My Average Day Living in Tokyo

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good morning from a rainy Tokyo today is a busy day because I have a few doctor's appointments I need to do something for my bank there's a huge sale so I'm going to buy a lot of Lifestyle Goods so I'm going to take you along and just show you what a very typical day is like here in Japan let's go my breakfast is a little out of the usual today it's cant from a supermarket I really love it's called Picard and they sell lots of French Frozen goods and this is just like my little treat I wanted to treat myself and I am addicted these are like little mini ones and I'm also drinking it with one of my favorite Japanese teas it's not actually green tea it's a black tea from a brand called Lupia and it is so tasty I am so addicted actually the other day around the same time it's about 9:30 at the moment there was an earthquake uh in the morning and all of our phones went off and it was beeping and I was like oh my gosh well actually I didn't react like that I just went to open the door that's my first like knee-jerk reaction cuz you don't want to be stuck inside or if you're in the toilet open the door so I opened it but it was fine uh but I'm a little scared scary times it's also currently the beginning of Saka season so all the morning TV shows are reporting at what stage we're in because when they start blooming there's like early blooming mid Bloom and then full bloom and then when the suckur plays like are flying off basically like blowing it's like called Fuki I think yeah it's still another week or so away it's really late this [Music] year this year I actually have a Sakura plant it was gifted to me and it bloomed literally the day after I received it and it's so beautiful and I think it looks really cute in this little um vase that I have I got this at kagoya a few years back isn't this cool I love it so much and it just sits at my desk it motivates me to work hard and then I also want to show you I have a k d which I got for paying my Japanese taxes the F sat no but it was dying so I cut off all the dead Parts cuz I travel a lot I couldn't couldn't keep them alive and now I'm trying to bring them back to life if you have tips let me know but now it looks really good you couldn't it looked really bad before on a rainy day like today I like to put on some like video game music and it also happens to be like a rainy themed one that's how I usually start my I listen to a lot of this kind of stuff so recently I went and filmed a sponsored video for my channel and I have the first draft back from my lovely editor Taylor so I'm going to check that this morning and I also have a few TC tasks that I need to get done so there's quite a bit I need to work on before going outside because this week I also have the tour that I'm doing with Tokyo creative and there's a few last minute things that need to be prepped as well as I'm going on a business trip at the end of this week I'm going to Nara as well as Kyoto and I need to write all of that information like talking points and script and research locations um so there's actually a lot of stuff that needs to get done and I'm running out of time okay so recently I've had the worst allergies ever and I never get allergies and so I went to a clinic to get tested and I got the results back I took a blood test and they're all on here and it's fascinating I love having this Insight it tells me about food allergies as well as pollen and animals I actually have a tiny intolerance to beef I didn't know that at all but everything else like milk dairy Seafood is all okay but it's interesting cuz I used to have an intolerance to like bananas as well as uh Seafood Crustaceans but rice is okay soybeans peanuts wheat I was worried I was gluten-free cuz I had some digestion problems but then when I come down to the pollen section I had the worst Sugi allergy it was off the charts it's 130 like the other ones on here which are still in the red zone are 3.3 apparently this is a thing you develop after living in Japan for a long time I've been here for 5 years in the spring and it finally hit me so I didn't believe it because I had other friends who were like oh don't worry it'll be your turn soon and it came if you have any allergies or you suspect you might I highly recommend doing this because it gives you such like a peace of mind um because I was was literally sneezing I had the runni as nose I couldn't breathe well and it was very overwhelming and kind of scary being in a country where like this isn't my home and my native language but yeah so this feels really good to know but yeah for the test I think I paid like 8,000 Yen and then on top of that I paid like 3,000 yen for the medicine so in total it was about like 11,000 Yen but that was with the 30% of the medical like health insurance covering it here's me putting my makeup on and getting ready to go out I don't do anything special it's very very speedy and I sung along to J Leo while doing it my makeup is done and I'm good to go out although I do need to wear a few more layers and it stopped raining so lucky me I ended up staying a bit later and working longer but it had to be done it had to be done cuz I have all these work trips I need to get everything done before that it was still raining when I left and when I hit up the convenia I saw a caoon sha sign yes it is in full hay fever season I picked up my go-to hot water don't judge me as well as checking out some of the Saka Specialties they had a bunch as well as mugart which was one of the allergies I had so I was like I see it in the wild but they also had just you know regular day foru as well as a Splatoon themed one and on the train headed to shabuya it's not too crowded thankfully as soon as I got out of shabuya station they were doing a marketing campaign for a new drink from kid in and I thought it was going to be like your cult but it's actually like a really big bottle and it was cool cuz you go up to the vending machine you push it and it comes out so that is the best marketing campaign I love that idea so I'm going to try it ooh it's like yogurt oh it's yogurt flavored and I think it helps if you're really tired because there's like allergies as I was saying here and a lot of people are kind of feeling it so yeah it's quite big though I would have preferred it as a shot but it's free and I can't complain probably be about $2 us the more I'm drinking this it kind of reminds me of picari sweat that's what it is it's essentially like picari sweat but like a little more yogurty but yeah there's so many people lining up that was cool so yeah there it is all the vending [Music] machines still raining a fair bit here but I actually love Shabu in the rain because everyone's got their umbrellas out and it looks so fun especially if you get a view from above and this girl in front of me she has like one of those holographic um holographic style umbrellas which I really want but I don't want to pay 20 bucks for it but I'm actually headed to have lunch a really late lunch before my doctor's appointment at superstock it's like my go-to cozy food especially when I'm feeling a bit under the weather uh yeah and it's I've never been to this location but it's just a cust of R yeah I love shabia in the rain it just looks so good and it's not raining too heavy plus I have my a little bucket hat so I don't even feel the rain I'm inside Mark city which I actually never come to for some reason I come here just to get a view of shabuya or maybe catch a train cuz this goes to like shimita hour and all that but yeah apparently it's on the fourth floor I'll show you guys The View because I'm going past it I had no idea but it seems like there's actually lots of restaurants and cafes up here and the like a really nice French bakery which I may check out after and oh my God there's the longest line for soup stock that sucks everyone loves soup [Music] stock everything is here I got a sweet potato and corn I think it was as well as a minr minr minr minr I think what they say in Japanese but this one's completely vegan and this one has dairy in it so it's not vegan but they have lots of dietary options here so really like it and every time I come the soups change last time I was here it was like only like a week or two weeks ago and they had this pumpkin soup and it's so good or on your soup anyway I'm going to dig in this is so good like there's not that many healthy options to eat out in Tokyo but this is one of my go-tos it's also relatively well priced so for two soups as well as a piece of bread on the side it's only 1,100 y so yeah totally within budget and the name it's soup stock Tokyo but you'd think it' be like International but it's no it's like literally a local it's literally a local Japanese um chain yeah it's one of my [Music] favorites I haven't had this um sweet potato one before oh that's really yummy oh my God I really like the creamy soups it's like a little bit sweet but not overpoweringly sweet and the thing is I make a lot of soups at home but they're never this smooth and they're really like so smooth blender must be like so good mine is so mine always so chunky also this was the first time I knew that in Japan they offered rice with soup obviously growing up I'd always have bread with my soup but here they have rice and it actually goes quite well with the um soups I think it's like slightly different they got like some Sesame seas in it so it feels like more suited but it's definitely the more feeling option so if you're really hungry go for the rice after finishing off the soup I actually headed to beams Japan which is a store I really like and they sell a lot of Japanese items and I was just window shopping because I had a bit more time before my doctor's appointment and highly highly recommend checking it out it's great for souvenirs lots of traditional Japanese things and they're also changing every season it's just a really fun place to look around if you have the budget it's a little pricey I just finished my doctor's appointment and it went really really well I was surprised cuz usually I have terrible experiences here in Japan but number one it was a female doctor doctor which is rare and then number two she spoke English like fluently and that was not pre-organized it just happened to be a really talented lady and she was really sweet and usually they rush you out really fast but she just sat there and listened to all my questions answered everything and uh basically I have intense allergies is what she told me so every year it's going to suck so hey fever season for me is not going to be fun but I have to keep taking some hey fever tablets my asthma puffer and Hope believe if my body has a good reaction she'll reduce the intake of the steroids but now I wanted to go to the bank cuz I wanted to open a new bank account or kind of upgrade my bank account the the bank I'm with like had this promotion and the bank closes at 3:00 p.m. what is that 300 p.m. in Australia it's always like 4:00 or 5: so I was like oh I've got time and I'm like nope okay going have to do that tomorrow before I go on a business trip cuz it's kind of urgent but I guess my plans are now to go to [Music] Muji so right back behind me there were like probably 300 Japanese people lining up and I asked a bunch and they were like I was like why are you waiting and they're like oh I don't know there's just like a lot of people and maybe someone famous is going to come so it seems a little very Japanese with them and now they're doing announcements from somewhere else I've never seen that before there were so many people waiting outside Parco and fendy so it must be a really really really famous person anyway Muji is right behind me and I care more about getting 10% off all my stuff than seeing a celebrity sorry famous potentially not famous person I'm finding lots of cool stuff here and they even have new items like they release some tank tops and I got some travel Goods I'm just going around it's hard to film cuz I have so much to carry but slowly getting through the store and I haven't even got to the section I came here for so and I love Muji so much I've actually never really been through all the floors in this store this is where I got my suitcase [Music] once they have the cutest little cushions here and it's a red panda and I don't think I need this but I have a cushion on my seat that I've been using for like 3 or 4 years and it's really dead so I'm thinking to replace it and put this on it for my butt I don't know I have a Spur the thing it's only like 900 Yen so I'm going to do it okay so I've been eyeing this sofa that they released earlier this month or recently and it's kind of cheap for a sofa I think like $200 and it has like a reclining feature and it sits on the floor and I don't really have a chilling space in my room I just have like a desk stool or like work chair and my bed so I'm kind of really tempted to get this but it's kind of it's expensive I don't feel like I've really invested that much much into Furniture before so I don't know what to do there's three colors there's beige pink and green I wish it was a black and apparently the pink is based off Sakura cuz they released it in the Sakura season it's actually quite comfy and then if you pull it like this you can recline it it's kind of hard pull up and then you pull it down and then you can lie down I'm a very very indecisive Shopper so I sat in this chair at Muji for about 40 minutes and then went home and ordered it online [Music] yep so inside this Muji on the second floor they have like a Cafe Diner and I got myself a r tea I'm so tired from shopping and just going to relax here it's nice cuz I have a view of Shabu out the window so it's actually a really nice location and you can also order like food they do a lot of te- Sher style food here um but it's all very very Japanese so a lot of it's like seafood and I can't eat it so just a decaffinated tea for [Music] me I would really like the Muji food if it wasn't so Seafood heavy it's really it sucks I actually bought so much stuff I got two of these massive bag full of things I already spent like $100 as well does anyone else get tired by shopping I always do so I love sitting down but I was still hungry and went to go grab some dinner at a place nearby inside particle which was just a short walk and it's Fel Brothers dinner I come for have some chaples and there's this place for Chaco Brothers in shria um what's this building Parker it's Parker and I've been here a few times and when it's busy it's busy but today it was on the quieter side and it's really good it's vegan friendly and they have lles obviously inside and you have like homus veggies and it's so great this is a half siiz one but I think it'll be pretty filling than you so good I didn't realize how hungry I was we also got like this spicy cauliflower it's like cry spice and it's also got kale as well to be honest I was hungry enough to get the big size but it was expensive and I regret that because then I went to go eat some something else somewhere else this is crazy but the F didn't fill me up so I came to Ikea and got plant balls I know I just keep eating I'm so hungry though now in the morning I wasn't hungry but now I'm super hungry so something about that time of the month for 550m for all these plant balls and mashed potato and peas I'm going to eat these and then I actually have to go home cuz I took off the rest of the afternoon to not work and do all this stuff and so when I get home I have to work so I'm going to be working till like [Music] midnight I just got back home and showered and I want to show you everything I got from Lui I got myself a new cushion I got pillow sheets tank top it was only like 700 Yen oh and for the pillow sheet was 790 Yen I got a washing net these are really great and they're good when you travel as well as kind of like sorting bag these are also great when you travel I also was curious about muji's coffee they I don't think they had this before or maybe I didn't notice it so it's one of these um drip bags and I'll try it when I'm out traveling and maybe seeing at a hotel only 9M one of my favorite products from Muji are their coat hangers and I think for five of these wooden ones it was 500 yen so they're only 100 yen each I also got some of the Muji snacks I have been looking at this popcorn and eyeing it so I got the popcorn on as well as a macadamia nut cookie and a bunch of these salted mixed nuts and the reason I wanted these was because when I travel for business trips we often don't have time to like properly eat so these are really good to just have on the go so I bought maybe like eight of them and I also got this Tupperware it was only 200 yen for two of these and I think it would be good for leftovers in the fridge this wasn't the most exciting day but what did you think let me know down below and I'll see you guys in another Vlog bye
Channel: seerasan
Views: 76,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japan Life, Japan Travel, seerasan
Id: 4FagIT1yJ-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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