Garlic Crab Mountain!! ๐Ÿฆ€ INSANE SEAFOOD in Hong Kong!! (Typhoon Shelter Crab)

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I'm in Hong Kong and today I'm taking you on a seafood tour to eat the original typhoon shelter crab oh that's a lot of garlic going in with a mountain of fried garlic typhoon shelter crab is one of Hong Kong's most iconic seafood dishes I mean if you enjoy crab it's actually impossible not to love this there's so much garlic it clusters onto your crab it's incredibly delicious but how did this Fisherman's recipe become so popular as we dig deeper we'll Discover it has a very interesting history and a pretty big twist in the [Music] story but our Hong Kong Seafood tour first begins at the source and we're going to have an extremely fresh breakfast literally if you don't like fish you would love that hey everyone good morning it's Mark weens it's 8:00 a.m. we're on our way to the fish market we're starting this Seafood Tour on an island which is called APPA which is also known as Aberdine Island and a couple facts about this island is that one thing it is considered to be one of the most densely populated islands in the entire world and it's a little small island right south of the main island of Hong Kong and then secondly it was a former fishing Village and so this is the perfect place to begin our SE food Journey at the [Music] source we're here in the morning at about 8:00 a.m. and this is when the locals from the neighborhood from this uh part of Hong Kong are buying the Fresh Catch of the Day which comes I mean the fishing happens right here uh and they dock right in this Harbor and bring their fresh catch every morning [Music] oh this place is really cool it's a packed it's a small fish market but it's really packed and busy and it's really fastpaced as well because they have all the fish on plates with a price ready to go you just buy a plate of the fish they bag it up you're on your way home to cook seeing quite a variety of fish everything from Palm Frets I think thread fins are also very common there's some really good looking shrimp there's a a fish that has a really yellow color to it like a golden yellow color to it good morning good morning Virginia morning J we have decided after walking around the market for a little bit we're going to buy some fish we're going to buy maybe some prawn some seafood and then actually one of the great things about this area is that you can buy the fresh seafood then you can take it back to the market and have them cook it right yeah that's fine y thank you oh the okay we got a fish fantastic yes so what is what is this Virginia we're at the wet market so we're going to go upstairs to the Cook Food Market and then they're going to help us cook our catch okay oh nice so it opens up there's tables in the center and then a few stalls on the side this one says which means this is okay oh okay so you can bring your own fish yeah oh perfect okay that's the one Seafood here yes okay minute the fish is going to be $50 to help us cook it and then the prawns will be $80 okay sure nice to meet you nice to meet my name is Dante my name is Dante TI okay cool good and you have a you have a fish fish shop a fish shop okay before we go to the the restaurant to start cooking and eating we met up with Dante who owns a fish shop and uh we just stum we just met up with him uh he watches our videos and he's going to take us to his fish shop to get one more fish to cook this is your place this is an Indian salmon okay this is fish in Hong Kong oh okay the Indian salmon yes big fish who it is huge okay very popular in China oh it's really silver the skin is really silvery huh yes how about the lobster oh yeah oh those are good this is very fresh okay I I think this is better than the lobster yes this is the fish you recommend so we got some of the a couple of the slipper lobsters and another really Ultra I mean live uh garupa it's really friendly service and you just bring your fresh seafood here and they'll recommend uh dishes that they think would be best for the type of seafood that you bring it I mean they're the experts uh so they're just prepping the seafood as fresh as possible and then they're just going to cook it immediately to be able to eat it oh so that's going into the steamer yes all right we're in the kitchen now and for when when you have really fresh seafood they don't want to cover it up with too many ingredients so one of the most common ways to cook seafood especially fish is to steam it that one is the bread Bean Bread bin with black bean sauce so these are the slipper lobsters what did you put on that that's the vermell noodles it's the some garlic and some garlic okay that goes into the steamer all of them going into the steamer okay just wa the time is okay [Music] okay so scallions start with scallions and garlic goes in shrimp goes in yeah that see your secret sauce excellent the fish is still steaming she said for about 6 to 8 minutes in the meantime the prawns these are local Hong Kong prawns they're ready okay I'll go for one of these prawns first suck the suck the head juice first oh [Music] yeah oh that's so creamy oh man that head juice was so good and the the actual freshness of the the shrimp but then the the sauce her special sauce is so good combination of soy sauce it's a little bit a little bit sweet and salty at the same time and just embedded with the aroma of that garlic and that stir fry all [Music] right oh the sweetness you're going to lick your fingers because of that sauce too the secret sauce that you use okay and on that shrimp we're ready I think the fish and the slipper Lobster is ready so we're going to go back to the kitchen and she's going to pull them out oh that poof of steam okay the slipper Lobster oh is that hot oil yes and hot oil goes on all right now for the fish okay so scallion shreds of scallion go on all the sauce goes on and the hot oil okay it's okay okay cuz it already has black bean okay Finish okay thank you very much I think we should start with that grouper I think that that might be the highlight scallions on top part part the scallions move into that fish which you can see oh it's so flaky just peeling away from the bone oh look at that so so white wow that is falls off the bone yeah it flakes apart oh man got it mhm it melt in your mouth mhm and also perfect timing she knows it's cooked perfectly yeah yeah yeah exactly like it's cooked all the way through the bone it's not overcooked at all it does it's not like hard or rubbery or and there's no like fishiness at all no it's so delicate literally if you don't like fish you would love that cuz there's just zero yeah it's so clean the texture The Buttery texture the flakiness of it even her special sauce it's not overly overpowering or overly salty yeah kind of has that just mellow saltiness I mean really when it comes to Fresh Fish nothing beats steamed fish slipper Lobster time and this is another classic Hong Kong style preparation with the vermell noodles with garlic on top and then she again finishes it the same way steams it finishes it the same way with the the special soy sauce and a little bit of hot oil I think the the strategy here might be to eat the noodles off the top first and then dig into the dig into the slipper lser sounds good all right M the garlic the saltiness maybe should put on both fried garlic and raw garlic and the raw garlic is just lightly cooked when it steams it doesn't cook all the way so it Still Remains really fragrant yeah it's really nice flavor it is the noodles are so good I can't wait for the lobster okay slide it out from the tail should all come out in one beautiful beautiful piece I did it from the front uhoh oh you can see how look at how juicy it is oh wow it's so juicy and sweet mhm it's all meat so much meat and again it's like just that light steam so the the garlic on the top is fragrant mhm but it's you really taste the flavor the natural flavor of the slipper Lobster itself I do want to add a little garlic to this bite okay I'm going to go into that that juice and get a little bit more of that garlic on top of it I think again the freshness stands out but also they prepare it in a way that just highlights the SE perfectly okay next up for the thread fin this is another very it's a favorite fish I think around here as well saw a lot of thread fins and people said you have to try the thread fin this one she steamed but first with black bean sauce so it's a similar recipe but just with the addition of the black bean sauce on top oh as soon as you poke your chopsticks in you just feel the tenderness again the juicy tenderness of it but you can see it also has a totally different texture as that grber look at the inside of that oh it's almost creamy is it creamier or flakier feels creamier from their Chopsticks the feel of the Chopsticks it is it almost has a milkiness to it it's like um the flavors are a little bit more powerful so if you like stronger flavors that's the one to go for especially with the black bean sauce that fermented punch of flavor but again not overpowering and the fish it's self rather than being flaky the grouper is flaky the thread friend is more creamy and soft I think but really incredibly juicy man that's just an amazing contrast of textures back for another bite of that thread fin man spectacular I get into the shrimp with a little bit of that chili oil when you get your Seafood downstairs at the seafood market come to come to meet Chang Chang yeah I will cook for you she's she has the best recipes and the secret sauce is incredible secret sauce thank you and she's so nice she's so nice as well she will take care of you and your Seafood needs I will take care of you yes thank you so much it was amazing that was a fantastic experience highly recommended from here we are on our way to eat our first typhoon shelter [Music] crab I'm very excited this is going to be an incredible meal this is the place right in here is's the main chef M Chef Yes actually it's our family business okay this my auntie oh okay so it's still family run oh yeah restaurant okay it's actually owned by my mother and she retired it's now it's run by my uncle and my auntie oh welcome to Hy Seafood this is a restaurant with a lot of history they're famous for their crabs especially their typhoon shelter crab but they make an original family recipe that still comes well actually we're going to hear about their story from Eugene we're going to meet the the son of the owner um and it's still completely family run but we're going to hear a little bit about the history before we eat the [Music] crab along with the crab we're going to have razor clams those are huge razor clams the verelli goes on [Music] garlic oil oh that's a lot of garlic and that goes directly into the steamer here's the crab guaranteed fresh live [Music] crab okay so it gets some green onions and the sauce goes on here we go we're getting started with the crab oil and then oh man all the aroma coming out that what an incredible recipe so oil goes in the walk then the black bean their signature fermented black bean sauce that goes into the walk into the oil he uh like sizzles that down until it like scorches the flavor is fully released then some chili goes in then the crab goes in he arly places that around and it lets the walk Roar lets that oil Roar [Music] oh man the amount of heat coming out of that walk look at the way that crab has turned orange golden orange the chili the black beans just Scorch perfectly unleashing their full [Music] flavor just the skill of the chef and just his knowledge of fire and he he just literally scorches those ingredients the black beans and the chili and until it's like blackened but not Burt but just all that flavor potential is released and then he just mixes in some soy sauce [Music] oh that's on fire that's the original typhoon shelter crab their original Family Recipe okay thank you Chef thank you Chef okay so we're with Eugene we're sitting down to eat oh man that cooking action the recipes even the skill of How It's Made is incredible Eugene said we should start with the the razor Rising CR F nice okay oh man those are some of the biggest razor clams you'll ever see it's huge the razor clam is actually from Scotland oh okay okay they are huge you can see the way the vermicelli noodles mung be noodles you can see the the way the the razor clam is kind of like sliced up in there a lot of garlic and that sauce oh wow the sweetness of the razor clam so much garlic in there oh that's delicious that's so good and I think it's like one of the things I love about this just so much is that the flavor of the seafood you really it doesn't cover up the flavor of the seafood it tastes the freshness of the the clam but in just that saltiness of the soy sauce and the garlic the garlic we actually marinated the soy sauce ourselves M that sauce is so good so good it's a flavor you would never get tired of I think I'm Blown Away by the r clam we haven't even started the crab yet so this one is actually the original Pon shelter crab Eugene uh can you tell me a little bit about the history of this dish especially from your family I heard that your grandfather started cooking these crabs and this original recipe back from 1957 can you tell us a little bit about your family history and this dish the whole story started in 1957 my grandfather and his partner in a small boat doing their business in a cosway bay shelter ah back then was that actually a restaurant or were they just cooking for themselves oh no they they are having the restaurant there okay so they were serving customers yep it was a restaurant in 1999 the government changes their regulation so they have to stop their business in the cost R shelter okay they so they move to this restaurant in Jordan very cool so now you have a permanent restaurant here but it's still as you mentioned it's still family run yep and you are the I'm the third generation third generation preserving the recipe okay so let's grab one of the the hind legs you can see the just the scorched black beans so fragrant as well as the the chili in there as well oh wow oh man that's good the way it's been deep fried you can actually eat some of those like connective shell pieces because it's so it's so crispy and yet the meat on the inside remains so sweet and juicy oh yeah yeah M oh and it's just like it's not overly spicy but it has this little spice that you can feel on your lips because of that chili that he added in customer actually can choose different uh spicy level oh really okay okay oh I love that I think one of the techniques with this is you have to really know how to control the oil let's go for the the claws it's pretty huge oh oh look at that meat on the inside I'm going to go for the swipe yeah the bean fermented bean oil swipe okay there we go m tasty that's incredible unbelievable oh it's so stringy just collapses falls apart in your mouth and then just embedded with that chili oil splattering oh that's it so fresh man the flavor it truly is outstandingly tasty wow Sensational yeah it is so good what a recipe now that is a way to fully respect a crab with flavor the black bean this is the original recipe but nowadays most people that if you ask somebody your average person most people will think that the original typhoon shelter crab is this mountain of garlic but that's actually not the case and it has a really unique [Music] story he's making the garlic crabs and first he deep fries the the head the shell of the head until that turns just vibrant orange then he de fries the entire crab [Music] oh that's a lot of garlic going in that's two spatulas three spatulas of garlic going in four spatulas five spatulas I don't know how many cloves or heads of garlic that is but that's some of the most garlic you'll ever see in a single dish um and now he's just stir frying that together added in some seasoning some ground chili a little bit of sugar I believe oh man the aroma of the garlic is [Music] unbelievable okay wow what an unbelievable cooking process oh that's a lot of garlic I think we should try it first okay I'm we're going to start with one of those legs again look at just how much garlic I mean even when you typically when you pick up a piece of crab or something that has garlic on it the entire all the garlic falls off this it just clusters again it's incredibly delicious and again it takes such skill to make that cuz it's so easy I've tried to fry garlic and Fry onions or something it's so easy to get burned if you don't know how to control the the fire especially the oil yeah he takes it out at the perfect moment so it's golden crispy and so fragrant again the crab is crispy you can eat part of that shell because it's been deep fried okay so back to the story but originally as your grandfather made uh this was the original recipe because on the boats they didn't have refrigeration and so a couple days the the beans would ferment and they with the garlic and they would start to realize that oh that actually tastes really good that brings out the flavor the that fermented flavor and so they started frying the crbs with that that extra Bean taste fermented and that's how it became a restaurant re be as you were sharing with me uh later on then when the the businesses and the restaurants started to move to the shore they then had refrigeration and they didn't need to worry so much about fresh garlic and so they started to shift the re well not shift the recipe but also make another recipe oh yeah yeah using fresh garlic and frying it and to many they thought that was more visually appealing and any other reason it's different different favors I think and different flavors as well eventually the fried garlic version started becoming more and more popular started gaining popularity uh and to this day I think a lot of people still consider when you talk about typhoon shelter crab they they think this one is is the one and is that true of even people in Hong Kong they think that this is the original one they think but this this one is actually the traditional one has to be the fluffiest fried garlic you'll ever taste I'm going to go for a claw look at the size of this claw okay and then we load up claw peeled load up some of the garlic be careful don't cut your don't okay yeah if you go in too big of a bite with a cloth m the crab is incredible okay and right as I'm taking that bite the noodles and the kanji have arrived so what is this Eugene uh it's a Roa stuck uh rice Ludo okay and that's one of the signature dishes here too it's one of the signature dish so duck on the top roasted duck on the top on the bottom is the hand cut rice noodles oh here they are okay the hand cut rice noodles which you have to eat fast so they don't um yeah because they're in the hot hot hand cut it every day here is it good yes wow and you can try the soup face the flavor of the duck the silky softness of those noodles man we use so many duck to make the soup facee it's so rich the broth is so rich so much duck flavor that is incredible yeah this is really good just the way those noodles they're so soft so tender melt in your mouth hey let's try that duck so they're all hand cut and that's why they're that's why they're like you can see that they're not exact not like a factory Noodle and that's what also makes them delicious that is incredible such a good soup well we got to try some of the garlic okay so what you can do with this mountain of garlic pick a couple spoons of the garlic oh add in the garlic how many spoons do you nor add Eugene uh two spoons will be in two spoons that's one of the great moves right there mix that into the soup and it can only get better M yes yes I mean that soup did not need improving but with the garlic that even takes it to the next level oh man the crispy fragrance of that garlic oh that is that's incredible what a combination so next up for the next up for the coni so don't stir it too much oh oh there's duck in here too nice sampen style coni the coni should be really soft it is it like 4 hours to to get it prepared it's almost like a like a sauce like almost all the rice has dissolved into kind of a sticky sauce but really comforting really comforting really smooth and silky a little bit gooey and sticky and then you taste the flavor of the the ducking maybe is that is that squid fish or fish this should be there's little pieces of flavoring and the the leaks in there as well I love the flavor I love the texture of this Ki and it's yeah it's thinner I think than most KES that I've had before thinner just really easy to go down oh that's comforting and warm going back in for that original recipe that is world class the original type F shelter [Music] crab the typhoon shelter crab at hingi was incredible I especially loved the original recipe uh but from here we're actually going to get onto one of the original boats a San and we're going to enjoy another Seafood meal and a different version of typhoon shelter crab in the typhoon shelter [Music] [Music] this is absolutely incredible we've gotten dropped off in our own San and this is a taste of the traditional culture of fishing boat culture of Hong Kong with the skyrise buildings in the background and yet it's so traditional here and these are where the typhoon shelter crab recipes were invented some of the dishes uh Within These boats cooking for fishermen cooking for others as restaurants and this is where we're going to be having dinner tonight so they're going to bring out the dishes one by one but the first dish is the blanched prawns all right we've got the soy sauce with chili for some heat and then just soy sauce for no heat this is one of those meals that's not just a meal but it's an experience and a part of Hong Kong history as well yeah yeah yeah basically we have four early ethnic like Clans in Hong Kong the punes and the hakas and then they took the farmable land so then the tanas and the hackos came and then they worked and lived exclusively on the boats which is why we have a fishing Village history a all right let's start with the blanched prawns oh look at the the head juices they're very plump yeah and the shell is really soft as well soft and thin save that that head and get that all the the juices out of that head yeah oh it's nutty M it's very juicy yeah and then the body uh which one little dip probably the chili okay the chili soy sauce oh yeah nice sweet mhm sweet and juicy very meaty mhm and the PRS are not cooked with anything just blanched so you really taste the I mean the natural flavor of them so they should be like the freshest thing ever definitely nothing to cover them up and also it's like good luck for us to eat shrimp because cantones is ha so if you eat it then it's haaha oh okay oh very cool okay so next up clams with black bean Sauce Clams and black bean sauce oh this is a classic they secret black bean sauce okay oh and that's their own black bean sauce yeah their own excellent they are kind of spicy okay oh excellent right is different yeah ex different a little bit of chili that fermented complexity of the black beans and I think black beans have also a good a nice history on the boats as well right because they would permit similar to the the original shelter gra the black bean sauce or just because there was no Refrigeration on the boat so they would ferment naturally like that or they would just leave it and they're like too in the or something forgot about it and then you have fermented black beans that provid such a good flavor so we have some type of a SE sea snail with some skewers to prong them slides right out maybe maybe a okay oh there's a don't worry there's a dipping sauce a little bit of a chili uh hoist and sweet sauce and then the spicy sauce all right I'll go for the spicy sauce I'm going to do a mix oh they're like firm yeah firm there's like a like a salt and pepper like a peppery thing to it and it's uh yeah a little squid like in texture yeah but maybe a little a little tougher nice okay and then dip it in the sauce yes please yes cool oh yeah oh it's like a like a fishball m m but did you say the squid also in here cuttlefish oh cuttlefish okay okay yeah it's really bouncy um so it has been ground and pounded so that it's smooth like a paste uh but really bouncy a spongy texture to it as well yeah but it was also like they said oh it was their way to almost like clean the fridge if they had bits and Bobs of seafood then they just do that and deep fry it ours is like fresh too so it's quite hot yeah yeah really good nice nice spongy texture to it maybe a dip in some of that other sauce excellent like if you like a fish ball you'll love that yeah for sure we had a steamed fish grouper for breakfast as well but now we're eating another steamed grouper I mean it's one of the great steamed fish but again looks like a similar recipe just with a darker Secret Sauce this time again you can see that the meat just flakes apart so soft and tender so [Music] flaky again delicious flaky smooth the meat is like just so tender and then it almost kind of is is it's really meaty right oh I love steamed fish okay but now some of the main dishes are here that we that you come here to eat the feast the feast is here let's start with those Virginia said we should start with these razor clams cuz they're still hot you want to be eating them when they're hot so glass noodles lots of garlic some scallions on top oh my God oh my God oh my God oh yes and eat it all together but I mean yes you can use all all right oh the razor CL it actually kind of Blends into the noodles M it's so good but it's texture yeah it's like a party oh it is oh this is one of the great preparations I think as well with the noodles just absorbing that juice and that flavor and then the garlic and now again this is the updated version or the the more modern version with garlic uh but we already had the original version with the black bean sauce which was incredible a leg and lots of garlic yes that's why I always get this um Spork thing yes try to balance as much garlic as possible onto your bite and take it to your mouth oh man The Toasted garlic here's what truly mix it we'll be immune against vampires for the entire night but when it's sheep fried like that on that slow fire I think the garlic is also tamed down a bit it's it's really really fragrant it's really garlicky but it's not it's not pungent pungent or yeah yeah it's not pungent it's kind of brings out the sweetness as well of the garlic it caram the sugars come out of the garlic so it's yeah so that's why you can eat like if if it was that much raw garlic there's no way you could eat that much it would burn going down but with that much fried garlic it just oh it just is so so flavorful so we'll go for the claws next go for the claws then we take some of the fried noodles okay thank you there's never enough G oh yeah you can never have enough this is the combo the combo bite oh you oh ni you sheld yours you g sheld yours I'm going to do the I'm going to do the chasing bite alter alternative alternating method and going take a bite of the crab m m perfect bite bye-bye thank you okay oh that was such a cool experience and I'll have all the information listed below everywhere we ate it on the seafood Adventure in Hong Kong focusing on the original typhoon crab of Hong Kong I want to say a huge thank you to my friend Virginia uh she runs Food Tours and her Food Tours are called humid with a Chance of fishballs she also makes food videos so go check her out uh she's so knowledgeable and loves to eat and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and remember to watch this entire Hong Kong series we're going around eating some of the best food thanks again for watching and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 582,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hong Kong, best Hong Kong food, food, street food, seafood, Hong Kong seafood, Hong Kong street food, typhoon shelter crab, garlic crab, fried garlic crab, best seafood Hong Kong, best food Hong Kong, best restaurants Hong Kong, Hong Kong restaurants, Hong Kong Chinese food, Cantonese food
Id: z-iAddtjM7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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