole sign up procedure but I want to see if I can improve my uh savings and see if I can save a bit here or at least like price match because price matching you can do at these electronic stores but they're not as generous as [Music] overseas I just asked if they could match with Amazon and he said he's going to check so that would be actually a saving about 4,000 Yen pretty good for Japan I'll see what he says he's going to come back and update me well waiting I tested out the headphones a bit more and then he came back and let me know how it went unfortunate for me turns out they could barely reduced the price it was about 3 or 4,000 Yen and it's $100 more than the cheapest price on Amazon so I had to say no I haven't had much luck getting good deals in Japan for technology like it's way more expensive here I don't know what it is maybe next time I'll have better luck this might just be window shopping here but this is beams Japan and they sell lots of traditional crafts and Japanese style items from all across the country and they really focus on like the artisanal Arts from different prefectures and I love it so much since I'm going home to Australia soon I might pick up some souvenir like I did last year I bought actually quite a few things including a pair of gloves for myself so we'll see what there is today but it's really expensive so we'll see maybe just window shopping this place is actually huge they have several floors and starting on the bottom floor they have lots of seasonal things like here all these mandarins but then they have little little funny keychains and and then you can find cups and then if you keep going upstairs you'll find different items but you really just have to pop into the store and see if anything sticks out to you and maybe you'll buy it and come home with it in the past I've bought things like soap glove keychains and [Music] accessories right now I'm shopping at a popup for a really popular character here in Japan called mofu San and it's basically this cat that dresses up in all sorts of unique outfits like there's a shark cat there's like a prawn cat there's like literally everything and so it has been really popular ever since I think last year and I actually have to buy a secret Santa gift for my friend and she is obsessed with this character and she actually got me once from a crane game so I'm going to try and find something here within 2,000 yen to give her so let's see what they have and it's a pop-up so there's lots of exclusives this is in Shinju for about a month and a half there's also a physical store for this character in Tokyo Station it's like in the character street so if you miss this popup you can check that out [Music] my favorite variety of the mof sand is actually the bread cat because he's got like a piece of toast like for his head I actually own the um that plushy because she gave it to me so I'm going to find something good I'm thinking like of getting her some slippers because they're really reasonably priced and then I could get that plus one more small thing so it's like two for the 2,000 ym budget pretty good and also I know she wears slippers at home so it'll be perfect they have a bunch of really cute stickers here too and they're only 300 Yen so that's probably the perfect combination and some of them are like limited edition like there's a Santa Cat one hold on like this but then they've also got like Japanese um sayings on it like this one's very popular there's only three left it's like fuku Koi Koi so like basically bring luck to me and he's like reaching out his pool oh so cute and I might get actually one of these for my Aussie friend cuz she has a cat and she's really big on cats so might be a good little souvenir there is an overwhelming amount of goods here but they're all so cute and when I was buying my items I noticed they had a mofu sand credit card you could apply for as well as other ones that's pretty cool very Japan right now I'm at a place called Tanuki studio and it was actually a bit of a train ride out here because it's in an area that's a little more separated from Tokyo and there are lots of wild Tanuki which are these Japanese raccoon dogs and they have the cutest designs here there's like this little raccoon face I actually got invited here to pick out a few items and this isn't paid but I thought this was a Cool brand Worth showing and very Kawaii so let's get into it we've got two main types of logos here the first one is like the fullon face of the raccoon and then there's another one where it's like kind of on the side like this and I personally like the full-on face one cuz it's just so cute when you visit Japan and you want to try on cloves in a store they're going to give you this and it might look like a plastic bag or something but it's actually a piece of fabric to protect the clothing and you got to put it over your face like this then after that you got to grab your cloes and try it on it's mainly because a lot of people here like coat on they coat on their foundation and like makeup see I already lost it inside my hoodie here is the bad boy Mr Tom nuk and I also used to call him Tom nuk and I didn't realize was wrong and Emma's like it's Tom Nook so yeah color the gloves they have are so cute but I actually have a wool allergy so I can't wear any of them and they also have the cutest scarf it's so sad why was I born with this but for the people who can I recommend it okay I feel like I need to get this oh my god this is my favorite thing ever what you y this purple one is awesome too I just have like such a huge collection of beanies oh this is cute this would be nice in the summer the otashi style of Japanese hospitality is amazing they'll fold it so neatly and then they even gave me some stickers to go with what I got and they're very sweet and they walked me to the door and gave me my items when visiting Japan checking out Muji which is a lifestyle store is a must they have it actually in Australia in lots of places like Melbourne Sydney I go here all the the time to buy lots of stuff and I'm looking for something in particular today so let's see if I can find it one of my absolute favorite Muji purchases is the suitcase now I travel so much for work that I needed to buy all sorts of sizes and the reason why I recommend them is because they have this stopper built inside them where if you're on the train it won't move around and it also looks just classy simple and it fits it's just like very functional as well so I recommend it it is a little pricey but if you bought a lot of souvenir in Japan or you what you're running around all the time like me get yourself one also like convince so many friends to buy it and they're like yes it's so good if you're looking to decorate your place here in Japan or back home I recommend getting all your HomeGoods here too I recently bought a pillow from here I've also got like a blanket for my futon and I've got a bed sheet also my pillow sheet so they have a lot of good stuff for your bedroom it's honestly so helpful even when I travel there's like I'd say like I'd say a good 30 % of the things they own are from Muji if you have to pick up anything from Muji it's like their notebooks as well as pens they're literally so good everyone in Japan uses them and I've actually used them through my whole like schooling years especially at University so there's so much you can pick up as well as Pen Cases I plan to work in Japan I also recommend getting the Muji like Mishi holder which is like the business cards it's really cheap it's only 500 yen or you can get cheaper ones that are under 500 like 390 Yen and I did start using this when I moved to Japan but someone was like that's Muji that's cheap you should upgrade but I was like I don't know I don't think it should matter that much but in Japan it does so maybe it's not for you but if you need a backup it is a good option something I have been eyeing from Muji for a long time is this large diffuser I actually owned the small siiz one for about 7 years I bought it in like my first time visiting Japan almost and I've been wanting to upgrade for so long so I'm going to finally do it today because it's so dry here in Japan and this thing is a lifesaver plus you you can put these essential oils inside they have so many different scents some of my favorites are hinoi which is like Japanese wood as well as Yuzu is great and then lavender if you want to relax at night time so I'm going to pick this up it's kind of expensive I think it's about 6,000 but it's going to be my Christmas present to [Music] myself another item I can recommend is muji's eyeliner we actually filmed a video for my company testing out all of muji's makeup range and it's pretty reasonable and it's very cheap too so can recommend and yeah everything's like between 1,000 to 2,000 Yen I found something seasonal here at Muji because it's Christmas time they had these wreaths which are you see them all the time in Japan around New Year's and I think they bring good luck for the new year and I'm going to hang this on my door it's only 690 Yen and it's so beautiful very cool when shopping at Muju you have to check out the snack and food section because they actually have so much amazing stuff and it's all really budget friendly they also have foreign Goods so like if you live here long term and you're looking for something that's a little more like western style you'll probably find it here but I want to show you some of my favorite snacks cuz there's a lot depending on the size of the Muji they have different stock but I couldn't find my regular snack so I'm trying out a new one called Yuzu pepper rice crackers and they have a lot of ready instant made foods which might not sound that good but Muji actually does an amazing job with them so I might show some of my favorites that I recommend and they're often like shown on Japanese TV here be sure to hit up the food section there is honestly so much I've made these tapioca ones before the butter chicken went viral here in Japan as well as the green curry is pretty decent and they have a few veggie options so keep your eyes peeled I actually bought this Rima Masala but I haven't tried it yet it's just been sitting in my food box but the pad Tha is another one you can try they have Nan so lots of foreign imported goods but don't miss out on the frozen section they have some great finds there too I always pick up this caffeine-free corn tea something about it it just tastes so amazing but they have a lot of other drinks here too like teas as well as like fruit juices there's so much to choose from stocked up on so much stuff and I'm ready to hit the counter because I can't carry anymore very happy Muji purchases all right time to hit the next location one of the most Global Japanese brands is probably uniclo and if you haven't heard of it it's basically a fast fashion brand here in Japan that focuses on like higher quality but also at a low price and it is super popular in the winter time with their heat tech or in the summer with their airism which is like a breathing easy clothing but the heat tech keeps you so warm and it's so affordable so I'm going to go try and find some because I don't own enough warm clothes I'm kind of dying cuz Japan's getting really cold so let's check it out you can find Uni across the entire country so if you're in Kanai Soo area Tokyo Hokkaido it's going to be there literally even the tiny neighborhoods so it's really easy and convenient to find and you can also order online of course back in Australia we had a bunch of them too so it's not just in Japan but of course it's cheaper here now really cheap you can get like fleece jackets for 3,000 yen which in USD right now is about what like 20 bucks $15 for these fluffy jumpers I actually own one and I'm I'm going to hold back cuz I actually own a lot of Uno so today I'm just looking for that he Tech Unico is actually really big on collabs so they have one at the moment that's been selling out everywhere which are these socks with Ana hind Mark maybe it's German it sounds almost got these cute little eyes on it I think I might actually grab a pair of these cuz they're so adorable if you're on social media you've probably seen this viral um Satchel bag it sold out all around the world and now they've come out with a Cordo one and I bought myself a white version a month or two back but now that it's winter they've sold out of all the other colors there was a nice brown one which I'm regretting not buying back then cuz this is only 1,500 y That's so cheap if you're a girl and you're looking for the heat tech my tip is actually to go to the mail section cuz the stuff they sell is way better it's way warmer way thicker so I actually go for those and these are the ones that are the warmest like this in these boxes and this is 3,000 yen for one top but it is so warm it's called Ultra War heat tech cuz they've all got different names and it's actually quite confusing so make sure you buy the right one but if you want the warmest one Ultra warm heat tech [Music] mino's payment system is insane because all you have to do is drop your items in this space and then it will automatically calculate it so cool all right guys that was my shopping video here in Tokyo what do you guys think did I miss any shops that you think I should recommend let me know and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: seerasan
Views: 98,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japan Life, Japan Travel, seerasan
Id: aPPU7atJFXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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