My $500 Modern Japanese Apartment Tour | Living in Japan

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[Music] okay welcome to the he welcome to MTV Cribs Japan we're going to be doing an apartment for today so I moved in about a month ago now uh this apartment block is actually brand new they finished building this about 2 months ago and for the price it is you know I think it's a really good value I don't live anywhere like in Central Tokyo I live in Sheba which is the prefecture that's just over from Tokyo but it's very accessible uh there's a train station just down there it's literally like a five it's like a 5 minute walk from here and you can the trains come every 10 minutes and you can get into Central Tokyo in about 30 minutes right so just kind of uh the start you know you got you know standard bike area this is actually uh you know my prized possession which I don't actually use anymore cuz the train station is so close uh this is actually my third apartment that I've been living in since I've been in Japan for the last five or six years now and uh I was always cycling around cuz the station was so far away but you know since it's so close now I never really used it so this delivery box is pretty cool it's pretty common in other countries I assume but you know it's pretty useful delivery drivers can come and just like if you're not in and you have a big pack they can just Chuck it in here um then shut this they can set a pin here lock it and then uh put the pin through your letter box here all right let's head inside I don't actually have a physical key so I just have to use this card key uh to unlock the door it was already it was already open Magic right here we go okay so obviously down here we got the genan area this is where you take your shoes off otherwise bad things happen so this is the uh main kind of living area I suppose you have the the kitchen at here you got the kind of dining room area here as well um all of this stuff here had to be built and bought uh the only thing that really came with the kitchen was this this is a pretty spacious kind of kitchenette area for a Japanese apartment like I said this is a brand new apartment right so um I'm quite lucky to have you know such a a big sink this is pretty rare my old apart was probably about half the size of this so This you want to come around and have a look at this tab is pretty cool it's got like a built-in filter here so you can just press this and that's filtering the water or if you're just doing your standard washing up you can just use that option there okay and this is my fridge where I keep all of my footage um one of my favorite items being natto I don't know if you're familiar with this this is uh fermented soybeans goes really well on rice in fact let's uh let's whip up a plate now [Music] [Music] actually the challeng is trying to figure out which which of the plants in this apartment are real and which are fake um I'll leave that up to you to to the size added table built and bought from Ikea so you got these panels here on the wall right this one here here it's pretty cool you can see who's been knocking at the door it has a camera of the front entrance of the apartment and then you got one downstairs as well um and anytime someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell and you you're not in it will like record the video here bam bam bam oh look there's me when I forgot my key and got locked out okay and then coming over to this next panel this is probably the best part of the apartment in my opinion a lot of modern Japanese Apartments do have this um this is basically for setting the hot water and running the bath and things of that nature right and you know you can just press this on right so you have your uh bath temperature here and the hot water temperature right uh you have these various functionalities so for this one here G you can run the bath automatically from the kitchen which I think is pretty nice you can schedule your bath so if you're going to go out and come back and you know when you're coming back you can schedule when you want your bath to to run I think that's pretty neat this apartment is actually a 2 LDK right so two rooms a living room dining room kitchen right um I guess this is the dining room kitchen living area right and this is one of the two rooms so these are kind of you kind of see these a lot in Japanese Apartments especially newer Japanese Apartments you just have these sliding doors right so you can kind of make it one large room if you want to or you can have like a separate room which I think is quite nice actually um it looks a lot more spacious I actually um work remotely I work at home right so I was trying to make this place as comfortable as possible right cuz I'm going to be here all the time so this is my working desk uh this is where I spend the majority of my day is that a standing Des yeah it is actually a standing Des uh it's pretty sweet right a few moments later I think it's pretty important if you're working remotely to have a standing disc one thing that was uh really important to me was the lighting I don't know why I'm just a a big I'm big on lighting right um so I got these lights here from Ikea I got one over here and one here as well so in the evening when they uh when it gets dark and the lights are off and your tummies on I think it looks pretty moody it's pretty uh atmosph there and this is what it looks like in the evening as well just to give you a kind of L of that so I think it's pretty moody pretty nice right I think lighting is a pretty important part of of a home right and uh just helps you to unwind in the even you know all right yeah and this hany switch here allows me to turn the lights on in this uh this room except it doesn't it's actually a clothes hanger and I can actually dry my clothes here which I think is pretty intuitive although I never actually use this one I have a a hanger over there that I use instead but still handy nonetheless this comes with a nice walk-in closet as well got my uh nice motorbike helmet here I learned how to ride a bike in or a motorbike in Japan couple of years ago and uh ever since then my life expectancy has dramatically decreased and uh here we have Jerry and Terry um you know my my faor cactus plant and I don't actually know I can't remember the name of this one but the uh the woman in the shop told me that it's pretty strong and I only have to water it once uh once a month or so okay so if you're follow me through through the corridor here we'll be moving over to the uh bathroom area this is actually a really modern looking bathroom syn area for a Japanese apartment but yeah it just looks clean it looks nice um these mirrors are actually all storage area so I got all my skin care in here right hit the like button for the skare routine yeah yeah hit the like button for the skincare routine as well one thing that I think is pretty cool about this is actually this button down here heats the mirrors so if you're you know doing something like having a shave and all the the steam's coming up from the water where the the mirror gets heated up and uh which stops the steam from going over the mirror all right which is pretty cool so this is the bathroom area um this is actually a really big bath for a Japanese apartment you have the the panel over there as well where you can set the bath temperature and the shower temperature it's the same panel that's in the kitchen as well this is a wet room so in Japan the the shower room and the bath is just part of the same room the whole room gets wet so before you get in the bath you will uh take a shower get clean then get in the bath kind of the same thing that happens at the the Japanese on sense as well except you're not surrounded by a bunch of other naked men you come through here um we're moving onto the throne room now it's a Japanese toilet right comes with all the the gadgets on the on on the uh the side there you can uh play around with that um this is a perfect place I think you know to read uh meditations by Marcus aelius um this is a fantastic book and I think there's no better place to read about you know a Roman Emperor's philosophy uh than when you're taking a and it is impossible for bad men knock to acting hey get out of here get out of here well you know since you're here uh let me just uh kind of break down the toilet as well um you got these gadgets on the side here right so uh this toilet seat is actually heated now that might sound weird but once you go to the once you go toilet once you get the once you sit on these heated toilet seats you won't ever want to sit on a cob one again and if you're following me through here this is the uh the master bedroom um I haven't quite finished this room yet obviously I got the bed in place uh don't mind my little friend there he's just uh chilling um so yeah there are this this room is largely unfinished from an interior design perspective so there's still quite a bit of uh work to do here U but yeah this is where the magic happens and uh what I mean by that is 8 hours of solid sleep every single night yeah so it's a pretty convenient location actually I'm very close to the uh Supermarket which you can see right there like And subscribe for the supermarket tour yeah so like I said um this apartment's brand new I think it's pretty good value for the price right so it's around uh $530 or so per month in rent that's about £430 which is incredibly cheap uh I know back in London I could probably for that price rent out a cboard box if I was lucky and like I said I don't live in central Tokyo I live just outside of Tokyo in Chiba kind of close to Disneyland actually um but it's very convenient I can get a train into Central Tokyo in about 30 minutes minutes right so super convenient and you know uh it's not so busy around this area as well so I think I kind of have the best of both worlds but uh anyways thanks for joining me on this apartment tour I hope you enjoyed it and uh if you did feel free to leave a comment and a like and uh I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Retro Japan
Views: 13,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, japanese apartment tour, modern japanese apartment tour, living in japan vlog, japan vlog, Tokyo, tokyo vlog, japan apartment, japanese apartment
Id: iXDX0wgZDoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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